Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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EY101  EYES 101


1. creases angled in toward the corner of the eyes

2. eyes almost disappeared in her taut, bony cheeks

3. face was old, but a child still looked out from her eyes

4. through hindsight's eye


EY102  EYES 102 (VISION)


1. bending forward to get a glimpse of cleavage

2. everything took on a clean brightness when he was around

3. large black eyes were filled with shifting stars

4. vision was still gloomily colored with memory

5. sent sparkles of static confetti across his visual sphere




1. pulled the two sketches toward him and studied them critically

2. scrutinized the label on the wine bottle

3. scanned the closely written lines

4. hunched over the catalog and examined it closely

5. put her book down but her eyes still rested on the afterimage of the text

6. inspected it quickly, then looked up suspiciously

7. leisurely examined

8. scrutinized it closely

9. was reading slowly, his finger tracing the figures methodically down the page

10. eyes traveled down the lines of close print

11. running her eyes down a list of accounts

12. took the bill and began methodically to check it

13. screwed up her eyes to read

14. forehead wrinkled with the effort of reading




1. hunched over the catalog and examined it closely

2. scrutinized his face closely

3. surveyed her grimly

4. green eyes scanning her face seriously

5. looked up and surveyed him briefly

6. scrutinized it closely

7. studied carefully

8. studied it narrowly

9. studied her hands




1. looked down at her as  raised her eyes to him

2. looked up at him, her eyes still swollen from crying

3. looked up, a sudden ray of hope in her tear-reddened eyes

4. looked heavenward and disappeared back into the hall

5. looked up shrewdly under her heavy eyelids

6. glanced up apprehensively

7. looked up lazily through half-closed lids

8. looked up and surveyed him briefly

9. assumed an owlish air

10. looked up and met his eye steadily for a moment

11. glanced up at him under her eyelashes

12. looked up at him through the curtain of hair that had fallen loose from her plait

13. eyes shot up to meet his

14. looked up with an effort

15. looked up at her, cocking an eyebrow

16. glanced up with shyness

17. glanced up

18. looked up sharply

19. looked up primly

20. raised sick eyes

21. raised his eyes

22. sent his eyes up and down

23. lifted her eyes

24. looked up, her eyes shining

25. raised her eyes to find him watching her

26. swiveled her blue eyes upward

27. stared upward and sniffed the heavens

28. when  lifted her eyes, the pain still flickered there

29. looked up startled




1. he took it with his eyes open

2. eyes opened wider




1. opened her eyes, puzzled at the sudden change in light

2. blowing smoke, he followed the trail with his eye

3. forcing her eyes open

4. opening her eyes,  came back to reality

5. forcing her eyes open,  made herself stare at it, trying to concentrate on staying awake

6. raised his eyes for a moment

7. the heavy lashes that shadowed her cheeks flew up

8. watched his eyes widen with concern

9. eyes raised themselves

10. eyes widened in accusation

11. eyes came open and moved in their sockets to focus on it as if he dared not move his head

12. her jade-spoked eyes widened in astonishment

13. eyes widened with false innocence

14. eyes opened wider

15. eyes were slowly widening

16. eyelids peeled open

17. forced her eyes open slowly




1. fighting the heaviness in her eyelids

2. forcing her eyes open,  made herself stare at it, trying to

concentrate on staying awake

3. slowly her eyelids dropped

4. eyes closed wearily




1. pushing away the heavy clogging sleep,  struggled to sit up

2. opened her eyes, puzzled at the sudden change in light

3. eyes still bleary with sleep

4. looked up with an effort

5. forcing her eyes open




1. vision had adapted sufficiently to the gloom

2. tried to orient herself, but it was not easy in the darkness

3. it vanished before her eyes had time to focus

4. focused his eyes desperately on

5. eyes had lost their vague unseeing stillness and were focusing

6. strained her eyes into the distance to where he pointed

7. straining their eyes toward the opposite shore

8. blinked, trying to concentrate on the car in front of him

9. thrust his head forward, straining to make out something a few yards ahead of him

10. saw him with abrupt clarity

11. peered at her dimly

12. looking up at him over the rim of her glasses

13. brought her attention gently back to himself

14. suddenly he seemed to realize  was there

15. looked out groggily at

16. put her book down but her eyes still rested on the afterimage of the text

17. bent her gaze

18. thrusting his head forward, he strained to make out something a few yards ahead of him

19. eyes strayed sleepily around the unfamiliar room

20. squinted out of the window

21. blinked and the scene steadied, then once again it seemed to move

22. eyes smarting as  tried to accustom them to the dark after the bright sun outside

23. forcing her eyes open,  made herself stare at

24. caught sight of a movement

25. bringing her attention sternly back to

26. a glaze seemed to come down over his swimming eyes

27. caught faint motion at the edge of his field of vision

28. deceive the eye

29. eye was hard-pressed

30. focused dazedly

31. seemed to will his gaze inward

32. peered

33. squinted, peering around the room

34. eyes came open and moved in their sockets to focus on it as if he dared not turn his head

35. eyes were blank

36. eyes sought

37. eyes fixed on

38. eyes struggled toward recognition

39. played tricks with his eyes

40. eyes focused on

41. impossible to focus

42. it took several seconds for her eyes to adjust

43. moved his head slightly to establish perspective

44. peering myopically

45. blinked, then focused her gaze

46. looked up at him with an effort

47. looked up, disoriented

48. staring off into inner space

49. the maze of colors that had rippled before his eyes was gone

50. there was a stir far down in the set glare of his eyes

51. straining her eyes,  could see nothing




1. automatically the man's eyes flicked in that direction

2. recognized her with a violent sense of shock

3. eyeing him with startled interest

4. noticed he was watching her intently

5. began to watch with renewed interest

6. eye was caught suddenly by

7. turning at last to look at him

8. made a quick involuntary appraisal of his features

9. saw him with abrupt clarity

10. transferred her gaze to him

11. gaze returned to her again and again

12. arresting good looks totally captured her attention

13. turned around to look directly at her

14. swung his head around to look up at her

15. looking at her at last

16. looked at him directly for the first time




1. turned to follow his gaze

2. directed their attention via a glance of his eyes




1. automatically the man's eyes flicked in that direction

2. strained her eyes into the distance to where he pointed

3. swiveled his head to keep her in view

4. looked where his finger led her

5. blowing smoke, he followed the trail with his eye

6. eyes traversed




1. still smiling, his rapier glance passed over her

2. cheeks burned, conscious of the eyes that were all focused on her

3. felt his eyes probing hers

4. noticed he was watching her intently

5. was conscious of eyes peering at her

6. became increasingly uneasy under his scrutiny

7. was keenly aware of his scrutiny

8. could feel his sharp eyes boring into her




1. looked down, not wanting suddenly, to see the pain in his eyes

2. eyes remained lowered, dully taking in

3. looked down at her as  raised her eyes to him

4. the look had been so quickly veiled

5. stared down unseeing

6. stood coolly looking down on

7. stared down at

8. bent her gaze

9. eyes were guarded

10. looked down into her coffee mug

11. looked down sideways as if overcome with embarrassment

12. eyes fell suddenly on

13. stared down into the mocking amber eyes

14. nervously her gaze traveled down to

15. looked down suddenly, unable to hold his gaze

16. dropped her eyes, almost embarrassed

17. narrowed his eyes

18. looked down abruptly at her glasses

19. at once the eyelids were lowered

20. avert her gaze

21. eyes on the ground

22. lowered his eyes so that he could see out but no one could see in

23. gaze lowered as did his voice

24. sent his eyes up and down

25. lowered her gaze in confusion

26. cast her eyes downward

27. dropped her lashes quickly to hide the hurt

28. dropped her eyes before his steady gaze

29. lowered her thick, black lashes

30. the fringe of her lashes cast shadows on her cheeks

31. the lids drew down over the ingenious eyes

32. meekly  lowered her eyes

33. glancing nervously up at him from lowered eyes




1. suddenly  realized that  had closed her eyes, giving in to the temptation of sleep

2. screwed his eyes against the light

3. eyes burning under tight-shut lids

4. eyelids were glued shut

5. not daring to open her eyes




1. fighting the heaviness in her eyelids

2. closed her eyes, trying to force herself to listen to the music

3. slowly her eyelids dropped

4. at once the eyelids were lowered

5. shut his eyes to

6. shut her eyes

7. closed her eyes, reliving the pain of that final scene

8. closed her eyes, feeling utterly miserable

9. made his eyes heavy

10. eyes shut to the world

11. lids came down swiftly over his eyes

12. her lids slipped down over her eyes

13. her lashes swept down across her cheekbones

14. he squeezed his eyes shut

15. eyes narrowed in pain

16. eyes closed against his will

17. eyes closed wearily

18. closed his eyes in terror

19. drooped an eyelid

20. closing her eyes,  leaned back, letting the dappled sunlight play across her face

21. half-closed her eyes with a shiver

22. closed her eyes, trying to imagine herself warm

23. eyes narrowed scornfully

24. all  could do was lower her eyes and nod

25. closed her eyes, trying to steady the sudden irrational wave of fear that had filled her




1. suddenly  realized that  had closed her eyes, giving in to the temptation of sleep




1. gave an exaggerated wink

2. winked

3. winked at her broadly

4. winked when he caught her eye

5. gave her a conspiratorial wink

6. slyly winked

7. that knowing look, that smirking wink was worse than

8. drooped an eyelid




1. blinking feverishly

2. blinked at it uncomprehendingly, as if staring at an abstract painting

3. blinked rapidly, aware of a sudden lump in her throat

4. blinked back the sudden scalding tears

5. blinked, trying to concentrate on the car in front of him

6. fiercely blinked back her tears, turning her face away

7. blinked rapidly, aware of a sudden lump in her throat

8. bat an eye

9. blinked painfully at

10. blinking in perplexity

11. blinking with bafflement

12. eyes blinked rapidly

13. lids fluttered

14. eyes raised themselves in a certain blinking and pathetic befuddlement

15. blinked, then focused her gaze

16. blinked, feeling lightheaded

17. blinked in astonished silence

18. blinked slowly, trying to clear away the fog in her mind




1. vision was beginning to blur

2. watched them abstractedly for a moment

3. gazed across the room unseeing

4. saw a new enigmatic blankness in his eyes

5. looked toward him, not able to see his face

6. strolled slowly, blankly watching his boots crunch into the snow

7. looking out idly

8. gazing off in the distance

9. though he looked straight at her,  knew that he hadn't seen her

10. stared down unseeing

11. scarcely noticing where they were going

12. stared around the room blankly for a moment as  regained her awareness of

13. eyes were strangely blank

14. attention was fixed somewhere inside herself

15. looked blankly at

16. eyes opened but  did not see him

17. blind with panic

18. eyes seemed to be looking straight through her

19. stared at the water, not blinking, allowing her eyes to be dazzled, deliberately trying to make her mind a blank

20. looked thoughtfully past him out the window

21. put on his blank-television stare so no one could read his mind

22. stared mindlessly

23. started past the fire into his own thoughts

24. eyes became flat and as unreadable as stone

25. how could  penetrate the deliberate blankness of his eyes

26. stared, wordlessly

27. pointedly looked away

28. permitted herself a withering stare

29. was staring with haughty rebuke

30. staring blank-eyed at

31. stood there, gazing into private space

32. unseeing,  stared past them all

33. staring with half-closed eyes up at the underside of the striped umbrella that shaded her table

34. stared at it blankly

35. staring, as if in a trance




1. blinked at it uncomprehendingly, as if staring at an abstract painting

2. stared wordlessly across at him, her heart pounding

3. gazed across the room unseeing

4. for a long moment they stared at each other

5. brought his wrist up in front of his face and stared at his watch

6. continued to eye her steadily

7. eyes fixed calmly on the horizon

8. was staring up at the ceiling, concentrating with elaborate care on

9. fixed her eyes on the huge silvered moon and deliberately began to empty her mind

10. looked eagerly ahead

11. raised her chin with a cool stare in his direction

12. stared near to tears, into the darkness

13. mechanically taking in

14. stared fixedly

15. stared his fill

16. stared in wonder

17. stared out of her great blue eyes

18. stared down at

19. regarded it with the strangest unreadable expression

20. not taking his eyes from

21. looking out idly

22. keeping his eyes fixed

23. eyes missed very little

24. gazed

25. gaped

26. stared after him

27. gazing off in the distance

28. curious to see

29. tried to hide her inner misery from his probing stare

30. staring at his own dark reflection in the glasses

31. staring reflectively at

32. stared at him indignantly

33. stared up at him, her gaze alarmingly direct

34. stared down at her in cold triumph

35. found himself staring at her hungrily

36. stared at it blankly

37. unblinking,  went on staring at the flame

38. stared at him in frightened despair

39. staring with half-closed eyes up at the underside of the striped umbrella that shaded her table

40. staring, as if in a trance

41. found herself staring at it with total concentration

42. looked at her without a word

43. staring up at the ceiling in the dark

44. stared at the ceiling thoughtfully

45. staring with such naked longing at her

46. this time he was thoughtful, even calculating in his stare

47. simply stared, his eyes obsidian black

48. stared at her until  blushed

49. arresting good looks totally captured her attention

50. eagle eye stared down his heavy nose

51. staring at her with deadly concentration

52. staring at him from way inside herself like an animal looking out from the brush

53. stared down at herself in horror

54. staring around with apparent distaste

55. staring idly around the room

56. stood quite still, staring up at his face

57. stared at her, his attention fully on her again now

58. raising her chin slightly,  stared at him disdainfully

59. stared at her gravely

60. leered at slyly




1. saw the heart rending tenderness of his gaze

2. every time his gaze met hers, her heart turned over in response

3. looked him full in the eye for a moment