There is this primary and primordial inquisition in the colossal and transient domain of reality. It is – why there is something, rather than nothing? In other words; the most critical question is why a reality happens the way it stands and manifests itself and not in any other alternative way or no way?
The reality, as it happens and stands and its causality are primary and primordial wisdom, which humanity must understand and internalize. As we have talked about earlier; the animalism-tribalism, against which
humanism constructed its structures of civilized life-living, is essentially about self-obsessed and visceral-intuitive acceptance of realities, which are only partial-fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist. Humanism is all about accepting reality in holism and objectivity, as unraveled by modern contemporary knowledge of science.
The core trouble is that an average person does not anyways need to accept the somethingness of reality nor does it bother to seek the causalities of reality. Why does this happen? Probably because, a person’s survival and success in life-living does not in anyways depend or get affected by the lack of knowledge and acceptance of the reality and its causality. That seems the primary reason as why a person holds his or her ignorance, partial knowledge and stupidities dear to him or her and shamelessly self-advertise them subconsciously or consciously in their interactions with others and milieus.
What I don’t need, I don’t bother and seldom strive for. Knowledge is optional for life as ignorance and partial knowledge very rarely stops a person from attaining his or her life goals of pop successes. Knowledge of reality, apart from livelihood skills, is largely not required for survival and pop successes in society-cultures. A human child born with entrenched propensities of animalism-tribalism is good enough to lead a full and successful life. In fact, in contemporary human world, this animalistic tribalism is a success-code for a child’s growth into a prosperous adult.
That is probably why a human child is innately inclined in contemporary world to invest his or her time, energy and moneys in following fashion and celebrities, going to gym and learning short-cuts to successes rather than in investing in understanding reality.
This is purely and exclusively human tragedy as unlike the animal world, a human’s survival is not innately and inseparably linked with reality and its causalities. This has to be understood in detail to arrive at the dynamics of the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities.
In the biosphere, the universal code of survival success is uniformity and
conformity. By its mere structure and functional limitations and because of the nature’s unwritten rule of predation; an individual life form is too fragile and insufficient entity to survive alone and in exclusivity. Its survival depends largely on collective strength and therefore, in all living beings in the vast animal world, an individual is wired to social animal needs, which make them conform to collectivity and align themselves with group behavior-actions. This uniformity and conformity ensures an individual’s survival in a tough and brutal milieu with high propensities of predation and therefore, conformity to group identity-action-behavior is entrenched and visceral in all animals. This in turn ensures that every individual’s interactions with other members in the group are smooth, symmetrical and symbiotic.
This guarantees sociability, amicability and fraternity in groups, thus eliminating any pathological scope of personal or subjective stupidities, in exclusion of collective propriety or stupidities of action-behavior. The animal world milieus therefore do not support Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities of individual members of society, as it is automatically weeded out, with offender getting predated or killed by fellow members.
The human world and its society-cultures have different set of realities and they have humanly designed and induced causalities, which allow and even
prospers this pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities by individual members. This difference between animal world and human world realities and their causalities have to be understood to decipher the pathology we are talking about. This may help find out a possible cure of the human world malaise.
Modern contemporary society-cultures are marked by liberty and freedom of individual by guaranteeing him or her set of Rights, which are protected by laws and political power. The right to unfettered expression and other rights are however restricted by Duties towards others. This idealism of duties towards others is the bulwark of rights, which is the hallmark of humanism, against the dumped realities of animalism-tribalism. In animal world, uniformity and conformity is brutally natural and sociability, amicability and fraternity are ensured by the bare basic need of survival. In human world, as survival success is guaranteed by rights and political benefits, the elements of uniformity-conformity and sociability-amicability-fraternity are available only as duties. Sadly enough, human world could never ever ensure mechanisms and structures to ensure full fledged duty observance by people, even as most rights were made available by birth.
The human world tragedy is that Rights have been emboldened by state power and law mechanisms but the commensurate and concomitant Duties towards others have never been ensured. It is primarily because rights are protected by laws and ensured by state authority but the duties towards others have been left as personal onus, to be delivered by conscience of a person. This conscience of a person is innately and viscerally only animalistic and tribalistic, if left undisciplined and untrained. Very naturally, rights are available profoundly and without any precondition of discipline-training but duties are not as they come only when a person is
disciplined and trained long to override his or her intuitive-visceral animalistic propensities to deliver humanly designed duties. The contemporary human world therefore is a marketplace where everyone is buying rights in bulk and getting them but nobody is selling duties and there are no buyers.
This modern day universal pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities has to be examined and understood in the light of this hypothesis about the complete collapse and decimation of human civilization and cultures in its avowed primary purpose and promise of giving rights and equally ensuring uniformity and conformity to duties.
This is the difference between animal and human world. Justice in animal world is innate and brutal but in human world, justice was supposed to be state responsibility, which it has failed big time in fulfilling. The state was supposed to ensure both rights and duties but it has failed in both. The rights are truly available only to handfuls of powerful and rich and duties towards others have never been ensured.
This pathology is only one of the huge spectrums of other pathologies, which this collapse and decimation of society-culture-politics-governance in their collective capacity have unleashed in contemporary human world.
This collapse and failure of the Collective Will in turn has shamelessly constructed the architectures of depravity-deception-criminality, within the precincts of society-culture-politics-governance, which have only emboldened and embellished the propensities of the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities. In contemporary society-culture and polity, this pathology has become number one requirement for success of an individual. In fact, the viruses of the pathologies, including this pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of
Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities, are manufactured in the labs of politics and pop cultures.
Most tragically, they have in fact triggered and unfettered the entrenched but dormant cruel animalism and brute tribalism in the subconscious spheres of humanism, which finds conscious manifestations in the failed human cultures. We shall talk about them and examine the probability of any possible reversal of the contemporary chaos and curative processes of the contemporary pathologies; especially this pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities.
The singular purpose of this enterprise to talk about how and why average person himself or herself becomes a media of conscious as well as subconscious self-advertisement of his or her own stupidities and ignorance is to understand this human pathology well, be compassionate about them and the persons doing them and above all, become less a victim of such cruelties and brutalities, the contemporary human world is full of. For sure; the idea is not to blame anybody and make them stand as culprits but understand the disease so that we could have personal sanity, poise and peace of mind in this cruel, brutal world.
There are loads of personal, societal and cultural ills and pathologies, which we live out on daily basis and also feel the pinch of them all but seldom stop to understand and assess them. For average person, life and living is so tough and a constant struggle that he or she may not even feel anything as big as a problem like complete failure and decimation of society-culture-politics behind the ills and pathologies. A person even counting his or her last days on death bed does not feel the approaching death, if it is not officially declared to them. Average person also does not understand that
these pathologies emanate out of the very design of human consciousness and cognition.
As we examine the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities, we shall talk about all aspects responsible for it and this may help us have better sanity, poise and peace in dealing with them. Understanding the structures and mechanisms of cruelties of stupidities leads to compassion about both the ills and the perpetrators of the ills. This compassion also helps us in handling cruelties and brutalities with peace and poise. This is the singular purpose of this eBook.
The Core Causality
There are two core aspects of the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities. First is why people indulge in ‘stupidities’ in their interactions with others or even otherwise? Second is why they are mostly ‘unaware’ that in their interactional action-behavior, they are actually ‘self-advertising’ their own stupidities and ignorance? The worst is that they do it even consciously, deriving sadistic pleasure through this self-advert and even relish that they are geniuses of first order, by simple self-obsessed declaration of other’s genius as profound stupidities!
This correlation between innate-entrenched stupidities and their self-advert has to be understood. There is a hypothesis in human world since thousands of years, which says – ‘Only stupidity-ignorance has the innate propensity of self-advert as true geniuses never feel the need to advertise their
wisdom’. A winner seldom feels the need to advertise his or her winning; only a loser resorts to pompousness of self-advert to either hide its loss or make others accept them as an actual win. This intrinsic subconscious predisposition and proclivity to self-advertise ignorance and stupidities has been compared to the metaphor of Half-Filled Pitcher, which routinely spills over the water inside whereas a fully filled pitcher never spills a drop ( adhjal gagri chhalkat jaaye).
This metaphor points out to the reality that this pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities is an embedded and fundamental feature of humanism and human consciousness.
An animal has no linguistic wherewithal to install and execute hypocrisy but a human has. Language, as an exclusive endowment to humans, stands as the worst potential weapon of mass and deep cruelties and brutalities, as it provides script to pathological stupidities-hypocrisy, otherwise dormant in subconscious. This superiority above animalism is tribalism; which outlines the requirements of humanism.
To understand this correlation between ignorance-stupidities and their sustained self-obsessed self-advert, often sentient; we need to unravel the idea and mechanisms of Animalism, Tribalism and Humanism. We have to understand and accept as why humanism is only a potential and a probability for every human being as every human child requires to be educated, trained and disciplined, to rise up the ladders of innate-entrenched animalism and tribalism, in his or her journey to adulthood, to attain humanism. If not, then the adult human is actually an animal and at best a tribal.
This understanding is facilitated by modern scientific knowledge of how human brain works and how human consciousness stands as a poor media
to navigate an individual through complex milieus of humanly designed society-culture. The very reality of cruel animalism and brute tribalism, coexisting with potential-probability of humanism, within the body-mind of an individual human being has to be accepted. The 21st century humanity and contemporary human societies-cultures have to accept this scientifically validated reality that every human child is only a potential of humanism as its inborn, innate and subconscious mind consciousness is hardwired to propensities of animalism and tribalism. It is scientifically explainable as how and why conscious-subconscious-unconscious is a linear and spectrum reality, coexisting in a human brain states and not a segregated proposition. Animalism-tribalism-humanism are expressions of the same and singular human brain, coexisting and overlapping.
If the human child is not educated-trained-disciplined in its long tumultuous journey to precarious adulthood, the innate-entrenched animalism-tribalism automatically and innately gets flared up, emboldened and instituted in the consciousness of the grown up man or woman. This animalism-tribalism then goes on to color his or her cognitions and experiences. A man or woman, adorned with such consciousness-cognition of animalism-tribalism, shall always accept only those realities and their causalities, which are unsuitable and antithetical to benchmarks of humanism. This animal-tribal consciousness-cognition-causality has the embedded pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities.
This is essentially an expression and manifestation of cruelty-brutality of the entrenched predatory propensities of animalism-tribalism, dominant in structure-function of contemporary humanism, as society-culture-polity stand as failed systems.
Very naturally, the 21st century humanity has to accept the importance of true and right education-training-discipline regime in human society-
culture, beyond and above the contemporary insistence on only livelihood skill set training. We all know and very well accept that contemporary education-academic system, which a human child has access to, is primarily and majorly aimed at livelihood training. This education system is great for training a child to become a good doctor, engineer, manager, bureaucrat, even a scientist but very insufficient to make a child grow and evolve to tide over his or her innate, entrenched and hardwired propensities of animalism-tribalism to stand as the flag-bearer of avowed and evolved humanism.
Tragically enough, this livelihood training in contemporary education-academic system, itself propitiates and promotes animalism-tribalism, instead of humanism, as good and respectable livelihood opportunities are very few and there are billions of men and women, who fail to get them.
This is core pathology, which triggers subsequent pathology of animalism-tribalism. A human with acute survival question has to react with the might of animalism-tribalism to ensure continuation of life and this shall always inflict body blow to potentials of humanism. Inhuman milieus only breed animal-tribal instincts and dispositions. This has to be understood.
We have hypothesized earlier that Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities is a subconscious and even conscious choice of a loser as winners don’t need them. It is common observance that a truly knowledgeable person or an acclaimed successful person shall rarely indulge in the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities. In fact, sufficient researches and studies have shown that the successful persons, icons, intellectuals and celebrities are the worst victims of the cruelties-brutalities. A scientist or an accomplished musician shall never even say a word about their achievements and they don’t need to as the world talks about them. This deep and dominant
propensity of this pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities happens in contemporary society-cultures as they have produced only handfuls of successful men and women and a massive army of losers. The losers simply cannot be blamed for their pathology as the culprit is the failed contemporary society-culture, which trains people only for livelihood skills and still fails to give them respectable and reasonable livelihoods.
The colossal crowd of the failed men and women are then hired by the politics to become ‘trolls’ and use their dormant-embedded animalism-tribalism as weapon against ‘settled’ targets. The society-culture-polity produces, promotes and perpetuates the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities. The losers feel at least happy for a while, in this cruel-complex-competitive unjust and massively unequal human world, by using the Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities as some consolation to their deep sense of loss.
The 21st century society-cultures-politics have to understand and accept that modern contemporary human milieus of culture, politics and economy have become so complex, competitive and scammed that they only flare up and promote animalism-tribalism; suppressing and emaciating any semblance of noble and sublime humanism. A poor and insufficient education, juxtaposed with cruel-complex-competitive-conniving society-cultures-politics-economy is what an average human child is destined to get gratuitously in modern contemporary human world. Innately, humanism is first casualty at the very stage of youthfulness.
No wonder, the pathologies of humanity have most fertile breeding grounds in contemporary milieus. The pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of
Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities and its pandemic proportions in contemporary societies and cultures are merely a peripheral marker of how calamitous human world has become to live; with its already overloads of cruelties and brutalities, especially the interactional ones. This deep and dominant sense of loss, deprivation, depression and inhuman insufficiencies of bare basics among billions of men and women in contemporary human world, which engenders and emboldens loads of pathologies, are existing since centuries and every coming years only aggravates the situation. Still, the failed and decimated society-cultures-polity remains unperturbed and rather indulge in those unscrupulous tactics, which only augments the already colossal loads of pathologies. We talk about all these aspects next. We begin by outlining the mechanisms and process of human consciousness and seeds of animalism-tribalism in humanism.
Sinews of Animalism-Tribalism
To understand entrenched pathologies of animalism-tribalism, we have to hypothesize the basic and core precepts and desiderata of humanism or humanity. In simple and most innocent way, we can say that humanism is all about consciously and conscientiously replacing what is with what should be. A human child’s growth journey to adulthood is metaphorically about this conscious substitution of ‘what is’ with ‘what should be’.
Humanism is designed or simulated reality over and above the destined reality of the species called humans. It means; humanism is a civilized and intellectual response and repositioning of the innate, entrenched and visceral reality of the human consciousness. Innately and subconsciously;
human species is only a smarter and better maneuvered version of animalism; with entrenched propensities of tribalism. This smarter animalism is what we know as tribalism. Humanism is an Idealism, which was proposed and shaped up by minority of human intellect to tide over and mitigate the Realism of cruelty-brutality of majority of humans, in the state of tribalism.
This hypothesis, if we accept, then stands humanism as a philosophy of some probability, which at the very inception is a non-starter, as humanism as a proposition stood on a shaky ground, pitted against the supposition of innate-entrenched-visceral animalism-tribalism in average, untrained and un-evolved human consciousness. This way, it may not sound untoward to accept that so far and fairly long, Humanism is a Failed Experiment of human life-living.
Humanism still stands as a philosophy; embroidered in gold; embossed over the silvery linen of noble and sublime intellectualism of handful of compassionate consciousnesses, which stood and still stands as a God, everyone revered but nobody wanted to be like. Like the idea of God, humanism is a mystical and abstracted idea, a finely engineered simulation, which nobody wanted inside the mind and everyone wished to keep as an icon placed at some pedestal they would visit and bow to, once a while. It happened and still happens as animalism-tribalism is auto-mode reality of the species called humans and humanism was and still remains a probability hard to achieve as it requires long and persevered mind training and discipline.
As we hypothesized; human civilizational and cultural evolution has been a journey towards converting stupid animalism into smart tribalism. Humans are improvements over stupid animalism as their smartness evolved them
into tribalism. Tribalism is a genius at designing religion and then converting religion into ritualism to erect a façade of nobility to hide the cruelty-brutality of innate-entrenched-visceral animalism. We all know, brute animalism has a long evolutional history of billions of years.
Tribalism is only a few hundred thousand years old and that is probably why; very naturally, animalism still mostly gets better of the façade of ritualism of tribalism, even in 21st century human world.
Humanism as an idea and probability is very nascent; only around few hundreds of years old and therefore very rarely manifests itself in human world. We need to understand why humanism almost always loses battles against tribalism, despite its avowed goal to make human life free of cruelties-brutalities and make human world a better place for all to live in sumptuous wellness. Probably, this shall help us understand the pathologies of humanity in better light and also work out some possible cure.
It has to be noted that till few decades back, overall humanity had the singular common goal of species proliferation to survive possible extinction. The evolutionary build up and make up of human species seems like a rather patched up design, with instable-unmanageable complexities, making it too fragile and vulnerable; requiring loads of support from fellow humans and milieus. Evolution also seems to have therefore installed high and intense sex drive and mating propensities in human species to procreate and beat extinction probability by massive population proliferation.
Intense sexual drive and a deeply entrenched sense of personal-subjective consciousness were probably evolutionary mechanisms to survive this fragility-complexity burden in human species. In a way; this is why human world has overload of the idea of ‘love’, which in embedded realism is a very brilliant concoction of intense sexuality and powerful sense of ‘me’. It
seems; in many dexterous ways, Love-Universe in contemporary human world and its predominant proliferation is a brilliant expression of how tribalism is a genius at designing colorful frills of aesthetic ritualism to erect a façade of nobility, to hide the cruelty-brutality of innate-entrenched-visceral animalism.
Both elements have their hardwired impact on human subconscious spectrum, defining its upgrading and promotion from animalism to tribalism. What we are hypothesizing is a probability that tribalism as an improvement upon animalism is an evolutionary design as Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities, as manifestation of tribalism, simply cannot proliferate without its embedded evolution-backed structures in human consciousness design.
Only now; probably in the beginning of 21st century, humanity is beginning to feel secure and proliferation concerns have waned a bit but still lurk in the minds, as in many parts of the world, dwindling population is growing concern. It is only since last two decades that the social-cultural trend of not marrying and opting not to have children have begun to surface. Modern science and contemporary technological advancements have made young people more secure about their survival till old age and have also made them feel confident about self-care facilities in old age. Probably; growing financial security and stability of wealth have enabled a thin and small layer of contemporary young men and women to think and behave beyond the propensities of tribalism in 21st century.
Also, as modern science has demystified human consciousness and unraveled the mechanisms-processes of human mind to present reality in objective light, globally, a growing population of young men and women have started to understand the tribalism and animalism in human anatomy
and cultures. They have the potential to lay down the foundation of a novel and alternative civilization of evolved humanism. However, it is a tragedy that most of these young still look for solutions and guidance from the tribal structures of religion-spiritualism-philosophy and their pop icons.
They need to understand that real and true idea of humanism can be understood only through tough but inevitable knowledge of science and wisdom of modern science, especially in the domains of molecular biology, artificial intelligence and new physics.
This potential of new age humanism is only a beginning and it is fraught with many challenges, which contemporary human world is infested with.
The worst challenge is that the politics and religion have been assigned more power to lead humanity, even when both are epitomes of tribalism. It is a travesty of utmost calamity that contemporary human intellect of objective science holds the potential of making people come out of tribalism-animalism on one hand and on the other; it has been made subservient to political leadership and structures, which are hell-bent to keep humans enslaved to shackles of tribalism and animalism. It is massive human tragedy that even in 21st century, old, archaic and primeval symbols of religion and politics are still leading humanity and have made human intellect of objective science subservient to them.
However, we are not talking about these aspects in details here as we shall focus only on what constitutes and defines tribalism and animalism. We need to define and demarcate tribalism-animalism and simultaneously propose the hypothesis of humanism, so that we could unravel the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Insentient Stupidities. We do it by scientifically explaining the construct and causalities of human consciousness and cognitive spectrum of human mind.
We do it in the next chapter, with all possible scientific knowledge available about human body-mind mechanisms and processes.
Consciousness, Cognition and Reality
These three are the most critical aspects of life-living, which must be very clearly and holistically understood and internalized, if an individual has to qualify to be called a human being. This knowledge is not a biological requirement for survival of an individual, as every healthy human child is born with necessary biochemical structures to survive and live a full life.
But then, these biochemical mechanisms are almost common in most advanced animals; even in bacteria. Knowledge is an acquired eligibility for humanism as animalism is something every human child is born with.
Animalism is sufficient enough to survive and lead a full life span.
However, humanism is essential for living and leading a good life in social-cultural milieus, as they have been created and structured by human intellect for a life far more noble, sublime, dignified, peaceful, poised and prosperous. Society and cultures infuse rights and duties in every individual man or woman and this requires an individual to acquire the humanly possible information through experiencing and knowledge acquisition.
Animalism and tribalism requires no knowledge but humanism ain’t even possible without it.
For humanism to be a probability, every individual requires knowledge of specific set of information. This information set most necessarily includes clear and holistic knowledge of the three aspects of life-living –
Consciousness, Cognition and Reality. The three critical aspects of life-
living and their entrenched relationship with animalism-tribalism-humanism has to be understood in details to unravel the pathologies of human world; especially the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities, which we are discussing in this eBook.
Animalism, tribalism and humanism are successive stages of potentials of accrued and compounding Information and its systematic processing in a human brain states. This progression of born and innate animalism to consciously acquired humanism is all about augmentation and proliferation of Data and its intelligent Processing. This Data in human brain states come from Experiences as well as Knowledge and above all, the very critical element of Self-Discipline, to process the growing loads of Data for conscious and conscientious simulation of noble and sublime realities, beyond innate-intuitive-visceral realities.
Animalism, tribalism and humanism are successive life-living progression and maturity of Data (its processing) and Discipline. If both are almost missing or very poor, it is Animalism. If Discipline is somehow there in some measure and Data is missing or is purely experienced based intuitive-visceral; it is Tribalism. If data and discipline both are in good quantity and quality, with objective-scientific knowledge of reality populating majority of Data and intuitive-visceral experiences are in sync with objective-holistic knowledge; it is seed of Humanism. However, this seed has to be matured and blossomed into full tree of humanism, by conscious-conscientious simulation of novel-alternative realities for experiencing-cognitions.
Contemporary world trouble emanate out of poor and perilous Data as large chunk of ‘Information’ a growing child and young one get from ambient milieus, are through personal experiencing and good chunk of them are
partial-fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist. The knowledge part of Data is insufficient as most educational-academic knowledge a growing child and young gets is about livelihood and career. The life-living knowledge they still get from family norms, social traditions, religion and populist cultures, pop celebrities, socially success-icons, social media influencers, et al, which is often archaic and obsolete. The third and most critical element of self-discipline is largely missing or poor in modern contemporary world of life-living as liberty has growingly been accepted as a license to intuitive-visceral life-living choices. These aspects of modern life-living engender all pathologies as mass majority of humans are restricted to animalism-tribalism; missing the potentials of humanism by huge margins.
There is a need to clearly understand as why mass majority of men and women are destined to have this malaise of poor, insufficient and corrupted Data set in their mind consciousness as well as inefficient information Processing, which in turn leads to the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities. This has to be understood in the light of the crucial reality that we all have two choices – first is the easy and natural one and other the difficult one, which we have to take pains to acquire. First is the innate availability of animalism and tribalism, we all are born with and we can easily survive and lead a full life, without bothering to acquire any knowledge of reality around us. Second is the option of humanism, for which we have to discipline ourselves to acquire knowledge, apart from the knowledge of livelihood skills. In contemporary human world, an average child is disciplined only to take the pains of acquiring livelihood knowledge. The innate-intuitive-visceral animalism-tribalism is left undisciplined and is seldom made to encounter scientific knowledge of reality, which modern intellect of humanism has so meticulously acquired.
It is a fact that every human child automatically gets all the rights, which society-culture has designed for peaceful-prosperous life-living. No society-culture restricts any rights on the basis of whether a person’s consciousness is animal-tribal or human. Contemporary societies-cultures do not bother to train and educate every human child to discipline itself and acquire knowledge necessary to come out of animalism-tribalism and attain humanism. They simply put an individual in jail, if the usually lethargic and indifferent state authority feels, he or she failed in their duties towards society and state. As the justice delivery system is hugely overburdened, corrupted and poorly structured in most societies-cultures, very few offenders are actually punished for their cruelties and brutalities. Very naturally, animalism-tribalism prospers at the cost of brutalized humanism.
That is why scientific-objective knowledge of life-living realities, especially the three aspects of consciousness, cognition and reality has to be acquired well, if human world has to manage and cure its pathologies, especially the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities. We try to understand the three in simplest of terms, in shortest possible trajectory.
There is a golden rule of life-living – what you want is what you seek but
what you seek is not always what you need. This is the basic premise on which humanism is based and prospers. As we talked earlier, humanism is a journey from what is to what should be. This golden rule is all about that.
In other words, it means, there is a spectrum of animal-tribal wants and desires, which men and women subconsciously seek but they are not needed in civilized-cultured-liberal human world, as they stand in antagonism to requirements of humanism. It has to be asked and understood as why it is that what we seek is not always what we actually need. This
difference and conflict between our desires and needs must be clearly understood.
To understand this, we have to understand the terms intuitive and non-intuitive experience-cognition of reality. This knowledge is essential for understanding your relationship with reality. It is this relationship of an individual life with reality he or she perceives and accepts, decides the spheres of animalism-tribalism or humanism, where the individual stands.
This conflict or dualism is simplest way to understand the very deep and multidimensional ideas of Consciousness, Cognition and (causality of) Reality.
Broadly, intuitive is what we feel and believe as true and right, without any external evidence, just because it makes us feel good and happy. This
‘benchmark of happiness’ is a scammed entity as happiness is largely and dominantly very intuitive-visceral and personal-subjective and different people have different sense and experiences of ‘happiness’. Non-intuitiveness is often contrary to intuitive feeling, based on common and singular objective facts as sufficient scientific evidence; even as it does not feel the ‘happy-comforting’ way we like and want.
Often, what we feel, what we want and therefore seek, is intuitive-visceral-personal-subjective feeling, the evidence of which comes from our own body and brain, expressed in the deep satisfying sense and experience of Happiness. Therefore, we don’t even bother to entertain any other evidence, different to what our body-mind tells us. In fact we feel, to be happy is our right-liberty and it is very appropriate to be happy, even at the cost of making others unhappy and in pain. This is the seed of most cruelties and brutalities we heap on others.
This trigger-happy, self-evidenced, intuitive-visceral sense of righteousness and its self-obsessed validation is cruelty-brutality; a definitive expression of animalism-tribalism. Sadly enough, for mass majority of men and women in contemporary world, this intuitive-visceral animalism-tribalism is the torchbearer of most behavior-actions, which they hold as their right at any cost. The pop wisdom is out there to augment and embolden this animalism-tribalism in men and women.
It is like what most men and women feel and think of Love is a scammed reality, as we have earlier talked about how love is a queer concoction of visceral-intuitive sex drive entrenched deep in hormones-backed emotional states and the definitive falsehood of personal sense of ‘Me’. Still, pop wisdom goes miles in convincing men and women to have Self-Love. As if love ain’t itself calamitous enough that people have to indulge in self-love!
This pop wisdom is visceral-intuitive Data – a partial-fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist one.
Contrary to this, what we actually need may be available to non-intuitive perception-experience, the evidence of which is available beyond self-validation but we have not yet known and therefore we do not entertain.
This is knowledge and it comes to us through disciplined learning, which is not a ‘Happy’ feeling-experience. Essentially, growing up and maturing in life’s journey means that we clearly see and understand this conflict and dualism between desires and actual needs – this gap between intuitive and non-intuitive experience-cognition of reality and subconscious validation of partial, fake, fudged, scammed and propagandist reality. The scam called Happiness, the visceral-personal feel of it, which drives animalism-tribalism in us and its pathological dimensions, needs to be understood to qualify as a human. The author has detailed it all in his previous
eBook/audiobook titled, ‘ Happiness Is A Scam’, available for unrestricted download, like all his 56 books.
This reality of Intuitiveness and non-Intuitiveness is the easiest way to understand the tough and complicated ideas of Consciousness, Cognition and Reality. Reality is not a singular specific situation or experience-cognition. In fact it is a spectrum with probabilities of actualizations, depending upon the specificities of different subjective experiences-cognitions. This is what we may accept as seed of pathologies in human life-living. Different people and different life forms shall have different intuitive experience-cognition of reality, even while there shall always remain common singular non-intuitive dimension of the same reality to be experienced.
In simple terms – different consciousnesses of different men and women shall have different experience-cognition of the same reality. This self-evident, visceral, personal and subjective intuitiveness is so powerful and seeded so deep in subconscious mind layers that every individual shall seldom accept what others accept as real and true. This conflict and competitiveness embedded in the way reality expresses itself to respective media of subjective-personal consciousnesses and is accepted as spectrum, rather than singular situation, is the seed of all pathologies.
The remedy therefore is in holism; in compassionate acceptance of non-intuitiveness. This does not happen as it is contrary to and antithetical to very powerfully entrenched visceral-personal sense-experience of Happiness. Only objective-scientific-holistic knowledge, acquired through painful self-discipline can make us rise above the intuitive animalism-tribalism. Most men and women are misfortunate as they are not trained since childhood about non-intuitive knowledge of life-living reality;
restricting their knowledge-acquisition to livelihood-career training. On the other hand; they are offered loads of partial-fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist information, which they subconsciously accept, leading their intuitive-visceral cognition to animalism-tribalism.
This trap and scam of happiness has to be understood and its relationship with viscerality-intuitiveness must be accepted. The critical role of visceral-intuitive Happiness in the creation of loads of cruelties and brutalities in society-culture has to be clearly understood. For an average man or woman, life-living is all about attaining most favorable position vis-à-vis and within the milieu to optimize survival success and maximize what is popularly and mystically known as happiness. Happiness is a sort of cognitive index or psychological-marker for the consciousness of an individual to measure his or her success in optimizing survival fitness. In a stupid and hypocritical way, the culturally prescribed benchmark is – more happy a person is, better are his or her survival fitness. This is a trap and worst scam of humanity and in a way; it is the seed of animalism-tribalism; triggering cruelties-brutalities. The entire edifice of humanity and its society-culture-politics-economy have been so meticulously constructed to perpetuate and prosper this scam. We can understand this by a simple and popular example.
Most people love good food, especially sweets. We eat sweets or any good food and feel hugely Happy. Sweets are good as our visceral-intuitive markers of experiencing, termed as taste, aroma and beauty, backed by the five senses and emotional wellness, provide us the ‘evidences’ of righteousness and appropriates. We feel happy and up to a great extent, more we eat sweets, happier we are. The growing happiness is the license to eat more and eat regularly more sweets. The intuitiveness knows and seeks only happiness and emotional satisfaction and therefore, we innately
want to keep doing it. Anybody, who stops us from eating sweets or anybody saying against it is our enemy and we heap our worst of cruelties-brutalities on this ‘enemy’.
This pop intelligence is simple and straight – ‘It is my body and my happiness and I know my body-joys better than all and that is why only I decide what I need’. This is the scam humanity perpetuates.
Then, there are realities and facts, which are non-intuitive, because the visceral-intuitive apparatus of sensory mechanisms of body-brain does not know about them and therefore does not furnish any evidence about them.
As we feel happy eating loads of sweets and great tasting food in large quantities and often, our body responds by hiking insulin supply and this in long term leads to the pathological situation called hyperinsulinemia. This pathological state of body, where insulin levels are constantly much higher than normal, is the singular cause of mitochondrial degeneration, which in turn leads to many lifestyle diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, cardiac trouble, endocrine system collapse, alzheimer’s and even cancer.
This reality is not available to visceral consciousness and intuitive cognition as they are not part of body’s innate experiencing. Rather, they are part of knowledge, which has to be acquired through disciplined learning and this knowledge actually kills the visceral-intuitive sense and experiencing of Happiness. Knowledge is a bad experience for most men and women as it kills happiness and emaciates the bliss born out of blissful ignorance. That is why solipsism, anti-intellectualism and anti-science sentimentalism are the most popular and lapped up trends in most societies and cultures, across the globe. They only prosper animalism-tribalism and proliferate cruelties-brutalities. Very innately; the pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities becomes the
number one subconscious lifestyle choice and priority for most men and women.
This example explains the basis of animalism-tribalism and pathology of cruelties-brutalities. It also explains the potential of humanism, available to all but an unhappy choice, which only a handful of men and women are Happy enough to accept and opt for. It is all about the Data and its disciplined processing in individual men and women, about which we talked about at the start of the chapter. These aspects of reality and individual’s journeys into them has been detailed in author’s previous eBook/audiobook titled ‘57’s 5th’, available for unrestricted downloads.
Understanding Idea of Substrate and Reality
It is hugely important that 21st century men and women understand and accept that if animalism-tribalism is to be replaced by humanism, this very populist and predominant idea of consciousness as self-righteous protagonist of experiencing all realities as true and right is a scam and misnomer. This scam has to be unlearnt to extend humanism any chance in human world. It is where the modern contemporary scientific ideas and realities of Substrate come as a handy tool to understand animalism-tribalism and potentials of humanism.
Modern science, especially artificial intelligence knowledge has clearly outlined that what we call consciousness is only an emergent media of Information Processing. Therefore, consciousness is secondary; primary and most important is the Information. It needs to be accepted that the media of consciousness is true and right only when the Information it
processes are true, objective and holistic. If the Data set of information to an individual mind is fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist, as is very common in contemporary world, the consciousness shall be scammed and it as protagonist shall experience scammed and fake realities. A person living out his or her life with scammed realities, they shall very likely show up with deep pathologies of humanity, especially the predatory propensity of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities.
Therefore, as we have talked earlier, 21st century humans must unlearn the mystical self-righteousness of very partial visceral-intuitive consciousness-cognition and accept the primary and most critical non-intuitive idea of Information and its processing. This is what science terms as Substrate Reality.
The two core ideas of Information and Substrate reality are the 21st century knowledge for all men and women. It is very important that modern men and women familiarize themselves with the two ideas as almost all life-living questions and problems have answers and solutions in these two ideas. The world we live is full of information and reality happens to us only when we create relationship with these information. The information are processed for use by your body at the level of the cells and mitochondria of your body. The cellular layer is the Substrate, where actual processing of information happens. This substrate, which is only non-intuitively knowable, is all about biochemical mechanisms-processes of body and brain, available only through disciplined knowledge and cannot be experienced intuitively.
The experiencing of information is at external layers of sensory organs of our body, which is guided by five emotions. The processing of information happens deep at the substrate of cellular milieus. The experiencing is Intuitive and very much realizable by our sensory organs. Information
processing happens at cellular levels and we simply cannot realize or experience them. The substrate processing is Non-intuitive, which we can’t experience. There must be great symmetry and symphony between cognitions of realities at experience and substrate levels for life-living wellness. Otherwise it is pathology of consciousness. Humanism cannot be expected from pathological consciousnesses as they are akin to animalism-tribalism. Tragically enough; almost 99 percent of human population even in 21st century has animal-tribal consciousness-cognition, in varying shades and intensities. Humanism is very peripheral and emaciated reality in contemporary human world.
All realities we accept are relationships of information but this information is unraveled to us both intuitively as well as non-intuitively. Therefore, we must always be aware of and be responsible for information handling both at experiencing levels as well as substrate levels. All realities must be accepted as holism or combination of Intuitive as well as Non-intuitive information processing. This holism can be attained only through disciplined knowledge of realities, imparted through scientific and objective education system, aimed not purely at creating careerists but humans. This is the singular mantra for life-living wellness, This critical 21st century idea of substrate information processing and ultimate sovereignty of Objective-Verifiable-Holistic Data as well as its smart processing, over the old-archaic-primeval protagonism of consciousness is the seed of humanism. This modern idea truly outlines the animalism-tribalism as experience-cognition of reality by very restrictive intuitive-visceral Data base of Information, often fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist. It defines humanism as acceptance of only those realities, which are backed by pure-objective-scientific knowledge of substrate processing of those Information, acquired through disciplined non-intuitive
knowledge, against visceral-intuitive experiencing. Humanism is the cure of most pathologies of contemporary human world as it mitigates the innate-entrenched propensities of animalism-tribalism.
The most required learning for 21st century ‘humanism’ is the understanding and acceptance of innate and dominant ‘animalism’ and its evolutionary continuity in all schemes and spectrum of things, we know as human and associate with the idealism of humanity. There is this express need to understand and demystify the structures and functionality of this entrenched and evolved animalism, tribalism or whatever, within the precinct of probability of what is known as humanism or human consciousness-cognition, in the macrocosmic perspective of life and cosmic constructs.
The Elusive Cure of Pathology
We have talked about how animalism-tribalism is innate and entrenched reality of human life-living and how it is a pathological situation in the human world, which created synthetic civilizational structures and functions of society-culture-polity to ensure the end of animalism-tribalism.
The fact remains that even when human intellect created the idealisms of humanism in social-cultural set ups; animalism-tribalism still ruled for millenniums as humanity didn’t have the true and right knowledge of realities till very recently. The 21st century science has come to a stage of evolution, where it has the collective wisdom about realities, as it emerges and expresses itself at substrate levels.
Very naturally, this modern wisdom and knowledge of scientific objective realities are new and hasn’t still spread to majority of population. The education system, even in 21st century remains old-archaic-obsolete and is massively oriented to only livelihood training. That is largely why mass majority of human population still accepts the age old, archaic and obsolete realities of life-living, supplied by philosophy-religion-traditions, which are only partial-fake-fudged-fraudulent-propagandist. This is the basis of predominant and all-pervading animalism-tribalism.
Therefore, average men and women, showing pathological actions-behaviors in personal-societal interactions, especially this predatory inclination of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities, should not ideally be held culpable for the subconscious or conscious cruelties-brutalities they heap on others. We don’t blame an animal for animal behavior. However, we punish and put in jail a human individual for animalistic-tribal behavior. The entire system of justice dispensation in human world is flawed and scammed. They punish humans for something, which is innate-entrenched-visceral-intuitive in mass majority of humans, who remain untrained. The justice system is scammed and true culprits. The culpability truly rests with politics of the day, which has failed miserably in instituting humanism in society-cultures through powerful and purposeful scientific education system. It is a shame that even in 21st century, mass majority of new born human child has no support from family-society-culture-polity, to help him or her come out of their innate-entrenched animalism-tribalism, to embrace humanism with true-right scientific knowledge of reality.
The cure of pathologies of contemporary human world shall remain elusive as the contemporary world still has singular dominant question of survival and therefore cruel-brutal competitiveness to livelihood safety ensures that
animalism-tribalism keeps killing potentials and probabilities of humanism.
In world of brute animalism-tribalism, humanism is impossible and therefore, for average men and women, there is no choice left but to accept and keep upfront, this pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Insentient Stupidities as the number one subconscious lifestyle choice and priority to survive and succeed. Survival success always comes first and therefore visceral-intuitive cognition shall always lead consciousness. Intuitive-visceral consciousnesses is mass majority shall in turn keep the quantum of animalism-tribalism sufficiently high to allow any probability of survival of humanism.
The hope however rests with the ultimate power and potential of scientific knowledge. We have to know and accept that the human world we are living is still very young and the true-right scientific-objective knowledge of reality is also very nascent. In a way, 21st century may be accepted only as the beginning of true human civilization. As we have talked earlier, the 21st century human world is definitively showing up signs of a new emergent sentimentality in young men and women. The science is reaching out to contemporary young men and women in faster and deeper ways as science communication is at its best now. The species-proliferation concerns are waning among modern youth. They are slowly but surely questioning the obsoleteness of contemporary societal-cultural normality.
Thankfully; the age-old and predominant human pathology of populist visceral-intuitive love and sexual escapades, as signatures of animalism-tribalism, are waning in modern youth and being gradually replaced by more humanist entity of mutual respect and gender equitability. Many pluses are emerging, though slowly, and they are gradually sidelining many minuses.
We just have to be patient and poised, as new civilizational propensities and pathways emerge and prosper in 21st century. We all have to understand the contemporary reality of human world and remain compassionate towards others. Compassion is the creed of humanism. This pathology of Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities is an expression of innate-entrenched animalism-tribalism and we all have to be very compassionate towards each other, so that this animalism-tribalism is not ruffled up.
May be, an individual life is too short and time is a colossal reality. Human world is only few hundred thousand years old and still a new born; compared to reality, which is over 14 billion years old. Animalism-tribalism is billions of years old and therefore, effectively 5000 years of human journey into reality is very short span of time to allow humanism to have its full sway in human world. Humanism is only a new born and we all have the innate duties to shower our best of compassion and care to this new born humanism. This we all can ensure by being compassionate and respectable to each other. Love is not required for good life; respect and compassion surely are the actual needs. We all must do what humanism needs the most, to grow and mature it in coming decades and centuries – be compassionate and be respectful to each other. Humanism has hopes, if we humans care and care enough. Thanks.
About The Author
People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’.
Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people as well as ideas that traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people, ideas as well as situations. Unconsciously, these amazing people and my own stupidly non-intuitive cognition also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you what I have internalized as body-mind Media, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators!
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