Sybrina's Phrase Thesaurus - Volume 1 by Sybrina Durant - HTML preview

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BR101  BRAIN 101 (BRAIN)


1. in a coma as plumb-less as a mid-ocean trench

2. was sunk in deeper levels of unconsciousness than mere concussive sleep

3. the brain acknowledged the approach of death

4. blood pounded in her brain, leapt from her heart, and made her knees tremble

5. commanded her brain to answer questions

6. tried desperately to clear her brain

7. brain was whirling in ever decreasing circles

8. blood pounded in her brain, leapt from her heart, and made her knees tremble




1. in a coma as plumb-less as a mid-ocean trench

2. was sunk in deeper levels of unconsciousness than mere concussive sleep