Are Your Dieting Strategies Killing You? REVEALED: The Dark Side of Summer Dieting by Julie Kerr - HTML preview

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“Before I met Julie, I had already tried getting therapy with many psychologists and psychiatrists, I  was misdiagnosed with mental illness, I was taking anti-depressants and I was still feeling miserable.  Waking up seemed like a harsh reality check, I hated myself and I hated my life. I tried committing  suicide many times and I binged and purged often. I was destroying my life and the people around me.


After being skeptical about coaching over the Skype, I finally made the decision to start the Bulimia Free Program.


For the First time, I was able to see my life as a solution, not a problem. We were focusing on real and  practical techniques to develop self love and learn how to live.


If anyone is seeking treatment for bulimia I would strongly recommend this program because you will  learn that you can change your life by changing your thinking and you will be inspired by Julie because  she knows what it’s like to have Bulimia.


Today, I am free from Bulimia and depression and for the first time in my life I can say that I truly love  myself but I would never have done this without Julie’s help. Your greatness is within you but  sometimes you need someone to teach you how to unleash that greatness and that is what Julie does.


Taking the Bulimia Free Program was one of the best decisions of my life”. 

CH University Student

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