By Santosh Jha
Copyright 2024 Santosh Jha
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Content of Intent
Life is cold, cruel and catastrophic. It’s a hypothesis, which most people may attest to; though only privately, as optimism is pop virtuosity. Innately, this hypothesis presupposes that life should be warm, compassionate and providential. Both shades of life reality, in totality hint at two broad probabilities. First, the fragility, poverty and ultimate mortality of life itself are the seeds of cruelty and consternation, associated with the experiencing of life. Secondly, despite the former reality, the larger and deeper cruelties stem from the fact that the man-made physical-psychological-cultural milieus, which a life navigates and journeys, have actual and excessive loads of cruelties. Average person faces more cruelties from people than life itself ever has in store for every living being.
Both hypotheses can be denied but the fact remains that the first hypothesis of natural cruelties was and still remains the core basis of creation and continuation of society-culture and human civilization. It is the first reality, which engendered the second hypothesis that as life system in its innate actuality is cold, cruel and catastrophic, this must be replaced by a man-made synthetic structure and system, with designed and dedicated structures and functions of warmth, compassion, safety and regularity.
Very naturally, as man-made society-culture-polity-religion-economy could not ensure them and rather themselves turned into larger media of cruelties-brutalities and deep consternations; it seems a safe hypothesis that human culture and civilization is a failed enterprise. They have failed in securing average men and women from Predation – psychological as well as physical. Human civilization and cultures are rather notoriously more or less a hunting ground in contemporary times, where people battle it out with fellow humans in utmost animalism-tribalism and polity-economy ensures that hunting propensities prosper.
It is genuinely felt by most people that it is somehow easy and possible for an individual to overcome and even mitigate the cruelties of former domain of nature but almost impossible to cope with that of the man-made world. It is also a general realization that the worst of cruelties of physical-psychological-cultural milieus come from action-behavior of people itself.
Here comes this very powerful and all pervading human life-living pathology; the ‘predatory behavior’ of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities of fellow humans, manifested by their action-behavior, as the singular universal causality of the bulk of cruelties that a person faces in life. It is a form of predation from which no one has remained protected.
This predatory propensity in average humans has got emboldened in contemporary cultures as society-polity remains a failed enterprise to check them and technologies have demolished all walls of privacy and isolated individuality. Somehow, it also has to be accepted that this pathology or predatory behavior has roots in deep entrenched animalism-tribalism, which a human is born with and as the human child remains untrained and undisciplined, he or she grows as an adult to consciously use them as
predatory tools against fellow humans, in a society-culture, which itself is massively unjust, unequal, complex and brutally competitive.
Predation starts even within family, friends and neighborhood. Naturally, the protection against them is not from the state power but from the necessary and un-optional disciplined mind training by family and society.
Of course, the state power has its role in providing high quality and free education to every single child to install the essential discipline and training, so that the innate-entrenched animalism-tribalism in subconscious minds of children get replaced by or dominated by ideals of humanism.
Sadly enough, family, society, cultures and polity have all failed in this duty. This means, the human world is just a small refinement over animalism-tribalism, which humanity had proposed to dump and enter into a civilized human society with protection from this same animalism-tribalism. Rather, in contemporary human world, animalism-tribalism has come to stay as success-code for average men and women to survive and succeed. We talk about them in this eBook to unravel the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities.
May be, bereft of this pandemic-level pathology and predation, human life-living could be what the humanity needs the life to be – Warm, Compassionate and Providential. That is why this eBook humbly attempts to examine all possible dimensions of this pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities; entrenched deep in the consciousness of average men and women, and possible curative mechanisms. The innocently simple and sincere assertion behind this enterprise is that as life’s embedded cruelties; expressed in the forms of fragility, uncertainty and inevitable mortality; are beyond cure, we can only be good enough to design and deliver a cure or good management for cruelties in our self-designed physical-psychological-cultural milieus.
It is a hypothesis emanating out of innocent compassionate acceptance that this cure is possible if we decipher the genesis of the universal human malaise of ‘Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities’. Somehow, it seems, reality, as it is, may have all seeds of troubles and painfulness but at least humans should not add them for others.
Rather, if reality is cruel, only a human can outshine and alleviate it, for itself and others, by paving the pathways of prosperity and providence with compassion and amiability. It is said; pain is mightier than God and only human fortitude and compassion can help mitigate pains. This option-less faith in the potentials of compassion and humanism itself is the energy behind this eBook. Welcome…
At The Very Outset
The very idea and dimensions of this universal and dominant human pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities has to be understood first. It also has to be detailed as what it means and how this pathology inflicts and adds loads of cruelties and consternations in human world, where nature’s own cruelties and vagaries have already made life very tough for humans. Essentially; we are talking about subconscious and primarily conscious actions and behaviors of average men and women in localized milieus of families, neighborhood, society and cultures, which make life hell for others, even when the offender is not only not willing to own his or her culpability; rather, he or she is damn happy that they did the appropriate and attained success.
The pathology is not about bullies, narcissists, sadists, rowdies and criminals in the society. Of course they are big enough in numbers in all human societies and cultures in all ages and they unleash loads of cruelties and consternations on fellow humans. Still, average person somehow manages to avoid them and steers his or her life clear of the paths where these elements could be confronted with. The real and unmanageable cruelties-consternations come from members of families, friends, peer groups, people in neighborhood and all walks of a person’s social life.
Criminality is also rampant and tough to mitigate but somehow, there is a system in place; though very inefficient and corrupt, to handle and restrict criminality. The stupidities-hypocrisies and their shameless self-advert in self-obsessed ways are unmanageable as they are embedded deep in every human consciousness and it is usually not deemed criminality or predation.
They simply cannot be avoided. One confronts an unknown bully or criminal may be once or twice in a month or year. But cruelties of actions and behaviors in families and known set of people in ambient milieus are daily routine.
What is meant by Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities has to be understood to gauge the real and true quantum of cruelties this pathology inflicts on an average man or woman. There are two dimensions of a person, with which he or she interacts with others in social milieus. It is about what he or she says and does and how he or she says and does. If a person is not interacting with others; it hardly matters, whether he or she is good or bad, stupid or genius. The singular trouble is that life is a social and interactional reality. A human is born with social animal needs and interactions are inevitable. A person simply cannot survive or derive any utility-purpose of life if it does not interact with other fellow humans and their ambient milieus. Very naturally, if a person
happens, he or she interacts and as interaction happens, what they say and do and how they say and do affects others.
The pathology and predation of interactions emerge, when a person is conscious, fully aware that what he or she is saying and doing is a stupid thing in cruel ways, as it is only a partial reality and very often an obsessive insistence to see and believe only what he or she wants to, as against other aspects and dimensions of reality. The cruelty and consternation happen as the person consciously continues with his or her stupidities, with an avowed intentionality to demoralize and demean others. This action-behavior is predation when a person keeps resorting to them as a tool to inflict psychological consternations to a targeted person. He or she consciously says and does things which he or she knows is a stupidity but still shamelessly self-advertises it as the ultimate wisdom, just to inflict mental-emotional cruelties-pain on others, to install a fake sense of being a winner and success in his or her own eyes. Modern technologies only facilitate a person to extend unlimited reach and spread to his or her shameless self-advert to cause cruelty-pain to others and they still remain unrecognizable.
This also happens subconsciously and in no way, it is less cruel, as the victim stands equally predated; even when the culprit may be let off the label of a predator.
This very conscious and unscrupulously orchestrated intentionality to wrong others to prove oneself right is pathology. The sentient intent to lace up and load worst of cruelties, indignity and harassment in stupid-hypocritical action-behavior towards others to make oneself feel happy is pathology. Knowing and being aware that what they are saying and doing and how they are saying-doing, is stupidity and still investing all might to shamelessly self-advertise it to the world, to feel the joy of being a winner is pathology. This pathology becomes an inevitable and primary
interactional mode of a person when survival becomes tough and success is too high cost. It is where the culpability of failed and decimated society-culture-polity comes to play the role. The animalism-tribalism in milieu shall only breed animalism-tribalism in people within the milieu. This pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities now has the wherewithal of technology and support of a failed society-polity. In fact, politics itself hires and promotes this pathology to decimate its political opponent.
In human life-living, what is of singular and predominant importance is what fellow humans say and do with him or her and in turn what he or she says and does with others. This relationship of an individual with others and milieus is a bare basic element of all cultures and therefore, all cultures have the common trouble of this pathological aspect of relationship, which we are talking about in this eBook. What is endemic and innately routine in this interactional plexus is the loads of subconscious visceral stupidities and hypocrisies, which also cause loads of troubles. Most subconscious stupidities are not intended to inflict cruelties on others but they still have predatory effects on others. These stupidities are simply an imprint of the partial-fake-fudged knowledge of reality, most people have and most such subconscious stupidities are taken back and felt sorry about when pointed out. It is also a pathology but the real pandemic is unleashed when people consciously and shamelessly resort to stupidities with a marked intent to inflict cruelty and pain to others and they become more aggressive when pointed out. This is predation at its worst.
We are humbly and sincerely attempting to examine and outline, how and why average men and women subconsciously and especially consciously and conscientiously, resort to Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities, in their normal and daily interactions with
others, which cause cruelties and consternations to others. These cruelties and consternations keep multiplying as men and women react to what they receive in more cruel and consternating ways. This cyclic cruelties spiral into a complex plexus of pathological actions-behaviors, making milieus and cultures a virtual hell.
The core and critical question, which needs to be scientifically examined is why most of the social interactions of average men and women have high quantum of stupidities-hypocrisies and why most men and women do not realize that by their simple subconscious interactions, they are actually shamelessly self-advertising their own stupidities, which either they are not aware of or at worst, they feel their stupidities are their best genius outcomes of great successes. It especially has to be examined as why sentient stupidities are growing in quantum in contemporary society-cultures. These are issues we humbly and sincerely try to examine objectively, with scientific knowledge of human reality. The enterprise however, can only have any utility and worth if its reality and preponderant prevalence in contemporary cultures is accepted.
The core trouble is that we simply cannot do away with human interactions in societies. Moreover, as these interactions with innate and entrenched pathologies are so widespread and in massive bulk, they simply cannot be restricted or regulated by any law and its administrative enforcement. It can only be self-regulated or at best, can be socially monitored. Rather, in modern contemporary world, where internet and smart technologies have enhanced the reach and domain of interactions, a person has the wherewithal at his or her figure tips to reach his or her Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities to the entire world.
Very naturally, the bullies, narcissists, sadists, rowdies, criminals, paid trolls and political felons are now in poor minorities, as almost the entire
world of 7.5 billion people is out and present there, in a person’s interactional universe, ready with their weapons of stupidities-hypocrisies, conscious or subconscious, to inflict untold cruelties and consternations.
As the Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities now have the power and potential of modern technologies, their propensities and reach of self-advert are global; beyond the barriers of nationality and regionality. That’s why it is hugely crucial that we examine the question as why such innate and embedded stupidities in subconscious and conscious interactions of average men and women and why this lack of shame and guilt in its self-advert.
As Martin Luther King said, ‘Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity’. These innate and entrenched elements of self-obsession and sentience in human actions and behaviors, which self-advertises a person’s stupidities, have to be examined and understood well for any possibility of a cure.
Thankfully; modern contemporary science now has the knowledge and wisdom to unravel the causalities of this pathology of human life-living.
Modern science, with its contemporary knowledge of reality and its substrate causalities, both human and cosmic levels, is a huge facilitator and catalyst in curing the pathology of innate and entrenched stupidities.
However, it is a huge tragedy for contemporary humanity that 99 percent men and women are still unaware of modern objective knowledge and stupidly continue with old, archaic, obsolete, fake, fudged, fraudulent and propagandist information. We very humbly, sincerely and compassionately attempt to talk about them in this eBook, without any intent to hurt anybody.
Acknowledgment of Personal Intentionality It is a very humble and sincere acceptance that what we are deliberating in this eBook is a very sensitive topic as we are talking about something most people never accept to admit – The Sentient Stupidities. Talking about pathologies of humanity is unpleasantness and many people react very aggressively to such enterprise. As I write about human pathologies and their mechanisms, I receive some cruelty too from some ‘offended’ readers.
My apologies to them… I say it with all humility and innocence at my behest that the purpose of this eBook and that of my 54 earlier eBooks, is exploring some hypotheses about human realities and in no way, it is aimed at personal insinuations. A pathology is unpleasant but its discussion, aimed at its management and cure is surely not aimed at demeaning the diseased.
The pure intent is to arrive at a hypothesis, which could help make our world far more warm, compassionate and blissful than it is and an individual a more empowered person. I and my writings remain invested in the magnanimity and intellect of my beautiful readers. Thanks…