Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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MT101  MOUTH 101



1. heart in her mouth

2. bearing was as subtle and sensuous as her mouth

3. mouth was a pale as her cheeks

4. hungered from the memory of his mouth on hers

5. the moistness of her open mouth




1. mouth left hers and traveled down her throat toward her breasts

2. mouth took on an unpleasant twist

3. mouth dipped into an even deeper frown

4. twitching mouth

5. shrugging with only the corners of his mouth

6. felt her knees weaken as her mouth descended

7. raising his mouth from hers, he gazed into her eyes

8. mouth made little opening and closing movements

9. mouth softened

10. raised her mouth to his for a long passionate kiss

11. pulled his mouth in at the corners

12. firm mouth curled as if always on the edge of laughter

13. mouth drawn crooked in an effort to control his whisper

14. mouth straightened into a hard line

15. sucked her mouth into a rosette

16. pursed her mouth sourly




1. he opened his mouth to let the sound escape

2. mouth had fallen slightly open as the pain of loss hit him anew

3. felt a wild surge of pleasure as his mouth opened over hers

4. took her mouth with savage intensity

5. seized her mouth, forcing his tongue between her teeth

6. staring blankly with her mouth open

7. slightly opening her mouth

8. opened her mouth with a small whimper

9. mouth made little opening and closing movements

10. mouth was half-open

11. mouth opened in dismay

12. mouth dropped open

13. opened her mouth to argue, but the argument did not come

14. mouth dropped open




1. snores coming from the slack mouth




1. pursed her mouth sourly

2. sucked her mouth into a rosette

3. mouth straightened into a hard line

4. looked as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth

5. snapped her mouth shut

6. mouth made little opening and closing movements

7. tightened his mouth grimly




1. stifled a slight yawn

2. produced a yawn

3. stretched herself with a yawn

4. suppressing a yawn

5. yawning like a cat




1. tears choked her

2. choked back a fresh sob

3. choked back her tears

4. choked on a mouthful

5. choking back a sob

6. choking on her own words

7. vow weighed upon her, choking her

8. fury almost choked her

9. gave a choked, desperate laugh

10. tore herself away with a choking fury




1. coughing pitifully

2. gave an anxious little cough




1. seized her mouth, forcing his tongue between her teeth

2. placed her mouth against his

3. stuck a finger in his mouth and snapped it to make a pop like a cork out of a bottle

4. mouth moved over hers with exquisite tenderness

5. mouth opened in dismay

6. mouth was smothered by his warm lips

7. smiled against her mouth

8. crushing her to him, he pressed his mouth to hers

9. hugged him close, feeling the softness of his hair against her mouth

10. thumb firmly plugged into her mouth

11. cupped his hands to his mouth

12. cupped his mouth with his hands and sucked in his breath

13. brought it to his mouth

14. rubbed the back of his hand across his mouth

15. greedily he seized her mouth with his own

16. scream was cut off short as he clamped his hand across her mouth, pulling her hard against him

17. mouth ground into hers

18. moved his mouth over hers, devouring its softness

19. pressed lips to his, caressing her mouth more than kissing it

20. took her mouth with savage intensity

21. mouth moved over hers in a sensuous exploration




1. mouth closed softly over the flower of her breast

2. mouth moved over hers in a sensuous exploration

3. mouth left hers and traveled down her throat toward her breasts

4. head lowered, his mouth met hers

5. mouth massaged hers with provocative insistence

6. crushing her to him, he pressed his mouth to hers

7. with a soft sigh, he settled his mouth on hers

8. mouth moved over hers with exquisite tenderness

9. moved his mouth over hers, devouring its softness

10. the caress of lips on her mouth and along her body set her aflame

11. suffered the cruel ravishment of his mouth

12. mouth covered hers hungrily

13. mouth wandered up the tingling cord of her neck

14. mouth swooped down to capture hers

15. mouth claimed hers in savage conquest

16. moist, firm mouth demanded a response

17. mouth was warm and demanding

18. mouth massaged hers with provocative insistence

19. mouth grazed her earlobe

20. her mouth was smothered by his warm lips

21. pressed lips to his, caressing her mouth more than kissing it

22. smiled against her mouth

23. hugged him close, feeling the softness of his hair against her mouth

24. mouth nuzzled into her hair




1. lips moved as if he would spit

2. turned and spat viciously

3. turned away to spit viciously into

4. spitting with vehemence

5. a fleck of saliva appeared at the corner of his mouth

6. set him sputtering

7. spat in her hand

8. spat out

9. spitting in sheer hate

10. wiped the spittle from his chin




1. an inner torment began to gnaw at her

2. chewed thoughtfully

3. chewing slowly before swallowing

4. chewed and thought and frowned

5. masticated it appraisingly

6. rapidly chewed it down

7. chewed on her lower lip




1. biting her lip,  looked away

2. biting her fingertips in terror

3. nervously,  bit her lip

4. pinching his upper lip between his teeth

5. bit down hard on her lower lip

6. bit her lip until it throbbed like her pulse

7. bit lips to control the sobs

8. bit lips in dismay

9. bit her lip to stifle the outcry of delight

10. pinched her lower lip with her teeth

11. swallowed hard and bit back tears

12. took a quick bite

13. gnawed her thumbnail




1. while he explored her mouth,  tasted him with a new hunger

2. smelled and tasted danger as he had a few times before in his life

3. mouth felt like old paper, dry and dusty

4. thoughts tasted like gall

5. mouth tasted unpleasantly chemical




1. another glasses followed, tipped down his throat

2. drank the coffee quickly, barely tasting it

3. sipped thoughtfully from his glasses

4. emptied it down in one gulp

5. was drinking hard, the heavy wine bringing a flush of color to his cheekbones

6. sipped her wine, grateful for the warmth it spread through her veins

7. drank it in a gulp

8. finished his drink and pushed the glasses back toward her

9. took a deep draught from his glasses

10. raised the cup to her mouth with a shaking hand

11. picked up the whisky glasses, took a couple of gulps from it and put it down

12. drank it quickly and held it out to her again

13. drank it down at a gulp

14. took a sip from his glasses

15. drank quickly

16. had a swig

17. leaned back, sipping the liquid contentedly

18. drank gratefully

19. sucked avidly and the liquid filled his mouth

20. it eased the dryness of his mouth

21. picked up his drink and knocked it back

22. raising the teacup to his heavily mustached lips

23. drank in the comfort of his nearness

24. sip gingerly

25. swallowed eagerly

26. closed his fingers around the glasses and helped guide it to lips

27. sipped the whisky neat

28. drained his glasses

29. took a slug of Scotch

30. nursing her drink

31. took a sip from his glasses reflectively




1. turned to the food that had been put down before him

2. munched thoughtfully

3. took a huge mouthful of food

4. took a tentative mouthful of

5. took a large mouthful

6. selected a piece of meat from the plate and chewed it thoughtfully

7. picked up a sandwich and nibbled the edge of it

8. ate with relish

9. fell to eating

10. chomped

11. swallowed eagerly

12. torment was eating at her from inside

13. picked the lemon out of his glasses and sucked it




1. belching slightly as he moved

2. he belched


MT118  MOUTH 118 (DRY)


1. mouth had gone dry

2. mouth felt like old paper, dry and dusty

3. mouth was parched and dry

4. tongue was swollen and dry in her mouth and no words came

5. lips took hers, his tongue moistening her dry mouth

6. mouth had gone dry with fear




1. mouth was set in an uncompromising line

2. mouth was set in a grim line

3. the line of his mouth tightened a fraction more

4. mouth was tight and grim

5. mouth thinning with displeasure

6. mouth tightened when  looked up to see a familiar face

7. pursed her mouth sourly

8. tightened his mouth grimly

9. sucked her mouth into a rosette

10. mouth straightened into a hard line

11. pulled his mouth in at the corners

12. there was a suspicious line at the corners of his mouth

13. mouth was compressed

14. mouth went tight

15. mouth tightened

16. clenched his mouth tighter

17. cut his mouth into a straight line

18. mouth set in a hard line




1. mouth was set in an uncompromising line

2. mouth had fallen slightly open as the pain of loss hit him anew

3. mouth twisted into a threat

4. there was a suspicious line at the corners of his mouth

5. the corner of his mouth twisted with exasperation

6. shrugging with only the corners of his mouth

7. satisfaction pursed her mouth

8. mouth twisted with pain

9. made a moue of distaste

10. made a mouth of contempt

11. mouth was set in annoyance

12. mouth softened

13. tongue protruded from her mouth

14. a shadowy ironic sneer hovered about his heavy mouth




1. mouth closed softly over the flower of her breast

2. mouth left hers and traveled down her throat toward her breasts

3. mouth wandered up the tingling cord of her neck

4. with a lazy, sensuous movement, his tongue entered her mouth

5. while he explored her mouth,  tasted him with a new hunger

6. the magic of his mouth and fingers overrode her inhibitions

7. parting lips,  let him possess her mouth

8. mouth moved over hers in a sensuous exploration

9. tongue moved into her mouth with urgent passion

10. mouth was warm and demanding

11. a deep, achingly sweet exploration of her mouth

12. first kissed the tip of her nose, then her eyes, and, finally, he satisfyingly kissed her soft mouth

13. felt a wild surge of pleasure as his mouth opened over hers

14. painting the roof of her mouth with his tongue

15. mouth moved over hers in a sensuous exploration

16. head lowered, his mouth met hers

17. his mouth massaged her with provocative insistence

18. mouth moved over hers in exquisite tenderness

19. tongue swept inside to caress the walls of her mouth

20. mouth swooped down to capture hers

21. hot tongue caressed the inner walls of her mouth

22. familiarizing himself with the dark velvet recesses of her mouth

23. a deep, achingly sweet exploration of her mouth

24. mouth ground into hers and  opened lips helplessly beneath his probing tongue

25. mouth claimed hers in savage conquest

26. crushing her to him, he pressed his mouth to hers

27. with a soft sigh, he settled his mouth on hers

28. mouth closed softly over the flower of her breast

29. tip of her tongue slipped between lips into his mouth

30. the caress of lips on her mouth and along her body set her aflame

31. kissed him lingeringly on the mouth

32. suffered the cruel ravishment of his mouth

33. tongue explored the recesses of her mouth

34. lips pressed against hers, then gently covered her mouth

35. mouth covered hers hungrily

36. moist, firm mouth demanded a response

37. moved his mouth over hers, devouring its softness

38. suffered the cruel ravishment of his mouth

39. felt a wild surge of pleasure as his mouth opened over hers

40. kiss left her mouth burning with fire

41. mouth throbbed with a passionate message

42. mouth was smothered by his warm lips

43. pressed lips to hers, caressing her mouth more than kissing it

44. took her mouth with savage intensity

45. tongue moved inside her with strong, impelling strokes




1. there was a suspicious line at the corners of his mouth

2. mouth rippled in what might have been an attempt at a smile

3. mouth curled at the corners in a comical way




1. wore just enough lipstick to show that her mouth was perfect




1. painting the roof of her mouth with his tongue




1. saliva filled her mouth at the longing





1. swallowed a mouthful of water so bitterly cold that it made his teeth ache

2. mouth moved over  hers with exquisite tenderness

3. a deep, achingly sweet exploration of her mouth

4. kiss left her mouth burning with fire

5. mouth ached to fill itself with




1. feeling the bile rising in his mouth