The SBCT Infantry Rifle Company by Department of the Army - HTML preview

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Tank crew members



Soldiers, machine gun, mortar



Antitank gun, antitank missile

500 2,000


Tank, APC, truck (by model)



Tank, Howitzer, APC, truck



Armored vehicle, wheeled vehicle



Table A-2. Range determination recognition method.


Map and Terrain Association Method. The maximum engagement line can be determined from a map. Do this for each firing position as follows:

• Draw an arc on the map across the assigned sector of fire at 2,000 meters.

• Examine the map to identify the distinctive natural or man-made terrain features that the line touches.

• Study the terrain in the sector of fire using binoculars or the Javelin CLU until all the selected terrain features are located and positively identified.

• Connect these features by an imaginary line from the maximum engagement line.


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Effective fire control requires the SBCT company to rapidly acquire the enemy and mass the effects of fire in order to achieve decisive results. The following principles are fundamental to achieving effective fires. When planning and executing direct fires, the SBCT leadership should apply the following principles of fire control:

• Mass the effects of fire.

• Destroy the greatest threat first.

• Avoid target overkill.

• Employ the best weapon for the target.

• Minimize friendly exposure.

• Minimize the chances for fratricide.


Fire control measures must enable Javelin gunners to distribute or mass fires effectively into a given area and over time. Fire control measures are the means by which the SBCT

company commander and his subordinate leaders control fires. Application of these concepts, procedures, and techniques assists the unit in acquiring the enemy, focusing fires on him, distributing the effects of the fires, effectively shifting fires, and preventing fratricide. At the same time, no single measure is sufficient to effectively control fires. At the SBCT company level, fire control measures will be effective only if the entire company has a common understanding of what the fire control measures mean and how to employ them. When executing direct fires, the SBCT company commander and his subordinate leaders should apply these methods of fire control:

• Distribution of fires over a given area.

• Massing of fires into a given area.

• Distribution of fires over time.

• Massing of fires in time and space.

• Target reference points.

• Trigger lines and phase lines.

• Engagement priorities.


Because Javelin positions are selected to cover enemy armor avenues of approach, the medium-range fields of fire afforded by these positions also enable Javelin gunners to engage aircraft.


Weapons Control Status. The weapons control status established for air defense weapons applies to Javelin gunners too. Unless ordered otherwise, gunners should only fire in unit self-defense (for example, only engage aircraft that are attacking friendly positions).


Self Defense Engagements. A Javelin gunner can automatically engage an enemy helicopter that is attacking its position. The gunner’s target engagement sequence is the same as against ground targets. The Javelin should be in the direct-fire mode when engaging helicopters. The rotors of the helicopter may interfere with the sensors of the missile in the top-attack mode and result in erratic flight of the missile and a target miss.







The fundamental mission of the mobile gun system platoon is to provide mounted, precision direct fire support to the SBCT infantry company. Its ability to move, shoot, and communicate, and to do so with limited armored protection, is an important factor on the modern battlefield. The MGS

platoon moves, attacks, defends, and performs other essential tasks to support the company's mission. In accomplishing its assigned missions, it employs firepower, maneuver, and shock effect, synchronizing its capabilities with those of other maneuver elements and with CS and CSS

assets. When properly supported, the platoon is capable of conducting sustained operations against any sophisticated threat.


The MGS platoon is organized to provide mounted, precision direct fire support to the dismounted infantry rifle platoons of the SBCT infantry rifle company. The platoon organization and the responsibilities of the platoon personnel will be discussed in this section.



Figure B-1 illustrates the organization of the MGS platoon. The platoon includes three MGS vehicles, each with a three-man crew (vehicle commander, gunner, and driver). The platoon leader and platoon sergeant are the VCs for two of the MGS vehicles.

Figure B-1. MGS platoon organization.


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The following paragraphs describe the responsibilities of personnel in the MGS platoon.

a. Platoon Leader. The MGS platoon leader is responsible to the SBCT infantry company commander for the discipline and training of his platoon, the maintenance of its equipment, and its success in combat. He must be proficient in the tactical employment of his vehicle and of the platoon. He must have a solid understanding of troop-leading procedures and develop his ability to apply them quickly and efficiently on the battlefield.

(1) The platoon leader must know the capabilities and limitations of the MGS platoon's personnel and equipment and must be well versed in enemy organizations, doctrine, and equipment. He must serve as an effective vehicle commander. Most importantly, the platoon leader must be flexible and capable of using sound judgment to make decisions based on his company commander's intent and the tactical situation.

(2) The platoon leader must know and understand both the SBCT infantry battalion's mission and the battalion commander's intent. He must be prepared to assume the duties of the SBCT infantry company commander in accordance with the succession of command.

b. Platoon Sergeant. The platoon sergeant is second in command and is accountable to the platoon leader for the training, discipline, and welfare of the soldiers in the platoon.

He coordinates the platoon's maintenance and logistics requirements and resolves the personal needs of individual soldiers. The platoon sergeant is the most experienced VC in the platoon. His tactical and technical knowledge allows him to serve as mentor to the crewmen, other NCOs, and the platoon leader. His actions on the battlefield must complement those of the platoon leader. He must be able to fight his vehicle effectively, either in concert with the platoon or by itself.

c. Vehicle Commander. The vehicle commander is responsible to the platoon leader and platoon sergeant for the discipline and training of his crew, maintenance of assigned equipment, reporting of logistical needs, and tactical employment of his MGS. He briefs his crew, directs the movement of the MGS, submits all reports, and supervises initial first aid treatment and evacuation of wounded crewmen. He is an expert in using MGS weapons systems, requesting and adjusting indirect fires, and executing land navigation. He is personally responsible for aiming and firing the vehicle’s local defense weapon. The VC

must know and understand the company mission and the company commander's intent. He must be prepared to assume the duties and responsibilities of the platoon leader or platoon sergeant in accordance with the succession of command. These requirements demand that the VC maintain constant awareness of the enemy and friendly situation by using all available optics for observation, by monitoring radio transmissions, and by using the FBCB2 system.

d. Gunner. The gunner searches for targets and aims and fires the main gun. He is responsible to the VC for the maintenance of his MGS armament and fire control equipment. The gunner serves as the assistant VC and assumes the responsibilities of the VC

as required. He also assists other crewmembers as needed. The gunner's other duties include maintaining MGS communications and internal control systems, monitoring communications nets, and monitoring and maintaining the vehicle's fire control system.

e. Driver. The driver moves, positions, and stops the MGS. While driving, he constantly searches for covered and concealed routes and for covered positions to which he can move if the MGS is engaged. He maintains his vehicle's position in tactical formation and watches for visual signals. During engagements, he assists the gunner and VC by B-2

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scanning for targets and sensing fired rounds. The driver is responsible to the VC for the automotive maintenance and refueling of the MGS. He assists other crewmen as needed.


To win in battle, leaders must have a clear understanding of the capabilities and limitations of their equipment. This knowledge assists the MGS platoon leader in evaluating transportability, sustainment, and mobility considerations for his vehicles and for those with which the platoon may operate as part of the SBCT infantry company.


The MGS offers an impressive array of capabilities on the modern battlefield: cross-country mobility, sophisticated communications, enhanced target acquisition, lethal firepower, and limited armored protection. In combination, these factors produce the additional combat power that allows the MGS platoon to support the SBCT infantry company effectively in most weather and light conditions.

a. The MGS can move rapidly under a variety of terrain conditions, negotiating soft ground, shallow trenches, small trees, and limited obstacles. In addition, the GPS allows the MGS to move to designated locations quickly and accurately. Use of visual signals and the FM radio system facilitates rapid and secure voice and digital communication of orders and instructions. This capability links to FBCB2 to allow MGS crews to mass the effects of their weapons systems quickly while remaining dispersed to limit the effects of the enemy's antiarmor weapons.




and sighting systems enable MGS crews to destroy fortifications or breach building walls using the main gun and to use the self-defense weapon to suppress enemy positions, personnel, and lightly armored targets. The MGS also has a limited capability to acquire and destroy enemy armored vehicles. The MGS's armor protects crewmembers from small-arms fire, light antiarmor systems, and most artillery.


The MGS requires proficient operators and mechanics to maintain the appropriate level of maintenance and supply of POL products. The vehicle is vulnerable to the weapons effects of tanks and other medium to heavy assault vehicles, attack helicopters, mines, ATGMs, antitank guns, and close attack aircraft. When the MGS operates in built-up areas, dense woods, or other restricted terrain, reduced visibility leaves it vulnerable to dismounted infantrymen using shoulder-fired antiarmor systems. In these situations, the MGS is usually restricted to trails, roads, or streets, which severely limits maneuverability and observation.

Existing or reinforcing obstacles can also impede MGS movement.

a. Although the MGS has a limited armor killing capability, it should never be considered a tank. The intended purpose of the MGS is primarily to close with and destroy enemy infantry.

b. Mobility restrictions in an urban environment may prohibit the platoon from fighting effectively as a platoon. The platoon may be required to fight as individual vehicles (detached to infantry platoons), unable to rely on one another for mutual support.


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The MGS platoon is an integral part of the SBCT infantry company. The platoon conducts tactical movement, actions on contact, consolidation, and reorganization in support of the company. The MGS platoon can perform many tasks required by the company commander's intent, the tactical situation, and the ROE. Specifically, the MGS platoon can perform the following as part of an SBCT infantry company offense:

• Attack by fire.

• Overwatch/support by fire.

• Bypass.


The company commander may order the MGS platoon to execute an attack by fire to destroy the enemy using long-range, precision direct fires from dominant terrain or using standoff of the main gun. The MGS platoon can use an independent attack by fire to destroy inferior forces. In addition, the platoon may conduct an attack by fire as part of a company assault with the goal of destroying a superior force.

a. In executing an attack by fire, the MGS platoon conducts tactical movement to a position that allows it to employ weapons standoff or that offers cover for hull-down firing positions. It also must be ready to move to alternate firing positions for protection from the effects of enemy direct and indirect fires.

b. As time permits, the MGS platoon leader develops a hasty direct fire plan by designating TRPs and assigning sectors of fire and tentative firing positions for each MGS.

He issues a platoon fire command specifying the method of fire, firing pattern, and rate of fire the platoon must sustain to support the company.




The SBCT infantry company commander orders the MGS platoon to provide overwatch or support by fire during the movement of a friendly force. The MGS platoon must suppress the enemy using long-range, precision direct fires from a dominant piece of terrain or using the standoff of the main gun. This support sets the conditions that allow moving (mounted or dismounted) friendly elements to engage and destroy the enemy. The techniques involved in occupying an overwatch or support-by-fire position and in focusing and controlling fires are similar to those for an attack by fire. However, some specific considerations exist: a. As noted, the overwatch or support-by-fire task is always tied directly to the movement or tactical execution of other friendly forces.

b. In executing overwatch or support by fire, the platoon must maintain a high level of awareness relative to the supported force so it can cease or shift direct fires and adjust indirect fires as required to prevent fratricide.

c. Throughout an overwatch or support by fire, the MGS platoon maintains cross talk with the moving force on the company net. In addition to reducing fratricide risk, cross talk allows the platoon to provide early warning of enemy positions it has identified. It can then report battle damage inflicted on the enemy force.

d. The MGS platoon can conduct combat operations in a built-up area. The MGS

platoon may be tasked, as a unit or by individual vehicles, to conduct support-by-fire missions during urban operations to assist the SBCT infantry company in seizing a foothold or an objective in the built-up area.



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e. A successful overwatch or support by fire operation suppresses the enemy, permitting the moving (mounted or dismounted) force to conduct tactical movement, breaching operations, or an assault. Figure B-2 illustrates a support-by-fire situation in support of an assault.

Figure B-2. MGS platoon supporting by fire to suppress an enemy element during a company assault.


As part of his original plan or based on a change in the situation, the company commander may order the company to bypass the enemy to maintain the tempo of the attack. This action can be taken against either an inferior or superior enemy force. The SBCT infantry company commander may designate the MGS platoon to suppress the enemy, allowing the other platoons to use covered and concealed routes, weapons standoff, and obscuration to bypass known enemy locations. (Units may have to execute contact drills while conducting the bypass.) Once clear of the enemy, the MGS platoon hands the enemy over to another friendly force (if applicable), breaks contact, and rejoins the company. If necessary, the MGS platoon leader can employ tactical movement to break contact with the enemy and continue the mission; he can also request supporting direct and indirect fires and smoke to suppress and obscure the enemy as the MGS platoon safely breaks contact (Figure B-3, page B-6, and Figure B-4, page B-7).



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Figure B-3. Bypass (MGS suppressing the enemy).



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Figure B-4. Bypass (MGS platoon rejoining the company).


In the defense, the MGS platoon provides the SBCT infantry company with precision direct fires from a mobile, medium-armored platform. (Refer to Chapter 5 of this manual for an explanation of defensive operations.) The MGS platoon can perform the following as part of an SBCT infantry company defense:

• Defend from a battle position.

• Participate in a counterattack.

• Perform as a reserve to conduct a spoiling attack, to block enemy penetration, to reinforce a defending platoon, or to assume the mission of another platoon.


When, based on the SBCT company commander's intent, the MGS platoon must defend a battle position, it may be tasked to destroy, block, or canalize enemy forces, or to displace to occupy successive battle positions. The MGS platoon leader must develop his portion of the company engagement area. An MGS platoon may be assigned a battle position as part of an SBCT infantry company battle position, perimeter defense, strongpoint defense, or sector defense. As a minimum, the MGS platoon leader must--

• Coordinate with adjacent infantry platoons and other organizations, both digitally and by analog communications.

• Assign sectors of fire and identify TRPs. As time permits, he continues to develop his EA using various direct fire control measures for his platoon


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(maximum engagement line, engagement techniques, engagement criteria and priorities, and so on).

• Inspect each MGS vehicle position.

• Conduct rehearsals.

• Report to the SBCT infantry company commander when the MGS platoon has established its position.

• Control direct fires with platoon fire commands.

• Monitor ammunition expenditures.


The purposes of a counterattack are to destroy the enemy, regain key terrain, relieve enemy pressure on an engaged unit and continue the offensive initiative of the company. The MGS

platoon conducts counterattacks as part of a larger force but has a limited capability to conduct a counterattack by itself.

a. If the MGS platoon is designated as the counterattack force, the platoon leader coordinates with the affected units for covered and concealed locations and routes. Prior to execution of the defense, the platoon should rehearse these routes, time permitting. The platoon leader incorporates weapons standoff ranges into his planning. He controls direct and indirect fires during the counterattack. The platoon leader must disseminate all the information to the members of his platoon. If adjustments to any position or route become necessary, the counterattacking force must take immediate action to ensure that other forces shift or cease direct and indirect fires as appropriate. Otherwise, fratricide risk increases.

b. When the SBCT infantry company executes a counterattack with an MGS platoon, the platoon conducts tactical movement on a concealed route to a predetermined battle position or attack-by-fire position from which it can engage the enemy's flank or rear. The infantry platoons hold their positions and continue to engage the enemy (Figure B-5). The intent is to use the advantages of weapons standoff and cover to destroy the enemy by direct fires.



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Figure B-5. MGS platoon as the company counterattack force.


The SBCT infantry company commander must weigh the mobility, lethality, and survivability of the MGS with the requirements of the reserve. This may lead the MGS

platoon to be the company reserve or to form a portion of that reserve. The factors of METT-TC dictate the requirements. In the reserve role, the MGS platoon may execute either offensive or defensive missions.

a. In the role of the reserve, the MGS platoon may be tasked to conduct a spoiling attack, block enemy penetrations, or reinforce a defending platoon or company. The MGS platoon leader must understand both the SBCT infantry company and SBCT

infantry battalion commanders' intents. This becomes critical with the multiple potential missions the MGS platoon can perform in its role as the SBCT infantry company reserve.

b. The MGS platoon may simply be assigned the mission of another SBCT infantry platoon while in the reserve.


Urban areas consist mainly of manmade features such as buildings, streets, and subterranean systems. These features of urban terrain create a variety of tactical problems and possibilities for MGS employment. To ensure that the MGS platoon can operate effectively in the urban environment, the MGS platoon's observation and direct fire plans must address the ground-level fight (in streets and on the ground floor of buildings), the aboveground fight (in multistoried buildings), and the subterranean fight.


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The following considerations apply to the MGS platoon in an urban environment.

a. An important aspect of the urban environment is that built-up areas degrade command and control. The MGS platoon may need to fight as individual vehicles attached to infantry platoons.

b. Streets are usually avenues of approach. Forces moving along a street, however, are often canalized by buildings and have little space for off-road maneuver. Obstacles on urban streets are therefore usually more effective than those on roads in open terrain since they are more difficult to bypass.

c. Buildings offer cover and concealment to and severely restrict the movement of armored vehicles. Buildings also severely restrict direct fire distribution, control, and fields of fire. Every street corner and successive block will have characteristics similar to an "intervisibility line," requiring careful overwatch. Thick-walled buildings provide ready-made fortified positions.

d. Subterranean systems found in some built-up areas can be easily overlooked, but they may prove critical to the outcome of urban operations.

e. The aboveground fight (in an area with multistoried buildings) requires an analysis by the MGS platoon leader, platoon sergeant, and VC. This analysis is necessary in order to determine whether, based on height and distance to the target, effective fire can be brought to bear on target areas above the second floor.

f. If the MGS platoon enters the built-up area, they typically must move and fight with an infantry force to provide an appropriate level of security for the MGS platoon.


During the attack of a built-up area, the commander must employ his MGS platoon to take advantage of the MGS vehicle’s long-range, precision lethality and medium-armored protection. The MGS platoon may provide support by fire while lead SBCT infantry elements seize a foothold in an urban area. The MGS platoon can then provide overwatch or serve as a base of fire for the infantry until the area has been secured. The SBCT infantry company commander usually positions the MGS platoon outside the built-up area. It may remain there for the duration of the attack to cover high-speed avenues of approach. This is especially true if the intent is to isolate a specific area as the SBCT infantry company secures the objective area. However, the company commander may opt to attach one MGS

vehicle to an infantry platoon within the built-up area while the remainder of the MGS

platoon continues to isolate the objective area.