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FM 3-21.11

the 1SG informs the commander, who in turn directs each platoon or element to conduct resupply based on the tactical situation.


Service Station Resupply. With the service station method, vehicles move individually or in small groups to a centrally located resupply point. Depending on the tactical situation, one vehicle or section, or even an entire platoon, moves out of its position, conducts resupply operations, and then moves back into position. This process continues until the entire company has been resupplied (Figure 11-4). In using this method, platoons, sections, or individual vehicles enter the resupply point following a one-way traffic flow.

Only vehicles requiring immediate maintenance stop at the maintenance holding area.

Vehicles move through each supply location, with squads and crews rotating individually to eat, pick up mail and sundries, and refill or exchange water cans. When all platoon vehicles, squads, and crews have completed resupply, they move to a holding area where, time permitting, the platoon leader and PSG conduct a pre-combat inspection.

Figure 11-4. Service station resupply method.






Tailgate Resupply. The tailgate method of resupply is normally used only in assembly areas. Vehicles remain in their vehicle positions or back out a short distance to allow trucks carrying supplies to reach them. Squads, fire teams, machine gun teams, or individual vehicle crews rotate through the feeding area, pick up mail and sundries, and fill or exchange water cans. Any EPWs are centralized and guarded by company security teams.

Human remains and their personal effects, are brought to the holding area where they are secured by the company supply sergeant (Figure 11-5).

Figure 11-5. Tailgate resupply method.


Occasionally (normally during combat operations), the company may have such an urgent need for resupply that it cannot wait for a routine LOGPAC. Emergency resupply may involve Classes III, V, and VIII, as well as NBC equipment and, on rare occasions, Class I.

The SBCT battalion usually uses BSB supply support platoon and HHC medical assets to conduct emergency resupply of the company. Emergency resupply can be conducted using either the service station or tailgate method, although procedures may have to be adjusted when the company is in contact with the enemy. In the service station method, individual vehicles pull back during a lull in combat on order of the company commander or platoon leader; they conduct resupply and then return to the fight. With tailgate resupply, the company brings limited supplies forward to the closest concealed position behind each vehicle or element.


Prestock resupply, also known as pre-positioning or cache, is most often required in defensive operations. Normally only Class V items are pre-positioned. Class III supplies can be pre-positioned, but this requires that company vehicles refuel before moving into fighting


FM 3-21.11

positions during initial occupation of the BP or to move out of their fighting positions to conduct refueling operations at the rear of the BP. Prestock operations must be carefully planned and executed at every level. All leaders, down to vehicle commanders and squad leaders, must know the exact locations of prestock sites, which they verify during reconnaissance or rehearsals. The SBCT infantry company must take steps to ensure survivability of the prestock supplies. These measures include digging in prestock positions and selecting covered and concealed positions. The company commander must also have a plan to remove or destroy pre-positioned supplies to prevent the enemy from capturing them.


Company resupply is mainly a "push" system. This means the company receives a standard package of supplies from battalion based on past usage factors and planning estimates.

a. The SBCT battalion S4 plans the contents of a LOGPAC. The supplies are normally organized and assembled in the BSA by the BSB supply support platoon leader in coordination with the company supply sergeant. The LOGPAC should, if possible, provide all supplies, equipment, and personnel needed to sustain the company for the next 24 hours or until the next scheduled LOGPAC delivery.

b. Adjustments to the LOGPAC are sent to the battalion S4, who is located in the combat trains CP. These adjustments may be sent over the battalion A/L net, through the company supply sergeant, or by a company messenger. When using a battalion A/L net that is not secure, encode reports using SOI.

c. Company status reports often translate into supply requests or they provide information to allow the battalion S4 to anticipate company needs. An example is the personnel daily summary, which is sent to the battalion S1. It provides the number of personnel in the field, which the battalion S4 can use to plan Class I resupply.

d. The supply sergeant is responsible for non-BSB actions (for example, personnel and administrative actions) and for delivering them to the company.


Company resupply techniques are those methods of employing company assets (personnel and equipment) to effect resupply or redistribution of supplies with subordinate elements.

These techniques are independent from the methods in which the company receives supplies from higher headquarters; they are solely concerned with distribution of supplies to the platoons and sections. There are three company resupply techniques: in position, out of position, and pre-position.

a. In Position. The company executes in-position resupply by moving the required supplies or equipment forward while the platoons remain in their fighting positions. This technique is used when it is essential to maintain combat power forward (during contact or when contact is imminent) or when the company is dispersed over a wide area. If vehicles are not able to move near the platoons because of enemy fire, some platoon members may have to assist resupply personnel in moving supplies and equipment forward.

b. Out of Position. The company executes out-of-position resupply by establishing a resupply point in a covered and concealed position to the rear of a platoon position and directing platoons to move from their fighting positions to the resupply point, pick up supplies, and move back to their fighting positions. This technique is used when the 11-18



situation does not necessitate all combat power being forward (contact is not likely).

Company SOPs establish whether all or part of the platoon moves to resupply at one time. A variation of this technique would be to establish a resupply point for each platoon and pre-position the LOGPAC.

c. Pre-Position. The company pre-positions supplies and equipment along the route to or at the location to which the platoons are moving and directs the platoons to these locations. The supplies or equipment may be uploaded on a vehicle or on the ground, secured or unsecured, concealed or in the open. The factors of METT-TC determine exactly what measures are required. This technique is most often used during defensive operations when supplies are positioned in subsequent defensive positions.

d. Caches. A cache is a pre-positioned and concealed supply point. It can be used in any operation. Caches are an excellent tool for reducing the soldier's load and can be set up for a specific mission or as a contingency measure. Cache sites have the same characteristics as an ORP or patrol base, with the supplies concealed above or below ground. An aboveground cache is easier to get to but is more likely to be discovered by the enemy, civilians, or animals. There is always a security risk when returning to a cache. A cache site should be observed for signs of enemy presence and secured before being used; it may have been booby-trapped and may be under enemy observation.

(1) In the offense, advance elements may set up a cache along the intended route of advance to the objective. Caches may also be set up in-zone to support continuous operations without allowing the enemy to locate the company through air or ground resupply. Soldier's load considerations may limit the size of caches. Do not let the cache activities jeopardize the offensive mission. In some cases, special forces, allied forces, or partisans may set up caches.

(2) In the defense, a defending unit may set up caches throughout the area of operations during the preparation phase. A cache should also be in each alternate or subsequent position throughout the depth of the defense sector. During stay-behind operations, or in an area defense on a fluid battlefield where the enemy is all around, caches may be the only source of supply for extended periods.

e. Security. While these techniques are used in both offensive and defensive operations, the transfer of supplies to the company is usually conducted from a defensive posture. As such, the security considerations for a resupply operation are like those for a perimeter defense.


The techniques described in the preceding paragraphs are the normal methods for resupply within the company. However, a basic understanding of nonstandard techniques, different modes of delivery, and specific supply issues is also required for the successful execution of the sustainment function.

a. Foraging and Scavenging. Foraging and scavenging are used infrequently and only under extreme conditions. Foraging is the gathering of supplies and equipment necessary to sustain basic needs (food, water, shelter, and so forth) from within the area of operations.

Scavenging is the gathering of supplies or equipment (friendly or enemy) from within the area of operations to help the user accomplish his military mission. Leaders must protect their soldiers by determining whether the food or water is safe or whether the equipment is booby-trapped (FM 1-04.10 [FM 27-10]).


FM 3-21.11

b. Aerial Resupply. In using aerial resupply, the SBCT infantry company commander must consider the threat's ability to locate his unit by observing the aircraft. Unless conducting the resupply in an area under friendly control and away from direct enemy observation (reverse slope of a defensive position with recon well forward), locate the drop zone/landing zone (DZ/LZ) away from the main unit in an area that can be defended for a short time. The delivered supplies are immediately transported away from the DZ/LZ. The SBCT has no capability to configure loads for packaging airloads.

c. Cross-Leveling. Cross-leveling is simply a redistribution of supplies throughout the unit. Usually done automatically between platoons and squads after every engagement, the company may cross-level supplies between platoons when resupply cannot be effected. In some instances, supplies may not be evenly redistributed. For example, during preparation for an assault of an enemy trench system, the platoon with the task of support by fire may be required to give its hand grenades to the platoon with the task of clearing the trench.

d. Backhauling. Backhauling is a method used to make the most use of vehicular or manpack capabilities moving rearward. Backhauling returns supplies, equipment, or HAZMAT to the rear for disposition. Backhauling is also a means for nonstandard evacuation.

e. Water. Ensuring that soldiers receive and drink enough water is one of the prime CSS and leadership functions at all levels in the company chain of command. Even in cold areas, everyone needs to drink at least two quarts of water a day to maintain efficiency.

Soldiers must drink water at an increased rate in a combat environment.

(1) Water is delivered to the unit under company or battalion control in 5-gallon cans, bottled water, water trailers, or collapsible containers. When a centralized feeding area is established, a water point is set up in the mess area and each soldier fills his canteen as he goes through. When the company distributes rations, it can resupply water either by collecting and filling empty canteens or by distributing water cans to the platoons.

(2) Water is habitually included in LOGPACs. The ability of the command to supply water is limited by the ability of the BSB’s water section to purify, store, and distribute it.

The logistics system may not always be able to meet unit needs, particularly during decentralized operations. In most environments, water is available from natural sources.

Soldiers should be trained to find, treat (chemically or using field expedients), and use natural water sources. See FM 3-05.70 (21-76) for ways the unit can supply its own water if necessary.

(3) When water is not scarce, leaders must urge soldiers to drink water even when they are not thirsty. The body's thirst mechanism does not keep pace with the loss of water through normal daily activity. The rate at which dehydration occurs depends on the weather conditions and the level of physical exertion.

(4) If water is in short supply, be sparing in its use for hygiene purposes. Water used for coffee or tea may be counterproductive since both increase the flow of urine. Soups, however, are an efficient means of getting both water and nutrition when water is scarce.

This is especially true in cold weather when heated food is desirable. When in short supply, water should not be used to heat MREs. A centralized heating point can be used to conserve water yet provide warmed MREs.





Although an SBCT infantry company has organic transportation, movement of supplies, equipment, and personnel with the limited vehicle assets available requires careful planning and execution. Leaders must ensure that drivers know where they are going and how to get there. Land navigation training, marked routes, and strip maps referenced to landmarks are all ways to keep drivers from getting lost. SBCT infantry company personnel must know how to select PZs and LZs and receive aerial resupply (see FM 3-97.4[FM 90-4]).


The maintenance of weapons and equipment is continuous. Every soldier must know how to maintain his weapon and equipment in accordance with the related technical manual. The commander, XO, and 1SG must understand maintenance for every piece of equipment in the company.


The SBCT maintenance concept is based upon the two-level maintenance system and centralized management. The two levels of maintenance are field and sustainment. Field maintenance is the combined organizational and direct support tasks performed by the BSB’s CRT to return a piece of equipment to an operational status. Sustainment maintenance occurs at echelons above the SBCT. The BSB’s forward maintenance company provides all maintenance support for the SBCT, less medical and the limited automation capability, which is integrated into the SBCT’s S6 sections and the signal company. The BSB may augment its capability with contractor maintenance support. Centralized management of all field maintenance by the BSB allows the infantry company commander to focus on PMCS to keep his company’s weapons systems operational.


Proper maintenance is the key to keeping vehicles, equipment, and other materials in serviceable condition. It is a continuous process that starts with preventive measures taken by each vehicle crew and continues through repair and recovery efforts by maintenance personnel. It includes the functions of inspecting, testing, servicing, repairing, requisitioning, recovering, and evacuating equipment.

a. The unit SOP should detail when maintenance is performed (at least once a day in the field), to what standards, and who inspects it. The squad leader is most often the one who inspects maintenance work, with the platoon sergeant, platoon leader, 1SG, XO, and commander conducting spot-checks. One technique is for each to spot-check a different platoon; another is for each to check a single type of weapon or piece of equipment in all platoons daily. These instructions must be integrated into the SOP for patrol bases, assembly areas, defenses, and reorganization to ensure that maintenance is done without jeopardizing unit security and to make it a habit for the soldiers.

b. In addition to operator maintenance, selected soldiers are trained to perform limited maintenance on damaged weapons and battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR).

c. Inoperative equipment is fixed as far forward as possible. When a piece of equipment is damaged, it should be inspected to see if it can be repaired on the spot. The company armorer keeps a small-arms repair kit in the company trains or on the dedicated company vehicle. If equipment cannot be repaired forward, it is evacuated immediately or


FM 3-21.11

returned with a LOGPAC. Even if the item cannot be evacuated at once, the CSS system is alerted to prepare for repair or replacement. If a replacement is available (from an evacuated soldier or inoperative equipment), it is sent forward. If not, the leader must work around it by prioritizing the use of remaining equipment (for example, using a squad radio for the company FM command net if the platoon radio is broken).

d. Maintenance applies to all equipment. Items such as magazines, ammunition, and batteries are also maintained and inspected. While test firing in an assembly area, mark the magazines of weapons that have stoppages. If a magazine is marked more than twice, the magazine may be causing the stoppages. Inspect the ammunition belts for crew-served weapons along with the weapons. Dirty or corroded ammunition may also cause weapon malfunctions.


Company maintenance functions begin with PMCS, a daily crew responsibility, and crew-level preparation of the appropriate equipment inspection and maintenance forms (DA Form 2404 or 5988). These forms are the primary means through which the company obtains maintenance support or repair parts. The forms follow a pathway, described in the following paragraphs, from crew level to the BSA and back. Per unit SOP, the company XO or 1SG

supervises the "flow" of these critical maintenance documents and parts.

a. Squad leaders or vehicle commanders collect the maintenance forms each day and send them via FBCB2 or give them to the PSG, who consolidates the forms for the platoon.

The PSG forwards an electronic version or gives a hard copy of the forms to the XO or 1SG, who reviews and verifies problems and deficiencies and requests parts needed for maintenance and repairs. The electronic versions of the forms are consolidated at company level and then transmitted to the battalion and its supporting CRT. During the next LOGPAC operation, the completed hard copy forms are returned to the CRT to document completion of the repair.

b. In the BSA, the required repair parts are packaged for delivery during the next scheduled resupply or through emergency resupply means.

c. The individual soldier or vehicle crew conducts initial maintenance, repair, and recovery actions on site. Once it is determined that the crew cannot repair or recover the vehicle or equipment, the platoon contacts the XO or 1SG. If additional assistance is needed, the 1SG requests it from the SBCT battalion S4. The battalion S4 will notify the CRT

supporting the battalion to repair, classify, and coordinate evacuation, if required. The CRT

will assess the damaged or broken equipment and make necessary repairs to return the piece of equipment to fully mission-capable or mission-capable status, if appropriate.


When a vehicle or piece of equipment cannot be recovered or is damaged beyond repair, the platoon reports the situation to the SBCT infantry company commander. The commander gives permission for destruction of the materiel if that is the only way to prevent enemy capture. Crewmen remove all digital equipment, radios, crew-served weapons, ammunition, personal items, and other serviceable items and parts; they also take all classified materials or paperwork that could be of intelligence value to the enemy. The platoon then destroys the vehicle or equipment using procedures specified in the company SOP.





Effective, timely medical care is an essential factor in sustaining the company's combat power during continuous operations. The company commander must ensure that the company's leaders and its medical personnel know how to keep soldiers healthy, how to save their lives if they are wounded or injured, and how to make them well once injury or illness occurs.


The company commander and all leaders, in conjunction with the company senior trauma specialist and field sanitation team, must emphasize and enforce high standards of health and hygiene at all times. This "preventive medicine" approach should cover all aspects of the soldier's health and well being, including the following:

• Daily shaving to ensure proper fit of the protective mask.

• Regular bathing and changing of clothes.

• Prevention of weather-related problems. These include cold injuries such as frostbite, trench foot, and immersion foot, and heat injuries like heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Soldiers must understand the effects of conditions such as sunburn and wind-chill.

• Prevention of diseases. Insect-borne diseases such as malaria and Lyme disease, and diarrheal diseases can be prevented with effective field sanitation measures, including unit waste control, water purification, rodent control, and use of insect repellents.

• Combat operational stress control, battle fatigue prevention, and strict implementation of the unit sleep plan.


Care of wounded or injured soldiers during combat operations is a continuous, progressive operation that occurs in a series of separate but interlocking stages. It involves personnel, equipment, and facilities at virtually every level of the organization. The normal flow of medical treatment for combat casualties is from the combat lifesaver to the company senior trauma specialist at the CCP to medics at the BAS. In addition, company leaders play an important role in obtaining and providing medical services for their wounded in action (WIA). The following paragraphs discuss the individual responsibilities of company personnel in this process.

a. Combat Lifesaver. The combat lifesaver (CLS) is almost always the first person on the scene to begin the process of providing enhanced first aid to the wounded and injured personnel. The CLS is a non-medical soldier trained to provide advanced first aid/lifesaving procedures beyond the level of self-aid or buddy aid. The CLS is not intended to take the place of medical personnel but to slow deterioration of a wounded soldier’s condition until medical personnel arrive. Each certified CLS will be issued a CLS aid bag. Whenever possible, the company commander should ensure that there is at least one combat lifesaver in each fire team or at least one on each vehicle at all times.

b. Vehicle Commander. The vehicle commander is responsible for ensuring that wounded or injured crewmen receive immediate first aid and that the commander is informed of casualties. He coordinates with the 1SG and company senior trauma specialist for ground evacuation. The vehicle commander ensures that casualty feeder (DA Form


FM 3-21.11

1156) and witness statement (DA Form 1155) forms are completed and routed to the proper channels. (The casualty feeder card stays with the wounded soldier; witness statements are given to the 1SG.)

c. Senior Trauma Specialist. The senior trauma specialist is both the company's primary medical treatment practitioner and the supervisor of all battlefield medical operations. The latter role encompasses numerous responsibilities. The senior trauma specialist works closely with the company commander to ensure all members of the company understand what to do to provide and obtain medical treatment in combat situations. He oversees the training of combat lifesavers. Once combat begins, he will manage the company CCP, provide medical treatment, and prepare patients for MEDEVAC. He assists the vehicle commanders and the 1SG in arranging casualty evacuation. The senior trauma specialist is also responsible for monitoring the vital paperwork that is part of the medical treatment and evacuation process: (1) He ensures that the casualty feeder report remains with each casualty until the soldier reaches the SBCT infantry battalion main aid station or field aid station.

(2) If a soldier's remains cannot be recovered, the senior trauma specialist ensures that the crew completes DA Form 1155 (witness statement) as quickly as possible and ensures that the form is given to the 1SG for processing.


DA Form 1156 is collected at the aid station by designated medical personnel; it is forwarded to the S1 section for further processing through administrative channels in the SBCT battalion field trains.

d. First Sergeant. The 1SG supervises and coordinates casualty operations, collects witness statements and submits them to the battalion S1, and submits the battle loss report to the SBCT battalion TOC. Perhaps his most important duty is managing the company's personnel status during combat operations. As necessary, he directs cross leveling among platoons and vehicle crews to alleviate personnel shortages.

e. Commander. The company commander has overall responsibility for medical services. His primary task is to position medical personnel at the proper point on the battlefield to treat casualties or to evacuate those casualties properly. The company commander designates the location for the company's CCP and ensures that all vehicle commanders record the location on appropriate overlays. He also develops and implements appropriate SOPs for casualty evacuation. An example is standardized vehicle markings based on the severity of casualties carried on particular vehicles.


Effective casualty evacuation provides a major increase in the morale of a unit. Casualties are cared for at the point of injury (or under nearby cover and concealment) and receive self-aid/buddy-aid, advanced first aid from the combat lifesaver, or emergency medical treatment from the trauma specialist (company or platoon medic).

a. During the fight, casualties should remain under cover where they received initial treatment (self-aid or buddy-aid). As soon as the situation allows, casualties are moved to the platoon CCP. From the platoon area, casualties are normally evacuated to the company CCP and then back to the BAS, which is designated by the company commander in the OPORD. The unit SOP should address