The KnightWatcher's Film Reviews 2014 by Bob Brown - HTML preview

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The KnightWatcher’s FILM REVIEWS   2014 edition


Hi!  I'm Bob Brown AKA The KnightWatcher.  A big welcome to all you fellow film lovers to the 2014 edition of my  film reviews. 

These film reviews are also published on my website,  http://www. movieandfilmreviews. co. uk which you are encouraged to visit.

This edition now contains 777 film reviews. Yes I know that if you buy a commercial book of film reviews it will likely contain more like 18 thousand films so admittedly I have a long way to go and of course there are many films that are not yet covered by this  book. But this hobby takes time and have you any idea how long it will take me to watch 18,000 films?  I hope I live that long! In the meantime these are the films I have watched in the last few years. At least with this book of reviews many of my readers will know me personally so you have the added interest of knowing the reviewer which normally you would not. So if you disagree with my review you can tell me directly. I don’t mind!

There are many films in here released in 2014. So what were the best films this year? I would say The Imitation Game, Gone Girl, Paddington and Fury.

My interest in films has confirmed that when it comes to films ‘One man’s meat is another’s poison’.  There are no films where everyone agrees that it is brilliant or awful.  Everyone has different tastes.  And so it is with my ratings.  You may find that usually you agree with my rating,  or you may find that often you disagree.  And therein is the fun and interest.  I love to hear other’s views and where you disagree that is just as interesting and welcome.  It is fun to discuss and debate these things.  You will see a table below which defines what my  film ratings mean . I will warn you that I mark tough.  Often on Amazon Lovefilm if someone likes a film they will automatically just give it a 10, in other words it’s all or nothing,  but I do not do this.  Instead  I make careful use of the full range of scores and generally I would consider any film with a score of 4 or above watchable and enjoyable to some extent.  So where I have given a film a score between 4 and 7 for example then I liked it and thought it watchable but it is just not a particularly great film; it might just be reasonable ,  average,  good or very good respectably. I would recommend that you briefly familiarise yourself with the definitions of the ratings which follow  before referring to the reviews.

If you limit yourself to just great films or those with Oscar nominations or to those which are well known and widely popular  then you can miss a lot  of perfectly good watchable  enjoyable movies.  I believe you need to be open minded and sometimes you will discover a hidden gem,  or one that just appeals to you personally and be surprised.  It is always satisfying to discover an unknown and underrated film.

My favourite genres are,  erotic thrillers (especially from the 1990s)  and Rom Coms and WWII dramas and so you will find a disproportionate number of these .   I like nearly all the genres except I am not really into fantasy action films so e.g. you will not find any reviews of Harry Potter , or Lord Of The Rings or Star Wars here.  It is fun sometimes to watch a film when you have absolutely no idea what it is about or the genre in advance.

It is surprising how many films have the same name.  The same names are used frequently even within a couple of years.  .  Therefore to identify a film you have to also look at the year.  Where I am aware there is more than one  film with the same name I have added the year to distinguish the one that I have seen.

Good watching- Bob    The KnightWatcher