Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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HR101  HAIR 101 (HAIR)


1. dark hair fell in waves

2. whispered into her hair

3. hair grew upward and outward in great masses of curls

4. rough black hair fell almost to his eyebrows

5. long dark hair hung loose over her shoulders 




1. hand stopped in mid-stroke

2. began to work at a tangle in her hair with the ivory comb

3. combing his strong black hair with his fingers

4. combing her hair back with the fingers of both hands

5. numbly  picked up her comb and began to draw it through her hair




1. brush back some hair that the wind had caressed out of place

2. began to drag a brush through the delicate fair hair

3. took a brush and ran it down her hair, which crackled with static

4. brush her hair slowly

5. concentrated on brushing her hair

6. watched the rhythmic strokes of the brush, fascinated

7. hand stopped in mid-stroke




1. soaked her hair until it turned to a jet curtain of wet silk on her back

2. hair was simply wad and worn naturally

3. wore her hair away from her face in a cleaned-up hairdo




1. began to unplait her braids

2. pulled out the pins that held her hair

3. twisted her heavy hair up beneath a simple veil

4. had plaited her hair and wound it around her head in a silvery braid

5. asked her to pin up her long braids under her veil

6. catching her hair back from her face with a scarf

7. hair that had been teased with the fingers

8. bundling up her hair with pins

9. began to unplait her braids slowly

10. pulling back her hair

11. looped her braids

12. hair curled on his forehead

13. fixed a lock of hair




1. a heavy lock of her hair slipped forward onto her breast

2. felt the silky weight of her hair slide over her shoulders onto his face and neck

3. hair was newly put up and wanting to tumble down again, like a maiden's

4. shake of her head loosened her hair

5. long braids swung

6. dropped her hair forward

7. blinded by her hair falling

8. had let her hair fall loosely on her shoulders

9. as  moved her head the heavy curtain of her hair swung forward to hide

10. pulled off the scarf, shaking her hair free

11. tendrils of hair tore themselves loose and whipped across her eyes

12. hair swung around her shoulders and over her pale breasts

13. a heavy lock of her hair slipped forward onto her breast

14. long hair falling across the bare crown of his head

15. bouncing hair and shining eyes

16. hair falling uncurled down her back

17. hair flew out in silky tangles

18. loose wisps of hair made dark commas on her neck




1. tossed her hair across her shoulders in a gesture of defiance

2. felt his hand brush the hair from her neck

3. reached forward and pushed her hair gently back from her face

4. tossed his hair back from his brow

5. ran his hands through his hair in a detached motion

6. pushing tendrils of hair back from her damp forehead

7. lifted her hair off her neck

8. pushed the hair out of her eyes with both hands

9. pushed her heavy hair off her face

10. pushed her fair hair back from her face with the back of her wrist

11. shaking her wet hair out of her eyes

12. pushed her sunglasses up into her hair

13. combing her hair back with the fingers of both hands

14. combing his strong black hair with his fingers

15. brush back some hair that the wind had caressed out of place

16. wiped his hair off his forehead

17. tossing her hair out of her eyes

18. pushed back a wayward strand of dark hair

19. tossed her hair across her shoulders in a gesture of defiance

20. putting his hands up to push the wet hair off his face

21. pushed back her hair

22. pushed the hair back from her ears

23. pushed stray tendrils of hair away from her cheek




1. ran his fingers rather desperately through his hair

2. stroked his hair

3. thrust her fingers through his thick hair

4. buried her hands in his thick hair

5. putting his hands up to push the wet hair off his face

6. pushed back her hair

7. nervously  ran her hands through her hair

8. lightly he fingered a loose tendril of hair on her cheek

9. leaning down,  slowly curled her fingers in his hair

10. hands buried in the thickness of his hair

11. pushed stray tendrils of hair away from her cheek

12. wound a hand in her hair

13. hair lay against

14. pushed her fair hair back from her face with the back of her wrist

15. ruffled his hair absently

16. mouth nuzzled into her hair

17. stroked her hair lightly, trying to memorize the touch of it beneath his hand

18. threading his fingers through her hair, holding her face still

19. felt the silky weight of her hair slide over her shoulders onto his face and neck

20. rumpled her hair affectionately

21. hugged him close, feeling the softness of his hair against her mouth

22. dropped a kiss on the tangled hair

23. ran his hands through his hair in a detached motion

24. scrubbed his curly gray hair with his knuckles

25. patted a curl here and there

26. pushed her hair back, the better to glare at him

27. flung back her hair

28. rumpled his hair affectionately

29. ruffled her hair as if  were a naughty child

30. caught her by the hair, jerking her head back

31. pushed the hair back from her face with a cool hand

32. beginning to tug at the braid in her hair

33. dropped a kiss on the tangled hair 




1. tugged a great handful of his hair

2. pulling back her hair

3. smoothed her hair

4. wound a hand in her hair

5. grabbed her by the hair




1. mustache looked as if it had been marked by a felt tip pen  

2. wry smile was hidden under an umbrella of a mustache  

3. the shadow of his beard gave him an even more manly aura




1. lit the edges of her hair

2. long auburn waves dazzling the sunlight

3. hair caught the light and was illuminated with wild drama

4. deep auburn hair shone bronze and gold from the sun

5. a wan shaft of sun struck his hair and it gleamed like dark gold




1. shook her hair a little forward over her face

2. blinded by her hair falling

3. a fallen ringlet threw her brow in shadow




1. bed-gown had fallen open to reveal her full breasts, half swathed in her long copper hair

2. hair artfully outlined

3. hair framed her face and elongated her neck  




1. the wind gently fluffed her soft dark hair

2. hair blowing across her face

3. the wind lifted the hair slightly on her neck

4. the wind had pushed the hair back from her face

5. felt the wind lifting her veil, teasing, trying to dislodge her hair

6. hair was torn from the hood of her cloak and whipped