Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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1. without a look to right or left

2. rubbed her eyes with her knuckles trying desperately to clear her head

3. a warning voice whispered in her head

4. the full heat of the sun beat down on the top of her head




1. head fit perfectly in the hollow between his shoulder and neck

2. head was bend toward her, resting against his own shoulder

3. pressed his head back against the seat

4. rested his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands

5. rested her head against the broad back before her

6. put her head in her arms and wept

7. rested his forehead on

8. held his forehead

9. held her hand to her forehead, her chin almost resting on her chest

10. head had fallen sideways on the cushion

11. feeling the heavily carved ornamental wood press into the back of her skull

12. rested her head on her arms

13. moved slowly, balancing his head carefully atop his neck

14. put his arms behind his head and rested back against his hands

15. head fit perfectly in the hollow between his shoulder and neck

16. head was pillowed on

17. hands went to his head

18. laid her head on

19. put his head on his knees

20. cradled her head in her trembling hands

21. pulled his head against her

22. rested her head on his shoulder and sighed unevenly

23. took his head in her lap

24. leaning against the sofa, his head resting on the seat cushions, his eyes closed

25. rested her head for a moment on the rim of the steering wheel 




1. waves of crushing agony beat one by one against the back of her eyelids

2. throbbing incessantly as  tried to focus her thoughts

3. like a blinding ligature around her eyes

4. headache was worse

5. head was beginning to throb

6. there was a throbbing in her temples

7. laid a gentle hand on his forehead, trying to ease his pain

8. head was hammering

9. head throbbed from the smoke and noise

10. a harrowing headache pounded her forehead

11. an agony that filled his head with pain

12. beset with a dull headache

13. head felt thick

14. head felt tight

15. head ached abominably

16. head erupted in blinding white pain

17. splitting pain broke in his head

18. head was splitting 




1. passion pounded the blood through her heart, chest, and head

2. moved slowly, balancing her head carefully atop her neck

3. there was a strange muzzy feeling in her head

4. head was whirling

5. the blackness was whirling around her

6. felt suddenly overwhelmed with nausea and faintness

7. insistent voice cut slowly through the pulsing in her head

8. the blood drained from her head and a strange roaring filled her ears

9. brain was whirling in ever decreasing circles

10. could not make it to his feet; the first attempt made his head whirl

11. sat up, her head swimming

12. felt light headed

13. head was reeling

14. head swirled with doubts

15. head swam

16. his nearness made her senses spin

17. words didn't register on her dizzied senses

18. felt a bursting of magic bubbles in her head

19. tried to throttle the dizzying current racing through her

20. so many drinks on an empty stomach was going to her head 




1. threw back her head and laughed

2. flinging back her head

3. gave his head a lofty toss

4. stiffened and haughtily tossed her head

5. straining back against his arm  tossed her head

6. with an adventurous toss of her head

7. with a graceful toss of her head 




1. bending her head this way and that

2. altered the position of his head slightly so that he could watch

3. put his head on one side

4. inclined his head slightly

5. held his head arrogantly back as though sniffing something

6. jauntily he cocked his head to one side

7. putting her head on one side

8. inclining his head

9. tilted her head back

10. tilting her head to one side,  stole a slanted look at  him

11. tilting her head,  saw him

12. her head was held at a defiant angle

13. moved his head slightly to establish perspective




1. shook her head desperately

2. weakly  shook her head

3. only shook her head dumbly

4. shook his head mournfully

5. shook her head, trying to throw off an irrational feeling of fear

6. shook his head with feigned self-pity

7. shook his head in utter disbelief

8. shook her head numbly

9. shook his head as if genuinely concerned

10. shook his head vehemently

11. shook her head, anguished

12. shook his head regretfully

13. shook his head decisively

14. shook his head, warning her off

15. head swung in a slow side-to-side motion

16. shaking his head in distress

17. shaking her head doubtfully

18. shaking her head thoughtfully

19. shaking his head doubtfully

20. wrinkled her nose and shook her head

21. wagged her head

22. shook her head negatively

23. shook her head in dismay

24. shook her head violently

25. shook her head disapprovingly

26. shook his head sharply

27. shook his head in sheer wonder

28. shook her head in wonder and amazement

29. shook his head grimly

30. shook her head ruefully

31. shook his head several times in disapproval

32. shook his head irritably

33. shook her head in a minor gesture of reproof

34. swayed his head from side to side

35. wagging his head

36. with a shake of his head

37. put her face in her hands, shaking her head from side to side




1. shaking her head positively

2. nodded almost imperceptibly

3. nodded bleakly

4. gave a forced smile and a tense nod of consent

5. indicated by a motion of his head that he would listen

6. nodded reluctantly

7. at a nod from him

8. nodded, unable to speak

9. managed a nod

10. nodded at the man's back

11. after a minute  nodded

12. for a moment  thought he wasn't going to answer, then he nodded reluctantly

13. nodded soberly

14. nodded mutely

15. imperceptibly he nodded

16. a casual polite nod from an uninterested stranger

17. a brief nod

18. acknowledged with a brief nod

19. answered with a nod

20. nodded complacently

21. nodded gloomily

22. nodded perfunctorily

23. merely nodded

24. nodded and chuckled at her

25. nodded with a taut jerk of his head

26. nodded, not trusting himself to speak

27. nodded dubiously

28. answered with an impersonal nod

29. nodded in agreement

30. offered her a distracted nod

31. gave her a brief nod and walked briskly away

32. gave her a grudging nod

33. his head bobbed

34. nod in silent witness

35. nodded in silent agreement

36. nodded contemptuously

37. nodded graciously

38. nodding a thank you

39. nodding his head almost imperceptibly as if agreeing

40. nodding rather curtly

41. nodding wisely

42. nodding her head in the direction of

43. nuancing the gesture by nodding

44. nodded woodenly

45. nodded radiantly

46. gave him a curt nod of farewell

47. nodded back at him without speaking

48. nodded towards

49. inclined her head

50. was too surprised to do more than nod

51. inclined her head in compliance

52. with only the briefest nod of her head

53. moved her head slightly.  It might have been a nod 




1. swiveled his head to keep her in view

2. altered the position of his head slightly so that he could watch

3. moved his head slightly to establish perspective

4. moved half face to

5. swung his head around to look up at her

6. head snapped around

7. head turned a little to one side

8. head snapped about

9. head swung lazily to the other side

10. head turned from side to side as if he studied

11. head jerked around

12. kneaded the stiff muscles with one hand and rolled her head in a circle

13. turned her head wonderingly, this way and that

14. turned his head away in shame

15. twisted his head around sharply

16. turning at last to look at him




1. head sunk between his shoulders

2. buried her head in her arms

3. bowed his head formally

4. dipping his head slightly

5. bowed his head and murmured

6. inclined his head in a deep gesture

7. bent his head slightly forward

8. smiled and inclined his head

9. head dropped

10. her head bent

11. head bowed and  remained in an attitude of frozen stillness

12. head slumped forward on

13. head was bent

14. left forearm rested on his knee, his head hung forward

15. hung his head in sorrow

16. hung his head in shame

17. jerked her head forward

18. inclined her head in a small gesture of thanks

19. bent her head and studied her hands

20. bowed slightly toward her   




1. threw back his head to feel the rain on his face

2. took deep breaths until  was strong enough to raise her head

3. altered the position of his head slightly so that he could watch

4. leaned her head back and gazed into his eyes

5. threw back his head and laughed

6. held his head arrogantly back as though sniffing something

7. held his head high with pride

8. kept his head high

9. carefully lifted his head

10. stuck up his head

11. lifted his head alertly

12. head jerked up to look around

13. head was high

14. head snapped up as if in thought

15. raised higher his head

16. raised his head

17. threw back her head and placed her hands on her hips

18. tipped her face to the sun

19. tried to raise her head, then, with a groan, let it fall back on the pillows




1. tore her shirt open and dropped his head to nuzzle her breasts

2. dropped his head to nuzzle her throat

3. head sunk between his shoulders

4. when he bent his head,  met lips halfway

5. tore her shirt open and dropped his head to nuzzle her breasts

6. tried to raise her head, then, with a groan, let it fall back on the pillows

7. buried her head on his shoulder

8. bent her head and studied her hands

9. head slumped forward on

10. head was bent

11. left forearm rested on his knee, his head hung forward

12. hung his head in sorrow

13. hung his head in shame

14. jerked her head forward

15. head dropped

16. her head bent

17. smiled and inclined his head

18. buried her head in her arms

19. rested her head for a moment on the rim of the steering wheel

20. put his head on his knees

21. laid her head on

22. head had fallen sideways on the cushion

23. moved her head slightly as though trying to avoid some dazzling light

24. head fell back

25. with the tip of his head, he motioned her to the

26. altered the position of his head slightly so that he could watch




1. clapped her hands to her head

2. hands went to his head

3. he scratched his head

4. reaching over he knuckled the boy's head

5. slapped his head

6. felt his hands on her head, slipping off the gauze headdress 




1. kissed the top of her head




1. shook her hard so that her head snapped back and forth

2. head shot forward suddenly

3. shake of her head loosened her hair

4. caught her by the hair, jerking her head back

5. altered the position of his head slightly so that he could watch

6. without a look to right or left

7. thrusting his head forward, he strained to make out something a few yards ahead of him

8. moved his head slightly to establish perspective

9. head pushed forward

10. head bobbed with the effort of memory

11. head fell back

12. poked his head out

13. pulled his head back

14. bending her head this way and that

15. he indicated the door with a jerk of his head as one is taught to do in the movies

16. pulled off the scarf, shaking her hair free

17. kneaded the stiff muscles with one hand and rolled her head in a circle

18. shook his head to clear the rain from his eyes

19. popped her head around the door

20. head rolled sideways

21. as  moved her head the heavy curtain of hair swung forward to hide

22. moved her head slightly.  

23. it might have been a nod

24. dropped his head to nuzzle her throat





1. moved slowly, balancing her head carefully atop her neck

2. proudly, without lowering her head,  knelt before him

3. eyes came open and moved in their sockets to focus on it as if he dared not move his head




1. he thought for a moment, scratching his head 


HD118  HEAD 118 (SKULL)


1. leaned her head back for a moment, feeling the heavily

carved ornamental wood press into the back of her skull




1. jerked his head forward in the direction of the dipping bow

2. with the tip of his head, he motioned her to the 


HD120  HEAD 120 (SCALP)


1. long hair fell across the bare crown of his head to reveal an ancient scar

2. scalp began to crawl



1. head banged into the ceiling almost hard enough to knock her out