A Critique of Christian Fundamentalism by Pilgrim Simon - HTML preview

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From the same author on Feedbooks


The resurrection, the idea that sometime after death we are phys- ically restored and made alive in order to stand before God and the Final Judgment is a central idea in Christian theology and par- ticularly the teaching of the Apostle Paul. Over the centuries, many different interpretations have been placed on this event and so this study seeks to return to what the Bible actually says about the resurrection: what it is, what events lead up to it and what fol- lows afterwards.

Basic Christian teaching for beginners (2011)

This book covers the elementary or basic teachings of Christianity - the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, faith in God, instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resur- rection of the dead, and eternal judgment. Hebrews 6 v 1 – 3.

It is intended for those people who are beginning to make a com- mitment to the Christian faith and describes an orthodox Biblical perspective on the themes listed above. Following these articles, there is an outline of the gospel itself, and this is covered at a slightly more advanced level.



Some religions hold to the idea of Karma: the idea that a person al- most endlessly recycles through death and reincarnation until at last they achieve release. But I consider that at death the Essence and Ground of our being, our True Self, returns to God as Expans- ive Pure Spirit.

This short study explores this non-dualist position.


Pilgrim Simon considers over fifty questions related to the theme of spirituality drawing from a number of respected spiritual writers and mystics, different religious traditions and modern Transpersonal Psychology as well as his own experiences in order to create an introductory but comprehensive spiritual world-view for the 21st century. Issues such as spiritual authority, the exist- ence of God, the relationship of morality to spirituality, the nature  of the spiritual path and the problems of evil and suffering are all considered in this wide-ranging study.


This is the spiritual biography of Pilgrim Simon with special con- sideration and relation to his mystical experiences and bipolar (manic-depressive)disorder. Pilgrim Simon presents his spiritual life story as a sufferer from manic depression and as a person who has had a number of mystical encounters with the Divine. This story charts his entrance into and eventual leaving of Christian Fundamentalism and his quest to find a deep-rooted, stable and relevant spiritual orientation in the light of his mood changes. This document covers a forty year period of Pilgrim Simon's spiritual quest for the Divine.


An overview of the theology of Christian marriage, the biblical principle of headship and submission and the roles of husbands and wives.

In this study the author draws out Biblical principles surrounding the relationships and roles of husbands and wives in Christian marriage. The spiritual significance of marriage in its reflection of the relationship of Jesus Christ to the body of believers that make up the Church is explored, with attention given to the sometimes thorny issue of the husband's headship and the submission of the his wife.


A set of outline notes highlighting the techniques and processes used in dysfunctional groups in order to dishonestly persuade their members to adopt the group philosophy and remain as members. Though the main references here are to religious groups, these methods are also used by any dysfunctional group - be it religious, political or whatever.

Using these notes, readers should be able to quickly detect the de- gree of dysfunctionality in any group to which they belong.

The local church: Administration, government and practice (2011)

How is a local church governed? Who makes the decisions - is it a democratic organisation or is it directed by Elders? What is the role of women in the church? How are Elders appointed and what are their qualifications? How should the church deal with dis- putes? What does church membership entail? What does a deacon do? Should a local church have a constitution?

These and other important questions are addressed by drawing out the examples, commands and principles contained in Scrip- ture, and as such those forming a new local church should find this study of practical help.


The author asks a series of a questions related to spirituality and philosophy: Who am I?, How does morality relate to spirituality?, If God exists then why is there suffering?, How do I equate my de- sires and passions to the spiritual life?, What is Detachment?,

What role does surrender have in spirituality?, If God is in control, do I determine my own actions?, What is the point of doing any- thing? Why bother?

This study takes a non-dualist position in addressing these issues. Answers are also drawn from the personal spiritual journal of the author, 'The Song of Simon', which is a record of his own mystical encounters.


Even for Bible-believing Christians, seeking God's guidance in every day circumstances can sometimes seem to be a difficult task. On some issues, the Bible is plain but in other areas, Christians seem to be on less certain ground and may resort to methods and approaches that lead them into error and difficulty, or they may sub-consciously interpret their own desires and preferences as God's will for them with equally disastrous results. Sometimes, these mistakes can cost the believer emotionally, financially and in terms of personal relationships and faith cause many difficulties. This study seeks to cut through some of the potential pitfalls to of- fer a more considered Biblical view of seeking God's guidance and will for the Christian.


Drawing from his own personal experience as a sufferer from bi- polar mood disorder and as a person who has had a number of mystical, spiritual experiences, Pilgrim Simon explores the themes of religious mania, so-called 'mental illness' amd immediate or mystical experiences of the Divine. In so doing he seeks to draw out distinguishing features that differentiate mystical experience from manic mood phases and from schizophrenic displays of reli- gious delusion. He draws from the Transpersonal model of Ken Wilber and also from the approach of Personal Constuct theory and the research of Julian Jaynes on the Bicameral mind. This study leads to questions about the very foundations of psychology and psychiatry and the forms of analysis and diagnosis that they may make concerning mystical or transcendent spiritual experience.

Pilgrim Simon has studied spirituality and religion for over forty years. He has an Honours degree majoring in Psychology and Post graduate qualifications in counselling.


This study is concerned with that area of Christianity known as 'spiritual gifts', or 'charismata' and particularly the gifts of revelation and inspiration - and God's guidance.

Initially, these gifts are explored and defined in Biblical terms with a Calvinist interpretation, but as the study progresses it becomes more and more evident that tests are needed to be applied witrh regard to claims of experiences of spiritual gifts in order to pre- vent the Christian believer from being decieved, mistaken or de- luded by false gifts and influences.

Where better to look then than to THE outstanding example of Christian God-inspired revelation - the Bible itself. In taking this course we are led to a critical exploration of the very foundations not only of Christian Fundamentalism and the Bible, but to the foundations of Christianity itself.


Who are we? What is our 'self'? What do we mean when we talk about 'ego'? Are 'ego' and 'self' the same thing? Exactly what is human nature? Do we have a spiritual dimension to our nature?

Do we have a soul? Or are we just material, physical bodies? The answers that we give to these questions affect our assumptions  and understanding in practical disciplines of social science such as psychology and psychiatry as well as affecting our approach to spirituality.

In this study, Pilgrim Simon seeks to answer these questions and provide a foundation for theories of understanding ourselves.


Evangelism - spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ - can be big business, with large crusades and campaigns - or it may be a local church initiative to attract new vistors. But what does the Bible say about evangelism and outreach? Is it every believer's duty to evan- gelise? Should the church be seeking to spread the gospel to everyone in their neighbourhood? Should a believer feel guilty if they do not get involved? What methods of approach should be used? What is the message that should be conveyed?

Pilgrim Simon explores the approach of the Apostles and com- pares them to modern approaches and attitudes and finds some interesting lessons to learn.


What is God like? What sort of characteristics, qualities or attrib- utes does the Divine have? Many spiritually-minded people pic- ture God using the Names ascribed to the Divine: God is Love, Mercy, Father, Judge and so on. Some tend to think of God as 'Big- Person-in-the-sky' looking down on us, ordering events around us and keeping a record of all that we do and say ready for us to give an account of our lives.

In this study, Pilgrim Simon gets beneath these ideas to find something far more transcendent and intimate, resulting in a view of God that challenges many religious and orthodox ideas about what God is like, and suggests a way through religious division, conflict and dogma.


The 'Song of Simon' is a spiritual journal that faithfully records the content of a series of mystical encounters experienced by Pilgrim Simon over the course of a few months at the turn of the millenni- um. Though allegorical and mythical in its symbolism, the philo- sophical and theological content is at times quite profound. In  general, it resonates with the approach of non-dualists and core views of spiritual thinkers such as Ibn al-Arabi, Shankara and Meister Eckhart - though at the time of writing this journal, these authors were unknown to Pilgrim Simon.

The text provides a rich reservoir of spiritual philosophy and provides the springboard for the spiritual studies written by Pil- grim Simon over the last decade.

FOUNDATION FOR CONTEMPORARY SPIRITUALITY (2011) Older, traditional religious ideas are being questioned and chal- lenged, but this does not mean that we have to reject the very no- tion of God or the Divine, or throw out all religion as useless. But it does mean hard and searching questions into the foundation of spirituality and religion, and particularly orthodox religion and spirituality which declare themselves as the one true path to the Divine. A contemporary approach is needed which can accom-

modate our modern world and its discoveries. Paradoxically, such an approach reaches back to some very old ideas indeed.

What is set out in this study is a set of articles dealing with the foundations, the ground, the base, of spirituality, stripping away inadequate ideas and theologies that are no longer tenable in an attempt to get to a more sure foundation for contemporary spirituality.


The rallying call of the Protestant Reformers was 'sola sciptura' - Scripture alone. For modern Christian Fundamentalists, The Bible forms THE tangible spiritual authority as God's inerrant Word and therefore it forms the ONLY rule of faith and conduct. All be- liefs and conduct are brought under its searching light.

But is Christian Fundamentalism correct in taking this position? In this study, ex Christian Fundamentalist and Calvinist Pilgrim Si- mon considers over sixty questions concerning the foundation and ground of authority for the Christian's faith and conduct and in doing so lays the axe to the root of Fundamentalism and begins to question the very basis of orthodox Christianity itself.


What does the Bible have to say about the last days before the re- turn of Jesus Christ? There have always been some rather wild, alarmist and fanciful interpretations of what these last days are supposed to be like and when this period begins. At the same time, the events of Biblical prophecy are often notoriously difficult to anticipate and interpret before the events themselves occur. Even so, Pilgrim Simon seeks to cut through these extremes and problems in order to give a balanced overview of just what the Scriptures say about these last days, the man of sin, the period of persecution of Christians and the return of Jesus Christ.


Some spiritual traditions argue that the world, indeed, the entire universe is just an illusion. Is this correct or does the world and the universe have real substance? What do we mean by the term 'real'? Taking a non-dualist position, Pilgrim Simon explores the concept of the universe as a manifestation of the Divine. In so do- ing, the nature of illusions and reality, substance and reality, free will and predestination and the nature of the self are all explored in the light of a panentheistic perspective where the Divine is sim- ultaneously Transcendent of and Immanent in all that exists.


What does it mean to live the Christian life? A lot of emphasis today is put on what Christians believe and on defending those beliefs against opposing views. There is also a great deal of emphasis of worship - on music, gospel groups and choirs, singing praises and enjoying a sense of fellowship and community with like-minded believers every Sunday at church. There may also be an emphasis on reaching out to unbelievers - on evangelism and spreading the gospel. There may be an emphasis on healing cam- paigns and rallies. Sometimes there is an emphasis on teaching - on theological debate in Bible study groups. Or there may be an emphasis on young people and on youth groups within the church. Is this what the Christian life is all about? Or does the Bible give us another emphasis? In this study, Pilgrim Simon ex- plores Biblical aspects of Christian living.


We often turn to the Bible as our authority and foundation for the Christian faith. Christian Fundamentalists go as far as to say that the Bible is God's Word and therefore without substantial error of any kind.

But are we correct in this reliance upon Scripture? What did the believers in the early Christian church rely on before the writings of the Bible were collected and agreed on as being suitable for a rule of faith? In any case, what qualifications did a piece of writing have to exhibit before it was included in the Bible?

In this study, Pilgrim Simon gets back to the basics of Christianity to try and establish a broad outline of the foundation of Christian faith and practice.

Essays on spirituality - Volume 1 (2011)

'Essays on spirituality' consists of over a dozen short and medium length articles on spiritual themes. They were written as the author was coming to an understanding of his own mystical experiences and the theological and philosophical content that they dis- played. References are made to the Journal of these experiences – 'The Song of Simon' - also available on Feedbooks. The themes covered in this volume include: ABANDONING MATERIALISM















The orthodox Christian view of the soul and spirit is to regard them as very similar if not the same. They are words used to de- scribe what is seen as an eternal spiritual entity that together with  the body makes up the nature of a human being. After death, it is largely considered that the soul/spirit continues to exist as a ra- tional, thinking, desiring, purposeful entity - the essential person- ality, brought to stand before God.

In this study, Pilgrim Simon examines how well this view stands up in the light of Biblical texts, and argues that the grounds of this view are weak, if not unsupportable.


Should spiritually minded people gather together for devotion, worship and praise of God? Should they gather together for teaching? Who is it exactly who teaches? What do they teach? What is it exactly that they worship? What happens when individual under- standings of what God is like different from or even contradict the views of other spiritual travellers? How should any such meeting be structured and organised? Given that there are different levels of transcendence in spirituality, which is the most appropriate spiritual path to follow?

In this study, Pilgrim Simon addresses these issues of practical spirituality.


In the course of engaging in spiritual exercises such as contempla- tion, prayer, mindfulness and meditation some people may exper- ience an immediate encounter with the Divine - a mystical experience in which they may receive teaching and guidance in spiritual matters.For some in Christianity, the whole Bible is declared to be inspired revelation.

What principles shouls we use in seeking to understand the mean- ing of such literature and experiences? What is the meaning of a spiritual dream? If the Absolute makes a representation to us in metaphor, allegory or symbol, how then do we understand this content? What is the sense or significance of mystical literature? What is the purpose underlying or intended by such accounts? What is the true interpretation, value, or message that such and experience and literature seeks to convey?

In this study, Pilgrim Simon seeks to address such questions. SPIRITUAL QUESTIONS VOLUME 2 (2011)

In this second volume of spiritual questions, Pilgrim Simon asks: What is the nature of the universe? What do we mean by manifest- ation, illusion and ignorance? Is reality Ultimately Two or One - duality or non-duality? What happens after death? What is the mind? What role, if any, does sex and sexuality have in spiritual- ity? What do we mean when we talk about material and spirit?

Spiritual Questions Vol. 3 (2011)

In this third volume of 'Spiritual Questions', Pilgrim Simon contin- ues to seek answers to various common questions on the theme of spirituality. The questions covered in this volume include:

What are Angels or Spiritual guides?

How important is it to belong to a Community or Fellowship? Is Worship, Praise and adoration of God necessary?

Where do Rules, Laws, Commandments and Moral Codes fit in to spirituality?

What about Personal Revelations of God?

How important is Ritual and Ceremony in spirituality? What is Scripture and sacred writing?

How important are Teachers, Leaders, Founders of movements, Gurus e.t.c.?

What role does Tradition play in spirituality?

How important is Ideology, Theology, Philosophy and Rationality in the spiritual life?

Why does God allow suffering, pain and evil?

If there is One God, why are there so many different and contra- dictory religions?


What happens with regard to the lack of moral balance when we die? Does guilt just evaporate and perish with the death of the person? Does death mean that we escape the penalty that our mor- al transgressions should incur? Some religions promote reincarna- tion - a near endless cylcle of birth and rebirth until such guilt is purified and purged away. But what of the Christian position?

The sting of death is sin - but what does this mean? How is the guilt and debt of moral transgression worked out in Christianity? Pilgrim Simon looks at these issues from a Christian and Covenant perspective.


This study began with the question: 'Did the Holy Spirit indwell believers in Old Testament times?' Many modern Christians place an emphasis on the regeneration and indwelling of the Holy Spirit as an essential part of salvation. If this is the case, in what sense was the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost? In seeking to answer these kinds of questions, the author, Pilgrim Simon, found himself ex- ploring the history of just how God dealt with his people via a series of 'covenants' or relationships leading up to the New Covenant in Christ. The progression through these covenants re- veals changes in relationships with and discoveries about the Div- ine as the plan of redemption is unfolded. It also questions some of the assumptions made by some Christians today.


Who is Jesus? The answer may seem obvious to those in the west brought up in Sunday Schools and thus reasonably familiar with the Bible tales of Jesus. But in fact, things are more complex than that because the Bible documents are not quite what they appear to be at first sight or face value. Yet we have little knowledge of Jesus outside of these Biblical texts. To make things worse, we have centuries of church tradition which in some cases masks and hides a more accurate picture of what Jesus was like.

In this study, Pilgrim Simon, an ex Christian Fundamentalist, explores the very foundation of Christianity itself in seeking to get to the roots of just who Jesus was.


Many of us are familiar with the story of Jesus, his crucifixion, re- surrection and ascension. Ask many Christians today where Jesus is and they will reply that he is seated at the right hand of God the Father. But where is that exactly? If the resurrection of Jesus was a physical one - or at least had physical characteristics - then where exactly is Jesus now, following his ascension up to the clouds?

In this short study, Pilgrim Simon ponders this theme within an orthodox Christian viewpoint together with some of the practical implications involved.


The Bible and many modern Christians place a great emphasis on the gospel - the good news of Jesus Christ and the grace procured by his life, death and resurrection for those who believe. The im- portance of this message motivated many attempts at missionary and evangelistic work, in order that hearers may have the oppor- tunity to believe and be saved.

But what of those people who have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel? Are they doomed to a lost eternity? Are they con- demned because of their situation to eternal condemnation?

In this short study, Pilgrim Simon explores this subject and its im- plications from a Biblical point of view.


Many of us are familiar with the term 'Christian fundamentalism'. It is a term that that through constant use in the media often cre- ates in our minds a stereotypical image of a naive literalistic faith coupled with a somewhat dogmatic and intolerant attitude - espe- cially with regard to modern science.

In this short study, ex Christian fundamentalist Pilgrim Simon gives an outline critique of the Christian fundamentalist system and believer.

Detachment and the spiritual life (2011)

The idea of detachment, of withdrawing from the world and soci- ety, of abstaining from worldly interests and pleasures, even denying the self, has a long tradition in spirituality and is ex- pressed in many religious systems. From simply abstaining from certain behaviours to living the life of an Ascetic - detachment is present in spirituality in a wide degree of intensity and scope.

In this study, Pilgrim Simon takes a look at detachment and the ideas that underpin it from a non-dualist stance. He asks if detach- ment is necessary to walking the spiritual path. If it is, what are to detach from? And to what degree? He draws on the thoughts of Shankara and Meister Eckhart and outlines the theology of the spiritual path.


An outline one-name study and history of the Laynton/Lainton family originally from the Staffordshire/Shropshire borders in England.

The history of the family is traced back to the 1500's and reveals a typical working class story from the beginning of the reign of El- izabeth the first, through the English Civil Wars, the industrial re- volution and two world wars, with family members spreading all over the world. This study would be of interest to anyone with the Laynton/Lainton name as their own name or in their familiy his- tory and also to students of social history, since a great percentage of the Laynton/Lainton's in the world are included in this one name study.

The appendix contains wills and census records, apprenticeship records and a full chronological index of births, marriages and deaths from the 1500's up to 1995.

You should note that some parts of he appendix are intended for computer display and may not be spaced correctly on mobile devices.



Non dualism, typified by Advaita, is often criticised for failing to address morality and failing to direct spiritual pilgrims in terms of how to act in the world. It is even accused of detaching spirituality from morality altogether. This study looks at the whole issue of morality with regard to non-dualistic spirituality and argues, as do the non-dualist traditions themselves, that morality is an essential foundation for the spiritual life. This study traces seven broad stages of spiritual development – the spiritual ascent – and shows how morality is integral to each stage. In so doing, the study also suggests an outline spiritual path for the spiritual traveller – re- gardless of the particular religious system that may be embraced.