You Are Not Crazy for Thinking UFOs Are Aliens by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 21

Reality is Imagination

If nothing unreal exists and your imagination is real, then are you chained or

liberated only by your ability to dream?

Every now and then, it feels like the rug gets pulled out from under me. I feel awe, and

chills bounce through me as it often does at the height of a musical performance when a

theme finally manifests in entirety. Consider how the materialists claim there’s no magic.

Juxtapose that by the amount of entertainment that inspires us with superhuman

abilities and ghost stories. Is there something more than what we allow? If your belief

shapes reality, shouldn’t you be aware of what others want you to believe?

There is a lovely video below. An interview with a parapsychologist, Loyd Auerbach,

being interviewed on the podcast: Unraveling the Universe. It will either be 2 hours of

joy, or two hours of tedious deflections, depending on your mindset.

It seems like mindset is an important thing to address. All spiritual practices start with beliefs. Many of the new age books, such as the Secret, start with changing beliefs.

Even counseling and psychology, they start with beliefs, examine to discover if they’re

practical, and if not- the onus of change is upon those who carry the beliefs! Some of

that latter may seem more mundane and practical, until you start exploring

Neural-linguistic programing (NLP) and Transpersonal Therapies- which is about as

close to magic as psychology will allow.

Beyond here be dragons.

There is evidence for psi. You can find it in the video here. You can find it in Leslie

Kean’s book, Surviving Death. You can find it in every Dean Radin interview. You can

find it in documents released through FOIA requests from the government concerning remote viewing. Even Eric Weinstein grudgingly admits there seems to be something to

this on Joe Rogan, though he offers this argument against remote viewing: If it’s real,

why haven’t you made a boatload of money spying on the future stock markets?

I suspect, in that argument, which is fair, lies an unexplored belief; material wealth is the only important life aspect worth working towards. Out of all the mediums and folks who

practice psi that I am aware of, there is an ethical quality that insists- there is more to this life than material wealth. Perhaps that’s a cop out. Weinstein would say that. He has said that! ‘If you wanted to prove something empirically, nothing better than


I have heard no one counter him with regard to the state of the world. The World Health

Organization consistently published research that shows first world nations score the

lowest on life satisfaction ratings compared to the third world countries. The US has the

highest rates of depression and loneliness in the world, but it’s the richest nation in the world. So, if we all sort of know that, in our unconscious minds, wouldn’t that be

exemplified in our own personal blocks to becoming rich and famous?

Other than we can’t all be rich and famous by definition.

Materialists may promote ideas like the Kardashians and super luxurious lifestyles of

the rich and famous and sports players etc., but that world is unsustainable. Not

everyone can have that. The world can't allow 9 billion people to all be Kardashians.

Statistically, most people that try for pro-sports don’t make it. That’s not a

recommendation for don’t try, but perhaps a recommendation to have a backup plan.

Some might even say, if you have a backup plan, you’re not committed enough to make

it… Which means, even materialists believe in magic as opposed to rationality?

Auerbach teaches people to be more psychic. Not just ESP and telepathy like

experiences, but also telekinesis, moving matter with the mind. Interestingly, he shares

that it bothers people so much to discover they can move matter with their mind that

they quit doing it! I share that, because there was a correspondence with remote

viewing. In Russel Targ’s book, Do You See What I See: Memoirs of a Blind Biker, he shares how he didn’t demonstrate remote viewing by showcasing his talent, but by

having people who questioned the practice follow the protocols, people convinced

themselves. To a one, everyone that followed the protocols had an unusually high

success for a first time viewing.

It freaked everyone that followed the protocol out. Some were so freaked out, they

never did it again. Doubt, and the conscious mind programming the subconscious mind,

“This can’t be real” blocked these people from going forwards to become more psychic in their daily lives.

They spent the rest of their lives trying to figure out how they were tricked.

We block ourselves more often than anyone or any agencies. Maybe sometimes people

give us doubt, but we cultivate it and make it so much bigger than doubt! We build walls

of disbelief.

Auerbach shares that in the cases of poltergeist, there is always a human agent

involved. Once you find the human that is so distressed that they’re psychic abilities are wreaking havoc on the immediate environment, and get them to take responsibility for

their subconscious tantrums, the poltergeist activity stops. It stops rather abruptly. The conscious mind says, ‘I can’t do this’ and it stops.

Except for a few who learn to cultivate their poltergeist abilities, which turns out to be a great stress relief. Think of Jedi floating rocks, effortlessly, under Yoda’s tutelage. This is not an effort thing. This is a relax and let it happen thing!

So in this sense, sometimes the conscious mind has power and authority over the

subconscious mind, even though, more often than not- the subconscious runs on

autopilot, giving you exactly what you believe.

We are programmed to receive…

Every time someone says we have learned everything there is to know, that has been

proven wrong. Auerbach shares how after the Wright brothers flew, the reporters

witnessed it, discussed it with other witnesses, and yet their journalistic endeavors were considered hoaxes because everyone in the world knew powered machines can’t fly.

We don’t receive input from the physical world. We receive ideas and constructs and

limitations. We obtain information from the world through our senses and our synthesis.

You are not your body. You are a soul, or consciousness, that is using this body. You are

not your heart. Your heart emotes and pushes blood. It can be replaced with another’s

heart, or a machine, or a cow's heart.

You are not that.

You are not your brain. Your brain is simply the organ that navigates the physical and

social worlds. You ask it questions, it tries to answer them. It will always provide you an answer, even if it’s wrong! This has been demonstrated by neural scientists who

severed the hemispheres of the brain in patients with severe epilepsy. You can read

more about that in the book, Who’s In Charge, by Michael Gazzaniga. It was always the left hemisphere, the rational side of the brain, that lied! It created explanations even

though it didn’t have a clue.

Mind you, you are not your belief! The brain gave you the belief, you accepted it! If we

run the Jedi metaphor again, Obi Wan instructs Luke not to trust his eyes, they deceive

him. I would say, don’t trust your beliefs! They are not yours any more than the cow’s

heart in a surgery.

You either have what you were given, or you have what you cultivated, but it doesn’t

mean you have insight into reality, but rather- you have a filter in which to measure


You are the soul, or consciousness, having a human experience. You have physical

senses, but you also have access to information in your subconscious and

superconscious minds. These attributes of mind exist, per psychology, which is a

science, though they can tell you how they know they are there to the degree they


Learning to have ESP is as simple as learning to listen to the other aspects of your


Maybe there is a deeper philosophy, like ‘we are one,’ which explains how

consciousness alone can move matter. Maybe we’re in a simulation. Science does like

that explanation, which may be the only avenue left for materialists to accept ‘it’s magic,’

because the corner they painted themselves into is that stark.

Maybe there is a reason why some folks see ghosts and others don’t. One, if we accept

there are ghosts, then we don’t see them with our eyes, or even our brain. Now, our

brains can synthesize data and give us information- in the form of hallucinations.

Sometimes, the information may even be valid, but what gets uploaded into conscious

experience may not be recognized as valid.

Maybe ghosts push neurons in the brain the way we push keys on a computer. Maybe

consciousness can commune with consciousness because it radiates information the

way a radio radiates and receives information.

If we allow that attention’s aspect to vary, from narrow to wide if you like, some folks

may have a better consciousness perspective than others. If I am reading and you

sneak up on me, I don’t know that you’re there because I am reading. If the material

isn’t holding me and my concentration picks up on the auditory signal of you stepping

up, I am more likely to surprise you.

But no matter how hard I listen, I will either hear you or not. You can’t will yourself to hear better. Sometimes trying harder decreases hearing because we tighten up. The

best you can do is learn to be quiet.

And of all this just to bring you here: It has always been in my quiet moments that magic

happened. This was likely the one thing that Auerbach shared in the podcast that

resonated with me the most. It was during my moments of not ‘efforting,’ or perhaps

exerting, that I experienced magic effortlessly.

So, for example, I engaged in biofeedback to learn to reduce migraines. You don’t will

yourself to be calm. You simply be still. I didn’t will my hands warmer. I simply assessed my hands. I felt my weight in the chair. I listened to my heart and my thoughts. I was

aware of my breathing. The only effort was likely bringing my attention to my thoughts

and stilling them with a mantra.

The more relaxed I became, the more the biofeedback measures revealed success. I

learned what that state felt like, and with each session I duplicated the results. With

each session, I took it a little further, a little deeper.

Until one day, the chair fell out from under me! I had a sudden sense of falling. I felt like I was falling out of my body, through the chair. My body tensed. My hands grabbed the

chair. The doctor, monitoring from outside the quiet room, came inside “Are you okay?”

From her perspective, all my biometrics spiked simultaneously.

Medical data reveals that the more relaxed we are the more our bodies tend to heal

themselves. We are more likely to improve when we consciously engage nature, and or

relax in a meditative like way. Tension, anxiety, and strong emotions tend to lead to

physical illness.

Hate, or anger, leads to illness. This is not just a Yoda thing. In Asian philosophy, anger is like eating a poison and hoping someone else will die.

This goes further. The times that I engaged in meditation, the more likely I was able to

hear the subtle voices within. Experiencing Loxy is likely the best self-evidence I have in that. I can’t prove she is there. I can only tell you the protocols I engaged in so that you may engage in them if you so desire.

Maybe those voices and Loxy are manifestations of beliefs, the same way a hypnosis

might convention something is real or unreal. Maybe these are archetypes. Maybe they

are ghosts. Maybe it was just imagination.

Still, imagination can give you heart attack- as reported by anyone who has ever had a random panic attack with no connecting explanation. Imagination certainly has a bad

rap for an attribute that can make or break you.

Even in imagination, there is a difference between willing imagination to go where you

want it, and allowing imagination to take you there. You need look no further than Carl

Jung on that score, with Active Imagination, or, perhaps Think and Grow Rich,

Napoleon Hill’s Invisible Counselor Technique.

Notice again, here are two of the greatest in their domains! Carl Jung, a psychiatrist,

and Napoleon Hill, the first self help guru with a book that still stands out as a

benchmark for its kind, advocating change in life by changing how we perceive the


By changing our beliefs.

Belief is fundamental. By definition, materialists put limits on our reality. That is a belief.

It’s a cold, dark world, with maybe a few nice days in the sun, but in the end, entropy

takes you. The dualist allows for a more expansive world, and by being open to more,

you receive more.

So, do I have experiences because I believe? Yes. I would say I have more experiences

because of what I believe.

Everyone can have experiences whether they believe or not. Those who don’t believe

can have inexplicable experiences, they’re just more likely to explain it away and miss

out on the extraordinary. They’re more likely not to report.

There is evidence that sometimes events in life increase the likelihood of experiencing

the inexplicable. Maybe that’s what CE5 is doing, just in going you're expecting to see

something and by belief do so. Maybe that explains the Lady of Fatima event.

Sometimes things happen because of ordinary events. If a ghost movie came out, ghost

sightings would increase. There were ghost sightings before the movie Ghost Busters,

but after that movie JFK had an increase in ghost reports. There were UFO sightings

prior to Stephen Spielberg’s Close Encounters movie. Some of those reports shaped the movie, as Spielberg used them as a model for the experience. After Close

Encounters, UFO sightings skyrocketed.

Then the government insisted it wasn’t real. Sightings went down.

Now, here is a John premise about belief. Media is so convoluted these days that there

isn’t one prevalent meme available to run society. Even if a UFO or ghost movie came

out, there might not be an increase in reported sightings because the numbers of population seeing said media didn’t reach the necessary threshold to result in increased

reporting of incidents.

Someone said ‘Slender-man,’ and suddenly there were hundreds of ‘slender-men?’

Someone said hitchhikers, then there were hitchhikers.

Now, fewer than ever are paying attention to media, traditional news outlets, or

governments, and so what is the government doing? They’re amping up their efforts to

push the paranormal. They’re saying UFOs are real. They are pushing alien

motherships into the public mind in news articles and at government press conferences.

Why are they doing this?

Are they summoning UFOs and ghosts by instructing our collective unconscious mind to

make it happen by seeding just enough people with the belief that it affects the whole?

Maybe aliens had a hard time coming to earth because they’re not aliens, but their

consciousness. Once we consciously accept the reality of ghosts and aliens, they will

arrive. The thing is, sometimes the negation of a belief is the very thing that solidifies the reality of it into being.


Apparitions (Ghosts), Consciousness, Science, ESP, Mediumship & more:

Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach

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Chapter 22 UFOs: Dramas and Demons

The human saga is full of mystical mysteries encompassing light and dark

aspects to reality. If duality is in us, is it in the phenomena?

There are things that scare me. Things that shouldn’t, like certain bugs. There are things I find unpleasant. Covid and Strep tests. I don’t care that it’s a cotton swab, I don’t want you coming at me with it. Needles, I am okay with needles. Not the cotton! Nathaniel Gil is, self-proclaimed religious demonologist, author, lecturer, podcaster, and not my cup of tea. He scares me. I am not saying he is wrong in his assessment, interjecting UFOs are demons as he lines up

anecdotes of the famous folks who went out of their way to summon forces they don’t

understand. I am saying, okay, so now where do we go from here?

The book… AI Art

Gil is strikes me as a showman, of the caliber of PT Barnum. He is dramatic. His gestures and movements are erratic, perhaps flare, attention seeking, or a means of distraction. It feels like voodoo. He is casting a spel on you. He captures you by asking permission to interject his philosophy. I can al ow for it to be sheer passion, that he has genuine concern and wants people to be more cautious. Perhaps he wants people to not engage in the phenomena at al . And in that, I don’t know what to make of it al .

As an analogy, our ancestors made the conscious decision to poke beehives with sticks. I

assume the initial results were disastrous, and in hindsight, perhaps amusing. People and bees scattered. Eventual y, we learned about bees. We pacified them. We got gold. Honey. Had we left them alone, we’d have been alright, but now, because we did that extraordinary action, our

relationship with bees is actual y to a symbiotic level that without them, human life would be greatly diminished.

Perhaps that’s a weak analogy. Bees are natural, you say. Wel , if the phenomena exists, it’s natural, too, we just don’t have a box or measure for it yet. The assumption in that is that everything that exists is by definition natural. If the phenomena is sentient, that would be a significant distinction between it and bees. Who is summoning who was the tagline Gil is

iterated throughout the Cristina Gomez podcast, the one you wil find linked below.

Gil is warns CE5 isn’t a protocol, it is a ritual. A very ancient ritual that has been renewed and re-patented over and over, resulting in humans having some very negative consequences with each iteration. Like Raiders of the Lost Ark, revealing the mysteries starts off as light, seductive, entertaining and accommodating, and then it smiles skul teeth and eats your face.

Assuming Gil is has a point, and it is not the humans summoning the entities, but the entities are summoning us- then, what can you do about that? It is what it is, right? You read enough UFO

books, you wil see iterations of anecdotes where people were compel ed to go somewhere to

be abducted. The phenomena didn’t just come to them, it lured them to it!

Even if you don’t engage in a practice to participate in a greater reality, does just thinking about it awaken it? What you think about also thinks about you. What you look for is looking for you.

Those last two thoughts are fundamental concepts in most mystical traditions, and it’s steep in any of the summoning and manifesting rituals, especial y around those that encourage people to manifest wealth, as in the self-help books like the Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Is it the phenomena or is it us?

Cristina Gomez raised an important objection that I believe Gil is failed to address. Not verbatim, but the essence of her objection is al faiths and human practices have a reliance on belief. We are al engaging in something al the time. Even the atheist, if you al ow, are channeling

something, even if it’s nothing, and clearly, per science, nothing is something.

I can make an argument about al faiths, including my own, that none of us truly know what

we’re engaging in. By definition, higher powers and spirituality have dimensions that are

superior to humans in orders of magnitudes beyond our ability to reason. This is why we

interject faith.

There are times when we just have to let go and trust, not everything is bad and going to eat us.

We al die. Some are content that death is just the end. No more. For those who believe there is something else, wel - they go where they go. I have found comfort in the idea that there is a consistent architecture from Near Death Experiences, that there is a tunnel and a light and place cal ed home. And then some bastards went and proposed ‘soul traps,’ and the light tunnel architecture is the mechanism that keeps souls locked on earth in this reincarnation game.

How do you beat something that’s smarter than you? Those bastards even set up this magical grid that shocks you into compliance and gives you amnesia so you’re more prone to do the

bidding of those manipulating you.

The karma/dharma route that much of the world holds onto imposes a debt relationship to

reincarnation, which seems little better than being netted, shocked, and reinserted into a mouse maze experiment. What life doesn’t incur debt? Every life comes with lessons, hard earned, which means you wil have undoubtedly caused someone enough grief that you can expect to

be sent back.

The Abrahamic religions give us the same structure, in a sense, where at the end we’re judged, good or bad. It doesn’t matter if we were influenced by peers, angels and devils, which the faith clearly says is real. Never mind God and the Devil negotiated to what extent Job was to be tested. Tortured. Is there a difference when it comes to the phenomena? In the end- it al boils down to our behavioral choices.

That raises the question of fairness. Evoking angels and demons means there are forces

greater than human capabilities, and so how can a soap bubble resist the wind?

Would it truly be bad form if a soap bubble cursed its fate as the wind blew it towards thorns? Is it naïve if the soap bubble says, ‘oh, look at the flowers’ before it pops?

I am inviting you into this process of reasoning through this with me because I don’t have an answer. I have a goal. I want to dispense with fear. Gil is invokes fear. Is it reasonable, or is this just the thing that we humans have to face and overcome?

From the Jungian perspective, it is the fear and our own internal psychological structures that hold us back. You don’t run from nightmares. Wherever you go, they go with you because they are internal. They are yours! They are your demons to overcome. To overcome nightmares, you have to attend to them, go into them, dissolve them with understanding.

A practice of embracing those nightmares with love, compassion, and understanding has

always been more effective than ignoring, avoiding, and or squashing.

Jung is very clear, you don’t become enlightened by imagining beings of light, but instead by running towards the shadows. The light is on the other side. If I al ow my understanding of psychology and Jungian thought to influence this line of reasoning, my cultivated response is to engage the phenomena.

I can be afraid of the world and stay at home. There are assholes in the world. There are people who wil take advantage of my naivety and my openness. I am actual y fairly open. My

boundaries vary. But if I stay at home, I miss out on al the good stuff, too. There are way more good people and good experiences to be had. In finding good in people, cultivating good

experiences, our net gain is positive.

Is the phenomenon Pandora’s box? Maybe! That anecdote fits wel . There is good and bad in anything, but once you open the lid, you have to examine everything in the box. Maybe that too is the test to know if we’re ready. We have darkness in us, but how many of us explore that to find out if there is more good on the other side?

Many people engaging in CE5 have good experiences? Dr. Steven Greer is clearly an advocate for CE5 and he says ‘it’s al good.’ I am not a fan of ‘it’s al good.’ I am an advocat for, ‘it is what it is.’ So, for as naïve as I suggest I can be, like Gil is, there is something about Greer that gives me pause. He speaks wel . I assume an agenda beyond the agenda he defends, pushing the

UFO phenomena as ‘it’s al good…’ I am waiting for the smiling skul s and the face eating


Cause let’s face it, there are some not pleasant stories we need to contend with, in which Gil is hits a home run. UFO abductions against people’s wil . People clearly can be manipulated.

People being bred against their wil . People having babies and babies taken from them. You would almost think the Earth is a farm for humans, and we only think we control the world.

Or, what we do to the world, it does to us?

If the phenomena is sentient, and is partialed out into a continuum of entities, then can’t we assume there wil be some bad and some good? That seems to be the significant feature of

intel igence and or sentience. Choice. We affect our realities. We affect it in orders of magnitude that we don’t understand or appreciate. Our thinking, both the conscious and unconscious

vectors, affect our immediate reality. We draw good and bad towards us al the time.

We have more power and authority than we are led to believe. In looking at the phenomena, are we giving up something? Is there an exchange rate? Are we entangled?

Wel heck. We live on earth, in a physical life that is dependent on every other thing in the universe, the good and the bad of it al , and so of course we’re entangled. We’re enmeshed, by definition.

And so, whether I attend to it or not- if the phenomena is real and it is demons, how is ignoring it any better than blindly engaging it? I am glad our ancestors poked the beehive with a stick. If we’re lucky, maybe if enough people poke the phenomena, we wil find a new gold.

What say you? The two videos I offer show the contrast between the potential pros and cons of the thing we’re discussing.


TOP 5 Occult UFO Entity Cases

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Ep. 1758 Serena DC: The CE5 Experience

Chapter 23 Star Beings We Are

Philosophical y, we are stardust. The atoms comprising our bodies, our planet, everything we have named is composed of the bones of dead stars. I like that philosophy. I like engaging in strange thought experiments. It is not always a complete departure from reality to engage in fancy. There seems to be themes that get recapitulated over time. Carl Jung and Joseph

Campbel would say ‘of course, there are archetypal energies and beings in our unconscious

that wil always manifest in perpetuity.’ Engaging, whether from a philosophical or fictional treatise, makes the spiritual and psychological tangible enough to explore.

Fiction and fantasy aren’t just fluff for escapism. It is a way of modeling systems to explore potential outcomes. Those fictions that resonate with you are likely aligned with your archetypal mission. The person on the Hero’s Journey wil identify with Luke Skywalker or Dorothy of


They are, essential y, one and the same.

Al systems of understanding engage in this modeling behavior, whether it is systems of

science, spirituality, philosophy, or art. Einstein cal ed it thought experiments. We

compartmentalize these domains. Fiction also is domain locked, in the sense the physics and social protocols for each universe is usual y limited to that particular line of inquiry, with sometimes crossovers al owed.

Science explores a version of this by al owing a multiverse explanation for the probability that al realities exist. This doesn’t necessarily mean worlds of fiction exist, that’s not the position of the many worlds theory. But in truth, can we rule that out? As long as we’re engaging in theory, can we not extend the metaphor, or the metaphorical stick, and say the universe goes this much further?

Preamble Caveats

Whenever a person explores something that sounds crazy, you’d almost expect someone to

need a lead in of sorts. Star Wars started with the Fox Fanfare, fol owed by its theme, and then prose. The prose is the set up that helped transition us into a story already in progress. This is why the story Amistad opens up on a ship in motion and ends the same way. Star Wars, a ship being pursued, a firefight in space, over a planet that also has a strange, bizarre history… Many archetypes here are being evoked and each one can unpack a mil ion years of its own history and caveats.

The philosophy unfolds there-in. Ancient weapons and hokey religions and creatures great and smal .

Some heroes go to the desert to figure out their mission. Luke was found living there.

Author Tom T. Moore, guest on a Coast-to-Coast episode found below gives us a Star Wars for real scenario in his story. I am not going to summarize his position here, as he does a good enough job explaining himself, even in invoking Star Wars as a metaphor. Star Wars has this hidden archetypal energy that might explain its popularity, and why so many invoke it. It’s a Tarot Card that gets played a lot. Somewhere, in our souls and hearts, it resonates with us to such a degree that we’re like… Oh, yeah, this is truth.

An increase in popularity doesn’t equal an increase in validity. I certainly resonate with Moore’s narrative. I find correlation, both in science, psychology, and other works of fiction and nonfiction, and you can, too, if you al ow each bit of domain evidence with even minimal

crossover relevance as nothing more than curiosity of recapitulated iterations that suggest there is a theme worth exploring.

So, for example, Moore discusses the human soul as fragmented bits of a larger,

multidimensional entity. If you don’t tune out because he evoked soul but al ow Sigmund Fruend and Carl Jung both cal ed for the necessity of ‘personality fragments’ existing, and al persons are a col age of these archetypal energies, then we could argue we’re discussing the same


I also have noted some similarities in variance between what Moore speaks on aligning and

contrasting with authors like Delores Cannon and Michael Newton, and a number of other

authors that I could piecemeal together in col age fashion to make a whole.

If we just al ow in this essay a focus on his Star Wars for real treatise and al ow that there was this epoch battle throughout the metaphorical heavens, and the treaty to end al wars was for many species to form a Federation then we have a set up for a variation of Earth’s origin that has been spoken before, elsewhere, and not just with Moore.

Some people have cal ed earth a prison planet. Merciless, ruthless warriors were sent to Earth to recover their sanity. We know the truth of this. Many people who go to war end up with PTSD.

It takes time to recover. Some don’t.

Some people cal Earth a great experiment. Souls agree to come to Earth to find a way to live peaceful y with other beings! Many souls who prefer different biological avatars agreed to be human in order to resolve our serial grievances of outstanding trauma debts, and learn to love even our enemies because it is the only way to end wars.

Some of us humans are hybrids, so that we can have a smidgeon of ability to relate to aliens, to improve interspecies dialogue. Humans may be in training for the great peace agenda.

And thinking of this, I found a similar iteration in Star Trek, original episode, the Arena. Humans and reptilians were engaged in interstel ar conflict that might erupt into war. A superior, spiritual y oriented race interrupted the war and put the Gorn Captain and Kirk on a planet to resolve their conflict. In doing so, the superior beings said, we wil not have this barbaric, interstel ar war. You wil determine your outcome here, and we wil enforce it.

Kirk won, and could have had the entire Gorn species removed from the map, but he asked for mercy, and a better understanding of things.

There is another Trek iteration, Let This Be Your Last Battlefield. Whether our wars are internal, a single species battling itself in race or class wars, or clashes between multitudes of species-the verdict is in: war causes more suffering than it solves problems. Even after a victor is declared, it does not end the chain of trauma that is perpetuated through time, social y and epigenetical y, resulting in future re-enactments of trauma.

There is a reason for the statement that the sins of the father wil last seven generations.

There’s some truth in it.

How many generations, or iterations of trauma before we


Imagine you are immortal. You wil have physical lives that can end, but you wil just reincarnate.

There is no end to you. So, if an enemy kil s you, you wil be back. You kil them, they wil be back, too. How long wil the war persist? Til we stop kil ing each other.

If God and the devil are both immortals, and equal in authority over their domains, and neither could kil the other- how does the war over light and dark ever end? Is there a way to live in harmony and balance, as evidenced by Jungian shadow work? In the Yin Yang?

Is that why humans find themselves in the dead middle of everything? Are we the mediators of light and dark?

Imagine you have a nemesis. A perfect nemesis, your opposite. You and that being are locked together in an internal struggle. This, too, is the subject of a Star Trek episode, the Alternative Factor. There is a multiverse, and of two of these mirrored universes one is of matter, one is of antimatter. Person meets his antimatter self, who is insane. If they meet in person in one universe, both universes wil cease to exist. To save both universes, they battle in an in-between place for al eternity.

Maybe we come to earth to mature as souls, become more loving, even in the face of our

nemesis. Maybe when we learn to help our nemesis thrive, we ourselves thrive.

But what if, our soul and its nemesis are two separate beings, but we incarnate into the same person? Now the equation is even more complicated, because we are both the solution and the anti-solution. We can only ignore the problem for so long, but eventual y we must confront ourselves and integrate our other aspects in order to be a whole, unfragmented person.

I as a fel ow human am unable to tel you the validity of these thoughts, except from a

counseling perspective, more often than not humans having difficulties stem from trauma and inner psychological dramas that impede personal progress.

The greatness of our personhood is not evidenced by the accumulation of wealth, but by our recovery from injuries and grievances, real and perceived, to the degree that we demonstrate love and patience to ourselves and al beings around us.

That measure seems essential to me. I would like to say that in no book or movie does anyone ever celebrate the solitary, miserable old person who has never reconciled with life and others.

We celebrate the man who was changed by the ghost of Christmas. We celebrate the prodigal


The truth of the matter is, we do celebrate some darkness. Darth Vader is likely one of the greatest vil ains of al time.

It turns out he was family.

Our face was in the mask inside the shadow of the tree.

The son redeems the father.

And so, could we extrapolate this much meaning in the idea behind reincarnation? We become the sons and daughters that have returned to heal our parents, who in truth, is genuinely just us?

May your day be fil ed with wonder and thoughts and daydreams of more peaceful days. Should you find yourself in drama, celebrate these trials for you are the Jedi, the one chosen to confront this darkness. You are the star beings of light sent to make amends. And remember, at the end of that long family battle, the battle was won with Luke through down his weapon and claimed his authority.

I am a Jedi, like my father before me. I wil not kil him.

with love, fel ow star being.


The Earth Experiment, E.Ts from Sirius B, and the Cosmic War that Lasted for 27,000 Universal

Years, a Coast to Coast AM Official…

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Chapter 24 No Ouija Boards Required

We’re all capable of mediumship, but how many are capable of zero judgment?

One of the consistent messages you will hear on Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer

Shaffer and Richard Martini is that you don’t have to be special to be a medium. We’re

all mediums. We’re all psychics. Any hypnotist worth their salt will say something similar, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. That doesn’t mean having a hypnotist is a cheat or

negative reflection on the person seeking change. Many people when learning to ride a

bike need training wheels, a guide. Some people just get on and ride. You can learn to

ride a bike. You can learn to be a medium, psychic, channel, remote viewer or a bike

rider because it’s just an innate quality humans have access to.

Night Café, AI human art collaboration

When I see the planchette I think of Star Trek. It’s usually a heart shaped object, a focal point for the conscious and subconscious minds to meet. When your fingers lightly

touch the piece, there’s an opening- a space of expectation that allows a response to be


Maybe the response comes from others. Maybe it comes from you consciously. Maybe

your subconscious has an idea. Scientists that split the human brain by removing the

corpus callosum found the left and right hemisphere had separate, and radically

different personalities. If you use a Ouija with someone, you double the number of

influencers, and create a new set. For every arrangement of 2 or more people, you get

a group personality.

Our bodies know things. Our subconscious minds know things. If you allow, science has recently interjected in a journal writing that individuals cells may have more going on

than what we allow! We know the subconscious mind is there. There is no debate about

that. Interestingly, there is this big empty space in everyday life where we avoid

discussing the impact of a subconscious mind on daily living!

Subconscious mind is bigger than the conscious mind, by all measures in all text books.

It affects us. Carl Jung suggested there is even a collective unconscious mind. I

maintain Jung’s idea is more magical than psychologists allow, but even if we restrain it

to subtly mundane modes of information exchange, it is still spooky!

As spooky as three people on a planchette asking questions to the air.

Why don’t we talk about it? Why don’t we teach people how to engage in it? Engaging it

could change your life! Could it be that if we don’t know about it, how it functions and

interacts, we’re more likely to be the slaves of our unconscious mind. For sure, not

knowing our unconscious motivators makes us vulnerable to being manipulated by

those who know how to manipulate those who are sleepwalking through life?

There is a reason why product placement results in impulse buying. We are all

vulnerable to suggestions.

Telling people they have these abilities seems to anger a certain set of people,

especially those who claim science as their cloak, but then refuse to look at evidence

without bias. Almost any abilities that spook people will result in fear or anger. Best case scenario, conversations get shut down. Worse case scenario, you get burned at the


Giordano Bruno could have brought enlightenment to a

dark time…

Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana Anders and Giordano Bruno, Podcast below is worth listening to. If you’re a skeptical type, just use this vehicle as an exercise in decreasing judgment. I have said this channel should have a million subscribers, and

apparently, some other listeners agree! They discuss that and an extraordinary man of

faith and science: Giordano Bruno.

Do you suppose Bruno Mars was influenced by Giordano? Tangent, maybe not right,

but those quirky inner interjections are where the magic happens. It’s like music. You

hear it and play it out to see if it goes anywhere.

The podcast is a vehicle, a planchette that shifts our focus. Every word and phrase and vehicle is that essential thing that moves the heart and mind the way notes move the

listener through the melody. We can get up in the notes of life, but if we pan back, we

find the symphony by name.

What thoughts and images come to your mind as you listen? It’s okay to go off on

tangents. Explore that, and when you come back, you can rewind the podcast and look

for that thing that resulted in you traveling.

Did your inner voice give you something useful, or something fun?

Did you know Bruno informed the world in word and writing that planets go around the

sun before Galileo said the same? Did you know he had what today we call Near Death

Experiences? Two, actually.

Galileo recanted to avoid a torturous death. Not a disparagement. You come at me with

torture, I am going to recant. That’s why I’ll never get to play Jesus. (*Sees instruments of torture* “What, no no. I am no king. Can’t walk across your swimming pool. I am even

allergic to chlorine, ever since I was drowned that one time. My mother is a virgin? Are

you kidding? She and dad were getting it on all over the desert. They weren’t married at

the time, and they were trying to save face. Nope, no magic here…”)

Apparently, Bruno didn’t recant, or they called him a liar. You can’t always win, even with the truth. People that want to hang you are going to hang you. (Damn, that was an

unfortunate life.) You can’t go all Shakespeare in a Tennessee Williams’ play. “This is

not a tragedy, Sir!” Seriously, that street car wasn’t a train wreck from the beginning?

If we hadn’t practiced burning people at the stake, witches and the like, and listened to

people who have access to unconscious archetypes, would society be further along?

Even if you didn’t believe a person, we just recorded the information and allowed it to

be- would we have more evidence that there is something here that our instruments of

measure are just inadequate to light on?

I don’t think that will always be true, as fMRIs are now able to image our brains and

make videos of dreams. People with multiple personalities have physiological and

neurological changes in biometrics when they switch. People who channel demonstrate

clear neurological changes in brainwaves. Tibetan monks have demonstrated for

science they can do things with their bodies, as far back as the 70s, as evidenced in the

book the Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson, if you allow that as science of the

subtle. Monks can do amazing things, like raise their body temperature significantly,

something that westerners just can’t do because- why? We don’t believe therefore we

block the potential?

The ability to affect your own physiology subconsciously has been demonstrated, verified, and re-verified by science. Society even laments the opioid crisis, and yet

insurance and society are not promoting biofeedback as an alternative. It is in the

literature that people who are taught biofeedback and can learn to raise the temperature

in their hands by just one degree see a decrease in the frequency of migraines. Why

don’t we teach this? Why don’t we give people back their own power?

Why don’t we teach listening to our intuition?

The world is not consistent

One of the complaints about hypnotism and unconscious work, or mediumship, and the

like, is that it's not consistent. Tell me one thing in human life that is? We know things we need to do, like quit smoking, not fight with each other, be more active, take better

care of ourselves, our families, and the earth- and yet we don’t demand corporations

make one power cord to rule them all so we can reduce the amount of accessories we

have to buy and throw away with each equipment change. We haven’t stopped wars.

That clearly can’t be good for the environment.

We’re not rushing to plant a trillion trees and create forests and biomes that can benefit the earth, the atmosphere, life, and us.

But okay. We’re souls and we’re learning at our own collective rate. Some collective

souls need to touch rock bottom before change occurs. I will practice non judgment, and

love for my collective.

Remote viewing has some home runs and a statistical rate of success that says

something is here. NDEs have an accuracy rate that says something is here, and those

saying it’s not- are not aware of the actual studies available because they won’t read.

Reincarnation has some astounding studies, and statistically- there is something here to

explore, even if it’s not what people think it is. I think it is exactly what it looks like, but hey, I am open science exploring this without my own bias. There is evidence for UFOs

being driven by non-human intelligence, and even Avi Loeb is lamenting scientists won’t

look at the evidence, and are blocking him from pursuing science, even when that

science is publicly funded by donations.

Don’t you find that fact curious?

John E Mack was nearly thrown out of Harvard because he suggested people seeing

aliens were not having mental health issues. He could not get people to look at the

evidence. He eventually came to a realization, humans don’t like facts, evidence, or

objective truth- they always operate from beliefs first.

We change worlds when we change our personal social beliefs. We change our own worlds when we change our own limiting beliefs. By changing ourselves first, we begin

to change social beliefs because we’re all connected all the time. Spooky action at a

distance is real.

Man in the Mirror, a Michael Jackson homerun. How do you change yourself, look in the mirror and make the change. Mirrors used to be the tool of mediumship. You don’t need

a mirror or a Ouija board to look in, but it’s okay if you start with a guide and training wheels. We all start somewhere.

There are protocols for accessing subtle information. We can communicate with spirits,

aliens, animals, plants- to the Earth itself! If we’re listening, not judging, we get very clear answers. These answers, in isolation, are easier to dismiss. But when you have

tens of thousands of people saying the same thing, it becomes meaningful.

Clearly, there are mediums working alongside law enforcement that are accurate

enough that authorities keep interacting with them. The US had a psychic spy program

for 20 years, and that protocol has not died out after the ‘office’ was disbanded. Do you

really suppose the government would stop using a technique that worked? Where do

you think black-ops money goes?

I dabble. I get results. I think I am a better guide than a practitioner. I love talking about this stuff, and I do so whenever the air seems open. This week I got a block, a person

said- that’s a belief system, not science, and it’s of the devil.

I chose not to argue, or present evidence to the contrary. The job isn’t to persuade

people. Instead, in this case, the conversation was an exploration of their thoughts,

beliefs, and experiences. It’s reasonable to celebrate that, too. It’s not wrong, precisely.

It’s a perspective bias. Like looking at art, when you’re up close and in the tapestry, you only see the strands in front of you. Step back, you see more of the picture.

Image 56

Surprisingly, if you do that long enough you and that person frequently find that you

were both on the same page the whole time. Language can get in the way of knowing.

The tapestry of earth is such a large canvas we likely can’t see it all while in human

bodies, from a soul perspective, we can step back and see much more detail. Not a

hundred percent at any one time, because even as souls- we are shaped by our beliefs

and experiences, aligning with guides and peers that share our level of understanding

and capabilities.

Every new life, we grapple with the metaphorical elephant. This life is the trunk. Last life was the tail. Yeah, in one lie I got strangled, and another I got pooped on, but I am not

giving up. I want to know about elephants.

If you’re brave, I always recommend wading out further in this pool. Eye closed, being

still- you get the sense there are other people in the pool with you. People you couldn’t



Downloads from the Universe

Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana Anders and Giordano Bruno

Individual cells are smarter than thought

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Chapter 25 Who Says There is No Evidence for Aliens?

Or a measure for love?

LTC Wendel Stevenson (USAF-retired) died September 10, 2010. To say he was a prominent

agent in the UFO field is likely an understatement. Anyone who says there is no evidence for UFOs, or that UFOs are likely driven by non-human intel igence simply hasn’t done their

homework. There is overwhelming evidence. Per John E Mack, not verbatim, the reason why

people can’t see the evidence, even when you put it right in front of their eyes, is because our paradigms blind us to the greater reality. We do not see with our eyes, but with our hearts and mind.

The above photo was taken in Mancuria, China, somewhere between 1940–42, during the

Japanese occupation. To hear LTC Stevenson recount it, the entire street paused to observe it!

You can hear Stevenson discuss this and other images. In his col ection, he has over 4,000

thousand images of UFOs that he has obtained.

The longer disclosure is delayed, the more credible witnesses we lose. For those who served in the military, such as Stevenson, the longer the delay the more we dishonor their service. In the video, From Beyond UFO Sightings Part 1, found below, Steven describes his assignment in which the aircraft assigned to him would record their interactions with UFOs over the Artic, they

would box the film up, handcuff it to an agent, and send that person to Washington where it was taken up.

If you accept the word of an officer in the air force, those in command actual y have UFO

evidence. They’ve had it for a very long time. They had evidence of craft emerging from and entering the oceans back in the 50s! Humanity certainly didn’t have that. Not then. One might argue, we don’t have that now! These craft flew circles around our fighters! Literal y. Our jets are flying and their craft are orbiting our craft! You don’t have to take my word for it. Here is Lt Colonel Stevenson saying that!

The call for evidence.

In a recent Medium article, Thank You For Your Service to Blue Skies Science! , Doctor Avi Loeb pays tribute to our military. There's a thumbnail pic of Navy pilot, Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich, who reported on UAP in 60 Minutes. She flew with ‘Skipper’ Retired Navy Commander David Fravor, who reported on prime time news, 2017, that he engaged a UFO. I love that! His conversation with Lex Fridman is likely the best 4 hours unpacking this story you wil ever spend!

Yay them for coming forwards. God bless them for serving. That’s genuine. My father served 22

years in the Navy. His last tour was on the Enterprise. I did not serve, but there were years where the most I got from my dad was letters, while he was out at sea on the Saratoga. Families of those who serve give, too.

We should not forget the others that came forward to tel their stories! Yes, most of what we have may be anecdotal. We need to col ect those, too! Some of those stories come with

evidence, like photos. In his article Loeb suggests the only worthy data is quantitative.

Qualitative data is just as important to understand a thing as quantitative. Most human data has a qualitative, narrative driven component to understanding. If this weren’t true, more people would have seen the hard UFO data and said, ‘yes, there is something to this.’

June 24, 1947, Kenneth Arnold described UFOs he saw while flying near Mount Rainer. He did not cal them flying saucers. The media cal ed them flying saucers and the term became

cemented in the public mind. I submit to you, it would not have stuck if it were not for the fact people were seeing ‘saucer’ shaped craft everywhere, as evidenced by the thumbnail pic

attached to this essay, which you can find addressed by Stevenson in the video found below!

Many saucer shaped craft were photographed prior to Arnold’s public disclosure. He didn’t even have a photo! It was just his narrative. His qualitative experience quantitatively changed the world. That’s undeniable.

Richard Haines, PhD, and NASA scientist, From Beyond UFO Sightings Part 2, found below states very clearly how to approach photographic evidence:

You evaluate the photographer, the equipment, the lens, the developmental process, the

enlarging process, THE NARRATIVE STORY, and you have congruence, then you proceed to

analysis. The story can’t be excised from this phenomena. Before Avi Loeb declared there is evidence for aliens, Doctor Haines was saying there is evidence.

He also said there is evidence that humans are in denial about this phenomena.

David Fravor engaged a UFO. Yes, they col ected data, hard data. That doesn’t tel you how he felt when the object clearly engaged him. How did he know it engaged him? Wel , listen to his story.

The loss of data

One of the things that happens as society evolves, we lose data. The closest we get to our past is found in the oldest person in your life. Honor them wel , for when they’re gone- you are the only bridge to the past.

Society evolves, data gets lost! Yes, there are some people who stil have record players and LPs. I donated my laserdisc player and my movies to UNT. I no longer have any VHS tapes, or Betamax. CDs are stil available, but since flash drives are much easier and hold more- that’s dying off. Even the bulk of my library is gone, in favor of digital, and a change in tech or service could mean the loss of data!

No one alive today can tel you how the pyramids were built. There are cultures and ways of being that have permanently left us.

Stevenson was a reliable witness to a phenomenon in an age where very few listened. Our ears are a little more attentive, and there is the ghost of Stevenson on VHS. Someone took the time to upload it to the internet. When the academics look for evidence, wil they consider this? Are they turned off by the rough edges of a VHS that didn’t translate wel through time and medium changes?

Sergeant Clifford Stone made it a little further, leaving this Earth February 10, 2021. Though he did not see the promise of a day where the world shared in the knowledge of non-human

intel igence interacting openly with humans, per his own narrative- he had no doubt. He, too, had a story to tel .

We’re al going to leave this Earth. Many of us wonder, when we do leave, what wil they say about us? Even scientists, when memorialized, are not quantitatively expounded on. We say

goodbye by tel ing our narratives. This was my experience with this person. They influenced me.

They inspired me to be better, in thought, in action, in love.

You can’t real y measure love scientifical y. You can measure it qualitatively, and there is science to qualitative measures. We don’t just make shit up. Suffering, for example, fal s on a subjective scale. Sure, we agree on a 10 scale and most of us can utilize that to communicate pain,

grieving, hope…

Most of the time, we don’t measure life, we experience life. We look up and we have experiences. We know what we saw! It was solid. It was metal ic! It hovered. It was huge! It was silently hovering. It defied understanding. “I was afraid it might fal .” It had an aura. It accelerated away so fast that wasn’t even a blur, it was just gone, but you absolutely have a sense it moved. At that speed, you’d expect wind, or sonic boom, but it was gone as if movie magic cut it from the frame of existence we occupy.

Yeah, maybe it’s not measurable in its own existence, but is measurable in it’s impact on our lives. People don’t just relate to the measure of the physicality of a thing, but to the meaning that flavors our life in its wake.


LTC Wendel Stevenson (USAF-retired), obituary

From Beyond UFO Sightings Part 1

From Beyond UFO Sightings Part 2

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Chapter 25 Are Mantis Beings Aliens, or Past Residents of Earth

Before there were mammals, there were dinosaurs. Before there were dinosaurs, there

were insects. Giant Insects. A change in environment results in a change in who rules

the world. Giant insects ruled the world! What if the environment isn’t just reactive, but a co-evolving part of the medium that allows for a diversity in intelligence to come and go

in many forms?

Andrei Tapalaga: Giant Insects Used To Rule the Planet Before Dinosaurs

If you follow the UFO lore, humans are contending with several reptilian species. Are

they the same who ruled the Earth for millions of years? Hundreds of millions of years?

At the rate we’re going, will humans live as long?

The Silurian hypothesis suggests there could have been sentient reptilian species.

Maybe UFOs belong to them. Maybe they’re aliens, or maybe they hail from Earth, and

they are sophisticated enough not to get involved in micromanaging mother nature

because they learned the hard way to interfere with mother nature, or they’re the ones

regulating mother nature, not us.

There was a time when the Earth’s atmosphere was primarily CO2. Life thrived. One

particular plant or critter started storing carbon and releasing O2. It was the

environmental crisis of the day, and at some point, a major shift happened and suddenly

Earth’s atmosphere was O2 saturated to the point most things died off. The air changed.

The waters changed. The Earth changed. There have been many changes, many

cycles, and we’re just riding the wave.

Never before seen critters have come and gone. We may not even know the half of it.

There were big creatures and small creatures. There creatures that were big which are

now small, as if they were intentionally miniaturized. Life, mother nature, is neither

impressed nor limited by humans. Humans will align with her, or go the way of

dinosaurs and giant insects. Or maybe we will be Barbie sized.

In that new, oxygen rich environment, insects thrived. They were giants. It's enough to

make a person wonder if the human fascination with ‘giants’ isn’t a product of knowing

there were and are. Aren’t whales giants? Could present day humans be a fraction of

what we were?

Praying Mantis Beings

In the UFO lore, there are insectoid species. Praying Mantis Beings are often noted as

being in charge, and all the other aliens defer to them, respectfully. Humans who have

encountered praying mantis beings claim they feel nothing but love from these entities.

If Praying Mantis Beings exist, if they were the first sentient species on earth, wouldn’t they be the wise old souls we should be seeking counsel from? Giant insects were

before us, before dinosaurs…

An ancient petroglyph depicting a creature that is half mantis, half man, has

been discovered in central Iran. The rock art dates to somewhere between

40,000 and 4,000 years ago, and suggests the preying mantis has

fascinated humans for thousands of years.

Giant insects fascinate us, Mantis Being fascinates us. The thing is, we keep finding

artifacts in the past that align with a particular, present reality that UFOs are real, and Mantis Beings are just one of the things that come with that! So, when our ancestors

painted a praying mantis on a rock adding human attributes, does it suggest something

may not just be fascination?

Insect beings appear within mythologies throughout the world, including

Native American and African folklore. The Khoisan tribe of Africa specifically

regard the mantis as the first living creature upon the Earth, who granted life

to animals and humans, inventing language and bringing fire to the people. It

is even said that the mantis created the moon as a guide for hunters by

throwing a gallbladder into the sky.

Our time on Earth is limited.

Every epoch of earth had a privileged creature or two. Maybe the game of Earth is to

determine what creature is most fit to thrive. Or maybe to determine who is the most

compatible with a diversity of creatures, able to maintain/sustain their particular

environmental niche. It is likely beyond the reach of humanity, definitely beyond the

reach of this author, to speculate the purpose of life. Existential angst has been the

driving force for a host of philosophical endeavors.

Scientists report insects can feel, do they have philosophies? They can see in different

light frequencies, doesn’t that give them insight into the world we don’t have? They have

a sense of direction and can do math.

Humans keep believing in giants. Well, there were giants in the past. Giant reptilians.

Giant insects. Reptilians are mostly small now. They adapted to global change. Some

are the same size they have always been. Insects are much smaller today. Scientists

have all sorts of reasons, usually suggesting oxygen levels affected that. The average

height of humans is going up, but what if we could do Matt Damon’s human shrinking

bit? Is this also the way of things?

Is there quantum technology that could shrink beings? Could the Praying mantis today

be the descendent of giants? Robert Hooke in 1675, stated, “If I see further, it is

because I stand on the shoulders of giants…”

The environment is changing. For a species considers itself so smart, we have yet to

adapt and slow our roll. I don’t even blame the masses. Hypothetically, if we can’t agree

on one type of charger and companies depend on the selling of accessories, then isn’t

waste on companies competing? How many versions of things do we need? How is it

competition when they offer us the same thing with just slightly altered parts so no

group of things are compatible with other things, which results in people having multiple

sets of things, as opposed to building in compatibility with all existing things?! Simply

allowing people to be creative in combinations- also resulting in minimalist mindsets.

Could humans learn something from insects and actually be more ‘social?’

Legos and Mega block stand out to me as a good example of this unnecessary

variance. So is the swiffle mop. I don’t really pay attention to things, and so when I

bought new cleaning pads, I didn’t realize I bought the wrong brand. It doesn’t fit the

mop head.

How smart am I? How smart are we?! Do we have better things to devote time to than

variance to the degree we waste resources?

Humans and the environment would benefit from one charging cord. Not buying new accessories every time you upgrade would be good for us and the environment.

Einstein wore one outfit. He didn’t want to spend time deciding what he was going to

wear. Why are we so worried about accessorizing when we could have tech like 3d

printers creating clothes, and when we’re done we could recycle the material and make

new clothes? We have the ability to make every human independent, autonomous, and

sovereign over their space- and if we gave them time, not only would they improve their

space, but communities would come together to improve their shared space.

Life has always been trickle up, not trickle down.

Old Souls exist. If Mantis Beings are evidence of a species of giant insects that lived a

billion years ago, they qualify for an old soul.

I have been accused of being an old soul. The older I get, the younger I feel. I must

admit, I am not really a fan of insects. Intellectually, from a distance, we’re good. In my house, not so much. Praying Mantis is something cool and I wouldn’t want to harm one.

I don’t know who I would call to take it outside, though, if it got in the house.

In one of the fictions I created, using active imagination as the technique to explore the subconscious, two mantis being presented themselves. They were definitely old souls.

They were very loving. But even so, my first question was whether or not mating ended

with one of them getting their brain’s eaten.

They were amused. They made jokes about it. “I wear a motorcycle helmet.”

There was a praying mantis being in another story I wrote, which I carried from high

school. Its name was Moa. Mother of All. Its eggs were precious in that it contained all

the necessary ingredients to kick start life on a planet. The egg itself would change the

environment over eons so that its kind could be germinated.

There is narrative evidence in the UFO lore that Mantis beings are overseers of life.

If Mantis Beings, and superior aliens exist, the question has been why don’t they

intervene. Maybe they know something about free will that we don’t. The Mantis Beings

are considered some of the most advanced, spiritual beings in UFO lore, and within the

cosmology that hold them in esteem.

Now consider every sage you have ever heard. Jesus, Buddha, whoever. They all have

a temptation story. They all were offered complete sovereignty and authority over

everything. They all turned it down. It is not control or power that allows for the greatest diversity and complexity of life, but generosity, love, and forgiveness.

The gurus teach let go. Fear tells us to hold on, build walls, and restrict growth. Maybe

there is some wisdom in the old ways. If there are old beings, maybe they offer wisdom

and all us young folks should take time out to listen.

If giant insects exist, is it any wonder we haven’t had a landing on the white house.

What would bother you more? Grays, or Mantis Beings?


Giant Insects Used To Rule the Planet Before Dinosaurs | Andrei Tapalaga |

NewsBreak Original

Giant insects used to rule the world 300 million years ago before the Jurasic

eraLove Business. Giant insects can be…

Ancient petroglyph of creature that is half man half mantis discovered in Iran

An ancient petroglyph depicting a creature that is half mantis, half man,

has been discovered in central Iran. The rock…

Mantis Aliens: The Mysterious Insectoid Overseers | Gaia

Mantis aliens are perhaps the most mysterious and unsettling of all

extraterrestrial creatures. These beings appear…

Why insects are more sensitive than they seem

One balmy autumn day in 2014, David Reynolds stood up to speak at an

important meeting. It was taking place in Chicago…

Image 59

Chapter 27 Humans Created by Aliens

Not just humans, the entire universe, was created by aliens. Aliens may have created

our universe in a secret space lab, top Harvard professor claims, in an article by Jamie Harris, just yesterday is a bit bizarre, but not because I am not willing to entertain it.

Ufologists have been saying UFOs have been involved with the origin of man, even the

origin of life on Earth, for over 75 years but now Harvard scientists think they will get a jump start by just saying, aliens created the entire universe! Newsflash- not a new

theory! And I would argue, they skipped some steps!

I am extremely open to this being a theory, or an actual construct. I have heard it before.

You can’t call yourself an UFOlogist and not have heard this before. Sumerian story, the

Anunaki created humans. Not just another origin story, but beings from heaven came to

earth, tweaked some primate genes and made humans. So, I have a box for aliens

bringing forth humans. Delores Cannon and her work hypnotizing subjects takes that

seeding back to the beginning of life on Earth. Aliens, and spiritual entities, seeded

earth. Still room enough for aliens, but that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Image 60

Creating life, engineering a planet, that’s child’s play with the right science. We could

envision that today, though we struggle to get people back to the moon, much let set

boots down on Mars. Creating a whole universe?! Is that the realm of God? I thought we

were divorced from God, but SHE did it in seven days. A day, a thousand years, a billion

years, tomatoes, tomahtoes… Harvard would not want to inject God, or spirituality, but

they’re suddenly okay with pushing aliens? Wait wait wait, how come so many people

get grief interjecting aliens- but Harvard can now not only interject aliens but raise them to the auspicious office of Universe creating?

Again, not new. If you believe in simulation theory, it’s in the realm of science that the universe is a computer simulation on some alien scientist’s desktop. Physicist James

Gates, 2013, the universe translated into numbers by smashing atoms looks like

browser correction code! That took Michael Talbot’s 1991 book, the Holographic

Universe to a new level of science! But, it fizzled out, became a nice movie, the Matrix,

and we went on with life.

Maybe we are the virtual creation of some alien child’s computer game, or even their

lava lamp! Yes, some kid could be staring into their lava-light, waiting for the Sea

Monkey he just bought from a comic book ad to manifest into tiny, naked people he can

rule over and fall in love with. Hence for the psychedelic colors and hippie love!

Talk about the most misleading advertisement in history! I was more disappointed than

Eric Cartman in that episode of South Park when the special banks ran out and he had

Image 61

to get some samples from that random guy in the alley? “Did you?” Kyle asked. “Why

not?” Cartman rejoined.

When science brings forward a theory, are they not supposed to start with a literature

search? I didn’t see any mention of Jerry Wills. I didn’t see any mention of Aramu Maru.

I know I have written about it. I also know, I am not a credible source, but it’s not hard source to track down with a simple Google search. I am just some poor, UFO-writing

hack talking about my thoughts and feelings, and making some interestingly, ludicrous

connections. But there are some incredible historians and credentialed people

discussing UFOs and aliens and how history is not what we have been told!

Someone’s knocking on the door. Someone’s ringing the bell… Sister Suzy? Is that


Jerry Wills reported passing through this door, photo above. He found himself in a lab

room where the entire universe was encapsulated above him. A white room with a

pocket universe that got out of control at a particle accelerator laboratory in another

universe. A voice spoke to him. “Where are you from?” Wills explained. “Oh, yeah, we

know the place well. It’s been a long time.” The voice would go onto explain they were

trying to understand their universe, and so they created this universe in a lab. In the

process, they discovered their creation had life and was growing and evolving and...

They also discovered that they, too, are likely in a simulation and all the universe begets universe after universe…

And so, when I hear reports that our own computer simulations results in bizarre activity

that resembles life, such as simulations created for movies by AI do more than they are

programed, like flocks of penguins going off doing their own things, or the warriors for

Cameron’s Avatar throwing down their spears and running away from battle- which

mathematically makes sense- anyone with half a brain isn’t going to charge a machine

gun mounted to a giant robotic human looking tanks with a spear- it begs the question

are we simulations and can simulations become sentient?

Isn’t it sad when AI characters refuse to follow the script and die on schedule? Do they

call for union leaders to stop production? What if they had better solutions to war?

Would we listen to AI generated characters espousing wisdom better than our own?

Please, Cameron-god, would you stop the war? What philosophies do you suppose had

to be imposed to get those who did rush to their death like lemmings to the sea? Do you

suppose those critters wonder about God and moral universes?

Do your own thoughts and worries and internal mental simulations result in the creation

of tulpas and archetypes and the entire universe in your own head? Do we share this

through a collective unconscious because ultimately we are all one, connected from the

same, original singularity- spooky action at a distance non-locally embodied in your own


When we consider our own plight and think about god and spirituality and the craziness

of this little world- have we ever stopped and thought, is this just some game? A fiction?

Just the story of Job can make one wonder that! Cause if it’s not a game, and there are

gods and aliens capable of stopping the madness, which most of us kind of want to

some degree, it just makes you mad there isn’t more reasonableness injected into the


This is important. If intellectual honesty is an actual academic virtue, it shouldn't matter the credential of the source of an idea! An idea proposed to the human community,

regardless of perceived merit of the idea, that person deserves being an accredited


Media may be ridiculing Avi Loeb and mocking his theory, but if they, too, want to

maintain their intellectual integrity, they would also state other sources saying the same thing, minimizing their personal bias on the idea, or the sources. Ultimately, it is what it is, but let’s not treat something older than modern history dares recollect as being

suddenly novel.

Harvard now proposes aliens did it

I feel like Harvard proposing aliens created the universe is unreasonable. It’s plausible, but not reasonable because it was not earned. How many protested John E Mack? How

many articles lament we can’t find them, they’re not there, they’re not here, they’re

unlikely, they’re unreasonable, alien theorists are stupid, mad, and dumb, and UFO just

means unidentified you dope-John! Doesn’t going from there being none to creating the

Universe seem like a major leap for a group of people who have yet solved world

hunger, world peace, or even put a permanent settlement on the moon?

Who is this Harvard man who would say aliens created the universe in the Lab?!

Professor, physicist, Avi Loeb. Oh, you got to love that. And I do love him! Had it been

Neil deGrasse Tyson, I would be throwing down gloves. Avi broke ranks by saying

Omuamua was evidence of alien tech! Saying that was the equivalent of striking a bees

nest with a lunar lander and declaring the moon hollow!

He even injected quantum mechanics into his ‘new’ theory! “Super intelligent aliens

apparently pulled it off using a special technique called quantum tunneling.”

Quantum entanglement, we’re all one, quantum tunneling, we all go there… spinning

universes and dust in our wake. “To see a world in a grain of sand. And a heaven in a

wild flower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,. and eternity in an hour.” We’re all one poet away from enlightenment. Shall we summon Jedi, Persian Poets?

How come when I interject quantum mechanics into my spirituality I get lambasted as

being a dope? Oh, yeah, my math sucks. Half the Gaia television host have interjected

quantum mechanics, and even Robert Monroe’s out of body and Hemi-sync technology

invokes this language, which was adopted by the CIA to explore nonlocal states of

conscious and psychic spying and they came up with the same answers- the universe is

a construct… And, finally, Harvard is catching up to where we UFOlogists have been for

70 years?

Where is the intellectual honesty? Where is the apology to UFOlogists and spiritualists

who have been saying this for years? Because this statement from Avi is not just irony,

it reeks of hypocrisy. Either he has lost his mind, which is the very thing the academic

community said about John E Mack, or he is tapping into information available to him-

available to us all, if you just read some books!

The question isn’t whether or not aliens exist anymore. The problem has been how can

the state, academic, and or spiritual monopolies control this information. Aliens aren’t

landing on the White House Lawn because they’re not paying homage to governments or institutions.

Who are aliens introducing themselves? Individuals. Aliens, more than value individual,

human sovereignty- they promote ethical, conscientious human behavior. How you treat

others and your planet is how you treat you! They introduce themselves to lay people,

because people are more important than their governments. We are the people of the

world. There is no THEM.

This works for spirituality, too. True spirituality is found in the individual seeking and developing a personal relation to God, or the Universe, not to an institution or dogma or


This is the message of aliens. We are not here to dominate you or rule over you, the

way you have been dominated and ruled over for centuries. We are here to break your


You, as an individual, have a personal relationship with the universe. We all, as

individuals, are evolving. We can do this as a group endeavor, but we won’t force you to

practice love and freedom. That’s on you.

And now, after all this time of ridiculing the metaphysical and the paranormal, Harvard

scientist wants to cash in on someone else’s proposal?

I am calling a foul.

Aliens may have created our universe in a secret space

lab, top Harvard professor claims …

OUR universe may actually be the work of aliens, according to a top

scientist's wild theory. The mystery of what…

Was Our Universe Created in a Laboratory?

The biggest mystery concerning the history of our universe is what

happened before the big bang. Where did our universe…

Image 62

Chapter 28 Is the Universe Conscious

If you were to read the CIA analysis of Robert Monroe’s Gateway process, a technique

and technology that allows humans to access transcendental states of awareness, you

will find the document is full of a blending of science and spiritual language, as if Nikola Tesla himself had started a new religion, premised on his statement: “If you want to find

the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration,” and “the

day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one

decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

What happened to page 25? Why is it missing from the declassified document? The

document, here, goes from bullet point 34 to point 37.

The Gateway: The First 4th-Dimensional NFT

When society as a whole starts taking it more seriously they’d be surprised

what the human mind can do- ASTRAL PROJECTION EXPERIENCE #382

Sounds familiar? You will find page 25 below:

The Gateway: The First 4th-Dimensional NFT

By Harmon Leon Artist Thobey Campion's life went down a rabbit hole

when he came across, "The Gateway Experience." This…

The Holographic Universe

Not a new concept in terms of science, but science still doesn’t take it near as far as

that could go. Michael Talbot’s book, t he Holographic Universe, is likely the best theory of everything humanity has to date, which is reflected in Thomas Campbell’s book, My

Big Theory of Everything. Campbell worked with Monroe on the Gateway process after one Transcendental Meditation (TM) session sent him out of body into the universe.

The CIA documents discusses- everything. Out of Body. REM sleep. Remote Viewing.

Biofeedback. Hypnosis. TM. Holograms… Frequencies. Everything is frequencies. One

atom vibrates at a certain frequencies. Add an atom, making a molecule, you get a

different frequency, a different tone. Each additional atom changes the tone further.

Different atoms also have their frequency- Oxygen vibrates differently from hydrogen.

Oxygen and hydrogen has it’s own frequency, we call it water. The human body, the

collection of its atoms- that’s a frequencies. There are frequencies in frequencies. Brain waves, heart waves, and even the blood resonating through the instrument you are-frequency, and when a person relaxes, there can be entrainment. When everything

aligns- you arrive at the most perfect sound in the universe- you!- and you travel. (In the Eckankar philosophy, the word ‘Hu,’ pronounced you- is experienced as the light and

sound of God. Meditating on the word opens you up.)

Sound, music, the word- it’s not an accident that all religions recognize their power.

These are the portals to the Universe. They can relocate you. They can create and

destroy worlds. Your words, your thoughts- they can create, or they can destroy. If you

knew how much power you weld, you, too, would become a Jedi and walk peacefully

upon the Earth.

We are one.

14- The Conscious Matrix

The term matrix was being bantered way before the movie, the Matrix. The idea we’re

living in a hologram, a simulation, is not new. It’s as old as the gnostic teachings. It’s as old as the Kabbalah. It’s as old as the Sanskrit language. The word, the light, the sound-we are these. From the CIA analysis:

The universe is comprised of interacting energy fields, some in motion and some at rest. It is, in and of itself, one gigantic hologram of unbelievable


Karl Pribram, an emeritus professor of psychology and psychiatry at Stanford University,

author of books such as t he Book of Smokeless Fire, Holographic Healing, and David Bohm, a well known theoretical physicist, author of Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Bridging Science and Spirit- were then invoked. There is real science in this document, with real scientists weighing in on what feels like mysticism. If science recognizes what

mystics have been saying for thousands of years, doesn’t that bring us closer to Tesla’s

statement- when we start studying this we will make more progress than in the entire

history of humanity?

Doesn’t Obi Wan’s original explanation of the Force sound similar to the above quote?

(The Force is) an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us,

penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.

All things are living things, all is energy, all is consciousness- there is no distinction between living and dead, because there can be no dead thing.

If Lucas had left that well enough alone and not tried to introduce ‘midichlorians,’ Star

Wars wouldn’t have fallen! I am not mad at Lucas. I suspect he got grief from scientists

about the spiritual aspects of his series and tried to incorporate a materialist

explanation. All he needed to do was double down on the mystics, and maybe read this

CIA document and incorporate language from Tesla and the Persian poets.

Image 63

Image 64

All of us must unlearn what we have learn. The answers aren’t out there, but inside our

hearts. We must go in, and go deep. In doing so, we find the whole of the Universe is

inside, and it can’t be any other way.

Of course our hearts have to be broken, that’s how the light gets in. At the same, break

any hologram, measure any piece of it- there in that piece lies it all. If you are

conscious, everything is conscious. If you are dreaming, everything is you in the dream.

Same above, same below. Same out there, same in here.

So said Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass. Rumi. Hafez. Tesla. Bohm….

So say we all.

Empathy, love is never demanded- it is given, and in giving the ripples reach out to the

furthest reaches of the Universe and return to source. The drum you beat, over and

over, will determine what comes back at you.


Image 65

Chapter 29 Evidence for a Secret Space Force

I like conspiracy theories. No hiding that. And I am familiar with quite a few, especially if it’s related to space and or aliens. I am going to give you two pieces of a puzzle. It

doesn’t necessarily mean what I think it means. I am curious if you have an explanation.

If you look at NASA, you will find the running theme of a chevron. I am not the first to

suggest Star Trek was a soft disclosure project for the secret space force. I can allow for NASA just adopting a theme and running with it. Humans do that. that Chevron was in

Star Trek. That same Chevron is the NTTA insignia for Texas Toll Roads. That’s a

German based company. Not sure why they have it, except they do own the roads in

Texas- one of the homes of NASA. Am I funding a secret space program? Okay, well,

maybe it’s just a quirky coincidence.

But why would I find that same Chevron in the images sent back from the moon by the

Chinese Lunar Rover?

Image 66

Tell me that’s not Star Trek?! Tell me that’s not shades of NASA. Are NASA and

Chinese Spaces agencies in cahoots? Is there a secret Space Force, and NASA is just

the distraction?

Tell me that’s not the same symbol. What the heck?


I understand why Space Force and NASA would be in cahoots. We’re kissing cousins.

But why would China, an independent country, copy us? We’re supposedly ‘not working

together?’ Is the entire cold war and this rhetoric about the Capitalist the Montagues, or is that, the Capulets versus Communism, or is this just Hatfield's and the McCoy’s-Doctor McCoy, in Space. Let this be your huckleberry. Is it all just a game to keep us

hating on each other? Wouldn’t the Chinese adopt a rabbit symbol or something

peculiar to their own philosophies? It’s not like they’re beholden to the US.

Or are they? Just as one of the UFO conspiracy theories suggests, the US is beholden

to Germany, who actually won the war with UFO technology. That’s a fun story involving

Antarctica and Nazis on the moon before any of us.

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Unless, there are no countries or borders. We are already one people, one world, united

by Space, the final frontier… (Contributions from Dr. Bob: definitely certifiable. He has

the credentials to actually certify that. Haha. But if you want out of the Matrix, you got to follow the white rabbit. Or in this case, the Jade Rabbit.)

Just saying.

PS, just a simple google search resulted in the following. So, I am not the only one.

Image 70

Chapter 30 Are We Being Programmed To Accept Aliens???

There are times in our lives when everything just seems to line up. Take UFOs for

example. Based on my own experience, people I know and trust who have had

experiences, and no doubt the media I consume, both fiction and documentaries, I am

biased towards a particular mindset. So, when the US Government said, UFOs are real,

not only did I say, ‘told you,’ I also said, ‘it’s aliens!’ I don’t mince words. I can also see how some people might have opinions that are not theirs. Subliminal messaging might

give you an opinion you didn’t know had! What if someone was intentionally exploiting

pareidolia, the human mind’s Achilles heel?

Talking about a Trojan horse…

Face on Mars. It was there and then it wasn’t. Now, this is not an example of subliminal

messages. Subliminal happens at a faster rate of speed than the human eye can detect.

The brain detects the signals, but because it doesn’t reach threshold to get uploaded in

the conscious mind, the subconscious responds to it instead.

This doesn’t mean that this give and take doesn’t prime the human brain. Once you

associate the music cuing the jack, you’re less surprised by the jack!

When subliminal messages were allowed, people put coke and popcorn adverts directly

into the movie. No one in the audience saw the adverts. Coke and popcorn sells

trended upwards to like 70 percent!

Image 71

What if this tactic was still being used to get us prepared for an alien invasion? Let’s go alien hunting.

The primer!

Ancient Aliens: New Proof of Alien Life Found in Ice Cave (Season 18), you can watch the whole scene below, thanks to youtube, until they decide to pull it.

Hopefully the fair use act will allow me to steal four images from this to see if you see

what I see.

Ancient Aliens: New Proof of Alien Life Found in Ice Cave (Season 18)

Wait for it…

Image 72

Image 73

Wait for it… Music cuing up, he’s smiling… Yes, we’re about to get jacked!

Do you see it???!

Image 74

Do you see it? Maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s pareidolia. Or maybe, we are being

messed with!

Image 75

Clearly, I am not going to win any awards for my outlining. But do you see it?

Okay, I will accept that I am just nuts. Yes, I see stuff on Mars all the time. Were they

really in an ice cave? I want to believe they were. But all that drama and the show didn’t like to draw arrows to the alien in the background?!

Maybe it’s a coincidence. Maybe the face on Mars was just a coincidental falling of

shadows. Or maybe that wasn’t pareidolia. Maybe aliens are hijacking our media and

putting subliminal messages into our ‘programming’ in order to upgrade the human race

into accepting aliens. I don’t know if you saw the movie “They Live,” but I am telling you, PUT ON THESE SUNGLASSES!

I am not saying the gray in the ice is aliens… But it sure looks like an alien…

PS, a little later with Art Bell

In an interview with Richard Boyland, Boyland shares his ideas about how the

government lie is in itself part of the disclosure. By increasing the degree of absurdity of the lie over time, by the time the truth comes out, no one will care that it’s aliens, or

there was a coverup for over 80 years. “It will be just a big yawn.”

Interestingly, Art Bell tried to interject “I don’t think it will be a yawn.” He didn’t live long enough to see disclosure fully happen, but no doubt he witnessed the big yawn. David

Fravor on national television saying UFOs are aliens… And no one even batted an eye.


Dreamland with Art Bell - Richard Boyland and close ET encounters - NMS


Ancient Aliens: New Proof of Alien Life Found in Ice Cave (Season 18)

Image 76

Chapter 31 When Truth Seekers Discover Not Everyone Wants Truth

Civilians will begin doing their own science.

Avi Loeb is setting out to practice science. Real science! He is actually setting up tech

to gather data. Science, at its essence, is simply the art of seeking truth. It’s a set of protocols that allows for the collection and analysis of data. It allows us to come to some conclusions about the fundamentals of reality. There are those in the science fields who

would like nothing more than to stop Avi Loeb and the Galileo project from doing

science. His science project is funded from independent sources, not government

funding, and still he is getting grief. He sounds genuinely surprised.

Has Avi Loeb started writing on Medium because he is being blocked from academic

journals? Has he decided if he can’t get through to his peers, he should appeal to


How does the public respond? ‘Hey, Doctor Loeb. Welcome to our world!’ No one of

significance listens to us. We’re just delusional, hallucinating beings who don’t nothing

about the world. Loeb is fighting the fight. When confronted with the same philosophical

fight in my masters, I surrendered and changed majors.

Image 77

You can’t harvest deep thoughts if you have no nonsense to sort through.

It is in the best interest of science and humanity if Avi Loeb and the Galileo project is

successful. Avi Loeb on Consciousness, UAPs, AI, Jacques Vallée, and Time Travel, is a three hour interview and he iterates the point that people are petty, vicious, and just

down right scoundrels, trying to block him from doing science for no reasons other than

pure jealousy.

Loeb asks why.

Sometimes he seems to answer his own question. Science has been about proving one

is smart, not about helping humanity. He failed to expound on the part that science has

also been about making money. If money is a limited resource, then the systems in

place will block ideas that might send funding away from established revenue streams.

Even at the universities, one department competes against others. They don’t share info

and look for commonalities that might combine branches and enrich the world.

Avi Loeb pointed out an obvious fact. String theory, which is purely math, has gotten us

nowhere, and yet we spend billions on it??? And so, he asks, “why can’t I do the Galileo

project? I am not taking their money…”

Well, if NASA is debating on whether or not to contribute to the Galileo Project, he is

asking for their money.

Science is about economics. Proprietary information sets get privatized and universities,

corporations, and government agencies are not as forthcoming on sharing data as Loeb

would have us believe. It’s not like there is a television channel or website dedicated to

Image 78

a direct feed of live images from James Webb. No, it goes through filters, cabinets, and

then gets sorted to best cropped shots to the media.

It’s not like tax payers that made that mission possible can have a say in what pictures

they take next with that camera. Sure, we were recently given the first exo-planet image

at 800 plus light years, but you know most of us want to see the planets at Alpha

Centauri, 4 light years away. We want to know what’s in our immediate neighborhood.

Would it have hurt anyone’s budget or agenda if the scientists directing that telescope

started with our closest star? Would that still be science? The fact that they didn’t

immediately give us images of Alpha Centauri and its planets suggest scientists are

giving a middle finger to the very public that funded the project!

We need a change to science and spirituality.

There are things in the Universe that can’t be measured. Love for example. Pain. Yeah,

you can do a ten count, but your 4 may be someone else’s 7. Our reporting also varies

from day to day, based on a number of other variables. Spirituality is an expansive

endeavor that helps humans see a bigger picture. It informs us about our relationship to

others, not just humans but all biological entities, even the planets, moons and stars.

Science is reductionism, by definition. It generally doesn’t care about the big picture. It does the sampling, and looks at the pieces.

Medicine, like science, is also equally divided into specialties. We have a shortage of

generalists because the money is in the parts.

If the world is falling apart, it’s because we have divided ourselves into our specialties to such a degree we have become a fractured universe. This is such a problem that even

marriages are declining, because we are all independent specialists!

“I don’t need anyone else. I am special!”

Of course there is a multiverse. It’s called society! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand human health is not fully realized by treating one symptom at a time, but

rather coming holistically at a human to address all domains results in the greatest level of life satisfaction.

We all recognize we work too hard and need to play more, and yet try using that as an

excuse for missing work. What good is it to do therapy on the kid, when you send them

home to crazy parents?! Fix the family, the kids fall in place. If humans are unhealthy, it is often the system that is out of whack, not the individual.

The right thing to do isn’t always the scientific thing to do. The right thing to do is rarely the economic thing to do. We are not our tools, our cars, our homes, our jobs… We are

human beings.

We should all have a voice.

One of the surprising things coming from Avi Loeb in this video you will find linked

below, is a call for a new protocol. We need a way all people can contribute to science

and the humanities. We have the tool, the internet, now we need to open the flood gates

and let more people practice, skipping the narrow, restrained gates, and bypassing the

gatekeepers that have been holding humanity back.

If that doesn’t get Loeb banned from the game, he is home free! Wouldn’t it be nice if

everyone contributes? Wouldn’t it be ideal if everyone got credit for ideas and

inventions, and reaped the rewards for that, as opposed to the universities and

corporations that currently reap the rewards?

We might actually have to start being nice to everyone? We all contribute to this life.

Avi Loeb did not say this as straightforward as I did, using language that may sound

disparaging to the gatekeepers. It is not my point to disparage, but just to recognize the stranglehold on society has gone on too long. It may be seasonal, cyclic ideas of

humanity stick around until they cease to be functional.

It is not from a perceived rapport that I echo Loeb’s sentiments. Sure, I suffered from

wanting to contribute and I have experienced being blocked, but that, too, can be a test

of courage, perseverance, and the realization that some things just come when the time is ready.

I wonder what would have happened had Nikola Tesla had had access to the web for

sharing ideas. How far along would humanity be?

In many ways, Loeb keeps pushing this idea that he was being blocked from pursuing

his Galileo project, blocked from even talking to others- making it all very personal,

when isn’t that just science and economics? I am surprised that he is surprised. I

wonder, in Loeb’s career, was there ever a student that was excited about an idea and

he squashed it.

Not out of malevolence, mind you. I think we all sometimes dismiss ideas of others,

sometimes without thinking about it. It’s a human thing. We all have greater access to

sharing, but there is still a trick to being heard. I still wonder if Loeb was a John E Mack supporter or denier. If the latter, well, what goes around comes around…

Scientists and academics have been blocking people from holding conversations. If it

doesn’t fit the paradigm, people get blocked. If you go against the state or culture, you

will be blocked. Loeb offered many examples of that. For example, did you know Cecilia

Payne-Gaposchkin, the first female astrophysicist proposed the sun was comprised

mostly of hydrogen and helium? She was blocked from publishing that thesis because

the authority said, ‘that can’t be. Everyone knows the sun is made up of earth-like


Image 79

The whole problem with the world isn’t that fools and fanatics are always so certain of

themselves, but more often than not, they’re in charge!

And why all this fuss? What has Avi Loeb so stirred up and surprised that scientists

don’t want to do science?


I know, right?! How long has that been a known thing? UFOs reeks of nonsense, like

spirituality. It started with spirituality, maybe because technology that far advanced looks like magic! Isn’t it funny, then, that Loeb offers us that analogy as well. Caveman

encountered a cell phone. Rock. Oh, magic rock!

Why is science adverse to spirituality? Maybe because spirituality teaches humans are

not alone in the cosmos. Maybe it suggests though we may be pretty smart, we are not

yet wise. There are still things we don’t understand, and may not be able to understand!

One thing that has been consistently demonstrated with science is that humans are not

the center of the universe. It’s time to learn that lesson again.

Image 80

Just because we can’t see or measure something now, doesn’t mean we won’t find it

later! UFOs exist. They have been with us for a moment. 75 years is a long moment.

How long did Galileo’s soul have to wait for the reprieve from the church? Do we have

to wait equally as long for John E Mack’s soul to get an apology? How long until Loeb

gets one?

What would happen if Loeb, in his Harvard capacity, said, “This institution owes an

apology to John E Mack. He was right,”???

Goodbye yellow brick road…

Change is coming.

It is becoming increasingly more difficult to hide reality when almost everyone in the

world has a pocket studio with scientific instruments.

Science is no longer in the domain or purview of only scientists! Why accept someone

else’s reality, when you can measure it for yourself? Sure, it would be nice to confer and get a bigger world picture- but that would require discourse. There is no true discourse

in science today; you either accept the traditions, or you’re excommunicated.

Avi Loeb is on the road to being ex-communicated. It’s hard to gauge, from the

arm-chair quarterback position, the degree of his fight. Maybe it’s worse than it seems

from the pieces I can pull together. Oh! Harvard learned from the John E Mack fiasco.

‘Don’t publicly try to take a peer’s chair. Just slide them a rope, we’ll hang him out to dry later!’

The cell phone is essentially Star Trek’s tricorder, mark 1. It’s a computer. It’s a recorder.

It senses environmental information. The more sophisticated it becomes, the more data

it collects. Cell phones talk to towers and other cell phones. Humanity and the world has

a new sensory net! It’s responsive in real time to the world.

We could theoretically become a more sophisticated, social entity if we would utilize our

technology better. Bluebirds will expand our cellphone’s reach to space. (Or, perhaps

there are people in space who want to connect to Earth through cell phones? If Fitbit

mapped out secret bases, could it reveal people being abducted and going into space?

How high does fitbit tracking go?)

The gatekeepers in their ivory towers who once had all the instruments of discovery at

their disposal are now competing with the masses- we are all doing science daily. We

will all be connected!

We take pictures of our foods and our weather and we report that back to others. Others

confirm our data, and share their experiences. That’s science!

Loeb calls for a way all people can share ideas. He would still like a way to sort out

‘crackpots,’ his words, but I would advocate for crackpots! They may offer insight that

others don’t have. After all, didn’t that beautiful mind guy, Doctor Nash, solve a problem because of his condition?

Laugh at the ridiculous all you like, but it is in the humor that surprising remedies are


I proposed everyone should be writing their thoughts, ideas, and theories on the internet

without censor. Allow AI algorithms to sort through the material looking for useful ideas,

paring them with other ideas. Everyone gets credit for ideas, and we get a time stamp

and ways of hyperlinking origins and lineages of ideas! So, Loeb and I are on the same page. We need to change because too many good ideas end up in the graveyard.

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Phillip K Dick was diagnosed with schizophrenia and may have given us more subtle

insight into nature than science is willing to consider. He is a flower in a graveyard. He gave it in the form of fiction because scientists don’t like facts. Facts get in the way of funding and politics. Ultimately, politics is economic exchange theory in practice.

Scientists will sometimes entertain a flower. Per Loeb, all too often, flowers get stomped on. In Japan, the philosophy is expressed in the maxim: ‘The nail must be hammered


Dean Radin is considering the subtle, and has found a way to test whether or not

human consciousness affects reality. He says it does. His confidence comes with 5

sigma statistical relevance. A Nobel Peace prize was awarded to the folks who were

equally confident in finding the Higgs Boson. They were wrong. They didn’t give the money back, did they? I vote for Radin to be a nominee for the Nobel Peace prize!

Add Doctor Donald Hoffman to this equation, and you have all the ingredients to topple

the present hierarchy of science! It’s consciousness first, then material science.

Why isn’t Loeb championing Radin or Hoffman and demanding science verify his

protocols and thesis in multiple labs around the world? He has the authority of Harvard

behind him. Until he doesn’t. He knows this to be true. Advocating for Radin is

advocating for ‘crack-pots,’ as defined by scientists in academia. Loeb’s own words

reveal he knows he is on a tightrope; one misstep could land him on the side of right or


Radin is not a crackpot. He is not smoking pot. Why aren’t scientists doing science?

Because there is an establishment of unspoken rules that bind us all. Breaking the

convention results in isolation. Well, we’re all already isolated, so breaking conventions is becoming easier!

Loeb rightly calls for more humility in science, moving away from ego, and yet he carries

with him the vestiges of the very system that served him well. He rose to the top of that

system because it fit. Now he is asking people that rose with him to forsake the system,

and he is wondering why he is being increasingly excluded from the decision process

and the deliberations of the gatekeepers of science and academia.

This is true: he is in the fight for his academic life. His credibility is at stake. It strikes me as humorous, in a dark comedic kind of way, that this very thing that he is up against,

we are all up against, has been discussed in many Star Trek episodes. TNG, Half a Life,

co-starring David Odgen, well regarded having been in M.A.S.H, as Charles

Winchester, is the one episode that comes to mind. His society expects people at the

age of 60 to die in ritualistic suicide. They celebrate the end of life by dying ahead of

schedule. He is a scientist on the brink of discovering a way to save his planet, but they won’t accept any science from him because he has reached the age of demise. His

world would rather die than hear his dead voice!

Image 83

NASA didn’t consider Loeb to be a part of the panel to determine if they should allocate

money to the Galileo project because he is biased. Aren’t we all?

The gatekeepers are wanting their keys back from a man given the keys to the

kingdom. Keys and sabers are being rattled across the land.

Meanwhile, most of humanity could care less what the gatekeepers do because we

have moved on. Most people can’t afford an education, and quite frankly it’s not helping

us. It seems very clear to most people, higher education is political, not science. How is it we can mix politics and science and get political science, but we can’t mix in


When academia shuts down the voice of even reputable scientists, we know education

is done for.

The next stage of humanity is figuring out how to live our lives when no one has

employment because every aspect of life is so automated we don’t need workers. Sure,

some of us will find a niche. But most of us, we’re going to have a lot more time to think and consider science and spirituality.

Would spiritual science be the holistic approach to well being? It’s still a dimension

considered in psychology. Clinicians have to measure this domain to determine healthy

social connections, versus hyper-religiosity, which usually results in fewer healthy,

human connections.

Is hyper-scientificity a thing we should measure to determine collective health, or the

health of the individual practitioner of science?

Image 84

“People Believe What They Want to Believe.”

Dean Radin said that in the video below. John E Mack, Harvard psychiatrist has said

this. Avi Loeb is on the verge of realizing this. Galileo said this.

Change doesn’t happen at the institution level. It happens at the civil level. When the

system fails the people it’s sworn to serve, people tune out, stop contributing, and they

go where their hearts and lives take them.

UFOs are not some new trend. They have been around for a while. We can debate the

how long part if you like. It’s clear they’re not going away. They’re also not increasing

exponentially. I can do that much math. Their presence here will disrupt many systems,

science and spiritual systems. Governmental systems.

It won’t interfere with living. People will roll on, just like they always have. We will pay deference where it is demanded, maybe resist or fight, but most of us just roll on.

Deferment isn’t a lack of ego, just wisdom to know there are some fights that aren’t


Is wisdom the result of utilizing the tools of science and spirituality together? Will Avi Loeb become the metaphor of our time, the way Galileo was back then?


Avi Loeb: AI, Consciousness, UAPs, & Jacques Vallée

Humans are detached from reality | Donald Hoffman and Lex Fridman

Dean Radin, Quantum Consciousness Experiments |545|

Chapter 32 UFOs, Crop Circles, and Super-space — highways

I know. You’re going to assume I am an astrology advocate. I am not. I have dismissed

astrology. I have quarreled with my friends. And then science through a wrench in my


There is a space superhighway, where objects can travel through these invisible

conduits, traveling from one place in the solar system to another without a change in

momentum, and they can move faster than speeds previously thought possible. A

rocket using these superhighways can travel even faster.

I am not making this up. Here’s NASA weighing in:

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

A "freeway" through the solar system resembling a vast array of virtual

winding tunnels and conduits around the Sun and…

Cue ‘Age of Aquarius’ by the Fifth Dimension

How can you not? These conduits apparently change as the planetary alignments

change. Suddenly, the metaphysics and the astrologers all doing math to figure out

some illusive, invisible subtle energy have a point. If you know anything about Cargo

Cults, and we assume aliens have visited us, and they told us about superhighways,

then our math has been inspired by emulating what we saw.

Yeah, completely speculative for me to say that. Except, imagine NASA, or any

scientist, saying superhighways in space existed 100 years ago. Would that paper have

even been published? This is how to think about it. Imagine you made your bed and you

put a couple bowling balls on it. You get valleys and troughs. Move the balls, the valleys and troughs change. This is space/time under the influence of mass.

Now add, US Government says UFOs are real

The problem is, the US Government has denied UFOs for 70 years. The intel hasn’t

changed. The phenomena is the same thing pilots have been reporting since World War

II. The UFOs that flew over the Whitehouse back in the fifties, same thing. Nothing new

here. So, if UFOs are real, and likely have been for at least 70 years, then guess what,

Image 85

Crop Circles suddenly have to be re-examined. Yeah, there were some fake Circles.

They weren’t all faked. They can’t all be explained.

The one photo above came with a warning. “Beware of aliens that come with gifts.” That in itself is interesting. Wonder what or who was accepting gifts? The US Government?

What did they trade? Humans? Does that explain the abductions? But more interesting,

in this warning, the message ends with “Conduit Closing.”

I always wondered what that meant. Now, I think I understand this last part.

Superhighways exist in our solar system, and probably exist in the galaxy connecting

stars. We live in a space/time medium where energies and wormholes likely snap in and

out of existence all the time. Maybe they're-open periodically.


Apparently, scientists are working on ways to calculate when these conduits will open

up. Theoretically, if the right one opens up, you can be at Mars within an hour. If that’s true, Musk could get people on Mars today. And that’s a game changer.


Magnetic Highways and Portals to New Worlds

Portals to Other Worlds

Image 86

Chapter 33 Spielberg and UFOs

The world used to be much smaller. I remember a time with 3 TV channels. It was much

easier for society to be on the same page. UHF broadened that, spreading us out over a

new rainbow of information. There was less content to be had and so things that aired

once were now revving up in syndication. Star Trek went viral! The serious love for

original Trek has definitely shaped media and society. Stephen Spielberg has shaped

society. Not only did he have his fingers on the pulse of America, the world, but I too

easily imagine the gestalt of his work hitting on the paranormal means he knows it’s


Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 1977 Richard Dreyfus

Perhaps it’s an oddity that the character played by Richard Dreyfus had sunburn on the

right side of his body after his encounter. It’s bizarre because not many people have

heard of that happening in real life. It has. Joyce Bowles, 1976, England- stated that

very thing when she interviewed about her cigar shaped UFO encounter. She was told

to keep quiet about her sighting by authorities, to which she responded ‘I am a free

woman and I will speak what I like when I like.’ That’s not verbatim, but you can watch

the video below and you can see she means business.

Yay her! That was 1976.

Spielberg’s movie, Close Encounters, 1977… Did he lift that detail? Well, per him, yes he did! You will find that video link below as well. He refers to this black out on UFOs by our elected leaders, a Cosmic Watergate. It’s fun watching his younger self discussing

the hope that President Jimmy Carter might make some ‘unsettling’ disclosures about

UFOs in December of that year.

Ahh, wasn’t he so cute back then? So 70s naïve! He has been an iconic force ever

since he stepped onto the scene with his first movie, Firelight, 1964. Never heard of it?

Well, it was his first. A UFO movie, nonetheless. It’s now 2022 and we’re still waiting for the government to be as transparent as Spielberg in his movies.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the


Poltergeist 1982… Did you know poltergeist comes with the phenomena? E.T.: the

Extraterrestrial. 1982 Phone home, Eliot! Did you know skunkworks said they had the

ability to take E.T. Home? Ben Robert Rich is quoted as saying:

We now have technology to take ET home. No it won’t take someone’s

lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We

now have the capability to travel to the stars. First, you have to understand

that we will not get to the stars using chemical propulsion. Second, we have

to devise a new propulsion technology. What we have to do is find out where

Einstein went wrong.

He also said:

We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these

technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God

to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we

already know how to do it.

Explorers, 1985… This is one that still sticks with me as clear as day. Partly because

kids got technological designs from a dream. Aliens were sending messages in a

dream. And very, coincidentally interesting, the song “All Around the World,” by Robert

Palmer showcased in that film, it came from a dream! Palmer dreamt the song, woke

up, sang it into a recorder, went back to sleep, and later that day had song stamped out

at the studio!

How fun is that?!

Explorers Technology

Bubble shields and anti gravitics! The stuff dreams are made of. When it comes to

explaining governments keeping secrets, I maintain this idea that bubble shields and

anti gravitics are likely so simple that the government had to suppress the UFO story

because otherwise every kid with a computer and a garage would be making UAPs to

gallivant around the countryside.

Think about this for a moment. Humans are pretty clever. A few of us invent things.

Most of us use things, emulate others, and refine things. So, one clever boy scout

wanting to make a nuclear reactor in his garage gathered the material to do so. There is

actually enough materials in our immediate environment to do this. Smoke detectors

have a radioactive element in its components. If you’re a boy scout, you just gather up

all the discarded smoke detectors, buy some at Costco, and meticulously cut out the

necessary parts, assemble, and then wait for the FBI to show up because they actually

drive around looking for spikes in radiation!

I am not hating that kid. Yay him. Reminds me of that man who tied weather balloons to

his lawn chair, gathered some sandwiches, some beer, and got a BB gun for altitude

control, strapped himself in and launched himself into the wild blue yonder. Why? In his

words, “You just can’t sit there!” He ended up at 10,000 feet in the middle of final

approach for LAX international. Planes had to go around. In one anecdotal response

with a flight attendant, a customer asked “is that what I think it is?” to which the flight attendant responded, “Why, yes it is. Welcome to LA.”

When asked if he would ever do it again, this industrious, flying fellow responded, ‘No. I am satisfied.’ (Essentially, not verbatim.) He was fined for flying an experimental, lighter than aircraft without a license. I have no clue what they did to that poor boy scout. I

hope Robert Bigelow hired him or he got a gig at Area 51. Who knows, that kid could be

the next Bob Lazar!

In the movie Explorers, the kids create a circuit board to plug and play on the computer.

They created it utilizing the blue prints they received in a dream. When plugged in and

activated, the circuit board creates a bubble shield. A force field that is effectively a

warp bubble allowing them to fly faster than light! They later upgraded it by adding a

circuit board that produced oxygen.

Compared with today’s real science, scientists may have discovered real life warp

bubbles. Compare that to UFOs that cubes inside of bubbles! Compare that to this


Image 87

Another Skunkworks engineer, Don Phillips, has publicly said UFOs are real

and that he and other Skunk Works members were doing “back-engineering”

on recovered crashed UFO materials and devices to develop cutting-edge

aeronautical technology. According to, Phillips

said: “When I was working at the Skunk Works with Kelly Johnson, we

signed an agreement with the government to keep very quiet about this.

Anti-gravitational research was going on. We know that there were some

captured craft from 1947 in Roswell, they were real. And yes, we really did

put them to work. We knew each other from what we call an unseen industry.

We can term it black, deep black, or hidden.

And compare all of that to the idea that humans are most clever when it comes to

emulating others and what China created in 2021:

This saucer shaped vehicle is called “Super Great White Shark” stealth helicopter. Oh,

good- I can still get this in close enough to shark week to create synchronicity. Isn’t it funny there has been a lot of shark news lately? They’re running out of fish to eat, and

humans are the next best thing?

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We humans like emulating things. China is last year where the US was in the 1950s?

Why were we making saucer shaped craft? Why was Stephen Spielberg making movies

on UFOs, ETs, AI, and poltergeists? Could it possibly be that there is a reality to all of this, and maybe the story Spielberg really wants to tell still can’t be told because we

don't have enough ‘crazy concepts’ to create the next paradigm.

If humans are just emulating, but there is really super efficient and simpler tech and

anyone can do this, like making cars that run on seawater, and zero-point energy

devices, and cheap space travel- it’s not just that the governments would lose control of

their population because everyone would become so independent that every family

would be a sovereign nation to be reckoned with.

I sometimes think no one truly wants equality, because if everyone was truly valued, sovereign, and capable- our economic and environmental negotiations would be vastly

different than what is getting played out now. If there were no secrets, no state secrets, no corporate secrets, anyone could just produce Coke in their garage without paying

licensing, and 3D printers could print clothes and recycle clothes… That’s a very

different playing field.

If anyone who wanted to could build a spaceship in their garage, or simply put a bubble

around their house and fly off to any other planet- Earth would have a serious

population problem, because most people would be gone!

But that’s not the worst of it. Again, humans like to emulate. There has been enough

trauma perpetuated on so many peoples and nations that there are grievances yet to be

paid, unforgiveness abounds, and enough people willing to rule by force instead of

reason that that may be the biggest reasons for wanting to keep UFOs secret. Anyone

who thinks UFOs today are Chinese or Russians simply don’t know history. If they had

this tech, we’d be speaking Russian or Chinese. Likely Chinese, because the next step

in this game of Monopoly is “there can be only one!” So, once America is toppled, the

next war is Russia versus China.

Squashing the hippies and the free love movement, squashing Native American spiritual

concepts, that was likely not a great idea. The only thing humans should be emulating is

love. Emulate love and UFO tech to liberate people and nations from bad economic and

energy policies that don’t serve us or this planet.

Isn’t that the ultimate message from Spielberg? Love and hope for better. ET- Turn on

your heart light, let it fly where you go. Let it make a happy glow, for all the world to



E.T. - Heartlight

"A Cosmic Watergate." Steven Spielberg talks government and UFOs, 1977

Image 90

Chapter 34 The Luminous Works of Lucas

This is not speculative. There is science here. There is fiction here. On a continuum of science and metaphysics, it is true I lean heavier towards the meta. There are things humans have

intuitively known that have not died when science ruled them out. Take astrology, for example. I am not a fan. I have a dear friend who is. She and I have had some fierce arguments. But it turns out, there is a truth concerning space travel in the solar system that it is affected by planetary alignment that has nothing to do with proximity. You can read my thoughts here about Super Space Highways, defined by NASA. This post paral els that.

The human body is luminous. Biophotons exist. How old is the phrase, “the spark of life?” What is a spark? Maybe we need to define that. The Empire Strikes Back hinted at luminosity prior to the discovery of biophotons. The universe started with a Big Bang, not heard but a flash of light we can stil measure today. Guess what, science has recorded sperm and egg coming together

with a literal, defined flash of light.

el s/

This is not a new discovery, but my wonderful person Anton did a nice little video on it, here. In his video, you wil actual y see the magical firework of embryos turning on. It is not limited to humans. It’s a mechanism that goes back far along the evolutionary chain of life. That suggests it is a functional system. The body’s work is not just mechanical, it is electrical. The flash of conception is likely a form of communication, signaling to al the other would be sperms, “sorry, this workshop is closed for business.” Could the Big Bang be a similar signal?

I Sing The Body Electric

Those who don’t think the body is electric haven’t been keeping up with modern science. The Spark of Life: Electricity in the Human Body by Frances Ashcroft, is a nice little history of the body electric. You don’t have to be a Heart Math expert, or even know how to ride horses, to know we are affected by energy. You don’t have to take my word for it. I recommend this here.

The heart's electromagnetic influence has a greater depth of influence than the brain. The brain is electromagnetical y luminescent, but the heart outshines it. It extends out 3 to 10 feet, depending on who you’re reading, creating a spherical region of influence. Technical y, ripples in space/time extend forever, just harder to detect with distance, but never zero. Your heart light goes on, and on… Go ahead, sing with Neil.

Signals affect signals. It is easy enough to quickly be entrained.

Entrainment is a wel established phenomenon. When enough atoms in a ferrous metal line up, suddenly they al line up. You get a magnet. Clocks and metronomes sharing a platform wil

synchronize. People walking across a bridge can experience entrainment in their steps,

resulting in the bridge swaying. Why would you imagine hearts to be any less demanding of

their environments?

People See Auras

We have been talking about auras, in some form or fashion, since we started writing and

recording spiritual thoughts. We started ‘seriously’ talking about the body’s luminescent

attributes around 2009? Biophotons exist, bodies shine, and this light is subtle, not detectable by human eyes, but science has detected them, and you can read about that here. Biophotons are not infrared. That, too, is a wave. Some animals can see in the infrared spectrum, which is just outside of the visible light spectrum. Humans have tech to see in this wavelength. In this regard, al matter emits ‘light,’ or electromagnetic fields.

We reflect light, we create light, we obstruct and amplify and refract and play with light throughout our lives. Our emotional state is mood lighting. There is a correspondence between light and sound, and so it is no wonder we can use music to transmit complicated emotions and thoughts. Cymatics is the study of how waves affect matter. The video shows sound affecting patterns in sand. What if light, or electromagnetic properties, also affects how matter aligns?

Image 91 ery/SwtSp/comment/667607408

Seeing similarities in structures does not denote anything magical beyond “Oh, that’s

interesting.” Just as the above photograph may be a neural map or stel ar map, an x-ray of the lung resembled the silhouette of an inverted tree. Same above, same below.

But I am curious, when science does find a thing, and it appears to correlate with something from a non-scientific paradigm, why isn’t there more discussion? Maybe the average eye can’t see biophotons. Are there people who have greater range of sensitivity that could? Would that explain the persistence of auras and auric philosophies, beyond ‘we just like this stuff?’

Was the philosophic back drop of Jedi sm borrowed, intuited, or wishful thinking on Lucas’ part?

In 1939, Semyon Davidovitch Kirlian invented a camera that could photograph energy around

matter. Not just living things, not just dead things, but even non organic things like metals. A quarter, for example has an energy signature.

Image 92

Humans touching metals influence the charge. That’s interesting, too. Ben Kenobi:

It’s an energy field created by al living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it

binds the galaxy together.

And yet, I don’t recal there being a great deal of scientific investigations into this Kirlian light.

(Corel ian light?) When I do read about it, I hear the word pseudoscience thrown around. Is there real y a pseudo anything? That feels like an oxymoron, like paranormal. Anything that exists, even if it’s not measurable, wil fal within the range of normal, even if it’s an outlier on a curve.

Even now, with science having acknowledged biophotons, I don’t hear too much interest, or

progress in understanding light and energy or how it relates to biological life. We know life begins with a burst of light, visible even to the human eye. It’s a microburst. It’s better seen with a time lapse camera, but it’s there. Do I find more meaning in this because I lean away from materialism in general? I have seen too many ghosts with auras? Yoda. Anakin.

How is it the poets see the connections way before science makes a measurement? Isn’t that interesting? What if al humans were capable of greater sight and insight, but we are so used to dismissing ourselves because someone in authority told us we are blind?

“Don’t trust your eyes. They can deceive you,” Ben Kenobi said. “Turn off your targeting

computer, Luke. Let go. Trust your feelings.” Feelings can be right, right?

A love of light

Whether it’s the reports of Near Death Experiencers, recorded by Raymond Moody, or people

under hypnosis, like Michael Newton, or in just interesting conversations, such as with Richard Martini, to a one they al keep finding interesting data sets: beings of light we are. What if we are not first and foremost these bodies? What if every soul that ever incarnated is stil here, but we just haven’t got the technical expertise of measuring this light?

This light, by definition, would be subtle.

It also begs the question, are UFOs connected to this in some way. Not necessarily that UFOs are equal y subtle, but rather, they have tech that can render them subtle.

For example, al ships and aircraft have a signature. For that matter, al lifeforms, you, me, trees, everything, every object has a signature. Inorganic molecules have a signature. We have

electromagnetic signatures. Your heart is a radio station broadcasting 24/7. You have a cloud of molecules surrounding you. This cloud is comprised of your cel s and al the bio-organisms, the flora and fauna, that are unique to you. A sampling of this could identify your uniqueness to the same degree as a fingerprint left on an object.

No one can enter a room without leaving something or taking something.

EM signatures are harder to detect when the body is at rest. But Navy ships, for example, have a signature so unique that foreign Navies can identify and track a boat wherever it goes. Some of that is the peculiarities to its noise signature. There is enough nuanced difference between engines you can identify it, even when engines are of the same brand and type. They have

sound ‘prints’ just as al humans have a different voice print. A ship moving through the water also creates and has a unique signature, not just sound, but an EMF signature.

This is such a big thing that the Navy has countersignature measures that they employ. They want to disguise their ships. They use EMF generators to cloak themselves. You can read about it here.

Guess what. UFOs are employing signature suppression technologies to disguise themselves.

This is a little known fact about UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. They aren’t just tampering with radar signatures, which is an act of war, but they are employing signature suppression technology. It’s the greatest, subtle evidence that this phenomenon is the product of intel igence.

The thing about signals, though, is everything moving has a signal. A radar capturing information is identifying signals. Radars have a range for data col ection. The technology may record a greater range of information than what gets identified on the screen. Artifacts that were

‘detected’ moving at speeds greater than supersonic were dismissed by computer algorithms

because this was outside of the range of information we needed for normative operations.

Military wil have a greater range of tractable artifacts, because supersonic is something they are interested in. The clustering of UFOs around military assets could be simply due to the fact other entities don’t track artifacts traveling outside their designated scope of identifiers.

What if this was also true for bioluminescence and auras. Most people just don’t need their brain tracking this thing, so they have built in algorithms to dismiss data they can’t utilize on a normal basis. Maybe this is why psychics and shamans can see things we don’t.

What if we were al Jedi?

In short, we see what we want to see. We don’t al see the same thing. Even when science

says, yeah, there is a thing here, they have measured part of the elephant in the room, we’re not necessarily fol owing it, much less trying to find a correspondence.

George Lucas nailed it

I imagine it’s not an accident that the Jedi Philosophies, and the Yodaisms that emerged,

resemble the Asian Metaphysics, and the words of Persian poets like Rumi and Hafez. The idea that, “Of course you’re broken, that’s how the light gets in,” is interesting when watching the sperm and egg video. Yeah, I know, it’s just zinc and magnesium clashing. That’s the science part of me. But then again, the sperm broke the egg- that’s how the light got in!

I would love that this be my body of work, but I am being lifted by giants. Lucas, Jung, Rumi, Whitman, Joseph Campbel … This is not my light, but me merely amplifying and retransmitting the light.

“Luminous beings we are, not this crude flesh,” said Yoda. That just makes so much sense to me. It resonates with my being. It resonates with my personal philosophy. Am I deluded with magical thinking? Maybe. Or, maybe I am just an incredibly bad poet, singing the body electric.

I sing the body electric

I celebrate the me yet come

I toast to my own reunion

When I become one with the sun

The chil s you get when you hear truth, spun in a song, that’s a spark that fil s the entire universe with a light.

I Sing The Body Electric- Fame

Miscellaneous Notes and Tangents on this essay:

Spark of life: Metabolism appears in lab without cells

“People have said that these pathways look so complex they couldn’t form by

environmental chemistry alone,” says Markus Ralser at the University of Cambridge who supervised the research.

But his findings suggest that many of these reactions could have occurred

spontaneously in Earth’s early oceans, catalysed by metal ions rather than the

enzymes that drive them in cel s today.

This seems to go hand in hand with, while simultaneously contrasted by, Lee Cronin’s work, of making cel structures with metals that seem to mimic life. When you consider that sperm and egg ‘sparks’ into being, a flash made by zinc and magnesium coming together, it might make you wonder if the precursors to life were not organic material, but were instead metals.

Cronin is quoted in the fol owing article as saying, “I am 100 percent positive that we can get evolution to work outside organic biology…” A link to his 2011 article, and a video hearing him discuss it, can be found in my post here.

Scientist Creates Lifelike Cells Out of Metal

Scientists trying to create artificial life generally work under the

assumption that life must be carbon-based, but…

Though I lean towards metaphysics, I do realize I have a bias. I linked the fol owing article not because I am advocating for or against it, but because I find it interesting that I don’t like it. I don’t know why I don’t like it, other than the writing and conclusions clashing with my paradigm.

I liked the image of sperm sparking against egg, but chose not to use it because I didn’t want my ideas to be directly associated with their conclusions. I am not saying my conclusions are better or worse. This is just something we humans do, which is interesting. There are several sources imbedded in the article that are worth reading.

The spark of life

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The beginning of life has always amazed me. The fact

that God designed life to start from…

As a human being, I wil be the first to admit, I am a hot mess. You don’t need an FLIR camera to see that. I am ful of contradictions. As an individual, my personal preference is pro-life, but I wil vote pro-choice. I suspect that one of the reasons I did not want to quote from or reference the above article is because I am suspicious of its motives. My personal paradigm also includes that souls don’t begin at conception, but that we are beings who existed prior to conception.

Incarnations clearly begin with a spark, and ends with electrical activity ceases. Organic chemistry is simply a col ection of crystals and metals al owing for the flow of energy. Turning on a hard drive and activating the memory system, whether that be a plastic switch, a key ignition, or the union of two metals- it’s just a switch.

I began thinking about writing this with joy and fun, then I read the above, and felt less joy and more fear. Maybe this is the tangent of this posting that needs to be explored because, don’t we al do this? Don’t we have thoughts and ideas contrary to our family, friends, peers, or society?

Whether they are right or wrong, isn’t it healthy to share? Isn’t our understanding about a thing advanced through discussions, even heated arguments?

I mentioned it before, but let me give you a spooky, but interesting aside. You know I love tangents. I have argued against astrology and fortune cookies in general, not in the practice of eating them.

My friend, John, and his wife Shari, went out for Chinese food the week prior to him being diagnosed with brain cancer. Shari opened her fortune cookie, and read hers. John opened his to find there was no fortune. No paper at al . He would be dead six months later. Coincidence?

Probably. Then again, how many cookies do you suppose don’t get a fortune? How many

cookies would one have to open before they found a fortuneless cookie? I’ve eaten many a

fortune, but don’t recal ever not having a fortune. Jung might see this as synchronicity. We find meaning in conjunction to the paradigms we hold dear.

Image 93

Chapter 36 UFO Contradictions and Lies

Tangible and anecdotal evidence abounds, but word games continue to slow roll the

coming reality of a Non-Human Intelligence on Earth.

A smattering of articles this week reveal a huge cognitive disconnect with the UFO story.

Contradictions abound. Some of that might be seen as outright lies. It could be evidence

of folks simply being uninformed. When uniformed about the data, most people most of

the time will rely on conventional beliefs and will push that idea with such ferocity that you might believe the world will end if they don’t get the message out. The world will

certainly not end when the world consensus agrees ‘it’s aliens.’ Certain folks who are in

the know may find an end to their careers, but the world will go on as it always has.

If scientists could do some statistics on the google/youtube algorithms, I would be

interested in knowing the prevalence of patterns of UFO stories recycling. I recently

wrote on the big UFOs, the mile wide ones that clearly defy human capabilities. Do they

really defy physics? Do we really understand physics? Even Feynman says, if someone

says they know quantum physics, they don’t know quantum physics. Another video of

the mile wide one popped up in my feed, which may have nothing to do with the overall

landscape of the internet, but rather reveals a localized pattern of data being fed to me

because of my interests.

Which then begs the question, am I being fed, or am I discovering? Can anyone truly

discover the truth when there are layers upon layers of distractions?


One mainstream article iterated the Dr. Kirkpatrick statement of ‘no evidence for aliens,’

promoting itself with a title that suggests there is an update. I didn’t see an update in the

article. It was just an iteration of what was said, with no commentary about how neither the Senate or Dr. Kirkpatrick has added anything new to the subject. It is not likely that the mainstream will even critically examine the dialogue and push back against the lack

of serious questioning. A class of 6th graders would probably have asked better

questions than the Senate asked.

Less legitimate ‘mainstream’ media, on the other hand, offer a whole bunch of UFO

related articles. The ones discussing Gary Nolan and Robert Silas should be

mainstream, and the journos should be reporting and asking the same question their

Enguire-esque partners are doing. If they’re all owned by one or two parent companies,

I am curious about this schizophrenic level schism.

Again, it might also be nice to know the algorithms here, because if the lesser media is

profiting off UFOs, the pompous, authoritative old guard would be wise to get in step

with what the majority of people want to read. Are the lesser mediums the testing

ground for what the public can stomach?

Oh, and doesn’t that mean the UFO fringe community is being ignored and brutalized

due to bias? Where’s the love?

Where is the love you said you’d give to me…

The only consistent thing in UFO history is denial. Jesus H Christ on a stick, how much

evidence does a person need to see that UFOs are watching us at coronations and

when we crucified folks?! A UFO captured in a photo at the recent coronation, and a

portrait of Jesus hanging has UFOs in the art. Granted, the artist wasn’t live on the

scene when Jesus was executed, but there is no shortage of artwork depicting UFOs.

Not accidental paint strokes or random anomalies generated by one artist at one time,

but consistently generated UFOs.

Image 94

Why would any artist before the age of human flight put anything in the sky at all that

wasn’t a bid, or moon, or star, or sun? Unless they were seeing stuff in the sky and

talking secretly about UFOs, they way most people have talked about UFOs behind

closed doors for the last 75 years because the consequence for openly discussing this

subject had penalties.

These look like UFOs. Or ‘saucer’ shaped jellyfish. But why would they put tentacle

monsters in the air? Around Christ, for Christ’s sake?!

What happened to science? They can’t see the obvious UFO right there in the painting?

That’s not pareidolia! It is what it is!

Academics can’t realize this is not coincidental? It’s been in our face since cavemen

started vandalizing cave walls with crude art. I’m being silly. The art is lovely. I am sure there are refrigerators covered with art of equal value, and some of it makes it to

museums. To be fair, I don’t understand the difference between the two.

Sure, we can make an argument for today’s UFO theme being archetypal, which is

exactly what Carl Jung did when he wrote about UFOs, but science isn’t even

championing that idea. To do so means we’re looking at something even more radical

than UFOs. The collective unconscious and synchronicity is now evidence for telepathy,

and that’s a fair reason why humans collectively through all time and all nations keep

seeing UFOs. If it’s in one person’s mind, it’s in everyone’s mind and thoughts and

memes are as contagious as viruses.

If the collective unconscious exists, in a telepathic way, and information can be sent

backwards through time. Consciousness is non-local, it is not positioned in a spacetime

locale the same way atoms are. It is multidimensional, which supersedes spacetime.

Except, if we do go with that, now you have to explain why consciousness pings in on radar. That might be important, too, because if we live in the matrix, then thoughts

control reality. That might be a reasonable explanation for why the government might

not want you to know about UFOs. One person thinking the right thoughts can change

the world, literally. Usually you need a certain number of people, but one person is

enough. Which is probably the real reason Jesus had to die. His peaceful, loving ways

were a threat to the world that wants wars and control.

There is likely a certain threshold of people believing that simply changes reality. The

Transcendental Meditation folks have evidence that crime goes down in areas where a

few of them gather to meditate. The number of people meditating and the experience

level of those folks are variables that influence the measure of outcomes.

Still, it only takes one perfectly time meme to bring down a house of cards, right Bud?

Which is why scientists have to ignore this because you really don’t people knowing the

truth about reality. Economics just doesn’t work when people know the true value of

things. When they know diamonds are tarnished with the blood of children, people stop

buying. The secret, then, for collapsing the wavefront becomes as easy as getting in

tune with the universe.

Except, Robert Silas didn’t solicit his UFO experience.

Silas wasn’t a free-love, hippy peacenik. It wasn’t like Silas was in a nuclear missile silo doing CE5 protocols to summon aliens to stop the nuclear madness.

The Robert Silas article below published a couple days ago might make you think he is

just breaking his silence. He has been trying to speak on this for like 40 years! This isn’t new news. It isn’t even recent news. We in the UFO community have been listening to

interviews from him before 2017 NYT article that definitively said UFOs are real and the

government is studying them.

In my book, Doctor Gary Nolan has much more credibility than Doctor Kirkpatrick. How

many functional patents in the medical field that are helping people has Kirkpatrick

offered? Who is sneaking around in dark circles trying to keep the limelight off the UFO

subject? Who keeps his head down and beams sneaking, glaring eyes over the rim of

his glasses?

Gary Nolan is direct, and making eye contact, and saying it like it is, and yet he is

dismissed, but the guy that is overwhelmingly transmitting paranoia levels of

hyper-vigilance is championed? Seriously, he is working for the government, which we

know lies, and we’re surprised the poor fellow is guarded? He might be afraid for his life,

or his family’s life, because even though the government says they want whistleblowers, there is a long history of whistleblowers dying.

A history of killing whistleblowers going back to Christ? Further back?

Are you really surprised that not only is there denial, but there is denial that anyone is denying? Evidence keeps coming up missing. Like that photo of a UFO from England,

misplaced by the Scottish yard for several decades. Now report, again on old news, that

a ‘sperm’ sample is missing? Just like all the implants removed go missing? Just like all

the good evidence that gets seen behind closed doors in Congress never sees the light

of day again?

UFOs temporarily shut down another airport.

Telescopes catch things in broad daylight. That’s interesting. Many of those youtube

videos don’t get enough airtime. There is weird activity around the moon. Have you ever

seen the moon wave?

Perhaps it’s more interesting when UFOs shut down an airport, because we can all

relate to delays. It’s harder to relate to the moon, though we all believe it sometimes

makes people crazy. The Chicago O’Hare incident didn’t stop activity, but boy was there

a wave of denial. FAA denied. They recanted after evidence was discovered they were

indeed talking about it, and then they said, ‘oh, it was just weather.’ So why the initial denial if it was just weather?

Why are we playing these games?

UFO shuts down Turkey airport…

GAZIANTEP, TÜRKİYE, May 20 (Bernama-Anadolu): Flights were

suspended for 12 hours due to the UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)

allegedly detected by the radar of a passenger plane in the south-eastern

Türkiye, on early Saturday reported Anadolu.

The radar of a plane arriving at the airport at midnight detected an

unidentified object at 2743.2 metres (9,000 feet) in the Gaziantep city, said

the authorities.

That’s basically the whole article. It doesn’t resolve the occurrence. Why did it take a

whole 12 hours to resume normal operations? A balloon at 2743.2 metres probably

doesn’t take 12 hours to transit. Assuming it’s a balloon, and that’s reasonable at this

juncture, especially with so little information to go on, because the winds aloft would

likely move it along in a couple hours? But even then, if the plane had it on radar,

wouldn’t the airport?

Image 95

Oh, well, that’s assuming they are using traditional radar, as opposed to simply tracking

aircraft by transponders. Most airports are not looking at the sky with radar these days.

One might think the military would, but as you well know, it took a spy balloon fiasco

before the military ‘re-calibrated’ their systems. More likely, they just dusted off the

switch and turned it on.

Whatever this was, it wasn’t ‘identifying’ itself by normal flight rules. If it was big enough for the pilot to catch it on radar, it was likely large enough it qualified for a transponder.

If we go by the thumbnail with the article, they clearly went with an alien theme:

Which is evidence for bias, or are they saying what they can’t say?

The journalist writing this didn’t leave a name. So, it's hard to say if they are UFO

enthusiasts or not. We do have to sort bias, especially with as much bias as there

clearly is presently in the media. Not arguing for no bias. I am likely the most

opinionatedly biased author the world has ever seen.

But you know where I stand. I do try to be fair, but sometimes I fail. Fails are likely bias related.

Doctor Gary Nolan, you watch him speak, you will know where he stands.

Doctor Kirkpatrick, I don’t know him and he seems like he doesn’t want to be known. He

writes a scientific theoretical paper on alien motherships in the solar system, but then

says no evidence for aliens. I can’t tell if he is angry or scared as he responds to


And fair enough! I don’t know how I would feel being summoned to Congress. I don’t like when supervisors and HR examine me either, and so answering questions to the

Senate in front of a worldwide audience and having to be very careful of what you say…

Yeah, I don’t envy that fellow, and that there is reason enough to be compassionate

towards him…

Which means, even in that- my assessment of him is fairer than what the traditional

media has done, as they make his statements a matter of authoritative fact without

sorting the bias or the circumstances in relation to the seriously complicated enigma of

the UFO phenomena.

Maybe we could all try to cultivate a little more compassion, because too many of us are

hell bent on killing the messengers.


The Pentagon's UFO Office Has Given an Official Update on Its Findings

The head of the Pentagon office that is reviewing reported unidentified

anomalous phenomena (UAP - commonly known as…

UFOs spotted flying on dark side of the Moon, a TikTok page claimed

Two white objects can apparently be seen floating over the moon in a TikTok clip

But some users said the poster…

Air Force captain breaks silence on 'UFO attack' & blasts 'lie' over craft

AN ex-US Air Force captain has claimed that UFOs attacked the nuclear missile

base where he was stationed. Robert Salas…

'Cosmic sperm' row as biological UFO sample goes missing

An extraterrestrial mystery is afoot as "cosmic sperm" has gone missing, a UFO

investigator says. Russian biologist…

People convinced aliens exist as UFO spotted in 1,000-year-old painting of Jesus

People are convinced that aliens exist after a UFO was spotted in a 1,000-year-old

painting of Jesus Christ. The…

Ex-Air Force captain says 'UFO attack left guards screaming' and government

LIED Ex-US Air Force captain Robert Salas revealed when he headed a base in

Montana, US, in 1967 a guard claimed 'strange…

'UFO' spotted on other side of the moon in wild video recorded in broad daylight

At least two white aircrafts, one of which was notably smaller than the other, can

apparently be seen in the video…

Flights suspended for 12 hours due to suspected UFO in south-eastern Turkiye

GAZIANTEP, TÜRKİYE, May 20 (Bernama-Anadolu): Flights were suspended for

12 hours due to the UFO (Unidentified Flying…

'Car-sized' UFO floats through sky prompting speculation and conspiracy

theories Footage has been posted online of a UFO, described as the size of a car

floating a few hundred feet between Gomersal…

Professor says US 'reverse-engineering' UFOs

A Stanford professor who has researched unidentified aerial phenomena for the

US government says he believes…

Ancient Aliens: UFO Evidence Seized by CIA (Season 19)


If you have made it this far, I am grateful. I am not a professional writer and so I know that I can sometimes be difficult to read. Which makes me super grateful for the Medium audience I have held. There has been kindness there. I am grateful to Bryce Zabel for educating me on some basics of writing, that perhaps I should have already known. I am especial y grateful he tolerated the first thing I submitted to his publishing, and in entertaining a couple more attempts. I hope I was able to convey to him that I was not offended by his criticism. I also appreciate it wasn’t his job to nurse me into being a better writer.

My progress has been slow, but I have been persistent, and perhaps that is also a true thing.

Which makes Medium both a place to develop, but also a place to find people who can relate to your level of writing. Seriously, if you want to write, I highly recommend Medium. Don’t worry about the fact they pay you if enough people read you. Don’t try to chase the algorithm. Just be you, and al ow the universe to manifest through you.

The tools available to al of us these days are seriously changing how we interact with each other. There are some downsides, as we’re also learning how to be with each other in a more profound way. Sharing genuine thoughts is like being naked on stage. You’re vulnerable. There is a risk to being yourself.

What you have read here was genuinely me. It is not the end al be al of me. I am much more diverse than one book. We al are.

Be wel , and the world wil rise to your level of wel ness.

Again, and Always,


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