The 7 Day Gratitude Challenge That Can Change Your Life by unisdess - HTML preview

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Chapter 4: What to Expect

Once you have finished the 7-Day Challenge, you will notice a shift in your perspective and be more aware of how to view and deal with the world more positively.

However, the 7-Day Challenge doesn't stop after one week. Repeat the challenge week after week until the various approaches become a lasting mindset. Remember, the more you practice gratitude, the more it builds on itself and the more your life will change. Here are some of the things you can expect:

The quality of your life will improve. Focusing on the good things in your life will make you more content and less likely to stress out over what you now realize are trivial things. Your mood will improve and you will have more optimism. You will begin to develop a quiet calm and inner happiness that will reflect on everything you do.

You will more easily overcome adversity. Seeing the big picture and understand what matters most to you will help you overcome hurdles and obstacles faster. Gratitude gives you the insight and motivation to move forward rather than dwell on setbacks because you still have so much to be grateful for.

Life around you will improve. Gratitude is contagious. Thanking others and showing your appreciation makes them feel good. You will be surrounded by happy and supportive people who go out of their way to show you their appreciation in return.

They will be grateful to have you in their life!

Your initial gratitude will be like a catalyst that spreads to your immediate circle and beyond. In your own little way, you're making the world a better place!

Gratitude reduces materialism. Materialism is highly detrimental to gratitude. There's nothing wrong with wanting to live well but our modern culture has conditioned us to never be content with what we have, even if we are already living very well. Gratitude helps us put less importance on wealth and material things, thus decreasing negative feelings of dissatisfaction and incompetence.

You will strengthen personal relationships and build a strong social circle. When you express gratefulness and appreciation for the people in your life, they will want to be around you – it's as simple as that. Expressing your appreciation to your spouse and children will strengthen family bonds as well.

Gratitude reduces feelings of envy. Envy in moderation can be a great incentive to work harder and get ahead. But excessive envy and jealousy of what others have can be emotionally damaging. The more you practice gratitude, the more accepting you will become of who you are and what you have, and this is tremendously liberating.

You will get ahead in your career. Gratitude in the workplace helps you build better connections and trust with others. This will open many doors for advancement in your career. When you are grateful for having a job, you will also become more efficient and productive at what you do.

You will be healthier. Since our mind and body are interconnected, it's a given that gratitude can help improve your physical health. For one thing, you may become more healthconscious because you want to be around for a long time to enjoy all your blessings. In addition to this, you will have more energy and vitality and be less likely to suffer from stress- related illnesses.

The Bottom line: These are just some of the changes you can expect when you practice gratitude - and they will truly be lifechanging for you and for those around you.