Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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 TM101  TEMPLES 101


1. hand, gently insistent, moved slowly over her forehead and down her temples

2. felt the rags of tension beginning to pull at her temples

3. there was a throbbing in her temples

4. the blue veins in her temples beat wildly

5. there was a pounding in her temples

6. could feel the blood pounding in her temples

7. hitting him right on the temple

8. on the temple, half-hidden in her hair

9. it skimmed by his temple

10. giving a graceful sweep (with scissors) to the temple-lock

11. a cut slantwise along one temple

12. pressed the cold muzzle of the revolver to his temple

13. pulling at the hair on his right temple

14. blood flowed in a thin stream down his right temple

15. wetted a towel and washed his temple

16. brushed across each temple

17. dabbed at a cut on his temple

18. lay his finger on his temple

19. striking his temple a heavy blow

20. thin shred of hair clung to the temple

21. he rested his temple in the palm of his hand

22. beginning a little below the temple

23. striking his temple on the

24. a tremor ran along his temple

25. cut a lock of hair from his temple

26. rubbing his temple

27. struck him upon the temple

28. her temple pressing against

29. the blue veins of her temple

30. pressing her forehead against his temple

31. saluting with his hand to his temple

32. hair tied over one temple with a ribbon

33. a bloody furrow creased the man's temple

34. furrowed the flesh across his temple

35. a scar on his temple