You Are Not Crazy for Thinking UFOs Are Aliens by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Underwater UFOs

People like finding ways to dismiss airborne UFOs, but how do you explain the

underwater ones?

Secure Team 10s latest video offers quite a few UFOs. One might be the best bal lightning ever.

Stil , there are things in the sky that we hardly know because our heads are too into the phones.

But if your phone is connected wirelessly to an underwater camera and you see an anomaly,

what do you make of that?

This leaked UFO footage gave me chil s…

I do appreciate the argument that almost al sightings can be explained. Most of the time, the news media and the government only talk about the ones they can explain. The government

doesn’t give us the good stuff. They give us stuff that’s explainable and then laugh at us while we debate.

The government is sitting on good evidence!

North to Alaska, Go North, the Rush is On

Jeremy Ray is a STAR team investigator for MUFON. RUSH NZ video below discusses how

UFOs have been reported around Alaska for the past four decades. I suppose one could argue for the Russians wanting their land back, but then again, they probably sold it to us because living in Alaska is chal enging. This probably also means, UFOs are less likely to be bal oons, or drones, or quadcopters, with it being less likely with each decade prior.

So, let’s get this out of the way, too. UFOs have been seen underwater, tracked underwater, and they’re staying submerged for a long time which likely means, not a bal oon, drone, or

quadcopters. When Ray says staying underwater for a long time, he is acknowledging they do come out of the water. If humans have this technology, that can transition easily between

aquatic and atmospheric operations, and not need apparent servicing or refueling then there is a group of folks who have better technology than anything the public has seen, going back since WWII.

The Navy has tracked these objects. They go so deep, we can’t fol ow.

Trieste is a Swiss-designed, Italian-built deep-diving research bathyscaphe which

reached a record depth of about 10,911 metres (35,797 ft) in the Chal enger Deep

of the Mariana Trench near Guam in the Pacific.

Mind you, that thing is built for one thing, to descend. Up and down. It ain’t maneuvering like Maverick in Top Gun buzzing the tower. They move so fast they defy physics. This needs to be understood. In air, sonic booms happen because if an object moves faster than the speed of sound, it compresses the air in front of it so fast it creates a shockwave.

You can’t compress water. That’s a law of physics, which means, no shock waves, which

means- these objects should not be going the speeds they’re going underwater!

There would not be a sonic boom in water. A sonic boom happens in the air

because the aircraft compresses the air in front of it. At about 700 mph the

compressed air forms a shock wave which is the source of the boom. Water (for al

intents and purposes) is not compressible so no shock wave can form.

Jeremy Ray speculates there are alien bases underwater. Johnny Enoch, who has been in the

UFO scene for a moment, such as Black Knight Satel ite the Untold Story, claims to have sources that there are non-human entities living in underwater cities at depths humans can’t go.

How Low Can You GO

The Nimitz Group that was involved in the TICTAC UFO event reported objects descended from 80,000 feet to the ocean. They report they hovered over the ocean. In some instances, they entered the ocean. David Fravor reported his Tictac was interacting with something just under the surface, identified because the water flowing over it made it visible. Though he didn’t report the Tictac going into the water, does anyone ask what happened to the big object in the water?

Not long after the Tictac incident was released, the military released another UFO sighting, showing an object descending and entering the water. They did search for the object. They

found nothing.

So, if underwater bases are easy and convenient, there is good reason to want to be near

Alaska. Not just because of the gold, but heck, there are many in the UFO community that have said, ‘they want our gold.’

Is This Proof Of Underwater UFO Bases In Alaska? found below, has an interview with Dan Wil is, Ex US Navy, stationed in San Francisco, discussing his UFO experience. He was a

communication expert, with security clearance, capturing Morse Code or the equivalent. The crew of a military ship off the coast of Alaska reported seeing a glowing orb approximately 70

feet in diameter, which came out of the ocean, and shot straight up into space. It was tracked going in excess of 7,000 MPH.

Watch ya talkin about, Wil is?!

I refer you back to my ‘you can’t do that underwater.’ Even bal istic missiles don’t come out of the water going 7K MPH. And again, not a weather bal oon, not a drone, and not a quadcopter.

Oh, and mind you, that was in 1969! Can we say it like it is?

It’s aliens! Or, more precisely, non-human intel igence. Which is how Doctor Kirkpatrick skirted lying to Congress- ‘no evidence for Extraterrestrials’ is true if they come from Earth and have been here longer than humanity.

Which means, if Congress real y wants the truth, they’re going to have to start asking better questions. There are only two reasons why they might be asking the right questions: they know and they don’t want us to know, or they don’t know enough to ask the right questions.

In order to ask the right questions, you have almost got to know everything available on UFOs, the good, the bad, the wrong, and the misidentified, the discussion points, the arguments for and against, and everything in between. After al that, if you haven’t formed a conclusion, you need to at least be smart enough to put it al together to ask the right questions and observant enough to note when the person being interviewed starts squirming and obfuscating because

they know and don’t want to share.

Every UFO hearing in the US has had a lot of obfuscation, misdirection, flat out inaccurate data, and none of the good stuff which we know is out there.


George Knapp — UFO Sightings & Encounters: “Estimate of the Situation” Book

Series Launch Special!

Rush: Is This Proof of Underwater UFOs Bases in Alaska

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