Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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LS101  LIPS 101


1. a moan of ecstasy slipped through lips

2. a gentle moan of passion escaped lips

3. his full lips blended into a strong chin




1. tongue traced the soft fullness of lips

2. touching her trembling lips with one finger

3. felt the strong hardness of his  lips

4. put it to lips

5. holding a finger to lips

6. tongue stabbed at lips

7. lips found their way instinctively to his

8. dried lips

9. felt lips meet his at last with a shock of recognition

10. holding her finger to lips

11. traced his fingertip across her lip

12. lips tingled in remembrance of his touch

13. pinching his upper lip between his teeth

14. placing his two forefingers together, he pressed them against lips

15. bit her lip silently

16. nudging his tongue against lips

17. there was the whisper-light contact of their lips

18. smothered lips with demanding mastery

19. demanding lips caressed hers

20. lips seized hers in a deep emotional commitment

21. lips were surprisingly soft and sensitive as they rested on her own

22. lips parted hers in a soul-reaching massage

23. the touch of lips on hers sent a shock wave through her entire body

24. their lips met and  felt buffeted by the winds of a savage harmony

25. lips took hers, his tongue moistening her dry mouth




1. forced herself to smile, though lips were dry and cracked

2. bit her lip until it throbbed like her pulse

3. bit his lip

4. took a furious swing at the man's face, splitting his lip so the

5. blood spattered across his chin




1. lips drew her nipple taut

2. lips took hers, his tongue moistening her dry mouth

3. lips were like velvet as his tongue explored

4. slowly the pressure of lips increased

5. lips reached for hers, cutting off her protest

6. their lips met and  felt buffeted by the winds of a savage harmony

7. the touch of lips on hers sent a shock wave through her entire

8. the touch of lips was a delicious sensation

9. the sweet throbbing of lips made her shift closer to him

10. was shocked at her own eager response to the touch of lips

11. lips blazed a trail of liquid fire across her smooth skin

12. lips feather-touched her with tantalizing persuasion

13. lips seized hers in a deep emotional commitment

14. lips parted hers in a soul-reaching massage

15. lips teased a taut dusky pink nipple

16. lips touched her nipple with tantalizing possessiveness

17. lips drew her nipple taut

18. lips met hers in a gentle drugging kiss

19. lips continued to explore her soft ivory flesh

20. lips flickered over his skin with hot desire

21. pressed her open lips to his

22. lips were surprisingly soft and sensitive as they rested on her own

23. lips came coaxingly down on hers

24. demanding lips caressed hers

25. mouth was smothered by his warm lips

26. lips recaptured hers, more demanding this time

27. felt lips touch her like a whisper

28. lips came coaxingly down on hers

29. lips brush her nipples

30. lips brush hers, a tantalizing invitation for more

31. the caress of lips on her mouth and along her body set her aflame

32. lips were pressed to her own

33. lips pressed against hers, then gently covered her mouth

34. lips brush against hers as he spoke

35. lips were more persuasive than  cared to admit

36. lips were hard and searching

37. the touch of lips was a delicious sensation

38. standing on tiptoe,  touched lips to his

39. felt the strong hardness of lips

40. felt the heady sensation of lips against her neck

41. put it to lips

42. lips were warm and sweet on hers

43. lips were hard and searching

44. lips brush against hers as he spoke

45. lips slowly descended to meet hers

46. lips left hers to nibble on her earlobe

47. lips touched hers, featherlike

48. last words were smothered on lips

49. her voice was honeysweet against lips

50. lips found their way instinctively to his

51. smothered her lips with demanding mastery

52. held out his hand suddenly and, taking hers, raised it to lips

53. lips traced a sensuous path to ecstasy

54. murmured, lips against his




1. hardly heard the words, but  saw lips move

2. lips moved, questing, toying with a name

3. lifted his lips until they hovered just above hers

4. forced lips to part in a curved, stiff smile

5. lips moved as if he would spit

6. lips moved spastically

7. lips writhed in an exaggerated movement

8. lips shaped the name

9. lips working

10. lips curled

11. had to slide his lips to one side to get a breath

12. the smile faded from lips

13. raising lips to find his

14. lips reached for hers, cutting off her protest

15. lips formed the word soundlessly

16. tightened his lips angrily

17. pushing his bottom lip forward in thought

18. pursed lips




1. lips trembled with the need to smile

2. touching her trembling lips with one finger

3. lips trembled

4. lips quivered

5. lower lip trembled

6. a tremor touched her smooth, marble-like lips

7. lips quivered in unspoken passion  




1. the point of her tongue slowly moistened her under-lip

2. licked her lower lip, managing to quell her anger

3. nervously  moistened her dry lips

4. licking lips nervously

5. ran his tongue over his dry lips

6. wet lips with his tongue tip

7. toying lips with her tongue

8. tongue traced the soft fullness of lips

9. licked his dry lips

10. licked it from his lips

11. tried to lick lips, but her tongue was too dry

12. wetting lips

13. moistened lips

14. licking his chops

15. moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue

16. moistened his lips nervously with his tongue

17. ran his tongue over his dry lips

18. licking his lips uneasily

19. licked his lips experimentally, trying to speak




1. parting lips,  raised herself to meet his kiss

2. mouth ground into hers and  opened lips helplessly beneath his probing tongue

3. forced lips open with his thrusting tongue

4. parting lips,  let him possess her mouth

5. parting lips in mute invitation

6. pale lips gaped

7. lips parted slightly

8. lips parted in surprise

9. lips gaped a round "O"

10. lips opened to him

11. lips opened fully, like a morning glory

12. lips parted in a dazzling display of straight, white teeth

13. opened lips helplessly beneath his probing tongue 




1. pressed lips together in anger

2. lips were pressed to her own

3. lips were pressed shut so no sound would burst out

4. clamped lips imprisoned a sob

5. drew lips in thoughtfully

6. pressed lips together as a sign of pique

7. lips pursed suspiciously




1. whistled through her teeth

2. pursed her lips for a whistle

3. whistling softly to himself

4. gave a silent whistle




1. chewed his lip indifferently

2. bit her lip to suppress a smile in a sudden moment of wry self-mockery

3. bit lips to control the sobs

4. bit her lip, trying to hold back the tears

5. bit her lip silently

6. pinching his upper lip between his teeth

7. bit her lip to stifle the outcry of delight

8. bit her lip until it throbbed like her pulse

9. bit lips in dismay

10. he bit his lip

11. pinched her lower lip with her teeth

12. bit lips in dismay

13. bit her lip to stifle the outcry of delight

14. bit her lip, trying to keep her voice casual

15. bit her lip nervously

16. biting lips miserably




1. pursed lips over her toothless gums

2. lips pursed suspiciously

3. pursed lips

4. pursing lips,  thought about him

5. pursed lips for a whistle

6. lips puckered with annoyance

7. drew lips in thoughtfully




1. dried lips

2. wiped lips on his napkin




1. breathed lightly between parted lips

2. blowing smoke, he followed the trail with his eye




1. pressed her lips together as a sign of pique

2. tightened his lips angrily

3. lips drew tight in what was almost a noiseless snarl

4. lips were drawn from his teeth

5. lips thinned with anger

6. lips were pressed shut so no sound would burst out

7. clamped lips imprisoned a sob

8. drew his lips in thoughtfully

9. lips thinned with irritation




1. pressed his lips together in anger

2. pressed his lips together as a sign of pique

3. pushing his bottom lip forward in thought

4. tightened his lips angrily

5. the set of lips and the dangerous gleam in his eyes were the only signs that he was angered

6. was constrained to merely curl his lip

7. parting lips in mute invitation

8. lips drew tight in what was almost a noiseless snarl

9. lips twisted in a bitter grimace

10. lips puckered with annoyance

11. lips were drawn from his teeth

12. full lips were set in a perpetual sneer

13. lips parted in surprise

14. lips thinned with anger

15. her lip curled

16. curled her lip in open distaste

17. lips thinned with irritation




1. began making up her lips

2. wore just enough lipstick to show that her mouth was perfect




1. lips were like velvet as his tongue explored

2. the sweet throbbing of his lips made her shift closer to him

3. lips burned in the aftermath of his fiery possession

4. there was a whisper-light contact of their lips

5. lips were surprisingly soft and sensitive as they rested on her own

6. lips felt thick and pliant

7. lips were still warm and moist from his kiss

8. felt lips meet his at last with a shock of recognition

9. lips tingled in remembrance of his touch

10. then slowly the pressure of lips increased

11. their lips met and  felt buffeted by the winds of a savage harmony

12. the touch of lips on hers sent a shock wave through her entire body

13. the caress of lips on her mouth and along her body set her aflame

14. the touch of lips was a delicious sensation

15. stung across lips

16. bit her lip until it throbbed like her pulse

17. was shocked at her own eager response to the touch of lips

18. felt the heady sensation of his lips against her neck

19. lips felt thick and pliant

20. lips were warm and sweet on hers

21. lips blazed a trail of liquid fire across her smooth skin

22. lips were more persuasive than  she cared to admit

23. lips were still warm and moist from his kiss

24. her voice was honeysweet against  his lips

25. even his lips felt cold




1. lips brush her nipples

2. lips teased a taut dusky pink nipple

3. lips touched her nipple with tantalizing possessiveness

4. felt the heady sensation of lips against her neck

5. raised her fingers to his lips for one lingering kiss

6. he raised her hand gently to lips

7. lips took hers, his tongue moistening her dry mouth

8. lips reached for hers, cutting off her protest

9. their lips met and  felt buffeted by the winds of a savage harmony

10. the touch of lips was a delicious sensation

11. the sweet throbbing of lips made her shift closer to him

12. was shocked at her own eager response to the touch of lips

13. lips blazed a trail of liquid fire across her smooth skin

14. lips feather-touched her with tantalizing persuasion

15. lips seized hers in a deep emotional commitment

16. lips parted hers in a soul-reaching massage

17. lips teased a taut dusky pink nipple

18. lips met hers in a gentle drugging kiss

19. lips continued to explore her soft ivory flesh

20. lips flickered over his skin with hot desire

21. he showered kisses around lips and along her jaw

22. there was a whisper-light contact of their lips

23. lips were surprisingly soft and sensitive as they rested on her own

24. lips came coaxingly down on hers

25. demanding lips caressed hers

26. lying on top of her, his tongue probed between lips

27. succumbed to the forceful domination of lips

28. his tongue stabbed at her lips

29. smothered her lips with demanding mastery

30. standing on tiptoe,  touched her lips to his

31. felt lips touch her like a whisper

32. lips touched hers, featherlike

33. lips came coaxingly down on hers

34. lips brush her nipples

35. lips were warm and sweet on hers

36. the caress of lips on her mouth and along her body set her aflame

37. felt the strong hardness of lips

38. reclaiming her lips, he crushed her to him

39. lips were pressed to her own

40. his tongue traced the soft fullness of lips

41. lips pressed against hers, then gently covered her mouth

42. lips were more persuasive than  cared to admit

43. lips were hard and searching

44. clasping lips to his

45. felt her lips meet his at last with a shock of recognition

46. then slowly the pressure of lips increased

47. the caress of lips on her mouth and along her body set her aflame

48. pressed her open lips to his

49. felt the heady sensation of lips against her neck

50. parting lips,  let him possess her mouth

51. parting lips  raised herself to meet his kiss

52. tongue traced the soft fullness of  her lips

53. lips brush against hers as he spoke

54. lips slowly descended to meet hers

55. lips were like velvet as his tongue explored

56. lips left hers to nibble on her earlobe

57. lips recaptured hers, more demanding this time

58. last words were smothered on her lips

59. lips found their way instinctively to his

60. mouth was smothered by his warm lips

61. forced lips open with his thrusting tongue