Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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SM101  SMILES 101




1. gave a slow grin

2. grinned across at the boy

3. grinned uncertainly

4. was rewarded with a long slow grin

5. teeth gleamed in a grin

6. smile broadened into something more like a grin

7. mouth pulled into a sour grin

8. face split into a wide grin

9. derisive grin was not to be tolerated

10. grin flashed briefly, dazzling against his olive skin

11. infectious grin set the tone

12. wore an irresistibly devastating grin

13. flashed a sudden grin

14. walked up to her with a grin of amusement

15. grinned hugely

16. grinned back briefly with no trace of his former animosity

17. a grin overtook his features

18. grinning sideways at her

19. grinned sweetly

20. grinned feebly

21. an ironic grin was smeared across his face

22. a boyish grin

23. gave a rueful grin suddenly

24. grinned apologetically

25. grinned at her, but there was no humor in his eyes

26. gave her an impudent grin

27. gave a disarming grin

28. gave her an embarrassed grin

29. was grinning like a boy

30. grinned maliciously

31. grinned shamelessly

32. smiled toothlessly

33. grinned and straightened his shoulders

34. homely face rearranged itself into a grin

35. heard the grin on the other end of the phone

36. grinned back amiably

37. managed to grin

38. gave the ghost of a grin

39. grinned tolerantly




1. was grinning like a boy

2. they looked at each other and smiled in earnest

3. smiling proudly

4. smiled most foolishly

5. a smile made his face look quite jolly

6. smiled with an air of pleasure

7. whole face spread into a smile

8. smile was eager and alive with affection and delight

9. drawing in a slow, steady smile of happiness

10. an easy smile played at the corners of his mouth

11. a depth to her smile that had been missing too long

12. smiled at him dreamily

13. firm mouth curled as if always on the edge of laughter

14. smiled at him suddenly, the wariness lifting from her face




1. it was a pale smile, just a ghost of the real thing, barren of amusement

2. smiled wanly

3. forced herself to give him a wan smile

4. faint smile held a touch of sadness

5. caressed her cheek, smiling sadly

6. gave him a brittle smile

7. the smile did not quite reach his eyes




1. grinned maliciously

2. still smiling, his rapier glance passed over her

3. felt herself shrinking from the cold gray of his watchful smile

4. was unable to face his mocking smile

5. derisive grin was not to be tolerated

6. smile did not indicate compliance

7. gave her a smile that set her teeth on edge

8. a shadowy ironic sneer hovered about his heavy mouth

9. smiled, the stretch of facial muscles pulling his cheeks grotesquely

10. fat face melted into a buttery smile

11. features twisted into a maddening leer

12. smiled at her shrewdly




1. gave the ghost of a grin

2. smiled faintly

3. smiled a strange little smile

4. smiled weakly

5. offered him a small, shy smile

6. managed a small, tentative smile

7. managed a tremulous smile

8. one corner of his mouth was pulled into a slight smile

9. it was a bleak, tightlipped smile

10. mouth twitched with amusement

11. faint smile held a touch of sadness

12. smiled blandly

13. grinned feebly

14. a bland half smile

15. a half smile crossed his face

16. a wry smile

17. a bemused smile was on lips

18. a small smile of enchantment touched lips

19. a satanic smile spread across his thin lips

20. a smile found its way through the mask of uncertainty

21. forced herself to give him a wan smile

22. gave a half-embarrassed smile

23. there was a slight smile at the corners of his mouth

24. gave a little half smile

25. gave a half smile

26. mouth moved into a half smile

27. smiled wanly

28. drew lips in a tight smile

29. summoned a ghost of a smile

30. the memory brought a wry, twisted smile to her face

31. smiled vaguely

32. managed a shaky smile

33. smiled almost apologetically

34. smiled evenly




1. gave a disarming grin

2. the even whiteness of her smile was dazzling

3. teeth gleamed in a grin

4. grin was irresistibly devastating

5. grin flashed briefly, dazzling against his olive skin

6. smile was bright

7. wore an irresistibly devastating grin

8. offered her a sudden, arresting smile

9. gave her a smile that sent her pulses racing

10. smiled his mercurial smile

11. turned away her wrath with a brilliant smile

12. twinkled at her mischievously

13. lips parted in a dazzling display of straight, white teeth

14. smile was wide, his teeth strikingly white in his tanned face

15. expression dissolved suddenly into her irrepressible smile   




1. mouth twitched with amusement

2. mouth quirked with humor

3. walked up to her with a grin of amusement

4. felt a ripple of mirth

5. smiled at her as if  were a small child

6. a wry smile

7. a smile ruffled his mouth

8. did not bother to hide his amusement




1. with a smile of blindingly radiant lust

2. the smile in his eyes contained a sensuous flame

3. still smiling, his rapier glance passed over her

4. smiled into her eyes

5. smile had a spark of eroticism

6. smile was as intimate as a kiss

7. gave her a smile that sent her pulses racing

8. smiled suggestively

9. smiled against her mouth  




1. smiling like a Madonna

2. was unaware of the captivating picture  made when  smiled

3. was smiling and radiant

4. smile brought an immediate softening to his features

5. smiled with beautiful candor

6. before his appealing smile, her defenses melted away

7. a small smile of enchantment touched lips




1. grinned tolerantly

2. smiling paternally

3. smile was boyishly affectionate

4. mouth curved with tenderness

5. smiled, thinking about it

6. smiled benignly, as if dealing with a temperamental child

7. a soft and loving curve touched lips

8. he smiled amiably enough

9. a fond smile touched her mouth

10. threw her a fond smile in spite of her vexation

11. smiled reminiscently in spite of herself




1. a thoughtful smile curved her mouth

2. smiled at her quizzically




1. smile faded a little when he looked at her

2. crestfallen, her smile quickly faded

3. smile vanished

4. smile relaxed measurably

5. the smile faded from lips

6. smile had died as swiftly as it had come

7. the smile faded abruptly




1. bit her lip to suppress a smile in a sudden moment of wry self-mockery

2. there was a suspicious line at the corners of his mouth

3. bit her lip to stifle a grin

4. mouth twitched with amusement

5. lips trembled with the need to smile

6. concealed a smile in his hand

7. concealed a smile

8. hid a smile

9. suppressed the smile of relief that kept wanting to come




1. made herself smile back

2. forced herself to smile, though lips were dry and cracked

3. made a brave attempt to smile

4. gave a shaky smile

5. summoned a ghost of a smile

6. gave him a brittle smile

7. managed to grin

8. smiled faintly

9. smiled weakly

10. managed a small, tentative smile

11. gave a forced smile and a tense nod of consent

12. managed a tremulous smile

13. it was a bleak, tightlipped smile

14. mouth spread into a thin-lipped smile

15. did not force a smile

16. a smile trembled over lips

17. gave a forced smile and a tense nod of consent

18. forced  herself to give him a wan smile

19. smiled uncomfortably at him

20. gave a watery smile

21. he forced himself to smile

22. summoned a smile

23. managed a smile

24. tried to force a smile

25. gave him a tight smile

26. with a heavy attempt at a smile

27. smiled at him with an effort

28. forced herself to smile 




1. grinned uncertainly

2. smiled tentatively

3. offered him a small, shy smile

4. managed a small, tentative smile

5. it was a bleak, tightlipped smile

6. tight expression relaxed into a smile

7. dared to smile

8. a smile found its way through the mask of uncertainty

9. returned his smile cautiously




1. with a slow, secret smile,  understood

2. smiled but didn't answer

3. smiled, thinking about it

4. smirked

5. gave her a smile that set her teeth on edge

6. an ironic grin was smeared across his face

7. a secret smile softened lips

8. gave a conspiratorial smile

9. gave him a knowing smile

10. smiled knowingly




1. the even whiteness of her smile was dazzling

2. teeth gleamed in a grin

3. smiled at her, showing white, even teeth




1. smiled toothlessly

2. smiled most foolishly

3. an ironic grin was smeared across his face

4. a boyish grin

5. a smile ruffled his mouth

6. mouth curled at the corners in a comical way




1. smiled at him with an effort

2. with a heavy attempt at a smile

3. he managed a smile

4. summoned a smile

5. he forced himself to smile

6. managed a shaky smile

7. summoned a ghost of a smile

8. forced herself to give him a wan smile

9. managed to grin

10. there was a suspicious line at the corners of his mouth

11. the beginning of a smile tipped the corners of his mouth

12. mouth rippled in what might have been an attempt at a smile

13. his mouth twitched with amusement

14. an attempt at a smile

15. a half smile crossed his face

16. a smile trembled over lips

17. mouth rippled in what might have been an attempt at a smile




1. held out both hands with a broad smile

2. they shared a smile

3. they exchanged a polite, simultaneous smile

4. the glow of his smile warmed her across the room

5. met the smile and the hand which was offered

6. threw him a smile

7. turned and waved, her smile long-range but very visible

8. face split into a wide grin

9. exchanged a smile with her

10. turned, easing into a smile

11. approaching with a smile and an outstretched hand

12. smiled from one to the other




1. still smiling, his rapier glance passed over her

2. anger abated somewhat under the warm glow of his smile

3. a smile remained on his extremely handsome face

4. a smile hung on her mouth




1. smile was brisk and reassuring

2. smiled at her impishly

3. grinned back amiably

4. broke into an open, friendly smile

5. smile was boyishly affectionate

6. offered her a forgiving smile

7. exchanged a smile with her

8. grinned sweetly

9. favored her with a friendly smile




1. threw her a fond smile in spite of her vexation

2. the smile did not quite reach his eyes

3. grinned at her but there was no humor in his eyes

4. smiled indulgently

5. hoped her smile was noncommittal

6. smiled smoothly, betraying nothing of her annoyance

7. smile was courteous

8. smile was without humor

9. smiled blandly

10. grinned back briefly with no trace of his former animosity

11. fury lurked beneath the smile




1. smiled uncomfortably at him

2. smiled almost apologetically

3. gave a half-embarrassed smile

4. gave her an embarrassed grin

5. grinned apologetically

6. gave a rueful grin suddenly

7. lips twisted into a cynical smile

8. mouth pulled into a sour grin

9. grinned feebly

10. grimaced in good humor




1. mouth twisted wryly

2. smiling sidelong at

3. smiled crookedly

4. one corner of his mouth was pulled into a slight smile

5. one corner of his mouth twisted upward

6. shot her a twisted smile

7. grinning sideways at her

8. a bland half smile

9. a half smile crossed his face




1. grinned shamelessly

2. with a slow, secret smile,  understood

3. smiling proudly

4. smiled a superior smile

5. smiled to herself in a self-congratulatory manner

6. smiled with an air of pleasure

7. smiled in contentment, smelling the faint scent of

8. smiled, thinking about it

9. smirked

10. stood up, smiling with satisfaction




1. was rewarded with a long slow grin

2. with a slow, secret smile,  understood

3. broke into an open, friendly smile

4. smiled his mercurial smile

5. turned, easing into a smile

6. broke into a leisurely smile




1. smiled at him suddenly, the wariness lifting from her face

2. threw him a smile

3. face split into a wide grin

4. face creased into a sudden smile

5. offered her a sudden, arresting smile

6. flashed a sudden grin

7. rewarded her with a larger smile of his own

8. offered her a forgiving smile

9. caressed her cheek, smiling sadly




1. smiled at him suddenly, the wariness lifting from her face

2. grinned shamelessly

3. grinned maliciously

4. they looked at each other and smiled in earnest

5. the glow of his smile warmed her across the room

6. grinned mischievously

7. looked up, flashing a smile of thanks

8. smiled in exasperation

9. gave a slight smile of defiance

10. pasted on a smile of nonchalance

11. lips twisted into a cynical smile

12. smile matched hers in liveliness

13. smile widened in approval

14. mouth pulled into a sour grin

15. smile broadened in approval

16. smile was without malice, almost apologetic

17. anger abated somewhat under the warm glow of his smile

18. smile was eager and alive with affection and delight

19. easy smile played at the corners of his mouth




1. firm mouth curled as if always on the edge of laughter

2. broke into an open, friendly smile

3. threw him a smile

4. broke into a wide, open smile

5. mouth curved into an unconscious smile

6. whole face spread into a smile

7. infectious grin set the tone

8. mouth curved into an unconscious smile




1. found it impossible not to return his disarming smile

2. smile was magnetic

3. infectious grin set the tone




1. smile faded a little when he looked at her

2. smiled at him suddenly, the wariness lifting from her face

3. smile broadened into something more like a grin

4. smiled more brightly

5. took a deep breath and adjusted her smile

6. smile widened in approval

7. smile broadened in approval

8. brittle smile softened slightly

9. smile relaxed measurably

10. turned up his smile a notch




1. expression dissolved suddenly into her irrepressible smile

2. gave a disarming grin

3. gave her an impudent grin

4. the glow of his smile warmed her across the room