Are Your Dieting Strategies Killing You? REVEALED: The Dark Side of Summer Dieting by Julie Kerr - HTML preview

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Part 7: FREEDOM: Escape The Dieting

Trap With eBook Author Julie Kerr




  • Break free from a life controlled and dominated by food, dieting or an Eating Disorder,
  • Love the skin they’re in,
  • Live a life they love.


In her 20’s Julie was a highly successful international model. On the surface it seemed she was living the dream life, but her reality was quite different. Behind the painted smiles and faked happiness Julie hid a long-term struggle with anorexia and bulimia.


Julie’s eating disorder eroded her confidence and self-esteem and had a negative impact on her relationships, physical health and general enjoyment of life. And it all started because of a desire to look a certain way and ensure she remained thin and “beautiful”.


Julie’s battle with eating disorders raged for almost 17 years. During that time she tried countless ways to stop BUT the cycle of bingeing and purging had become so habitual and ingrained this proved impossible.


But finally she broke free – and it wasn’t through therapy or any conventional treatment.


And she has been bulimia free for 20 years.


Julie has experienced first hand the dangers of fad diets and the struggle people can face when they fall into the trap of believing happiness will come when they achieve a certain weight – and that dieting is the key.


So if your life is dictated and controlled by food, dieting and bulimia, Julie can help.


You can book a free 30-minute break free consultation with Julie TODAY to gain some valuable insights to help you escape the dark side of dieting and take the first steps to turning your life around.


To book your session please email


Simply put “Break Free” in the subject line. local time (with time zone) when you’d be available to speak with Julie and she'll get back to you to arrange the session (over Skype).


At the end of the conversation there are two things that will most likely happen. find that you’ve got enough from the session to move forwards, you may say “Hey Julie I’ve got what I need, I’m just going to run with it for now” and real y that will be cool.


You know I love doing these sessions and it would be my pleasure to have helped you that far.




You might say, “Julie this is great but realistically I’m going to need a bit of help with it”. In which case we can continue our discussion, see how I could help you and you can choose to engage my services or not.


Either way I know you’ll find this session extremely valuable and I personally enjoy having these conversations so if you’d like to have a conversation with me all you need do now is to simply email me and put “Break Free” in the Subject line adding a few dates and times (in your local time zone) when you’d be available to speak.


And I’ll get back to you to arrange a time to have our conversation.


If you choose to have a conversation with me the following months of your life could be very different. Whereas if you choose to wait – at best you’re delaying what needs to be done at worst you’ll continue to loose precious moments, days, weeks, months, maybe even years of your life.


You owe it to yourself to take up this opportunity.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Because freedom from bulimia is waiting for you…


Julie Kerr


Praise for Julie’s 121 Coaching


 “Before, I started the 90 Days To Bulimia Freedom Programme with Julie I felt lost and confused. I  couldn’t understand what had happened to me. My passion and zest for life had gone and in its place  was darkness, fear, guilt and shame. I was terrified someone would discover what I was doing.


I remember my first conversation with Julie very clearly. She’s full of energy, shining and caring. From  there we began our journey and I must admit, I love the experience of going through her recovery  process. It is an eye opening experience. Finally I got to understand why bulimia developed and what  caused it to become such a huge part of my life. This realisation that there is nothing wrong with me –  bulimia is a kind of mask - has made stopping so much easier than before.


I haven’t binged and purged in weeks – this feels so great and I’m even eating foods that would have  been triggering. Not only that, I am handling stressful situations that in the past would have led  straight to bingeing. I have rediscovered myself and this has given me such strength.


I now love to wake up in the morning, I love my life and I’m excited about creating my next chapter.


Thank you Julie for helping me to come back and create a ‘normal’ fulfilled life where I’m free”. DN


“…. I just had to update you and let you know all of the good news. Thank you so much!  I know I’ve said this before….but I saw psychologists…many…..and a dietician…..and a  psychiatrist……and it seemed like no one helped… were the only person who made any difference  and what a big and wonderful difference you made.


Thank you.


Although I’m still working on a few things, I’ve still come so far and not sure what I would have done  without you.


20 years….20 long years of suffering.

I’m so glad I stumbled upon your website!

Lots of love” AW