You Are Not Crazy for Thinking UFOs Are Aliens by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

Truth, Dare, or Lie- the UFO Game

The convolutedness of this UFO story is difficult to unpack. Obfuscation has

been as real as UFOs ever were.

Let’s beat a dead horse. Sure, it’s been there on the desert floor long enough it’s just beautiful bones. People used to put these in their yards. Elephants supposedly have the good sense to tuck their dead bones away. Humans put dead things over the fireplace and in diners. Are lies dead things? Movies the bones of actual, real events? Can anything good come from a lie? The US Government drove Paul Bennewitz to his death, paranoid, isolated from friends and family, and crazy. He wasn’t, but society made him so. UFOs were real before. They’ve persisted

through the dark ages of government psy-ops and science turning blind eyes to the corpses on the battlefield which was our own neighborhood. UFOs are real again. To what end?

The Airforce UFO Cover Up That Drove a Man INSANE | They’re LYING to US

So, just in case you haven’t seen the above clip before. Maj. Donald Keyhole is very clear. In 1947 the air technical intel igence center at Dayton, top air force men and scientists under contract said in secret documents to the commanding generals that UFOs are real and the best explanation is extraterrestrials. The military was actual y training people for dealing with aliens, as evidenced by SOPs that used the word ‘extraterrestrial’ in the training field guides.

Maybe this is not a dead horse. Maybe it’s a dead parrot. Reality today is feeling more and more like a Monty Python skit.

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The Aviary’s Parakeet is Dead

Nothing kil s a story faster than an admission of a lie. CIA operatives exposed their operation to make Bennewitz crazy. Later on, the same operative says, ‘BTW, UFOs are real and Bennewitz got most of it right.’

Legitimate men and women of authority were saying UFOs were real in the 50s. Six decades

later, we get news articles like: Nearly Six decades after seminal Montana UFO, air force vets brief Pentagon. Bit late, wouldn’t you say?

Aliens watching could be sending tiny probes. You want an alien probe? Bring me the Betz

mystery sphere? The silver bal with no seams would rol uphil and avoid fal ing off tables. It was studied by scientists and no solid explanation could account for its origin and or it

behaviors. That was 1974. In 1977, an after school special cal ed the Glitterbal would endear itself on the minds of kids… A bal that fel from a mother ship… I fel in love with this cute bal bearing of an alien space probe.

The Glitter Bal

When you have Stephen Spielberg himself saying his movies like Close Encounters were

constructed from actual stories from the news, and the US Government has clearly stated being involved with television shows to spread information and disinformation, including getting Disney involved back in the 1950s- then is this just more nails in our coffin?

Once you got Disney manufacturing lies, the only thing left was to keep making bigger and

better lies until they broke themselves because even their own management could not tolerate the BS coming from peers!

Was the Glitterbal movie designed to inspire kids, or to obfuscate the truth? Sometime later in their life, someone might remember that mysterious bal , and someone else wil say, “No, that was an after school special.” “No. There was a mysterious bal that did weird things and

scientists measured it…” “No, here’s the movie.” “Wel , here’s the bal story. This guy has it.” “It’s not moving.” “It’s sleeping.” “No, it’s just a bal !” “The government stole the original and switched it out.”

We turn everything real into fiction because we can’t handle the truth of weird, inexplicable stuff? Do humans actual y prefer the fiction that we’re the only ones?

Monty Python! ‘It’s a dead parrot.’ “No, it’s not. It’s sleeping. And I never wanted to be a pet store clerk. I want to be a lumberjack and wear dresses like my dad…”

What? Was that a farce, or was Monty Python remote viewing the future?

Why does al the good evidence conveniently disappear? Like, Oumuamua blowing through our

solar system. Some scientists say it’s aliens. Others say it’s not. Someone turns it into a fart joke, “it’s just passing gas.” “It’s just sleeping!” Others say it’s dropping off probes like dandelion seeds. Others ask, I wonder if we can catch up to it with a rocket in the next 26 years?

Why? It’s just a rock. And if we’re leaving our solar system, aren’t there better places to go and better things to chase than dead parrots? I mean, rocks?

Wel , we’re not going anywhere with NASA in charge of rocket Science. They couldn’t rebuild the Apol o craft to save their lives! Just another dead parrot, in a string of dead parrots, al nailed to their cages in the aviary.

The thing is, I suspect a lot of folks are sitting at home with dead parrots that they feed and water daily… Sigh. I guess I wil just become a lumberjack. After al , real men wear tights. Can’t beat em, join em.


WF: The Airforce UFO Cover Up That Drove a Man INSANE | They're LYING to US

Monty Python: The Parrot Sketch & The Lumberjack Song movie versions HQ

Nearly six decades after seminal Montana UFO incidents, air force vets brief


Strangeness in Slate Belt skies when dozens swear they saw UFOs | Lehigh

Valley historical headlines

Sorry, E.T. fans: Interstellar visitor 'Oumuamua isn't an alien spacecraft. It's just

passing gas.

Could a spacecraft 'catch up' to interstellar visitor 'Oumuamua in just 26 years?

WF: Alien Probe, Sentient Machine, Nuclear Weapon, or Junk? What is the Betz

Mystery Sphere?

The Making of Cult Children’s Sci-Fi the Glitter Ball.

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Chapter 20 Aliens Have Visited Us in the Past

This idea is gaining momentum in the media, thanks to a few scientists presently.

Let’s not forget the scientist that said it previously.

Philosophically, statistically, it’s likely a good bet to buy in on the side of ‘it’s aliens.’

Scientifically, regardless of the odds, if you believe life on Earth happened naturally,

then by definition it happens everywhere conditions allow. The Universe is too large a

place to say life has not happened elsewhere based on our present sample size! The

fact that there was no local data obviously apparent until the military updated its radar

system in 2004, doesn’t mean there hasn’t been data to examine., why no evidence.

The problem is, there was evidence previously- but the government lied. Before being

assassinated, Kennedy demanded all UFO data be turned over to NASA, which is

evidence for there being evidence.

Alien Mothership in Our Solar System?

A general, superficial, cursory glance at all data released to the public by FOIA

suggests there has been overwhelming evidence supporting aliens available to

journalists. It’s enough for those who know about the data to question, why now is the

government changing course on its decision to suppress the evidence?

If you believe the 1951 UFOs over the White House was a never before seen weather

event, that was never seen again, that pinged in on radar and resulted in military jets

being launched to intercept, on consecutive nights, then you’re just one of those folks

who believe the government would never lie. Not mad at you. God bless you even.

If you watch the news segments below, you might think Doctor Avi Loeb, Harvard

physicist, is the only one who has ever said we might have been visited by aliens. Carl

Sagan said it in the 60s in a scientific article. Why aren’t journalists picking up on that?

There is a whole scholarly book and everything discussing that!

Why isn’t the author who broadcasted that fact, Donald L Zygutis, being interviewed on podcasts? Scientists are always quick to quote Sagan on skepticism, but they won’t

credit him for writing the first ancient alien theory? Again, old news, but if his theory is right, then the evidence that Erich Anton Paul von Däniken provides in Chariots of the

Gods is now evidence that completes a theory.

This is as solid of a scientific theory as one can get! It’s as good as Graham Hancock’s

Ancient Apocalypse. Graham’s a journalist. He can think. He follows the evidence that

matches a particular theory, and anyone past first grade could connect these dots.

Lee Speigel, journalist, has also presented evidence that the US military was training its personnel in the reality that aliens are real and here! It was stated as much inside

government training manuals! You can find that in the video linked inside, Ancient Alien Artists Saw What We See, which is further evidence that this phenomenon goes way


Lee Spiegel spoke before the United Nations. This goes way, way back.

Not new news!

This part is really getting old. Callie Cassick wrote the news segment. She joined with

channel 2 NEWS’ team as a Digital Content Producer in May 2022. She was graduated

from the University of Pittsburgh in journalism. If you were to grade her report, on just

the content, well- it’s fair. But she can’t seem to go further back than 2017.

Mainstream journalists are often lucky to go back as far as 2004! John E Mack’s book,

Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens was 1994. 1997, Phoenix Lights. 2008,

Stephenville UFO! That news went around the world, too. Government said they weren’t

involved. They later recanted, owning they did have jets there.

Lots of UFO stories with military jets involved, with civilians witnessing military

involvement going back to 1951…

I can only speculate about what Cassick actually knows. Maybe she knows more but

was blocked from saying more than she did. Does she know John E Mack, also Harvard

scientist, and Doctor of psychology, also said there might be aliens?

Does she know Bryce Zabel? George Knapp? Ross Coulthart? Leslie Kean? These

were all prominent journalists who have interviewed real scientists and real people in

the military saying ‘it’s aliens’ and have been aliens for a long time.

Do we really have to start over? Is this deliberate?

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I am in no way saying Cassick is not genuine or authentic. I do wonder if she really

wrote that. I have seen evidence that news is scripted. I wonder if she had other


This happens more often than you think it doesn’t take a bunch of rocket scientists to

figure this out. And so, if there is suppression of knowledge and news is scripted, just

like science seems to be scripted- and you get punished for breaking from the script…

can you trust scientists?

Even Avi Loeb, in multiple podcast interviews, has stated he has been punished for

breaking from the script. He says it’s aliens, he gets grief. Interestingly, others say it's aliens, and he gives them grief.

new evidence that is less speculative than maybe.

So, there was a recent UFO caught by someone filming the Blue Angels practicing for

an airshow.

There’s NO WAY it should have been this close!

This is a saucer shaped object much better than a possible mothership in the solar

system now. This is better than Omuamua might have been a mothership that passed

through in 2017. This is better than Avi Loeb speculating Oumuamua might have

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dropped off some probes as it departed our solar system. Cause even if Omuamua left

some probes behind in 2017, it doesn’t explain the Nimitz encounter in 2004.

Or Stevenville, or Phoenix, or Washington, or Roswell.

Or the Queen's Jubilee:

Which looks a lot like:

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Which looks a lot like:

And this:

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and this:

Which is just me going over old news which is much more substantial than a maybe mothership that may have come and gone or may have left something, or that other

basketball size interstellar object that maybe Loeb can find on the bottom of the ocean.

The amount of money being spent on finding a basketball sized meteorite on the ocean

floor seems ludicrous, when we could simply ask Congress to ask the agencies that

redacted all the FOIA request to date to Re-release everything without the redactions,

so that NASA scientist waste money trying to reinvent the wheel when we already know

the government has an alien spaceship they’re backwards engineering.

So says Haim Eshed, Robert Bigelow, and now Rep. Tim Burchett:


Congressman: Pentagon ‘lying to us about UFOs’ | On Balance

Aliens may have visited our solar system, Pentagon report says

Pentagon officials suggest life on other planets

Alien Mothership in Our Solar System?

The Queen’s Platinum UFO, Jubilee!

Aliens on Earth for Millions of Years

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