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psi pound(s) per square inch

psig pound(s) per square inch gauge


FM 5-484/NAVFAC P-1065/AFMAN 32-1072

PTO power takeoff

RH-2 An air-transportable RED HORSE echelon

composed of 93 people and ready for

pull-back method A way of installing telescoping

deployment 48 hours after notification.


RH-3 A RED HORSE echelon composed of 295

pulldown. See feed drive

people and ready for deployment six days after

pump-surge method A backwashing method that


involves alternately pumping water to the

ringing off Fatigue failure in the drill-rod joints

surface and letting water run back into the well

caused by excessive torque or thrust or by

through the pump-column pipe.

borehole deviation.

push-tube A method of collecting undisturbed

riparian vegetation Dense strands of vegetation

soil samples; this method uses thin-wall,

along stream channels.

freed-piston samplers in very soft to stiff clays,

silts, and sands that do not contain appreciable

rivers. See streams and rivers

amounts of gravel.

rock development A well-development method

PVC polyvinyl chloride

used in rock formations that involves combining

jetting with air-lift pumping to wash out fine

cuttings, silt, and clay.

qanat A man-made, gently inclined underground

rotary pump A pump that uses a system of

channel that allows groundwater to flow from

rotating gears to create a suction at the inlet and

alluvial gravels at the base of hills to a dry

force a water stream out of the discharge.

lowland; qanats appear as a series of

ant-mound-like openings that run in a straight

rotary table Rotating platform on a rotary rig that

line and act as air shafts for a channel.

transmits torque to the drill rod through the


qt quart(s)

ROWPU reverse osmosis water purification units

Quick-Gel Wyoming-type bentonite drilling fluid

used for mixing mud

RPM revolution(s) per minute

rung off See string failure

recharge Water that infiltrates the soil.

runoff Precipitation on land surfaces that flows

along the surface.

recharge area Area where the groundwater

reservoir is replenished.

RED HORSE rapid engineer deployable, heavy

S3 Operations and Training Officer (US Army)

operational repair squadron.

sacrificial anode A simple method of protecting

regional river basin Subdivision of a major river

metal casing from corrosion by connecting a

basin; the Missouri River Basin is a regional

galvanically active metal bar to the casing.

river basin of the Mississippi River Basin. See

also drainage basin, hydrographic basin;

salt encrustation Surface indicator that often

major river basin

occurs in playas and is indicative of saline


reservoir indicators Characteristics in soils,

rocks, and landforms that define the ability of an

saltwater encroachment Movement of saltwater

area to store and transmit groundwater but

into zones previously occupied by freshwater.

which do not directly indicate the presence of

saltwater intrusion Invasion of salt water into


freshwater during pumping.

Revert A natural, organic polymer fluid derived

sanded in A condition that exists when the string

from the guar plant. See also polymer

becomes stuck when cuttings collect on the bit

RH-1 An air-transportable RED HORSE echelon

and collar shoulder.

composed of 16 people and ready for

deployment 12 hours after notification.


FM 5-484/NAVFAC P-1065/AFMAN 32-1072

sand line Device used with the elevator for lifting

snow-melt pattern Surface indicator that can

one or two half lengths of pipe. See also

provide evidence of recharge areas and

elevator (casing); pin hook

directions of groundwater flow.

sandstone Consolidated or cemented sand.

soil moisture Surface indicator that can provide

saturated thickness Distance between the top of

some indication of recharge and discharge areas;

the groundwater and the bottom of the aquifer.

soil moisture content is related to local rainfall

and to grain size.

SC supply catalog

SOP standing operating procedures

SCFM sea level cubic foot (feet) per minute

SP spontaneous potential

semipermeable barriers Features (faults or

fractured rock masses) that restrict flow but do

specific retention Water that cannot be pumped

not act as a complete barrier.

out of a well.

sedimentary rock Rocks that are composed of

specific yield Water that can be pumped from a

sediments that are converted to rock through


compaction cementation or crystallization.

spring Effluence of groundwater occurring where

self-jetting method Digging a jetted well by

the water table intercepts the ground surface; a

sinking a continuous-slot-, brass-jacket-, or

spring is a good surface indicator of the

jet-head-tapering-type well point.

presence of shallow groundwater occurrences.

self-potential potentiometer The instrument in

SP polarity-reversing switch A switch on the

the electrical logging system that balances out

electrical logging system that is located directly

the SP that exists between any pair of potential

below the SP potentiometer the switch shows


the polarity of the particular cable electrode

being used.

self-priming pump A pump with a priming

chamber that makes repriming unnecessary

SP shutoff switch A spring-return switch on the

when the pump is stopped for any reason other

electrical logging system that is located in the

than au intentional draining.

upper left comer of the panel; this switch

automatically shuts off the l-1/2-volt C-battery

semipermeable barriers Features (faults or

when the instrument lid is closed.

fractured rock masses) that restrict water flow

but do not act as complete barriers.

spudding Raising or lowering the drill string.

shale Fine-grained sedimentary rock that does not

spudding in Starting the borehole.

store much groundwater and does not transmit

squeezing See swelling soil

large quantities of groundwater.

Sr specific retention

single-string method of installing casing

Installing casing and screen (already joined) in a

stabilizers Items, such as drill collars, used on the single assembly.

drill string during drilling operations.

single-string method of installing screen. See

STANAG Standardization Agreement

single-string method of installing casing

STD standard

sinker rod An insulated device that can be

STP Soldier Training Publication

attached with a leather thong to the probe on the

electrical logging system if more weight is

straight pumping A well-completion method that

needed to carry the probe to the bottom of a well.

uses a pitcher-spout hand pump.

smentex Commercial chemical agent added to

mud drilling fluid to prevent it from freezing.

See also aquagel; barite; fibratex; gel-flake;

impermex; micatex


FM 5-484/NAVFAC P-1065/AFMAN 32-1072

streams and rivers Surface indicators that are

TOA table of allowances

usually recharge areas in arid regions and may

be recharge or discharge areas in temperate

top head A mechanism on a rotary rig that moves

climates; areas adjacent to streams are

down along the rig mast as the boring is

considered good locations for wells but are not

advanced and is raised to the top of the mast to

always the best available areas for water wells

add a length of drill pipe; the top-head drive

because of soil content.

uses a power swivel.

string failure A condition that exists when the

TRADOC United States Army Training and

drill string parts, leaving a portion in the

Doctrine Command

borehole the drill string is rung off. See also

transmissivity The product of hydraulic

fish; fishing

conductivity and the saturated thickness

submergence The proportion (percentage) of the

expressed in gallons per day per foot of aquifer

length of the air pipe that is submerged below


the pumping level.

transpiration Water that Wrens to the

submersible pump A centrifugal pump closely

atmosphere from plants.

coupled with an electric motor that can be

tremie placement Placing gravel-pack material

operated underwater,

using a tremie pipe.

submersible-pump method A pump-testing

tricone bit A bit that consists of three con-

method that uses a submersible pump to pump

shaped rollers with steel teeth milled into the

test the water well.


surface indicator Feature that suggests the

turbine pump A shaft-driven, multistage,

presence of groundwater.

centrifugal pump containing several impellers or

surface-water divide Boundary between

bowl assemblies.

groundwater flow systems.

uncased-interval method Installing casing in

surge-block method A backwashing method that

wells located in rock formations.

involves developing a well by surging water up

unconfined aquifer An aquifer that is partly filled

and down the casing with a surge block or

with water, has fluctuating water levels, and can


receive direct recharge from percolating surface

swelling soil (squeezing) In-hole effects of shale


or clay that absorb water from the drilling fluid

unconsolidated deposit Consists of weathered

Sy specific yield

rock particles of varying materials end sizes.

unscreened well A well in competent rock that

does not require a screen; the aquifer is tapped

TAC Terrain Analysis Center

through numerous, irregularly spaced fractures.

TAD Transatlantic Division

US United States (of America)

tag-along compressor auxiliary compressor

USAF United States Air Force

tape method Procedure to measure the depth to

USGS United States Geological Survey

the static level in a shallow well.

TEC united states Army corps of Engineers

Topographic Engineering Center

vegetation type Surface indicator that can help

define the location of recharge and discharge

TM technical manual

areas end groundwater.

TN Tennessee

viscosity Relates to true (Newtonian) fluids such

as water; viscosity is a proportional constant

TO technical manual

between sheer stress and rate in laminar flow.

TO theater of operations


FM 5-484/NAWAC P-1065/AFMAN 32-1072

wall stuck A condition that exists when the

alignment of a fine-grained soil or shale hole

deviates significantly and the drill pipe wallows

into the wall.

washdown method Installing screen in an aquifer

that is composed of fine to coarse sand with

little or no gravel.

wash-in method Installing casing by advancing

the borehole for an expedient jetted-well


water-table wells Wells drilled into an

unconfined aquifer.

WDRT Water Detection Response Team

WDS well-drilling system

well probe A device on the electrical logging

system that consists of one brass current

electrode and three lead-oxide potential


WES United States Army Corps of Engineers

Waterways Experirment Station

wetlands Marshes, bogs, and swamps that arc

indicative of very shallow groundwater.

WRDB Water Resources Data Base

XS extra strength

Y yes

yield Volume of water discharged from a well per

unit of time when water is being pumped or is

flowing freely.

yield point Mud quality broadly included m



FM 5-484/NAVFAC P-1065/AFMAN 32-1072



These are the sources quoted or paraphrased in this publication.

International Standardization Agreement

STANAG 2885 ENGR (Edition 2). Emergency Supply of Water in War. 9 November 1990.

Military Publications

FM 5-33. Terrain Analysis. 11 July 1990.

FM 5-34. Engineer Field Data. 14 September 1987.

FM 5-116. Engineer Operations Echelons Above Corps. 7 March 1989.

TM 5-725. Rigging. 3 October 1968.

Nonmilitary Publications

Baroid Properties and Performance of Drilling Muds. Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc. Houston, Texas.

Catalog no. WW 1000-01. 1989

Geology and Geophysics for Military Well Drillers. Geotechnical Laboratory, US Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, Mississippi.

Groundwater Atlas of the United States: Hydrologic Investigations Atlas. Department of the Interior USGS. Denver, Colorado.

Chapter 730-A. Introductory material and nationwide summaries (Segment no. 0).

Chapter 730-B. California, Nevada (Segment no. 1).

Chapter 730-C. Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah (Segment no. 2).

Chapter 730-D. Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska (Segment no. 3).

Chapter 730-E. Oklahoma, Texas (Segment no. 4).

Chapter 730-F. Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi (Segment no. 5).

Chapter 730-G. Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina (Segment no. 6).

Chapter 730-H. Idaho, Oregon, Washington (Segment no. 7).

Chapter 730-1. Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming (Segment no. 8).

Chapter 730-J. Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin (Segment no. 9).

Chapter 730-K. Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee (Segment no. 10).

Chapter 730-L. Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West References-1

FM 5-484/NAVFAC P-l065/AFMAN 32-1072

Virginia (Segment no, 11),

Chapter 730-M. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont (Segment no, 12).

Chapter 730-N. Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico (Segment no. 13).

Ground Water and Wells. Third Edition. Johnson Filtration Systems, Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota.

ISBN 0961645601, 1989.

Percusion Drilling Equipment Operation and Maintenance Manual. (Catalog no. M500-2.) Mission Drilling Products Division, TRW Energy Products Group. Houston, Texas Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey.

Applications of Borehole Geophysics to Water-Resources Investigations. Book no. 2. US

Geological Survey. Arlington, Virginia.

The Button Bit vs The Rock. (Publication Form no. 769-l.) Ingersoll-Rand Company. Roanoke, Virginia.

Water Well Manual. U.C. Gibson and R.D. Singer. Premier Press, California. 1971.


These documents must be available to the users of this publication.

DD Form 2678. Well Driller’s Log. October 1993.

DD Form 2679. Piping and Casing Log. October 1993.

DD Form 2680, Military Water Well Completion Summary Report. October 1993.

DA Form 2028. Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms, February 1974.

DOD Defense Mapping Agency Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products, Part 3 V.

FM 5-250. Explosives and Demolitions. 15 June 1992.

FM 5-410. Military Soils Engineering. 23 December 1992.

TM 5-545. Geology. 8 July 1971.

TM 5-818-5, Dewatering and Groundwater Control. 15 November 1983 w/change 1, June 1985.

TM 5-3820-256-10. Operating and Maintenance Instructions for Drilling System, Well Rotary, Truck Mounted, Air Transportable, 600 Feet Capacity, Model Number LP-12. 15 March 1989

w/change 1, 1 September 1990.

STP 5-62J12-SM-TG. Soldier’s Manual and Trainer’s Guide, MOS 62J. General Construction Equipment Operator, Skill Levels 1/2. 15 October 1986.

STP 5-62N34-SM-TG. Construction Equipment Supervisor Soldier’s Manual and Trainer’s Guide. MOS 62N, Skill Levels 3/4. 21 February 1989.


FM 5-484/NAVFAC P-1065/AFMAN 32-1072

SC 3820-97-CL-E01. Pneumatic Tool and Compressor Outfit, 250 CFM; Truck Mounted.

14 June 1974

AFI 10-209. Civil Engineering RED HORSE Squadron. April 1983

API 91-202. US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program. March 1987.

AFT 91-301. Air Force Occupational Safety Fire Prevention and Health Program. May 1990.

TO lC-130A-9. Cargo Loading Manual. 16 June 1980 w/changes 1 through 8, 5 December 1988.

A1OO-66. American Water Works Association Standard for Deep Wells. Waverly Press, Baltimore. 1925


Military Publications

AR 600-200. Enlisted Personnel Management System. 15 September 1990.

AR 735-5. Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability. 31 January 1992.

AR 750-1. Army Materiel Maintenance Policy and Retail Maintenance Operations.

27 September 1991.

FM 5-33. Terrain Analysis. 11 July 1990 w/change 1, September 1992.

FM 5-100. Engineer Combat Operations. 22 November 1988.

FM 5-104. General Engineering. 12 November 1986.

FM 5-233. Construction Surveying. 4 January 1985.

FM 5-333. Construction Management. 17 February 1987 w/ change 1, April 1991.

FM 5-335. Drainage. 2 December 1985.

FM 5-434. Earthmoving Operations. 30 September 1992.

FM 22-100. Military Leadership. 31 July 1990.

FM 25-101. Battle Focused Training. 30 September 1990

FM 5-430-00-l/AFP 93-4, Vol I. Planning and Design of Roads, Airfields, and Heliports in the Theater of Operations (Road Design). To be published withing 6 months.

FM 5-430-00-2/AFP 93-4, Vol II. Planning and Design of Roads, Airfields, and Heliports in the Theater of Operations (Airfield Design). To be published withing 6 months.

ARTEP 5-500. Engineer Cellular Teams. 30 July 1980.

Nonmilitary Publications

Applications of Electrical Logging to Water Well Problems. F. L. Bryan. Water Well Journal, 4:1, 1950.


FM 5-484/NAVFAC P-1065/AFMAN 32-1072

Application of Electrical and Radioactive Well Logging to Ground-Water Hydrology. E. P. Patten and G. D. Bennett. US Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1544 D. 1963.

Electric Logging Applied to Groundwater Exploration. P. H. Jones and T. B. Buford. Geophysics, 16:1. January 1951.

Electrical Well Logging. H. Guyed. The Oil Weekly, a series of articles published from August 7

to December 4, 1944.

Interpretation of Electric and Gamma Ray Logs in Water Wells. H. Guyed. American Geophysics Union. Technical Paper. Mandrel Industries Inc. Houston, Texas. 1965.

Investigation of Ground Water Supplies with Electrical Well Logs. H. Guyed. Water Well Journal.

May 1957.

Investigation of Groundwater Supplies with Electric Well Logs. T. S. Morris. Water Well Journal.

May-June 1952.

The Quantitative Aspects of Electric Lag Interpretation. J. E. Walstrom. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. and Met. Engrs., Vol 195. 1952.

Well Drilling Manual. National Water Well. Dublin, Ohio. ISBN 0-318-15937-6

Well Drilling Operations. National Water Well. Dublin, Ohio. ISBN 0-318-23051-8

Well Site Geologists Handbook. Donald McPhater. Tulsa, Oklahoma. ISBN 0-87814-217
