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8 Amazing Tips for Marketing Your Fiverr Gigs and Get More Sales

Okay, fine. You have created your first gig and you have done well to optimize everything that needed to be optimized. Clap for yourself!:)

Do you know the next step?

Well, it’s simple. Just start marketing your gig in front of your target audience and see how your gig will skyrocket high and start making huge money every day on fiverr.

Here are some of the things I did and that I feel if you do will boost your sales over 100%.

1. Social Media Marketing -You will agree with me that we are in the social median age and most company have recognized this fact and have taken to networking their business on social networking sites, such as facebook, twitter, googleplus, pinterest, LinkedIn and the likes of them.

It will hence make sense to say that as a fiverr seller you should take advantage of this social media apps by setting up an account with them if you’ve not and start marketing your fiverr gig on them and increase your sales.

2. Make Video for gigs - I bet I cannot over-emphasized more on this subject, or can I? Just make sure to get yourself a video gig. It will further enhance more sales to your gig. I fly with this seller trafficace”.

3. Blog Comments- Blog commenting is one of the principal form of connecting and leveraging relationships and of course drive quality and targeted traffic to your blog if like me you’re a webmaster and over the years, blog commenting has been one of the major source I continue to drive traffic to my blog and trust me it’s a potent and free way to drive traffic to your gigs as a fiverr seller.

Just make sure you go out and start commenting on top blogs and leave a link to you gig in the body of your text. Chances are that someone will see it and will click and get to your gig.

4. Forum Posting-Forum posting is another way of driving traffic to your gig and I have only stick to just 2-3 of them which are Nairaland, WarriorForum, and of course FiverrForum. I make sure I take advantage of these platforms the best way I can and trust me I am getting huge results from it.

5. Signature Links -After joining all of those forums (just join 2-3 to be effective and consistent in sharing on them), the next thing you should do is attach your blog links or as the case may be, your fiverr link in the signature area and the rest will be taking care of by your provider, I mean the forums.

6. Create free blog and write articles about your gigs and services-This is self-explanatory, isn’t it? For me, I created FiverrLab where I not only share about my gigs but also share tips for both sellers and buyers, plus also help promote other fiverr sellers and interview gurus in their respective fields. The result sir/ma speaks for themselves.

Mind you, if you don’t have the money to get a hosting company, you can always create a free blog with blogspot, wordpress, tumblr, livejournal, and a host of other CMS

platforms. (If I were you, I’d choose as it is very easy to set up and update).

7. Press Release– Press release is a cool way companies use in leveraging themselves to the online community.

Here, you write usually a 450 words article and submit it on press release sites and as fiverr seller you will be stupid not to take advantage of this. It’s very effective trust me. (I will research about this using Google if I were you).

8. Email Marketing - Have you heard of the magnetic and viral phrase “There is money in the list?” If you’ve not, you just heard it from me now. I surf on the web every day and I have come across the phrase many times throughout my travel online.

I must admit that it’s true and as an online marketer - a prospective or already made fiverr seller, your success involves mostly around having an “emailing list” where you can easily market your product or services to the folks on your list.

Say for example you have about 30k people whosubscribed to your list and you composed a magnetic newsletter and send it to all 30k people on the list, it’s certain that at list 10% of the people on the list will take an action and you know what that means, right?

By the way, you can go ahead and do the calculation of 10% out of the 30k people on your list and see how much you would be making every each month.

Note: If you know better marketing tips, please don't forget to share with me!!!