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5-1. General

slot for DA Form 5155-R (Branch Maintenance

Chapters 2 through 4 discussed the data collection and Repair Requirements). (This allows antici-and analysis procedures that make up the unsur-

pated maintenance activities for each section of

faced road management system. To use this sys-

the branch to be stored in one location.) DA Form

tem, it is necessary to store data in a usable

5155-R is available in TM 5-623. The branch

manner; this data storage can be achieved by

identification forms should be filed in the order

shown on the DA Forms 5149-R.

using either a computer or a manual recordkeep-

ing system. If a manual system is used, initial

c. Branch sections. After the Branch Identification Summary Forms, a series of file folders should data storage is usually small and handled easily.

be provided for each section of the branch. One

The more the management system is used, more

folder each is provided for DA Forms 5149-1-R.

data must be collected and stored, Thus, the

(These forms contain basic information on the

manual data storage system described in this


chapter has been designed so conversion to com-

d. Inspection data. Field survey data on the puter data storage will not be complex or time-sample unit inspection sheets (DA Form 7348-R)


should be retained. The inspection sheets can help 5-2. Manual system forms

verify data, and would be essential if the installa-Forms are used to store collected data in the

tion wanted to convert from the manual system to

the computerized Micro PAVER system.

manual system. Two forms, each containing perti-

nent information on the road network, have been

5-5. Record upkeep

designed to store data. They both refer to the road Once the initial division of the road network into branches. Blank reproducible forms are provided

branches and sections has been completed, the

in TM 5-623.

filing system can be started. As the initial inspec-5-3. Use of the manual data forms

tions take place, the information on DA Forms

a. DA Form 5149-R (Branch Identification Sum-

5149-1-R can be compiled. As branches are com-

mary). This form lists all branches in the road pleted, data analyses can begin (chap 4).

network, thereby providing an inventory of all

a. Updating forms. Forms must be updated once network branches and sections.

maintenance activities begin. Also, as work is

b. DA Form 5149-1-R (Branch Identification

completed, information must be transferred to the

Summary-Continuation Sheet). This form provides M&R Record. Performance of maintenance activi-space to list branch code, branch name, branch

ties will also change the condition of the section; use, number of sections, and branch area. Since all thus, the condition survey should also be updated.

installations would have more branches than could

b. Updating of condition survey. If a section be listed on the DA Form 5149-R, the continua-receives no maintenance, the condition survey

tion forms would be used to complete the total

should be updated based on the rate of deteriora-

number of branches in the network.

tion. Initially, this rate can be estimated by briefly inspecting the section to observe changes in dis-5-4. Manual recordkeeping process

tress types or severities. Until data are compiled, The manual recordkeeping system consists primar-sections should be reviewed at least annually to

ily of the two forms described in paragraph 5-3.

observe this change in condition. Once the rate of Those forms are used for information storage. To

deterioration is determined, sections with low

use data efficiently, this information must be

rates may be inspected at more infrequent inter-

stored in an orderly way. Figure 5-1 is an exam-

vals. If the filing system is updated continuously ple of such a system; it can be described as follows.

as work is done and inspections are completed, it

a. Branch summary. One folder stores the net-should not be necessary to do a condition survey of work inventory. This is the information recorded

the entire system at one time.

on DA Form 5149-R.

c. Economic analysis. Any economic analysis b. Branch identification information. One folder made to determine M&R strategies for given sec-stores branch identification information. This

tions should also be filed with the section informa-folder serves as a heading card and as the storage tion cards.










TM 5-626

Figure 5-1. Example of a filing sequence for a manual recordkeeping system.


TM 5-626