Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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ER101  EARS 101



1. straining to identify the source of those unnerving noises

2. hardly heard the words, but  saw lips move

3. found  was pressing the receiver closer and closer against her ear

4. closed her eyes, trying to force herself to listen to the music

5. was conscious only of a low, tortured

6. listened wearily to

7. the words seemed to come from a huge distance away

8. slept fitfully, half listening for

9. he was listening with undisguised attention

10. sat unmoving, listening to the echoing silence

11. listening idly to the singing

12. fairly singed her ear

13. he listened in silence

14. listened respectfully

15. listened intently

16. perked up her ears

17. seemed to listen out of the corner of her ears

18. listened with rising dismay

19. only half listened as  struggled with her conscience

20. listened with bewilderment

21. unconsciously straining his ears for the sound of voices

22. strained her ears trying to hear




1. mind refused to register the significance of his words

2. shaking her head,  desperately tried to block out the sounds

3. gave no sign of having heard her

4. ignored the question

5. ignored the indignant words

6. hardly conscious of the continuing drone

7. shut his ears

8. ears missed it

9. words didn't register on her dizzied senses

10. ignoring the mocking voice inside that wondered why

11. listened absently

12. gave no sign of having heard




1. could hear nothing but the wild thumping of her own heart

2. her wildly beating heart was the only sound audible

3. heard her voice as a whisper in the silence of the room

4. there was a roaring in her ears, waves of sound annihilating her

5. heard the grin on the other end of the phone

6. was conscious only of a low, tortured sob

7. he heard himself laugh

8. insistent voice cut slowly through the pulsing in her head

9. a strange roaring filled her ears

10. hearing nothing but the roaring in her ears

11. for a moment  thought he hadn't heard her

12. a light scraping noise caught her ear

13. acutely aware of every small noise

14. despite silent protestations

15. drew the ear

16. he heard her and then froze into blankness

17. teasing tone excited her

18. heartbeat throbbed against her ear

19. breathing sounded a hurricane in his own ears

20. chiding tone made her angry

21. made his ears ring

22. noise tore a hole through his head

23. flinched at the tone of his voice

24. heard a heavy dose of sarcasm in his voice

25. heard his quick intake of breath

26. heard sounds, muted and sharp at the same time

27. jumped at the sound of his voice

28. reacted angrily to the challenge in his voice

29. was halted by the tone of his voice

30. was surprised to hear his words echo her own thoughts

31. wavered, trying to comprehend what  was hearing

32. sounds rushed in, battering her

33. that sound that could not be heard, only felt with each atom of his tense body

34. the sound of his voice affected her deeply

35. the blood roaring in his ears

36. unfamiliar sounds seeped in to haunt her

37. could hear the intake of breath between each scream

38. could hear nothing but the thudding of her own heart

39. he could hear the disappointment in her voice

40. was conscious suddenly of a silence

41. hearing the undercurrent of anger in his voice




1. found  was pressing the receiver closer and closer against her ear

2. clapped her hands to her ears

3. hands went to his ears

4. pushing her hair back from her ears

5. scratching his ear in a puzzled way

6. stuck it behind her left ear

7. pressed her hands against her

8. ears, trying to block out the sound




1. lips left hers to nibble on her earlobe

2. mouth grazed her earlobe

3. breath was hot against her ear




1. he spoke softly in her ear




1. heartbeat throbbed in her ears

2. heart hammered in her ears

3. the blood roaring in his ears

4. heartbeat throbbed against her ear

5. heart hammered in her ears

6. heartbeat throbbed in her ears




1. ears turned flame colored

2. the water effectively muffled sound

3. felt half deaf, not sure if the preternatural silence around her was real or only perceived