A Critique of Christian Fundamentalism by Pilgrim Simon - HTML preview

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Assagioli, R. (1975) ' Psychosynthesis' Turnstone. London.

McKinsey,  C.D.   (1994)   'The  encyclopedia  of  Biblical  errancy'  Pro- metheus Books.

Porterfield,  K.M.    (1993)    ‘Blind  faith.   Recognizing  and  recovering from dysfunctional religious groups’.  CompCare publishers.

Psychological approaches to Fundamentalism: Sargant, W. (1957) ‘Battle for the mind’ Pan London

Porterfield, M. (1993) ‘Blind faith – Recognising and recovering from dysfunctional religious groups’ CompCare U.S.A.

Hassan, S. (1990) ‘Combatting cult mind control’ Park Street Press Ver- mont U.S.A.

Cohen, E.D. (1986) ‘The mind of the Bible believer’ Prometheus Books

New York U.S.A. (Neo-Freudian)

Thouless,   Robert   H.   (1983)   ‘Straight   and   crooked   thinking’   Pan London.

Christian critique of psychology:

Vitz,  Paul  C.  (1977)  ‘Psychology  as  religion:  the  cult  of  self  worship’ Lion. U.K.

Cosgrove, Mark P. (1979) ‘Psychology gone awry – Four psychological worldviews’ IVP U.S.A.

Liberal    Christian    critiques    of    Fundamentalism    and    leaving Fundamentalism:

Barr, J. (1984) ‘Escaping from Fundamentalism’ SCM  Press London

Barr, J. (1977) ‘Fundamentalism’ SCM Press London

Humanist approach to Fundamentalism:

Kurtz, P. (1994) ‘Living without religion’ Prometheus Books New York


Historical context of Fundamentalism:

McManners, J. (Ed) (1993) ‘The Oxford history of Christianity’ Oxford

University Press, Oxford.

Testimonies of former Fundamentalists:

Babinski,  Edward  T.  (1995)  Leaving  the  fold  –  testimonies  of  former fundamentalists’ Prometheus Books New York U.S.A.

Critique of Bible:

Lane-Fox, R. (1992) ‘The unauthorised version: truth and fiction in the

Bible’ Penguin London.