Fiverr Sales Machine - How to Boost Your Fiverr Sales Over 100% by Sam Adeyinka - HTML preview

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Another Explosive Guide to Being a Successful Fiverr Seller

Do a quick research and see who your competition is. Take a look at what they are doing that pulls traffic and converts for them (copy, wording, bolds, star symbols, gig image, extras, etc).

Here's some more tangible advice:

I'd personally recommend working on your gig description – make it a persuasive copy that answer's your ideal client's desires and fears. Visit the copyrighting section of this forum to pick up some basic skills about copyrighting.

Use bulleted lists for your selling points - What's in it for them? Why should they choose you? How are you different and better than others?

B e sure to offer "refund if not happy" guarantee and revisions to remove all risk from your buyer's shoulders.

Always ask your buyers to review your gigs - Good reviews are a secondary currency that drives the primary currency more than anything.

Do a good job at customer service - Prompt, professional quotes and occasional promotional prices go a long way when it comes to selling successfully on fiverr.

Reward both first buyers and regular buyers with small extras to keep them coming back.

Market your gigs wherever you can: put it in your signature and contribute to the discussion boards. Use social media; don't shy away from asking your buyers to share your gig and tweet about it.

You can watch this video from a successful fiverr seller: Click to watch Video