Ten Marks of The Beast by Marie Seltenrych - HTML preview

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Chapter Three

The House of Herod


How does Herod fit into this kind of bracket?

He was crowned King of Judea around 40 BC

This was an usual step to be taken by the Roman Emperor The last king of pure Jewish blood fell before the intrigues of the first king of Judea not entirely of Jewish birth.

Herod was not of pure Jewish blood, he was an Edomite. That is Edom, and not a very favourite of Yahweh, who told the Hebrews that Edomites were enemies of Israel from early history, even from their traveling through the Sinai desert, yet he was crowned King of the Jews by the Romans.

The Edomites were descendants of Esau, the one man hated by the Lord! It’s true, read it for yourself. He was the twin of Jacob and he turned out mean and nasty. He mixed it with the Canaanites and anyone he wanted, so offended the Lord over and over. This is Herod the Great’s genealogical heritage. He proved to be of the same character as Esau. (Romans 9:13) Even as it is written, Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated”. So, remember where Herod came from, because it’s important.

It is no wonder that he felt perplexed when the Magi came to Jerusalem to tell him they came to worship the king. His reaction was subtle as he checked out where this new King would be born. Discovering it to be Bethlehem, he immediately ordered that the infants under two years in that region be put to death.

Here we see an imitation of Lucifer in Isaiah 14:13.

For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also on the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the North.”

Herod the Great thinks he is better than God! Not only that, but he actually tries to kill God’s son, Immanuel, which we could equate as being equal with trying to kill God Almighty.

He did not succeed as Jesus was taken into Egypt by his mother and father, remaining there until after Herod died and it was safer to return to Nazareth, where Jesus grew up. (Matt 2:14 - 23)

Take a look at the graph online from Dennis Bratcher. {11}

This gives us a quick overview of the Herodian Dynasty without going bananas trying to extract information from heavy books such as ‘Josephus.

If we focus on the Judean area, and the promised land from God to the Jewish race, we will see that Herod is a more sinister and probable king that would be considered in Jewish literature, and all of our literature is Jewish in its origins. Remember, the Apostles were all Jews! We owe a great big gratitude of thanks to the Jews who wrote the sacred scriptures and handed them down faithfully. We can never forget their contribution to the salvation of mankind. We could make one exception, Luke, the doctor, who was Greek, but again possibly a Jew in belief previously, as many of the Jews were living elsewhere.They were called the Diaspora.(James 1:1)

Herod the Great had at least nine wives. (5)

At least eight sons (5) and four daughters (5)


6 Herod kings ruled in Palestine area during the dates below:


Herod the Great 37 - 4 BC

Herod Archaeleus 4 BC - AD 6

Herod Antipas 4 BC - AD 39

Herod Philip 11 4 BC - AD 34

Herod Agrippa 1 39 - 44

Herod Agrippa 11 53 - 66AD 70 - 92AD  [Ruled twice once before destruction of Jerusalem and again afterwards].

Other Herods ruled in the wider district or were contenders for the throne. They are not included because they were eliminated before they could gain significant power as a ruler or they ruled in another realm outside of Jerusalem and Judea. 

[These may be considered in another study at a later date because of their connection with the family line of Herod].

Herod of Chalcis (d. 48 AD), also known Herod V. [Ruled North of Judea]

Aristobulus IV, a prince of Judea and son of Herod, who was put to death by Herod for treason with his brother Alexandros. He did not rule over Palestine.

Aristobulus of Chalcis, was a great grandson of Herod, and was King of Armenia minor 57 -92AD He did not rule in Israel.

If we examine the kings depicted in Revelation 17:10, this is how it is expressed:

“They are also seven kings. Five of them have fallen, one is ruling now, and the other has not yet come. When he comes, he must remain for a little while.

These fit the records of the kings of Herod’s kingdom.

Before we look into the actual reign of this dynasty, let’s look at the beast’s description, so that we can get a good 'feel' for what the beast is up to, what his character and aims are and what his motives are?

In the spirit the writer went into the wilderness and saw a woman seated on the beast: He says,

Then the angel carried me by his power into the wilderness. I saw a woman sitting on a bright red beast covered with insulting names. It had seven heads and ten horns. The woman wore purple clothes, bright red clothes, gold jewellry, gems, and pearls. In her hand she was holding a gold cup filled with detestable and evil things from her sexual sins.(Rev 17:3)

If we read carefully, we will see that this beast, in the spiritual realm, is the same one who fought with Michael the Archangel and who was defeated, and we know its names, Lucifer, Devil, etc. The heads are seven kings who come from Rome.

Remember, the idea of a King ruling was obsolete since around 500 BC, when the senate began to rule. Caesar arrived on the scene and wanted to be the dictator, but he did have opposition. He was Rome’s first Emperor, of the Empire.

If we look at kings given power by Rome to rule in the Kingdom chosen by God, namely Israel, then we must by all accounts look at the Herods who were ‘kings’ in Israel’s domain.

The Herods were likely in power when this document (The Revelation) was written. Arguments for a writing date of around 48 AD are notable.

First of all, there is no mention about the destruction of Jerusalem, which occurred in 66 - 70AD during the reign of Titus.

If this book was written before 66 AD, then we can take a look at each king that has reigned since Jesus Christ came into the world around 4BC

If we look at our list of kings, we can see that Herod’s dynasty produced nine sons, seven of which had rulership in this area. Here is a list of the first five kings ruling in Palestine or parts of Israel:

First king: Herod the Great 37 - 4 BC Tried to kill Jesus, killed boys in Bethlehem.

Second king: Herod Archaeleus 4 BC - AD 6

Third king: Herod Antipas 4 BC - AD 39 Beheaded John the Baptist

Fourth king: Herod Philip 11 4 BC - AD 34

Fifth king: Herod Agrippa 1 39 - 44  Put Apostle Paul in prison. [Eaten by worms for accepting acclamation for being a god and not a man in Acts 12:23.

Check out this list of Hasmonaen Rulers, it backs up what I am saying here. You will see that the first king must be Herod the Great because he begins a new type of dynasty, different from his father’s role; count from Herod and you will find seven kings noted. The last one is Herod Agrippa 11.

The writer of Revelation states:

They [horns and crowns]  are also seven kings. Five of them have fallen, one is ruling now, and the other has not yet come. When he comes, he must remain for a little while.

Now we can see that if five have ‘fallen’ or gone down, died or have been deposed, then the one ruling at this point in time is the one that comes after Herod Agrippa 1, which is

Sixth king: Herod Agrippa 11 53 - 66AD

That would mean this letter is dated after 44AD but before 66 AD, which is a plausible argument for its writing, giving its contents are suited to this period.

Herod Agrippa 1 died in 44 AD and was succeeded by Herod Agrippa 11 until 48AD.

If he is the sixth king, then the seventh king has to have a short reign.

‘He must remain a little while’ which can mean a short rule or a short life after ruling. In any case it is swift. 

Herod of Chalcis (d. 48 AD), also known as Herod V, reigned for a short time in Chalcis (Khalkis), [Island of Euboea],{12}and was also the keeper of the Temple in Jerusalem for a stint. He did not rule Judea or Israel as such, so is not included in this instance.

Seventh king: Herod Agrippa 11 who has a second bite of the cherry and who ruled for a few years and then reigned again. However, during this period the locality was changed and he became ruler of Chalcis from around 50AD.  He did not go into perdition, therefore there is one missing ruthless king of Israel. Also, remember that Jerusalem was besieged from 66AD - 70AD, when it was razed by Titus.

So in actual fact, this prophecy suits the Herodian dynasty to a ‘T’, but what about the next explanation of this beast with its seven heads and ten horns. Let’s read Revelation 17:11, it says:

The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.

That’s pretty clear, the beast is number eight. He belongs to the seven and is going to his doom. He is also noted for his dying and resurrection. He is a copy of the Dragon, the beast in the Garden of Eden. He was, is not yet is, and will return. Just like a Doctor Who event, but it will be a reality for some.

The eight king of Israel will have to be a very powerful leader and an offspring of Herod the Great.  We can only account for seven of Herod’s family ruling with power in Judaea or Israel today and should include Jerusalem; and the last one was an expanded and not a concentrated power over Judaea or Jerusalem, so this final part has never been fulfilled! It appears clear that only the very last part of this event has not been fulfilled. It has been delayed for God’s own purposes and we may be the generation to whom this is revealed!

The final beast who opposes God himself will have a serious reign.  Some may argue that Herod’s line has finished, gone for ever but let’s not be hasty and take a look at his progeny.

Herod’s offspring:

Herod the Great had nine wives and as many children. He had known offspring, such as Antipas, Archaelaus, Aristobulus, Phasaelus, Herod, Philip, daughters Olypias by Maltrace;  Roxana, a daughter by Elpis and two wives who had no children and we don’t know all his family lineage after this dynasty became diminished around 53AD with Herod V . The final ruling relative in this Herodian Dynasty was Herod V in 92AD  During this timeframe the Herods did have some ruling power but not directly in Israel or Judaea, including Jerusalem, David’s city

Jerusalem Sacked


Jerusalem was sacked and burned to the ground by Titus in 70AD, so any believers around there would have been dispersed. The slaughter was horrendous and worth reading in the records of Josephus.

I guess the Roman Empire would have been happy that things had ‘settled’ down in Judea and Jerusalem and in the whole land of Palestine.  Now their ruling power was on the fringes of the country and the whole territory was expanded towards the Black Sea. They ‘moved on’ to better things, we might say.


Herod the Eighth


Descendants of Herod the Great

Confirmation of Herods


Aristobulus of Chalcis was a son of Herod of Chalcis and his first wife Mariamne, hence a great-grandson of Herod the Great

Antipater I the Idumaean (d. 43 BC) was the founder of the Herodian Dynasty and father of Herod the Great. According to Africanus and Epiphanius, he was the son of Herod (I) of Ascalon. According to Josephus, he was the son of Antipas (I).

According to Josephus, Herod had at least nine wives, nine sons and four daughters. Although the Herodian Dynasty has collapsed, there is still one remaining Herod who will arise and become the ultimate King of Judea and who will be brought into perdition or destruction because of his ruthless ways. Ways dictated by the Great Dragon Beast of Revelation who will empower this king for forty-two months of ruling.

Why are the Herods the most likely kings described in the vision of John in Patmos, the vision of the Beast who will bring destruction to the whole earth with his tyrannical rule? 

There are plenty of possibilities for offspring as well.

Why Choose the House of Herod?

New Testament times, i.e. smack bang at the time when Jesus Christ came on the scene, [4BC - 33AD]

They were kings in Judaea or Israel, including Jerusalem and Galilee during Jesustime there.

All were ruling during New Testament times, when Jesus was there and His Church was established.

Matt 2:16 When Herod saw that the wise men had tricked him, he became furious. He sent soldiers to kill all the boys two years old and younger in or near Bethlehem.

This matched the exact time he had learned from the wise men. [Herod the Great]

Luke 3:1 In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene, [Herod Archaelaus and Herod Antipas]

Matthew 14:3 :For Herod had laid hold on John, and bound him, and put him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife. [Herod Philip and Herod Antipas 1]

Luke 23:11: And Herod with his soldiers, after treating Him with contempt and mocking Him, dressed Him in a gorgeous robe and sent Him back to Pilate. [Herod Antipas]

Acts 12:19: When Herod had searched for him and had not found him, he examined the guards and ordered that they be led away to execution. Then he went down from Judea to Caesarea and was spending time there. [Herod Agrippa]

Acts 26:28: Agrippa said to Paul, "With a little persuasion are you trying to make me a Christian?

[Herod Agrippa 11]


Personal family traits:


A lust for power over many people and territories.

Immoral, (can be hidden immorality) having many wives as they wish, stealing some, murdering at will, even their own family members, and walking over dead bodies in order to be important.

Hate good people! Will not stop at killing the most righteous people on earth, those following our Lord Jesus Christ.

Baby killer. Herod already showed his true colours by killing the babes in Bethlehem, lest the King of Israel, Jesus the Christ, rule and he be deposed.

Supreme ruler and this is what the aim of the Herods were:

Rule supreme.

Manipulator of women




Mark Ten - Theory of 666


What about his name?

Everyone has an opinion about the number of the beast. It’s number is of course, 666.

There has been so much controversy about this topic and the language has changed so much, it is almost impossible to work out what the original scriptures say, what it means and how to calculate the name of the Beast. We have to remember that the English language was in its early stages, and in fact Latin and Koine Greek were more popular.

I find that if we go back to simplicity, there is much wisdom in our undertakings. Why is this not the name ‘Adam’ or ‘of Adam’, which means ‘man’.  In the Hebrew the name reads like this: Edom is a close comparison, and that is the family line of Herod.

אךם memsofit = 600 + Daled = 4 Aleph = 1  and then add these up = 605.

I am simply an observer of Gematria but I am sure someone can find a link here. What about it, Gematria expert?

You can have more numbers added, depending on which system you use to calculate this number, where it sits in the word, if it is first or last of the letters etc. It is very interesting to study this further. In some cases the letters are added until a single number is deduced, i.e. 600 = 6.

Here is a link to a fun site to find out more without having to work anything out. {13} Maybe you can be the first to find the Beast whose number is 666.

They also have a list of names that add up to 666, such as Raymond God, Babylons God; My Name is God, This is a Hoax, etc.

The name ‘Adam’ alone comes up to 605. If this is combined with other numbers. I think it is a good idea to begin with. Another interesting point about Adam in Hebrew is that it means ‘of the ground, firm’ (6) It also means ‘red’ (6) and of course the dragon that appears in the vision of Revelation is red, also it is a generic name for mankind, so there are a few connections here worth thinking about. Edom also means red.

In other words, the man who is willing to become the ‘Beast’ is very earthy and might even have a ruddy complexion as well. He will be focused on the things of earth and not on heavenly ideals. The mark that is supposed to come could also be a red mark of a man or a dragon to symbolise strength.  He will come from or be connected to the House of Herod because there is the one missing king who never showed up to go into perdition, discussed above in Revelation 17:3. Whether he will be called ‘Herod’ is unknown but he will be a ruler and he will have all the power behind him from the Herodian Dynasty, the dynasty that tried in vain to eliminate Jesus Christ the Messiah and Saviour of the world. Next time he will be thrown into the lake of fire.

The new king is more likely to be governor over the territory of Jerusalem and its surrounding areas.

He will be a charismatic figure who is world renowned. He will appear on the world’s political stage.

He will have a 'bodyguard' or close confidante who will be a powerful man with a gentle nature that hides his roaring lion speech. He will be impressive and bring glory to the first beast, whom he greatly admires. He may be the soulmate of Herod the Eighth.

The Beast will be empowered by Satan and will become more furious and horrific in his dealings with anyone who trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ. He wants to be the real messiah, but will be the Devil’s Messiah only.

Herod the Eighth will go from bad to worse, following an incident in which he is almost killed, or actually dies. Because he recovers he will gain more fame from other quarters of the world.

He will be supported in his quest to be rid of the people of God, those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and who trust in the Word of God.

He will be supported by demonic activity that is greater than usual.

He will try to annihilate the people who are righteous by making them worship him with a mark on their bodies.

If they refuse they will die by his hand in the forty-two months he will rule [Revelation 13:5].

He will be of a ruddy complexion and his ancestry line will be from Edom.

He will be a descendant of Herod the Great via lineage.

He will bring the true Messiah from heaven.

He will be defeated in a battle at Armageddon [Rev. 16:6]

An interesting fact about the number 6 6 6 is that it is 0 0 0


Screen shot taken on 30th April, 2021 www.gematria.org


Your Mark


Of course, YOU will remain forever. We are always impressed with the unstoppable, the unsinkable and the undying and that is all of us in our spiritual realm. We will live for ever and ever. It’s not just remaining forever that counts in the long run, it’s where you remain forever? It’s always your choice and it certainly can be your destiny to live in glorious light or frightful darkness.


Word of God:


These outstanding and extreme declarations are backed up by The Word of God, history and a sliver of commonsense.

The Lord has given me heaps of common sense in relation to His Word and I believe you will benefit greatly from the discoveries in this book.

May God bless you as you read and learn through the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father above.


You choose!


Before you do, consider the implications drawn up for your attention: information that can change your life right now, change your opinion about true life, reality of spirituality and your final resting place, or will it be testing place? And I mean a testing place with nothing but darkness, despair and hopelessness for as long as you want to think is a long long, yes, very long time.

The Beast and His Hordes: [Whores luring people to sin against God]

Jealousy intrigue, arrogance, determination, manipulation, greed, hatred, power and ugliness form parts of these beasts who finally unite in one last effort to dethrone the good, merciful, meek, compassionate and forever victorious Lord Jesus Christ, whose Kingdom will be glorious and will never ever end.

Poem to get you goin’!

And the people answered, "You ask in vain;

We know of no King but Herod the Great!"

They thought the Wise Men were men insane,

As they spurred their horses across the plain,

Like riders in haste, who cannot wait.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow



Do not fear:


If you are not sure about your salvation and these things cause you grief of soul, please pray right now from your heart. Admit your sin and failures and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Romans 10:9

 “If we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we will be saved.”

Romans 10:8 says that God is only a whisper away from you, so He is always waiting to hear from you, dear friend.

It is that simple, and God is waiting for you before the curtain opens on the final act before a new event, the Millennium, in which Jesus Christ will rule for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:2)




The edomite people group were still active until 68AD and after Rome crushed an uprising, they retreated to the vicinity of Jordan.{14}


Herod’s offspring:


According to historical records of Josephus, most of Herod’s family perished, with the exception of a few. Therefore, it remains to be seen if these offspring have remained and may still be around today. {15} Remember, the whole of humanity began with two people, a man and a woman. Adam and Eve, around six thousand years ago! Eight persons remained at the time of Noah’s Flood. {16}

Now there are  close to  8,000,000,000  (Eight billion according to Worldometer) {17}

It is extremely possible that there are families from the Herod dynasty still living.