Fiverr Sales Machine - How to Boost Your Fiverr Sales Over 100% by Sam Adeyinka - HTML preview

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3 Free but Potent Ways to Getting Massive Orders…it worked for me.

Just before I share with you these 3 tips, I must let you know how sad I get when I see updates from fellow fiverians as to how they aren't getting any orders on their gigs despite the high impression it's getting.

I'm sure if you take a moment, yes a moment to read this following tips, you will soon start to get orders and like me, you will beg buyers to cancel their orders because is just too much work on you.

So you want to start getting others? Here are the things you should do.

Your Gig is DEAD and Needs a Revival

Yes, you heard me right; your gig is dead and can't produce because you didn't set it up well.

So many sellers get it wrong from the point of creation and in any form of online marketing; your creation is what stand you out from the rest of the crowd.

See, in fiverr, your creation of a gig will either make you or mar you. Meaning if you set it right, you will get quick and outstanding results. If you don't, you will always go around complaining and frustrated, which eventually will make you quit the business.

Speaking about business, fiverr is a business and must be treated as such if you ever want to succeed at it. But alas! Most people just think about fiverr as just another website.......wrong!

As I was saying, you will need to create your gig properly for you to get a desired result.

So how do I do that?

  • Optimize Your Headline - Think as a reader. For instance, you see something like; " I will write for you for $5" and " I will write CONSTRUCTIVE and Engaging Article on Your Chosen Subject for $5". Which would you choose? I bet you would go for the later. Why? Simply because it's much catchy and promising, plus it has an 85% assurance that readers will see it and will be compelled to take action by ordering your gig.

To get the utmost from fiverr, you will need to work on your headlines.

Now, think about newspapers or perhaps book authors, you will notice something similar about them. They always make sure to write attention grabbing headlines that will make readers take compulsive actions.

That's what you should also aim to do when trying to create your gig.

I still remember when I was trying to write my first book, I did write the book and formatted it the best way I can, sent to my editor and the first he said to me was “Sam, do you know that it’s not about your write-up but rather about your title? It’s what will help you sell your book”

As weird as that may sound, he was right and I’m glad to tell you that I did came up with the best converting title for that particular book, all thanks to my amiable editor.

Don’t mind all that story, okay.

If you’ve not yet done that, go sign into your account and start editing your headline with catchy phrases, like the example I gave above. Make sure you include your keyword somewhere in the headline; it will help rank your gig high on "fiverr search".

Mind you, don't use the above correct illustration word for word. Try to be unique as that's what would at the long run make you credible and sell endlessly on fiverr.

Have you worked on your headline yet? Then the next one is what you should look to fixing. What's it?

  • Optimize Your Images - So you've optimized your headline. Fine. The next best thing to do is to optimize your images. How do you do that? Again, it's simple.

All you need to do is to grab an image, a fantastic and representable image that will speak volume of your person and why buyers need to hire you for their projects.

Warning: Don't go using an image from Google images. It will hurt your gig. (Instead create your own images with either " Picpic", " Coreldraw", " Photoshop", or perhaps " Fireworks") I use the later for my designing needs". Don't ask me why. 

So you've gotten an image? Then go ahead and insert the image into your gig. But before you do that, try optimize it for your keywords.

"How will I do this, Sam?” Be at ease, I will teach you now.

Here: If you've already saved it. Go back and rename it. Instead of just naming it “article-writing”, you will put all the keywords you want it to rank for. You can add as many as you can since you can't do that with the description, which I will be mentioning just now.

So you have successfully optimized your image. Kudos!


  • Write A mind Blowing SalesPage - Yes, you heard me right! Your description is your sales page and the success of your fiverr experience starts and end with it. If your description is bad so will your experience be.

I see fellow fiverians put up crappy and copied descriptions from other fiverr sellers. Aside from the fact that it's wrong and unethical, it's also a drawback to buyers as it's almost certain that some of them would have come across that kinda description elsewhere, since they shop a lot.

And just because a Top Rated Seller has a short description does not mean you should too. And mind you, Google and humans love detailed analysis of whatever they are going into.

For instance, I will never buy into any idea if I don't know fully well what it entails or how it will benefit me. I will be stupid to do that so will any buyer be, if they decide to purchase your gig. That will happen only if you have some supernatural forces working on your behalf.:)

By and large of what I am saying here is to put up a nice looking gig, which means having a nice description. I soon will cover here why you need to do this right to achieve success on fiverr while doing free promotion.

I must also let you know that over-saturating your gig description is not allowed...fiverr is awesome; it will let you know when you're not doing things according to her rules.

Mentioning the keyword about 3-4 times is okay and do make sure to mention fiverr at least 2 times. An example that comes to mind is " Looking for experience writer here on fiverr” Look no further........” Trust you got the idea.

  • Get a Video - Fiverr Team specifically stated that gigs with videos convert more into sales.

Why? That's because, people wants to know who, what, and why they should work with you. And the only way to do that is putting up a video.

Some people may frown with this idea simply because they think they can't afford to show their ugly faces (Just Joking) or they are too busy too actually sit themselves down in front of their PCs.

Be at ease. You can always use an animated video to complement your gig and start making sales.

Animated video or Real Video - which should I go for. Anyone of them I would say. Just make sure you have a video on your gig.

When I am busy and can’t make my video myself I always make sure to order the service of this fiverr seller trafficace”. She’s one of the best fiverr video creators.

  • Optimize Your Tags - Tags are a good way to search for things and readers to my blogs often make use of my site's search box to search for things I've written relating to their keywords, it then would have been stupid of me not to use tags when I know readers are hungry and always want to consume one piece or the other.

To quickly do that, just look at what other top rated sellers used as their tags and try to work on something of your own relating to the keywords you're trying to rank for. With that, you're good to go.

Now that you have done all of these things. Congratulations! You've just pass the first stage by reviving your dead gig. :) (Go get some cup of coffee cause we are about to take this lecture even deeper)

Announce Your Revival

So it’s the time to announce to the world around you that you are now on fiverr selling your talents for $5.

Fiverr is not a place where you create and wait for people to patronize you. Even though fiverr pose over 3million users and ranks as 1 to maybe 10 popular sites in the weblogsphere, you will still have to do some little marketing to get more views and clicks to your gigs which will surely lead to more sales and that’s what I am about to show you here. Just read on…

  • Share Your Gigs on Social Networking Sites – I know I have made mention of this technique on almost everywhere in this report but indulge me to mention it here again.

We area in the age of social median and it will be insane not to take advantage of this form of marketing and did I tell you that it’s free to use?

Now, I’m sure you have an account Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and maybe Googleplus, it make sense if you start marketing your fiverr gig right there on those accounts, trust me it will drive more sales for you if you do it well and consistently.

I must let you know that one of the sources I get traffic to my blog still remains “referral traffic” and by referral traffic I am sure you know I am talking about the likes of StumbleUpon, Reddit and of course Facebook.

Organic Traffic is cool too but I rock referral traffic!

  • Make use of the “Buyers Request” option on fiverr – Fiverr is really the best market place and owing to the fact they want every of their sellers to rock sale they had to make available this amazing option.

After my 3months research about fiverr, I lunched deep by creating the best seller account and started rocking sales from the very first day as I created my account the best day of the week when I knew most users will be online; well, I did all the important things I needed to do, part of which was taking advantage of the buyers request option by clicking on my profile then sales and then the buyer request option and started to show interest on some of the things buyers want and trust me my sales increased from the normal 3 per day to 5, 7

and then 10 per day.

It was a dream come true for me and throughout that month I rocked continued sales on fiverr and my paypal account was smiling every each day.

The genesis and the revelation of what I am saying is that you can make use of the fiverr’s buyers request option to rock sales and did I also tell you it’s FREE? It is and if it worked for me trust me it will work for you too.

  • Use Fiverr Forum to Market Your Fiverr Gigs – one of the things I learned from my three (3) months study of what fiverr is and what it is not is that the use of forum can make a success out of a seller that has decided to deploy its use.

So armed with this lifetime information I quickly took to forums, especially the Fiverr Forum – which was created by fiverr with the principal intention of helping buyers and sellers connect with each other and get their desired results. Another reason this forum was created for is to arm sellers with needed tips and tricks to actually be a success at doing fiverr.

And you can trust me, I didn’t dull myself but I quickly maximized the forum by getting used to virtually everything shared on it and myself shared tips and linked back to my fiverr gigs (the results speaks for themselves).

Now here’s it. It’s easy to join fiverr, just make sure you are signed on your fiverr account, then go here – just connect your fiverr account with the forum at the right hand side of the page and you are good to go.

Now, hover your mouse around the menus area and click on My Fiverr Gigs and click on Start a Discussion. Go ahead and put any headline, usually I put the headline of my fiverr gig and then copy and paste my gig’s description and of course my gig’s link and I go ahead and click on submit.

That’s it! I start getting views and possibly message from prospective buyers who are interested in allowing me to work on their projects.

  • Create a Banner and Share it Across Your Blogs – This is considered to be a paid advert and it converts really well if used appropriately.

One of the things I did back then was creating a banner with my CorelDraw Application and putting the ads on every of my blogs and make sure to build more traffic to my site at that time which turn to more clicks as I have spared no effort to putting up a great banner.

I also made sure I use the help of my blogging friends by asking them to help share the banners on their blogs plus writing reviews and of course sharing it with their friends on social networks and Indians are versatile when it comes to creating converting Facebook pages and these guys also helped in sharing my fiverr gigs on their Facebookfanpages (all these was due to having built quality relationships with them over the weeks, months and years).