You Are Not Crazy for Thinking UFOs Are Aliens by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

The Spiritual Alien

‘The Universe is not only stranger than you think, it’s stranger than you can think’

is underappreciated.

Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein might be a nice tone setter before the reader fal s in the rabbit hole of the essay. If you haven’t read Heinlein, I highly recommend him. That particular book is not just science fiction. It exemplifies the universe is stranger than you think, couples it with Clark’s ‘any sufficiently advanced technology would look like magic.’ It has a spiritual sense that nearly got the book banned before it was published, but the author couldn’t unsee the vision. Can you see what they see, not just in their writing but in others?

People without vision can’t see that once an artist, a poet, a mystic, or a visionary, like Joan of Arc speaking to angels, occurs- humans wil unwaveringly commit to that vision. Gene

Roddenberry would not back down from his ideal Utopian vision. It wasn’t til Gene died that Star Trek went dead. One episode after he died had the Enterprise D blowing up five times, cutting to commercial only to come back to find, it’s al wel , as if to say “just kidding.” Star Trek has gone dark since Gene’s passing, because others can’t hold that light.

People without vision ride on the coattails of others. Their emotions wil be dictated by the emotions and ideas of others.

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Many writers, nonfiction writers to boot, have had this Heinlein level visions and any dismissal of their genius impairs our perspective. One writer expounding is novel, but many people having the same thought, generations of iteration of the same, may be evidence of blind humans

psychical y teasing out a whole elephant. What if connecting the dots revealed undiscovered astrological signs?

There is nothing new under the sun. There are only iterations in cycles so large no one person can see the beaches come and go over eons due to being too focused on the individual wave

pounding the shore. To the oceans we come and to the oceans we return.

Things aren’t getting weird; they’ve been weird forever…

Heinlein proposed a question in 1961. What if an ancient, intel igent species found and raised a human with a philosophical technology necessary for that child to survive even on Mars. If that person came to Earth, not only would he be a god, but he would also find our lack of

sovereignty and power bizarre. Star Trek, 1966, episode Charlie X is essential y the same story as Stranger in a Strange Land, only in this instance it explores how humans have a tendency to abuse power. I would say this episode is not evidence for ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely,’

but that if children are given powers or technology before they’re mature enough to handle, the sovereignty of others is threatened.

Star Trek was dealing with Sith Lords and Jedi before there was a Star Wars. Spock felt it when a hundred Vulcan died simultaneously, Ben Kenobi required the entire planet of Alderan to

disappear before he felt something.

Do you know the story of Giordano Bruno? Essential y, he was doing meditative techniques that al owed him to see the planets in the solar system without technology. Whether it is the Tibetan

Monk meditating, the Catholic Monks chanting, or the whirling Sufi’s spinning in place for hours, oracles in trance, people under hypnosis, writers channeling their prose, remote viewing, we are al engaging in this thing, be it source, the col ective unconscious, the God mind, the Universal mind… It has many names.

Bruno came to the same conclusion in isolation that Galileo arrived at using a telescope. Bruno went further and said there were ‘people’ on other planets going around other stars. He didn’t assume it, he knew it because he saw it with his vision.

Quite frankly, there is no other conclusion. Earth cannot be the only place in the universe with life, by definition of everything we understand of science and philosophy. Earth is a fractal of al there is, an iteration of an endless pounding of waves upon shores.

Cayce went where Bruno went.

Did you know Edgar Cayce didn’t believe in reincarnation? He is known as the reincarnation guy, the sleeping prophet, but like most Americans, perhaps the majority of the western world, reincarnation was taboo at the time he channeled that idea. Cayce didn’t accidental y discover reincarnation. He wasn’t reading books on this subject, not Kentucky, and certainly not in the library of his school which is probably closer to something from Little House on the Prairie.

Further, he was struggling in school, the school wanted to throw him out and his dad beat his butt for embarrassing him and the family. It wasn’t til he slept with a book under his pil ow that he discovered he could learn a book without reading.

Cayce learned to put himself in a hypnotic state and he would talk to his subconscious, or his soul, or other spirits… And in this process he helped people heal, he foretold the future, and he learned a lot about spirit life. He became a stranger in his own land. He was doing exactly what the protagonist, Valentino, was doing in that book.

Cayce not only reported reincarnation, but that humans could be incarnated into two lives

simultaneously. More specifical y, he suggested many of us are actual y living presently on other planets. This wasn’t just a modern version of astrology, where your star sign is influencing your life- but literal y, you are walking on other worlds simultaneously with walking on Earth. When you sleep here, you’re busy elsewhere.

Al of this in order to maturate your soul. There are so many iterations of worlds upon worlds that somewhere, this AI art is actual y readable, per the many world's theory.

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Fiction Writing may be Remote Viewing

What if fiction writing is remote viewing? Al humans are psychic. We al mysteriously know

some things that we shouldn’t. Carl Jung might say this is due to the col ective unconscious.

Strangeness might be evidence of synchronicity. Psychologists bending over backwards to try to make psychology be accepted in scientific domains downplay the significance of those concepts as Jung actual y believed and practiced.

If you sit down to write about an alien planet, maybe you get some details of that planet, but then you get excited and your analytical mind starts to try to make sense of it and then it becomes less vision and more of you than reality. As Mark Twain said, fact is stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense. If it doesn’t make sense to a writer, they start changing things!

What if writing is like a trance state? A lite hypnotic session. What if we could al talk to our subconscious or our soul and know things? Is this what Bruno was doing?

Delores Cannon and Michael Newton, in separate places on Earth, but around the same time,

and not in contact with each other, put subjects into deep hypnosis. Those subjects would tel them of past lives, future lives, lives between lives, simultaneous incarnations, and about lives on other planets!

Robert Monroe found these ideas to be true in his Journeys Out of Body, 1971. Seriously, the 1960s and 70s were packed ful of spiritual downloads to humanity promoting the Age of

Aquarius and world change! Love is universal and it wil reign.

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You may think the world is fal ing apart but you and I don’t have a ful picture. We get our piece.

The puzzle is coming together. If this is a universe of contrast, a col ision of opposing concepts, then essential y the beauty wil be revealed in a balance of light and dark themes, as if we blew up a Yin Yang symbol to find the thing redistributed into exactly the same fragmented fractal pattern, and once again became a whirlpool within a whirlpool…

Niels Bohr, atoms don’t exist and consciousness is primary. You can’t get behind it, matter comes from consciousness. Maybe that means simulation theory is real, or maybe it means

spirituality is real.

Are there spirits? Are there aliens? Wel of course! Spiritual aliens are us!


Edgar Cayce Life Beyond Earth.

Steven Schwartz Edgar Cayce.

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