Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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mercilessly around her face and across her eyes but  ignored it 


SK101  SKIN 101


1. the voice from the end of the dark room made her jump nearly out of her skin

2. felt a whisper of cold air across her skin

3. skin was drawn tight with fatigue and worry

4. tanned skin took on the tones from the shadows

5. grin flashed briefly, dazzling against his olive skin

6. fair skin magnified the inky blackness of his eyes

7. teeth, even and white, contrasted pleasingly with his olive skin

8. the black velvet of her dress heightened the translucence of her face and neck




1. felt her flesh color

2. red flew to her cheeks

3. felt the color rush into his cheeks

4. flushed scarlet

5. colored deeply

6. he went scarlet

7. feeling the heat mount in her cheeks

8. reddened violently

9. he saw the paleness of her skin flood with color

10. the color ran up his neck to suffuse his face

11. felt herself blushing

12. tensed suddenly and he saw the color in her cheeks

13. colored indignantly

14. colored violently

15. only the heightened color of her cheeks betrayed her inner turmoil

16. the color in his cheeks had risen a little

17. colored slightly

18. a blush like a shadow ran over her cheeks

19. a blush of pleasure rose to her cheeks

20. a rush of pink stained her cheeks

21. across her pale and beautiful face a dim flush raced like a fever

22. an unwelcome blush crept into her cheeks

23. heat stealing into her face

24. cheeks became warm

25. cheeks colored under the heat of his gaze

26. face grew hot with humiliation

27. flush deepened to crimson

28. cheeks burned in remembrance

29. face burned as  remembered

30. face was flushed with humiliation and anger at herself

31. caustic tone made her flush in shame

32. was glad of the semidarkness that hid the flush in her cheeks

33. was crimson with resentment and humiliation

34. colored fiercely

35. blushed at her own excitement

36. buried her burning face against his shoulder

37. turned a vivid scarlet

38. stains of scarlet appeared on her cheeks

39. the flush receded, leaving two red spots on her white cheeks

40. the wind whipped color into her cheeks

41. there was a flood of dusky color on his face

42. to her annoyance,  found herself starting to blush

43. colored

44. blushed hotly




1. a flush spread on his throat

2. cheeks whipped to color by the icy wind

3. there was a flood of dusky color on his face

4. the wind brought some color back to her cheeks

5. flushed miserably

6. flushed, but remained silent

7. was glad of the semidarkness that hid the flush in her cheeks

8. heat stealing into her face

9. was drinking hard, the heavy wine bringing a flush of color to his cheekbones

10. the color ran up his neck to suffuse his face

11. the Scotch had brought the color back to her cheeks

12. pale cheeks suffused with blood until his face was nearly purple

13. skin burned red

14. felt her flesh color

15. color came back

16. felt the color rush into his cheeks

17. face became red and blotchy with anger

18. went scarlet

19. face flushed scarlet


SK104  SKIN 104 (PALING)


1. lips were as white as her teeth

2. flesh seemed to have blanched of all color

3. the color drained from her face

4. a tight face that was drained of color

5. paled with wrath

6. blanched

7. paled at the enormity of the command

8. face paled with anger

9. color was poor

10. surprise siphoned the blood from her face

11. had gone as white as a et

12. turned pale

13. felt the blood drain from her face 




1. there was an angry bloody welt across her back

2. long hair fell across the bare crown of his head to reveal an ancient scar




1. could feel the sudden perspiration on her back and between her breasts

2. perspiration trickled down between her shoulder-blades

3. feeling icy sweat drench his shoulders

4. the receiver slipped slightly in her hand as perspiration started out all over her palm

5. feeling the icy drench of perspiration across his shoulders

6. drops of moisture clung to his forehead

7. beads of sweat were standing on her forehead

8. beads of sweat standing out on his brow

9. sweat was standing on his forehead

10. he was sweating and uncomfortable

11. honey-colored skin glistened with sweat

12. closing his eyes, he felt the sweat standing on his forehead

13. perspiration trickled down between her shoulder blades

14. the sweat was standing out on his forehead

15. beads of sweat standing out on his brow

16. the palms of her hands were sweating with fear

17. could feel the sudden perspiration on her back and between her breasts




1. numbing mind as well as flesh

2. nipples were erect from the cold

3. body had no heat left to impart

4. as body heat bled from her, the cold bled in

5. felt the warmth pumping out of her body as if it were blood gushing form a severed artery

6. so cold that it had the effect of an electrical shock

7. the arctic bath chilled her to the marrow

8. felt a whisper of cold air across her skin

9. had gone cold all over

10. felt a sudden chill hover over him 




1. heat rose in her




1. lips flickered over his skin with hot desire

2. lips continued to explore her soft ivory flesh

3. lips blazed a trail of liquid fire across her smooth skin

4. the warmth of his soft flesh was intoxicating

5. the feel of his rough skin against hers exalted her

6. skin to skin, they were one

7. was aware of the strength and warmth of his flesh

8. was conscious of where his warm flesh touched her

9. hands rested casually on her shoulders, causing her flesh to tingle

10. hands lightly traced a path over her skin

11. fingers dug into her soft flesh

12. skin prickled with the heat of his touch

13. skin tingled where he touched her

14. rubbed the bare skin of her back and shoulders




1. hands rested casually on her shoulders, causing her flesh to tingle 

2. felt the skin on the back of her neck prickle

3. felt the skin on the back of her neck prickle

4. the feel of his rough skin against hers exalted her

5. was conscious of where his warm flesh touched her

6. hands began a lust-arousing exploration of her soft flesh

7. flesh prickled at his touch

8. skin prickled pleasurably

9. skin prickled with the heat of his touch

10. skin tingled where he touched her




1. forehead wrinkled with the effort of reading

2. featherlike laugh lines crinkled around his eyes

3. unconsciously her brow furrowed

4. brow wrinkled with his contemptuous thoughts

5. her brow creased with worry

6. forehead wrinkled with the effort of reading

7. skin was seamed

8. face wrinkled

9. her face collapsed into a complex set of wrinkles




1. skin burned red

2. lips blazed a trail of liquid fire across her smooth skin

3. fingers burned into her tingling skin

4. flesh burned

5. hands began a lust-arousing exploration of her soft flesh

6. face burned

7. sun-whacked face tended to pout




1. left the skin feeling drawn and tight

2. smooth olive skin stretched over high cheekbones

3. skin was pulled taut over the elegant ridge of his cheekbones

4. skin was drawn tight with fatigue and worry 




1. the lace at her throat parted and he saw the hollow of her neck filled with soft shadows

2. the black velvet of her dress heightened the translucence of her face and neck



1. numbing mind as well as flesh

2. with frightening rapidity, her extremities were growing numb




1. numbing mind as well as flesh

2. he felt as if a refrigerant had been injected into his bloodstream