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Cozy Hooded Poncho

By: Lion Brand Design Team

Sizes: S (M, L, 1X-2X)

Finished Circumference at Bust 44 (48, 52, 56) in. (112 (122, 132, 142) cm)


Note: Pattern is written for smallest size with changes for larger sizes in parentheses. When  only one number is given, it applies to all sizes. To follow pattern more easily, circle al numbers  pertaining to your size before beginning.




#122 Grand Canyon 3 (3, 4, 4) balls (A)

or color of your choice


#098 Antique Lace 2 (3, 4, 4) balls (B)

or color of your choice

LION BRAND stitch markers

LION BRAND® cable needle

LION BRAND® large-eyed blunt needle

Circular knitting needle size 8 (5 mm), 24 in. (61 cm) long


Gauges: 20 sts + 22 rows = 4 in. (10 cm) in Cable Pattern with A.

15 sts + 22 rnds = 4 in. (10 cm) in Rev St st worked in the rnd (p every rnd) with A.

12 sts + 24 rnds = 4 in. (10 cm) in Rev St st worked in the rnd with B.


When you match the gauge in a pattern, your project will be the size specified in the pattern  and the materials specified in the pattern will be sufficient. If it takes you fewer stitches and  rows to match the gauge, try using a smaller size hook or needles; if more stitches and rows, try  a larger size hook or needles.



beg = begin(ning)

dec = decreas(e)(s)(ing)

inc = increas(e)(s)(ing)

k = knit

k2tog = knit 2 together

pm = place marker

p = purl

p2tog = purl 2 together

rem = remain(ing)

rep = repeat

Rev St st = Reverse Stockinette stitch

RS = right side

rnd(s) = round(s)

sm = slip marker

st(s) = stitch(es)

St st = Stockinette stitch

WS = wrong side


Stitch Explanations

3/3 LC (3 over 3 left cross) Slip 3 sts to cable needle and hold in front, k3, then k3 from cable  needle.

3/3 RC (3 over 3 right cross) Slip 3 sts to cable needle and hold in back, k3 then k3 from cable  needle.

kfb (knit in front and back) Knit next st without removing it from left needle, then k through  back of same st – 1 st increased.


Pattern Explanations

Cable Pattern I (worked in rows over 9 sts)

Row 1: Knit.

Rows 2, 4 and 6: Purl

Row 3: 3/3 RC, k3.

Row 5: Knit.

Row 7: K3, 3/3 LC.

Row 8: Purl

Rep Rows 1-8 for Cable patt I.

Cable Pattern II (worked in the rnd over 9 sts)

Rnds 1 and 2: Knit.

Rnd 3: 3/3 RC, k3.

Rnds 4, 5 and 6: Knit.

Rnd 7: K3, 3/3 LC.

Rnd 8: Knit.

Rep Rows 1-8 for Cable patt II.



1. The Lower Band is worked as a flat strip, working back and forth in rows on the circular  needle. Ends of strip are seamed to make a ring, then sts are picked up along one long edge of  the Band for the Poncho.

2. A cable pattern is worked on the Lower Band, Poncho, front band and hood. If desired, stitch  markers can be used to highlight those sts.

3. Poncho is worked in the round, then divided at neck and worked back and forth in rows.

4. After shaping at top of Poncho has been completed, the remaining sts are used to make the  front band.

5. Sts are picked up along the edge of the front band to make the hood.

6. Some sections of the Poncho include selvedge sts. These are sts that create an edge for  seaming pieces together.



Lower Band

Note: Lower Band is worked back and forth on a circular needle in rows, as if working on  straight needles.

With A, cast on 15 sts.

Row 1: K2, p1, work Row 1 of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, p1, k2.

Row 2: K1, p1, k1, work next row of Cable patt I to next marker, k1, p1, k1.

Row 3: K2, p1, work next row of Cable patt I to next marker, p1, k2.

Rep Rows 2 and 3 until piece measures about 44 (48, 52, 56) in. (112 (122, 132, 142) cm) from  beg.

Bind off.

Seam cast on end of Band to bound off end of Band to make a ring.


Along one long edge of Band, measure about 11 (12, 13, 14) in. (28 (30.5, 33, 35.5) cm) from  seam and place a marker.

Note: To work the next section, you will be picking up sts evenly spaced across the marked  edge of Band. An easy way to do this is to divide the edge into halves, then quarters, etc - using  pins or scraps of yarn to mark the sections. Now, simply pick up and k sts within each of the  sections - for example, for the smallest size you will need to pick up and k 132 sts. If you first  divide the long edge of the Band into 8 equal size sections, you should pick up and k 16 sts  evenly spaced across sections 1, 3, 5 and 7 and 17 sts evenly spaced across sections 2, 4, 6 and  8 for a total of 132 sts.

From RS with B and beg at marker, pick up and k132 (144, 156, 168) sts evenly spaced along  long, marked edge of Band. Place marker for beg of rnd. Join by working the first st on left hand  needle with the working yarn from the right hand needle and being careful not to twist sts .  Work in Rev St st worked in the rnd (p every rnd) for 7 rnds.

Change to A.


Next Rnd: With A, k11 (12, 13, 14), *kfb, k1; rep to last 11 (12, 13, 14) sts, kfb, k to end of rnd –

187 (204, 221, 238) sts at the end of this rnd.

Next Rnd: *Work Rnd 1 of Cable patt II over 9 sts, p8; rep from * around.

Next Rnd: *Work next rnd of Cable patt II over 9 sts, p8; rep from * around.

Rep last rnd until piece measures about 12 (12 1/2, 13, 13 1/2) in. (30.5 (32, 33, 34.5) cm) from  pick up rnd, ending with a Rnd 4 or Rnd 8.

Note: Ending with a Rnd 4 or Rnd 8 means that the last rnd you work should be a Rnd 4 or Rnd   8.


 Divide for Neck

Note: The remainder of Poncho will be worked back and forth in rows on circular needle. If you  ended with a Rnd 4 above, you should beg Next Row with Row 5 of Cable patt I. If you ended  with a Rnd 8 above, beg Next Row with Row 1 of Cable patt I.

Next Row (RS): K1 (selvedge st for neck), kfb, k7, *p8, work next row of Cable patt I over next 9  sts; rep from * to last 8 sts, p6, kfb, k1 (selvedge st for neck) –189 (206, 223, 241) sts. Remove  beg of rnd marker.

Next Row (WS): K1 (selvedge st), pm, k8 (Rev St st worked in rows), work next row of Cable patt

I over next 9 sts, pm, * k8 (Rev St st worked in rows), work next row of Cable patt I over next 9  sts; rep from * to last st, k1 (selvedge st).


Decrease for top of Poncho

Next (Dec) Row (RS): K1, *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, p2tog, p6; rep from *  to last st, k1 – 178 (194, 210, 227) sts.

Keeping first and last sts in Garter st (k every row), remaining sts in Cable patt I and Rev St st st,  work even for 3 rows.

Note: When you see ‘work even’ in the instructions, this means to continue on in the pattern st  you have established without changing the st count by increasing, decreasing, or binding off.

Next (Dec) Row: K1, *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, p2tog, p5; rep from * to last  st, k1 –167 (182, 197, 213) sts.

Work even for 3 rows.

Next (Dec) Row: K1, *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, p2tog, p4; rep from * to last  st, k1 –156 (170, 184, 199) sts.

Work even for 3 rows.

Next (Dec) Row: K1, *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, p2tog, p3; rep from * to last  st, k1 –145 (158, 171, 185) sts.

Work even for 3 rows.

Next (Dec) Row: K1, *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, p2tog, p2; rep from * to last  st, k1 –134 (146, 158, 171) sts.

Work even for 3 rows.

Next (Dec) Row: K1, *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, p2tog, p1; rep from * to last  st, k1 –123 (134, 145, 157) sts.

Work even for 3 rows.

Next (Dec) Row: K1, *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, p2tog; rep from * to last st,  k1 –112 (122, 132, 143) sts.

Work even for 3 rows.

Next (Dec) Row: K1, *work 8 sts in Cable patt I, k2tog; rep from * to last st, k1 – 101 (110, 119,  129) st.


Proceed to All Sizes, below.

Sizes M (L, 1X/2X) ONLY

Next Row (WS): P1 (1, 13), *p2tog, p8 (4, 2); rep from * to last 3 (3, 13) sts, p2tog, p to end of  row – 101 sts.

Next Row: Knit.

 All Sizes

Next Row (WS): Bind off 90 sts for neck, k1, work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k1 –  11 sts.

Front Band for Hood

Note: Front band is worked on rem 11 sts then sewed to the left neck edge. Sts are then picked  up along the band to make the hood.

Next Row: K1, work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k1.  Rep last row until piece measures about 34 1/2 in. (87.5 cm) from picked up sts, end with a WS  row.

Note: End with a WS row means that the last row that you work should be a WS row. Bind off.

Without twisting band, sew edge of last 5 1/2 (6, 6, 6) in. (14 (15, 15, 15) cm) of band to neck,  refer to schematic to match A to A and B to B. Sew bound off end of band to inside of Poncho.


Note: Hood is worked back and forth in rows.

From RS with B, pick up and k 86 sts evenly spaced along inner edge of front band.

Work in Rev St st for 7 rows.

Change to A.

Next (Inc) Row (RS): K6, *k1, kfb; rep from * to last 6 sts, k6 – 123 sts.

Next Row: K1, *work Row 2 of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k5; rep from * to last 10 sts, work

Row 2 of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k1.


Next Row (RS): K1, *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, p5; rep from * to last 10 sts,  work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k1.

Next Row (WS): K1, *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k5; rep from * to last 10 sts,  work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k1.

Rep last 2 rows until piece measures about 8 in. (20.5 cm) from picked up sts, ending with a WS  Row.


Shape Hood

Next Row (RS): Bind off 42 sts (for side of hood), *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts,  p5; rep from * to last 10 sts, work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k1 – 81 sts.

Next Row (WS): Bind off 42 sts (for side of hood), *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts,  k5; rep from * to last 10 sts, work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k1 – 39 sts rem.

Note: You will now continue on remaining sts for center panel of hood.

Next Row: K1 (selvedge st), *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, p5; rep from * to last  10 sts, work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k1 (selvedge st).

Next Row: K1, *work next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k5; rep from * to last 10 sts, work  next row of Cable patt I over next 9 sts, k1.

Rep last 2 rows until piece measures about 7 1/2 in. (19 cm) from bound off sts.

Bind off.



Sew bound off edge of sides of hood to center panel of hood. Sew lower edge of hood to  Poncho neck.

Weave in ends.

Every effort has been made to produce accurate and complete instructions. We cannot be  responsible for variance of individual knitters or crocheters, human error, or typographical  mistakes.

©2013 Lion Brand Yarn Company, all rights reserved.