First Aid - Simple, Fast, Effective by David Ashton - HTML preview

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Check for Danger

Be sure that it is safe for you, the patient and any bystanders



Check for Response

Squeeze shoulders firmly and talk: Can you hear me? Open your eyes



Send for help

Call an Ambulance. Send someone to get help. Ask bystanders for assistance



Open the airway

Gently tilt the head backwards and lift the chin



Check for breathing Look-Listen-Feel

Look and feel chest for air movement, listen and feel for air from the mouth and nose. If the airway appears to be blocked roll the patient onto their side and remove the obstruction



Commence CPR

Give 30 compressions then 2 rescue breaths and repeat

If you do not wish to give rescue breaths use Hands-Only Resuscitation

(Chest compressions only, no mouth to mouth)



Attach a defibrillator

(AED-Automated External Defibrillator)

Turn it on and follow the automated voice commands

Continue CPR until the casualty responds, medical assistance arrives or you are too exhausted to continue