Fiverr Sales Machine - How to Boost Your Fiverr Sales Over 100% by Sam Adeyinka - HTML preview

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2 Easy Ways to Quickly Promote Your New Gig and Get Huge Result

Do you know you can increase your ratings and ranks on fiverr by ordering your gigs and rating your gigs?

How is that possible, you probably are asking? That's an inventive question if you would ask me. I'd ask the same too. :)

Well, it's quite simple: Just follow these 2 tips

1. Get a Mastercard/Paypal Account

Just use your mastercard, be it a GTBankmastcard which I think is the coolest or perhaps paypal, I'd use my US paypal account if I were you. (Need a US paypal account? Contact me now) to order your fiverr gig with another IP of course.

I use anonymox for my surfing and trust it's the coolest free VPN out there. And because I am nice I have decided to include the download link for you. Here: ( and did I tell you can change your IPs in just 1clicks to any country IP in the world?

Now, say you have some funds in your bank account and wants to promote your fiverr gig, all you need do is order maybe 5 times or maybe more on the gig you're trying to promote, depending on the money in ur account though.

Two things will happen 1) Fiverr will raise your impression and maybe feature your gig 2) Buyers will have no problem trusting you as per your credibility in form of your reviews and rating, so you get orders day-in-day-out.

2. Deliver the Job, Rate and Review

After ordering, which is the first step, go ahead and mark the job as complete. Then be sure to give positive reviews and ratings. But note, make sure you leave at least a gap of maybe 1-3hrs before you deliver the job so that fiverr don’t notice maybe you’re the one ordering your gig. Do you get that?

Conclusively, doing this will result to 1) quick growth, 2) more clicks on your gigs, 3) more money and so on and so forte.

Some may question this technique. Well you have nothing to worry about neither do you have anything to lose because you're still the owner of the money and can withdraw it back at any time.

Note: I just thought of this idea and thought to include it in this eBook. Hope it help you make more money on fiverr. I'll love to know the outcome should in case you try it.