Progressions in the Spiritual Life of the Christian by Dr. Frank P Ferraro - HTML preview

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bjective of Spiritual Warfare .





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he Sophisticated S

piritual Life .





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T sting for Bles s ing and Momentum .





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F ilure and Reaction .





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tage II – Spiritual Mid Life Adulthood .





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hristian V

irtue .





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ognitive Independence .





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T sting for Bles s ing and Momentum .





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tage III - Spiritual Senior Adulthood .





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T sting for Bles s ing and Momentum .





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piritual Maturity .





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T sting for Bles s ing and Momentum .





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tage I – Basic S

piritual Maturity .





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les s ings Directly from God .





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he Equation of Basic Ma

turity Adjustment to the J ustice of God .



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tage II – Intermediate S

piritual Maturity .





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ersecution in No Man’s Land .





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quation of Intermediate Ma

turity Adjustment to the J ustice of God .



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tage III – Advanced S

piritual Maturity .





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ngelic Conflict Appeal Tr

T ial Evidence Te

T sting .





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he Equation of Advanced Ma

turity Adjustment to the J ustice of God .






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onclusions .





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lternatives in the S

piritual Life .





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he Equation of Hope .





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he Equation of Despair .





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assages .





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lossary .





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peration Z - GAP .





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peration Z & Compartments of the Soul .





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0 Assets for the S

piritual Life .





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The word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit, and of the joints and the marrow, and is a critic of thoughts and intents of the heart. (Heb 4:12) All Scripture is God-breathed, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God might be mature, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2Tim 3:16-17) Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

(2Tim. 2:1)

This compilation of doctrinal principles is dedicated to my pastor of some 40+ years, Col. R. B.

Thieme Jr., who, in my humble opinion, was one of, if not the, foremost theologian of the 20th century and most likely many others as well. Without his consistent undaunted dogmatic teaching of Bible Doctrine this document would not have been possible and I would most likely NOT have a clue about the Christian Way of Life. In his physical presence, mental acuity, supreme dedication to the word of God and overriding dogmatic veracity in the presentation of the doctrines of the bible he has been a life changing inspiration to myself and literally hundreds of thousands of other believers throughout the world. I, and these others I am sure, look forward to the honor of standing in ranks before the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ as representatives of the “Berachah Battalion” who have grown up in the Spiritual Life under his phenomenal grace teaching.

I would like to give special thanks for their efforts in reading and critiquing this document to: Pastor Robert K Lyon, P.O. Box 464, Sapulpa, OK 74067, South Park Bible Ministry

Mr. Jeffrey D Laughlin



Before a believer begins to study anything related to bible doctrine he must ensure that he is under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit for teaching which requires the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit.

This, the absolute status quo of spirituality, can only be accomplished if he will name or cite his sins privately to God the Father in order to be forgiven those and al other sins and to be placed again into fellowship with God and under the teaching and guiding ministry of God the Holy Spirit. 1st

John 1:9 states, “If we confess {(gr) homologeo to name or cite} our (known) sins, He is faithful and justified to forgive us our (known) sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (unknown sins).” This will put the believer into fellowship with God and under the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit in a state of Humility and Teachability and ready to learn Bible Doctrine. If you have never personally expressed faith alone in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone, the issue is NOT naming your sins. The issue for you is nonmeritorious faith alone in Christ alone. “He who believes in the Son has Eternal Life; But he who does not obey the command to believe in the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” (John 3:36) If, in reflection upon our own life, we are totally objective we must admit to having delusions about some things in life at some time. For myself there is ONE thing in this life which I have no delusions about, Bible Doctrine. Were it not for the teaching ministry of Col. R. B. Thieme Jr. and his consistent clear, concise and dogmatic presentation of the doctrines of the bible I would know nothing of orthodox fundamental biblical doctrine. I have no delusion about my knowledge, cal ing or spiritual gift; and, recognize that I could not do what he and many other properly oriented, prepared and motivated pastors have done, and continue to do, in the constant studying and teaching of doctrine to their congregations. Over the years I have learned innumerable principles from the bible studies by Pastor Thieme. One of the most important things I have learned has been that “your rate of learning MUST exceed your rate of FORGETTING” in order to advance in the Spiritual Life or to maintain your level of spiritual growth. This amplifies the necessity therefore of constant, consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and ultimately the application of it to life. It is my desire that this document be a source of consolidated doctrine regarding the Progressions in the Spiritual Life to fulfill that very purpose.

This is a compilation of bible doctrine principles taken from notes I have accumulated and based on the principles directly derived from the lessons taught by Col. R. B. Thieme Jr. These were taught after many years of Pastor Thieme serving in his ministry of Studying and Teaching Orthodox Fundamental Biblical Christian Doctrine according to an Isagogical, Exegetical and Categorical method. With this in mind be conscious of the fact that some of the terminology, doctrine and principles presented here wil be, at best, difficult and possibly obscure for the new infant or the youthful believer. It took the Colonel many years of preparation and study to come to the point of being able to extract these doctrines and principles from the original languages of scripture so it should reasonably require some years of study by the believer under his type of ministry to be able to understand what is herein contained. If you have read any of the other compilations I have put together you wil notice some similarities or blatant duplication here. I have chosen to do this to establish a proper background to enable a better understanding of this subject matter. To facilitate this understanding on the part of the reader I have linked segments of this document with others to enable the reader to review or recall concepts, principles and doctrines while reading other parts. I have also included a Glossary of terms which I believe will help in this endeavor.

As one would expect, I have certainly entered opinions and concepts of my own derived from what I have learned from my studies of Pastor Thieme’s teaching of Bible Doctrine in various lessons, from various years and from life experiences and other current materials regarding ongoing historical and social trends. I have made modifications of il ustrations used by Pastor Thieme to provide a more clear and lucid understanding of the principles of Bible Doctrine behind them and the entire concept of spiritual advance. I have set up the concepts of the 10 stages of the Spiritual Life progression as a logical progression of the development of the Problem Solving Devices and Divine Dynasphere systems in the believer’s life. My effort here has been to consolidate the principles of the Progressions in the Spiritual Life regarding the Christian Way of Life in this Church Age in order to provide a place where believers might go to acquire or review concise but detailed information related to these doctrines. However, nothing contained herein is ever to be construed to have been originated by my personal abilities to extract doctrines from the scripture. To this end I have relied on the lessons from Pastor R. B. Thieme Jr, and Pastor R. K. Lyon. Neither is this to be a substitute for consistent daily study under one’s own right Pastor Teacher in order to develop the momentum needed to reach and hold on to spiritual maturity, the ultimate objective of the Spiritual Life. I have taken the liberty of adding pertinent examples of historical and social trends and again provided modifications to illustrations which I have been able to determine from examination of doctrinal categories over the years. If more details and reference passages are desired on the Progressions in the Spiritual Life of the Christian or how these principles were derived the original lessons can be ordered from R

. B. Thieme Jr

. Bible Ministries , P.O. Box 460829, Houston Tx. 77056-8829, or by phoning 713-621-3740.

Once again, my objective in compiling these principles of Bible Doctrine is not whether it is considered good or bad, liked or disliked as a message but whether God the Holy Spirit can use the doctrinal content in the life of YOU the believer reading it. I have nothing to prove to anyone in life and it is only getting the message through to YOU, the reader, that is important to me so that there is something for God the Holy Spirit to use. I have, in fact, attempted to organize these principles into discrete segments or categories. However, as always with regard to Bible Doctrine, these principles resist any attempt at separation into singular units being intricately intertwined into a system of interaction within the Spiritual Life. With this in mind understand that there wil be duplication and repetition and one category of the Spiritual Life cannot always be separated and individually studied without relating it’s impact on and from, very often, several others. However, as we clearly know in life and as the Colonel might have said on occasion: “REPETITION, REPETITION, REPETITION IS INVALUABLE SO GET USED TO IT AND ENJOY IT.

Dr. Frank P. Ferraro

Image 3

I ntroduction

As there are in Human Life, progressions of development and maturation, so also do these exist in the Spiritual Life of the Christian. Unfortunately, most Christians do not recognize that there is PROGRESS to be made in the Spiritual Life in order to function effectively as a Christian. The believer is given a command in scripture to “Grow in Grace and Knowledge” (2Pet 1:2, 2Pet 3:18,

2Cor 10:5, 1Cor 1:5, 1Cor 15:34) but by and large believers ignore these passages and think they fulfill their Spiritual Life obligations to God by attending “church” once or twice a week and for some only on the “holidays” of Christianity or their preferred religion. However, the fact is that to progress in the Spiritual Life and to ultimately glorify God as a Christian, the ONLY efficacious mechanism is the consistent daily Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine taught by a properly prepared and oriented Pastor Teacher. These Pastor Teachers must have knowledge of the Historical Background of scripture and of the original languages it was written in because IN THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGES OF SCRIPTURE there are absolutely no contradictions. For the believer to gain knowledge and move ahead in his Spiritual Life and be the recipient of greater and greater GRACE benefits from God, this teaching must be presented in the form of expository analysis of biblical doctrines from language analysis, categorical comparison and historical orientation of the passages. As a result of

engaging in consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation

and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine the believer then

advances in his Spiritual Life gaining greater and

greater understanding of God, His character, His Grace

and His Plan for the believer. It is one thing to learn the

theory of how something works and totally another to

be able to use these principles to actual y make the

thing function effectively, like flying an airplane or

driving a motorcycle. The individual MUST start with

the very basics and then progress in his skill

development and this is the exact same process of the

believer growing in the Spiritual Life who must start

with the Gospel of Christ and progress in the

development of and use of the 4 mechanics of the 4

Spiritual Skil s. Upon making Salvation Adjustment to

the Justice of God through faith alone in the

Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The

Christ alone the new believer enters into the Royal

Family of God. It is, therefore, the OBLIGATION of God

to provide the necessary assets for the believer, as a member of His Family living in this world ruled by Satan, to enable him to progress and advance in his Spiritual Life. This is a GRACE provision which the believer does not earn nor can he ever deserve but which GOD must provide for him because he has become a member of his Royal Family in Christ. These assets WILL include all the temporal and spiritual necessities for the individual believer to advance in the Spiritual Life IF HE

CHOOSES TO DO SO. The provision of these assets DOES NOT depend on whether the believer is always or even ever, Good, Bad, Spiritual, Carnal, Advancing or Retrogressing, but they are constantly available to ALL believers for one’s entire life in time after Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. As a result of taking advantage of these provided assets the believer can then

progress and advance in the Spiritual Life therefore GROW in his CAPACITY to receive and appreciate greater Grace blessings from the Lord.

In order for the believer to make Progress in his Spiritual Life he must function within the Grace System of God provided for spiritual growth. This is the “Equation of Spiritual Growth” reflecting the Grace System of God provided for our growth in the Spiritual Life which was developed by Pastor R. B. Thieme:

[Filling of God the Holy Spirit + Human IQ == Spiritual IQ] + Operation Z, the Grace Apparatus for Perception == Momentum for Spiritual Progression or Spiritual Advance This book is a short discussion of the progressions which should occur in the Spiritual Life of every believer. However, to understand the progressions properly the believer must understand what the significance of a Spiritual Life is and why man was created and why he is here. I have, therefore, begun this presentation with a brief outline of the creation of this universe by God and why he chose to create mankind. I believe that it is essential for the believer to understand the purpose of the creation of man and therefore his own purpose in this life provided for him by God. If you have read any of the other publications I have compiled from the lessons I have studied under R. B. Thieme Jr.

you wil certainly find some duplication, especially in areas which involve creation and the fall of man and the Grace of God. For a more comprehensive understanding of Creation and the Purpose of Mankind I refer you to:

R. B. Thieme Jr. Bible Ministries

The Angelic Conflict

Creation Chaos and Restoration

Audio Lessons of Bible Lectures


he C

reation and Fa

F ll o

f Man


rehistoric Angelic Creation

In the beginning without a beginning, Eternity Past, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit sat at the Deity Round Table and had a discussion about what they wanted to do in eternity.

They decided to “CREATE”, and considering the status of this creation today we can honestly say

“ONLY GOD KNOWS WHY”. Having agreed to create they divided the responsibilities for the creation among themselves. God the Father devised a plan for creation taking into consideration all events and potential events and outcomes and potential outcomes from his omniscience and presented this to God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. They unanimously agreed that it was a PERFECT plan and they decided to cal it GRACE. It contained all the structure, laws, policies and procedures for the creation they had decided to engage in. It was decided that God the Father should oversee the plan since he was the author and God the Son agreed to be the executor of the plan and God the Holy Spirit agreed to empower and reveal the plan when needed. When the plan had been completed and agreed upon, God the Son (the Executor) spoke a word and Initiated Stage I of the Plan, Angelic Creation. This resulted in a myriad variety of angelic creatures instantly coming into being. (John 8:44, Job 38:4-7, Ps 8:3) The culmination or pinnacle of this angelic creation was the most perfect creature in body and mind, a super genius of all genius’, Lucifer, son of the morning. Stage 2 of the creation was to give these angelic creatures a place to live and again God the Son spoke a word and the universe was created and the angelic creatures given freedom to move about and live in it. (Gen 1:1, Is 14:12-14, Is 45:18, Ez 28:12-18, Rev 12:4) Christians often consider the presentation of ideas like the “BIG BANG” theory of the beginning of the universe to be ANTI-Christian but in fact that is exactly how the universe was created, The Lord Jesus, The Christ, God the Son said “BE” and it was. BANG! At this time Lucifer was given the job of overseeing for God the functions of this angelic “society” and reporting to God in his throne room.

Over a period of unknown duration this was the case however at some point things changed. I envision Lucifer in the throne room of God looking around to see if anyone was watching, looking at God’s throne and walking around it a touching it and then moving up onto the dais and imagining what it would be like to sit on that throne and control everything. Eventually his arrogance and envy and power lust got the better of him and he slyly checked around again to be sure no one was watching and then slid right onto and sat on God’s Throne. As he sat there and wiggled around feeling the exhilaration of being on God’s throne his thoughts turned to greater arrogance and forgetting his origins and place as a CREATURE he thought, I can run this creation just as good as God, “I will be like the most High God” (Is 14:12-14, Ez 28:12-18) S

atan’s Strategic Offensive Action in Et

ernity Past

Satan’s “Offensive Action” in Prehistoric Times in the Angelic Conflict (Is 14:12-14) was the result of Satan’s thinking that he would dominate all creatures in existence in al of angelic creation. This occurred at the time of the beginning of his “REVOLUTION” but he also was thinking he could be Above God. He then, as a result of his arrogance and dillusion, began to devise a plan to run the angelic creation which came to be known as G

ood and Ev

il in which he attempted to duplicate or

counterfeit the policies and provisions of the Grace Plan of God. Lucifer was so full of himself, so arrogant that he then went about the angelic creation for an unknown period soliciting members for his Mutual Admiration Society. He proposed to them that they function under his plan of EVIL and attempt to produce “Angelic” GOOD things in creation which Lucifer wanted to use to supplant the production of Divine Good of the Grace Policy in God’s Plan. He did this for an unknown period until

every single angelic creature created by God the Son had an opportunity to choose to follow him under his plan or stick with God under the Grace plan. Lucifer had established a headquarters for his plan of Evil in of all places this very planet Earth. Basically he held parties here and never cleaned up the beer cans so it was a total mess at the point of God the Father calling together the Supreme Court of Heaven. With God the Son and God the Holy Spirit present to convene the Supreme Court of Heaven, a trial was begun indicting Lucifer and his followers because of his revolution, with ALL angelic creation present. God threw Lucifer and his organization off of the earth and packed it in ice to prevent their return there. (Gen 1:2) The unknown prior period of time was allowed by God for the completion of the personal decisions by al of the angelic creation to choose between the Plan of God and the Plan of Satan.

It was only then that God cal ed the Supreme Court of Heaven together and convened the trial of the revolutionaries. When the trial was convened, God presented the facts from his omniscience, there obviously could be no defense possible against the omniscience of God, and then rendered the judgment of condemnation of the revolutionaries to the Lake of Fire. It was at this point in eternity past that the Lake of Fire was in fact created for Satan and his followers. In a STRIKING moment of clarity Lucifer realized he had made a big error and he did not have any desire to spend eternity confined to the Lake of Fire so he rendered an appeal to the Supreme Court of Heaven. In effect Lucifer impugned the perfection of the character of God by contending that in rendering the Judgment of the Lake of Fire for the rebels God had neglected to consider his LOVE attribute and only functioned based on his attributes of perfect Righteousness and Justice. Lucifer was in fact saying that God could not be God if he condemned the rebels to the Lake of Fire because he had set aside his LOVE to function only within the confines of his Righteousness and Justice. Satan ignored the fact that the Love of God is the area of motivation and not the area of action of the Essence of God. He ignored the fact that the area of action of the Essence of God is based on the principle that what the Righteousness of God approves is only what the Essence of God can accept and what the Righteousness of God demands the Justice of God must execute.

Image 4

Lucifer in being brought before the Supreme Court of

Heaven for judgment as a result of his rebellion against

God in effect said, “how can a God of LOVE cast His

creatures into a lake of fire?” In focusing on the “Love

of God” Lucifer tried to ignore and confuse the issue

that upon any creature violating the standards of God,

his, and in fact all angelic and all human contact would

become, not the “love” of God, but the Integrity or

Holiness of God composed of the Justice of God and the

Righteousness of God. The Righteousness of God

rejected the Arrogance of Satan and his opposition to

God in the revolution of the Angelic Conflict therefore the Justice of God, in a JUDICIAL Decision from the Supreme Court of Heaven, immediately condemned him and all those who followed him to the Lake of Fire for all eternity. In reality, Lucifer had failed to realize that when he rebelled he TOOK HIMSELF OUT from under the provisions of the Love of God and PLACED HIMSELF directly under the function of the Justice of God based on the requirements or standards of the Righteousness of God. However, God in and under his pre-established GRACE PLAN accepted the appeal of Lucifer. He did so in order to provide a clear demonstration to al creation that the Essence of God always functions together at all times and the Love of God and Justice of God and Righteousness of God al work in unison in providing for ALL of his creation. Lucifer did not understand that the Love of God was the MOTIVATION for the actions of God BUT that all actions from God had to be approved by the Righteousness of God and then could be executed by the Justice of God because these 2 areas of God’s essence protect the consistency of his character.

God, in granting the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial, caused a situation which resulted in the need for witnesses to choose for the Plan of God vs the Plan of Satan in the same manner as what occurred throughout the angelic creation. God, therefore, in agreeing to this appeal, set up a test situation with LOWER creatures for al angelic creation to observe. [This is YOU AND I in this life] (Luke 15:7-

10, 1Cor 4:9, Eph 3:10, 1Pet 1:12, 1Tim 3:16, 1Tim 5:21) The setting for the creation of test subjects was chosen as the former headquarters of the “Evil” party. This is the sole purpose of the creation of man and the development of Human History as the stage for producing these witnesses.

(Matt 19:4) Therefore, in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial ALL witnesses are derived ONLY from members of the Human Race, therefore, the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial is co-terminus with Human History. To be a proper witness and demonstrate the exact conditions of the Angelic Conflict choices of Angelic Beings, MAN, though created lower and much less powerful than angels, has the 1

thing necessarily common between Angelic creatures and Humans that being FREE WILL, Volition.


estoration of the Earth & Creation of Man

Upon the acceptance of the Appeal of Lucifer in the Angelic Conflict Trail, the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit moved ahead to clean up the earth and restore it from its frozen state preparing it for man. (Gen 1:2, Gen 1:3-31, Job 26:13, Ps 104:30) God then set up a system cal ed “TIME” as a linear progression of events and established cyclic periods on the earth and completed these preparations in 6 earth days. Then The Lord Jesus, The Christ culminated the restoration of the earth with the creation of Ish, Man and sometime later Ishah Woman (from Man). (Gen 1:26-27, Is 43:7) God stopped on the 6th day BECAUSE HE WAS FINISHED AND THERE

WAS NOTHING LEFT TO BE DONE. Therefore, Man was created originally as a test subject to demonstrate the true nature of the character of God toward his creation. Both Ish, (later called Adam) and Ishah, (later called Eve) were created directly from the hand of The Lord Jesus, The Christ as trichotomous beings with a physical Body, a non-physical Soul and a non-physical Human Spirit. When they were originally created their names were (heb) Ish (the man) and (heb) Ishah (the woman who came from the man). Ish and Ishah were created to demonstrate to Satan, the Fal en Angels AND the Elect Angels that the contention in the Appeal of Lucifer during the Angelic Conflict trial, that the Righteousness of God and Justice of God did not consider the Love of God when he condemned Lucifer and his followers to the Lake of Fire WAS FALSE. Even today, Satan (meaning deceiver) successfully blinds mankind to the fact that mankind must adjust to God’s Righteousness and Justice not His love in order to become the BENEFICIARY of His Love. (Is

14: 1

3- 1

4 )

At the point of their creation, to resolve this Angelic Conflict, The Lord Jesus, The Christ gave to Ish and Ishah Biological Life for their lifeless biological bodies created from the chemical elements of the earth, Soul Life to a format soul, and Spiritual or Spirit Life to their Human Spirit. The Lord Jesus, The Christ breathed, (heb) Neshemah, the “Soul Life of Lives”, in two forms Soul Life and Human Spirit life, into both Ish and Ishah, resulting in what the bible cal s Everlasting Life or Endless Life (Gen 2:7). The combining of Soul Life with the activated biological make up of their lifeless bodies resulted in Human Life for both. The provision of Spirit life to their Human Spirit enabled them to have a relationship and interaction with God. Ish and Ishah thus became living human beings with what the bible scriptures define as Everlasting Life or Endless Life. The Lord, from his LOVE, provided everything necessary for Ish and Ishah to live an UNENDING, or ENDLESS life on this earth in the Garden of Eden. This was to continue to be provided based on the requirement that they adhere to the prohibition to not engage in or partake of the Knowledge of “Good and Evil”, (the principles of Lucifer’s plan and policy to rule in God’s place represented by the “fruit” of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil). They were also given the Tree of Everlasting Lives whose “fruit”

they could eat from in order that they would have immediate and constant APPRECIATION of what God had and continued to provide for them. This also enabled them to remain under the provisions of the Love of God and not be subject to the Righteousness of God and Justice of God. They were created perfect and lived in perfect environment with perfect provisions from God’s Love and had ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to know anything about “Good and Evil”. This IS the plan, policy and production of the Cosmic Dynasphere system of Satan (the In

terlocking System of A


and the Interlocking System of Hatred) to rule angelic creatures and, during this Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial which extends the Angelic Conflict into Human History, Human Beings on earth.

Inevitably Ishah was targeted by Satan, first because she was under the authority of Ish, her husband. She initially rejected the authority of Ish, then that of Bible Doctrine taught by The Lord Jesus, The Christ in the “cool evenings” in the garden and ultimately the authority of The Lord Jesus, The Christ, God himself. She therefore decided to violate the prohibition of God regarding Good and Evil having been deceived by Lucifer, who appealed to her developing Arrogance, by manipulating her into thinking that by doing so she would be a smart as God thus smarter than Ish. She, as a result, adopted the totality of the Arrogance of the Plan of Satan. Then, when she had executed her decision to violate God’s Prohibition, Ish also rejected God’s prohibition and gave up his authority position, by choosing to FOLLOW Ishah instead of lead her, choosing her over the Plan of God and The Lord Jesus, The Christ in the garden. He thereby adopted her viewpoint and also accepted the

Arrogance of the Plan of Satan. They both in effect had rejected EVERLASTING ENDLESS LIFE with God in the garden for something which they did not understand NOR have any need to understand.

As a result their Human Spirit died and they were then isolated from God having lost their Everlasting Spirit Life. (1

Cor 15: 2

1- 2

2 , Rom 5:12). Essential y they could no longer initiate any contact with God nor have any relationship with him. However, as part of his GRACE plan, GOD

under Grace provided for them and all subsequent human beings the OPPORTUNITY to regain the ability to Eternally Live with him and have a temporal and eternal relationship with him. This provision came to mankind first in the promise of a potential for Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. At the point of their rejection of the prohibition of God, His Justice had become the point of contact for man as a result of their rejection of the Love Provisions and Grace of God in the Garden of Eden. (Gen 3:15) This is now a historical fact in our time and includes the promise of a LIFE

enabling the believer to live in ETERNITY with God, Eternal Life. As a result of the loss of their

“everlasting spirit life” their names were changed to Adam (meaning mankind-husband) and Eve (meaning mother of al living humans). Ish and Ishah are names associated with their possessing

“everlasting spirit life”; whereas “Adam” and “Eve” are names associated with that loss and need for another form or category of life for them to regain relationship with God, “Eternal Life”.


in Nature Development

As part of the result of Ish and Ishah rejecting the prohibition of God and gaining an understanding of Evil and its production of Good, the genetic structure of their Human Body’s Biological Life was corrupted forming the Sin Nature. In effect they had committed “spiritual suicide” killing their own human spirit and losing the Everlasting Spirit Life given to them by God at their creation. ( Rom

5:12) This Genetic Old Sin Nature (“Old“ because it started with Ish and Ishah) is found in every human being born into this world after the fall of Ishah and Ish. (1 Cor 2:14, Jude 19) This is the result of the passing of corrupted genetic material during the process of conception and fertilization of the genetical y uncorrupted female gamete, the ovum, by the genetically corrupted male gamete, the sperm. The Genetic Corruption which results in the Old Sin Nature is passed down through the generations from Adam and Eve to al humans through the MALE gamete which when it is formed produces 4 genetically corrupted Sperm cells from every single primary gamete cell. However, the Female system of producing the Female Gamete, the Ovum, results in only 1 genetically uncorrupted cell being produced from every primary Gamete cell and the discarding of 3 sets of corrupted genetic material as polar bodies. This process results in 1 cell devoid of the corrupted genetic material of the Old Sin Nature. All the egg cells a woman wil ever have in her ovaries are produced in relatively small numbers but this production is complete by the time she reaches puberty. In the formation of the female Ovum or Egg the cells divide “asymmetrically” producing ONE (1) large egg cell and up to 3 smal polar body cells. These polar bodies composed of primarily genetic material with very little cytoplasm as supporting cellular material, degrade and are discarded unable to be fertilized. After the 1st asymmetrical division the secondary Oocyte will only complete the 2nd stage of Meiosis division IF it encounters a sperm cell at the initiation of fertilization. Once fertilization is initiated the secondary oocyte divides asymmetrically again discarding another quantity of genetic material as another polar body cell. At this point the secondary Oocyte becomes a mature ovum which is in the process of being fertilized. (See any Human Physiology textbook for a complete description of the process of gamete formation)

Image 5

Image 6


man Life

Therefore, during this HISTORIC Appeal of the Angelic Conflict Trial, Human Beings were and are positioned by God to resolve the issue presented by Lucifer in his Appeal by choosing for the Plan of God and the Divine Good production of that plan vs the Plan of Satan and the Human Good production of that plan. The choice is made by the nonmeritorious faith acceptance of the Divine Good production of the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross for al human sins alone or NOT! (Gen 3:15; Jo

hn 3:1 4

-17 , 2Cor 5:21, John 3:36).


iological Life

Biological Life begins at conception where fertilization occurs from the joining of a single male gamete, the sperm cell with the female gamete, the ovum. IF (3rd class condition) this combination is viable and continues to develop (maybe it will and maybe it will not) it forms a blastocyst and then an embryo and final y a fetus, all part of the Biological Life of the Human Body. (See any Human Physiology or Embryology textbook for a complete description of the process of gamete formation, fertilization and embryonic and fetal development) When this fetus completes its biological development which includes the formation of a format soul and becomes a viable human body, physical birth delivery then occurs presenting this fetus to the world and more importantly to God.


oul Life

Soul Life begins at the physical birth of every individual ever born into this world past, present or in the future. Soul Life depends total y on GOD creating it at the point of the physical birth of the fetus and then imputing that SOUL LIFE to the format Human Soul of the fetus as it emerges during physical birth. God breathes into the fetus Soul Life, (heb) Neshamah, and the fetus exhales with a fabulous scream demonstrating his possession of this completed Human Life (and probably his desire to not be removed from the warm comfortable mothers body).


uman Spirit Life

Human Spirit Life, which is Life for having a personal relationship with God and also living in the presence of God in Eternity, which the bible cal s Eternal Life, is provided to the individual at the

very moment of his making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. This Adjustment to the Justice of God occurs through his expressed FAITH ALONE, that is acceptance by faith, in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross for al human sin, ALONE; that is without any additions of any kind.

(For a complete Biblical description of the Origin of Human Life go to; R. B. Thieme Jr. Bible Ministries and request these lessons.)




Lesson #s


The Origin of Human Life

Ephesians 1989

Lessons 1120-1127


The Origin of Human Life

Israel in Conflict 1991

Lessons 70-108


he S

in Nature

The Old Sin Nature is “OLD” because it has existed since and as the result of the fall of mankind in the garden and it has several “compartments” or areas of function:


rea of W


Manufactures Temptation to produce Sin under stimulation of functional trends:



T ends toward Lasciviousness or Lawlessness

Begins with motivation from the Lust Pattern of the Old Sin Nature resulting in the development of Mental Attitude Arrogance which produces Mental Attitude Sins very often resulting in verbal and / or overt sins. (1John 2:15-18) T


T ends toward Legalism

Begins again with motivation from the Lust Pattern of the Old Sin Nature resulting in Self Righteous Arrogance which produces Self Righteousness, during success periods, and Self Pity, during adversity periods, resulting in greater Mental Attitude Sins and Verbal Sins and often overt sins as well.


rea of S


Manufactures Temptation to produce Human Good again under stimulation of functional Trends:



T ends toward Lasciviousness or Lawlessness

Engages in the Human Good production of accepting even condoning the degeneracy of such things as socialism or homosexualism under the concept of EQUALITY for all in total violation of the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions.



T ends toward Legalism

Engages in or attempts compensation for one’s failures or to assuage one’s Guilt Complex formed from one’s failures, by engaging in some form of reconciliation or penance for these failures or attempting to engage in human solutions to all man’s problems as a result of one’s Self Righteous Arrogance assuming he knows what is best for everyone.


st Patterns

Power Lust

Approbation Lust

Sexual Lust

Avaricious Lust


Produce the Motivation for the Old Sin Nature to function as a result of the influence of Evil, the Plan of Satan, when the Old Sin Nature gains control of the soul.

Mental Attitude, Verbal and Overt Sins originate from motivation by the lust pattern of the Old Sin Nature, under the influence of Evil, producing some level of Arrogance in the soul where the Old Sin Nature’s area of weakness produces the temptations to SIN and where the volition of the individual’s soul agrees to produce these Sins. Human Good originates from motivation by the lust

patterns of the Old Sin Nature producing some level of Arrogance where biblical principles are distorted by some level of Evil influence and its false doctrines, as in religion. Then the area of strength produces the temptation to attempt to correct all human problems or cause al those in one’s periphery to conform to some distorted system of morality or ethics and where the volition of the individual’s soul agrees to engage in this production.


he Influence of Evi


There is therefore motivation from the Stimulation of the Lust patterns of the Old Sin Nature, under the influence of Satan’s Plan of Evil, to stimulate the Trends of the Old Sin Nature and thereby initiate temptations from the Old Sin Nature. These functions produce temptations toward whole patterns of Sin or Human Good production which pushes the individual deeply into Cosmic Dynasphere I, the In

terlocking System of A

rrogance , where he becomes antagonistic to God and Grace. This may also possibly push the individual even into Cosmic Dynasphere II, the Interlocking System of Hatred, where he hates and opposes God and denigrates Grace becoming the Enemy of God. Therefore, immediately after the fall of Adam and as a result of Adam's Original Sin, Satanic Offensive Action against the Old Sin Nature of man was initiated by Satan in 4 strategic attacks:

Stimulation and arousal of the Lust Patterns of the Old Sin Nature as motivation for temptations from:


wer Lust


pprobation Lust

▪ Social Lust

▪ Sexual Lust

▪ Pleasure Lust

▪ Chemical Lust

▪ Monetary Lust or Greed

▪ Inordinate Ambition & Competition Lust

▪ Crusader Lust – Believer Activism

▪ Criminal Lust

Stimulation and arousal of the Trends of the Old Sin Nature by motivation from the influence of Evil and from stimulation of the Lust patterns of the Old Sin Nature resulting in Temptations toward:

▪ Legalism – resulting in Christian Moral Degeneracy

Legalism is a strong trend in the Old Sin Nature which is used in satanic strategies where Believers under this distraction think that simple morality is the Christian Way of Life. This Involvement in Legalism results in Christian Moral Degeneracy because the Christian Way of Life is Integrity, Honor and Virtue as a result of the consistent Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit and maximum Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. This is entirely different from and on a much higher level than the usual concepts of MORALITY. The emphasis in the Christian Way of Life is INTEGRITY which is Grace Oriented whereas distorted religious morality as the supposed Christian Way of Life is only Legalism. The Christian Way of Life is the production of the reflected integrity and virtue of Christ inside the divine power system of God, the Divine Dynasphere (1 John 3:6-7), which is Grace orientation.

Whereas, distorted morality, generally from religious influence, assumed to be the

Christian Way of Life, is only legalism. Christians are often trapped into legalism by being involved in a Local Church where the Pastor Teacher tries to LEGISLATE

MORALITY calling it Christianity by pounding his people with MORALITY concepts and not accurate scriptural teachings – Expository Bible Doctrine. Morality when placed above Integrity, Honor and Virtue developed by the Filling of God the Holy Spirit from Metabolization of Bible Doctrine produces a Legalism which is ANTI-GRACE. The true reality of the Christian Way of Life is that NO ONE, not even the believer, is here because he is “GOOD PEOPLE”! All believers, past, present and future are here ONLY

because of the provision of Logistical Grace by God for each of us. Legalism, today, is constantly demonstrated by believers trying to make the United States of America a

“Christian” nation in which Laws are designed and implemented to legislate MORALITY

instead of Freedom. This inevitably actual y DESTROYS FREEDOM.

▪ Antinomianism or Lasciviousness – resulting in Christian Immoral Degeneracy

Lasciviousness Lawlessness or Antinomianism (2Thes 2:1-2, 1John 3:4) is involvement in an obviously strong trend of the Old Sin Nature, which results in Christian Immoral Degeneracy which can include:


Chemical Sins


Many other Verbal and Overt Sins

Temptation from the Area of Strength of the Old Sin Nature from motivation by the lust patterns and from stimulation of the trends of the Old Sin Nature for PRODUCTION under the Plan of Satan as Human Good results in or from involvement in the Interlocking System of


rrogance and Religious Legalism. When the believer uses his volition to attempt to solve man’s problems apart from God this is the production of Human Good resulting from the influence of Evil and resulting in involvement in all aspects of the Cosmic Dynaspheres. In this status the Arrogance of Morality is Christian Moral Degeneracy and can interlock with Self Righteous Arrogance and Crusader Arrogance and many other parts of the Arrogance system including religious Legalism. This influence of EVIL on the believer occurs in 2 main areas of his life:

▪ Causing the believer to think that to be a Christian he must be a GOOD or MORAL

person whereas how good or bad a person may be is inconsequential in the Plan of God. This is the OBVIOUS reason for the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross to eliminate sin as an issue while rejecting Self Righteous Arrogance resulting in or from being a “GOOD” person. (James 1:13-15)

▪ Causing believers to think that DOING GOOD THINGS to help the plight of mankind is the Christian Way of Life. This is a very successful strategy of Satan against both believers and unbelievers because the Old Sin Nature as an extension of the plan and policy of Satan is very strong in the temptation areas to do exceedingly good deeds for others. THIS “GOOD” IS THE PRODUCTION OF THE PLAN AND POLICY OF SATAN,

THUS IS DOING “GOOD” FROM EVIL. Doing maximum good for a maximum number of

people is the great distraction of socialism.

▪ Causing the believer to become involved in Christian Activism, a major aspect of this strategy, instead of focusing on biblical truth. This leads the believer to interlock with Legalism, Self Righteous Arrogance and Crusader Arrogance. Christian Activism causes the believer to become involved with humanism, therefore, and as a result of being in reversionism, he becomes occupied with temporal solutions to man’s problems. This is the source of advocating systems to improve man’s environment rather than his relationship with God. Christian Activism includes:

▪ Social Gospel

▪ Social Engineering

▪ Social Crusades related to Immoral Degeneracy

▪ Civil Disobedience

▪ Violence

▪ Destruction of Property


Temptation from the Area of Weakness of the Old Sin Nature from the influence of Evil providing motivation by the lust patterns and from stimulation of the trends of the Old Sin Nature resulting in any category of personal sin. Although Sin is most likely NOT part of the Plan of Satan, he always uses what he can to distract the believer from continued advance in the Spiritual Life and sin works very well to accomplish this. When the believer uses his volition to commit any sin Satan’s Attack has succeeded. The only solution is the recovery provided by the rebound procedure (1John 1:9) and his consistent use of this is the only reason the believer remains in this life after Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and his first failure in sin.

It is significant that only 3 members of the Human Race were ever tempted without having an Old Sin Nature and their temptations had to occur directly from influence by SATAN himself:

Ish and Ishah in the garden where their first sin resulted in the acquisition of their own Sin Nature because of their Negative Volition toward the Plan and prohibition of God. This temptation was the result of direct influence of Evil from Satan himself in deceiving the woman. Ish then succumbed voluntarily to the influence of Evil from the Old Sin Nature of the woman when she enticed him with the Knowledge of Good and Evil she had acquired. The FRUIT of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the TREE itself were literal and a visual standard of the divine prohibition which they were to avoid. The Lord in the garden taught them that they had no need for it but it was required by the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial to be present as the key issue for their volition. They both unfortunately voluntarily rejected this teaching.

The Lord Jesus, The Christ at the 1st advent is the only other time there has been an attack on the volition of a human being without an Old Sin Nature. This was in the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union against the humanity of The Lord Jesus, The Christ. This was the greatest attack in all of Human History on human volition. Satan had to personal y attack the volition of The Lord Jesus, The Christ because he had NO Old Sin Nature. When God the Holy Spirit took Jesus to the desert and during the 40 days and nights in the desert the humanity of The Lord Jesus, The Christ was CONSTANTLY attacked by Satan. The Lord Jesus, The Christ was tempted beyond anything we wil ever know and in ways we cannot ever be tempted and they

included the GROSSEST temptations and also the most subtle temptations and he resisted ALL OF THEM arriving at the cross sinless in his humanity. Satan, himself, could not break through the volition of The Lord Jesus, The Christ to cause him to sin or reject the Plan of God which was His Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross which was needed to occur before the Crown of the Eternal Kingdom.


esults of Old S

in Nature Fu

F nctions

Some of the Worst sins possible are produced by the distorted MORALITY tempted by the Area of Strength of the Old Sin Nature linked or INTERLOCKED into the Interlocking System of


rrogance involving al aspects of Mental Attitude Arrogance. This al comes from the abuse of Morality thinking it is the Christian Way of Life when the Christian Way of Life is NOT morality but is Integrity, Honor and Virtue (the entire Book of Ephesians) produced by maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the believer’s Soul. The Lord Jesus, the Christ indicated this in speaking to the immense crowd at the very beginning of his ministry.

(John 8:32) This Integrity, Honor and Virtue is always a result of consistent function under the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit using the Grace Apparatus for Perception to accumulate into one’s soul a maximum level of Bible Doctrine. This position is infinitely superior to morality and even The Lord Jesus, The Christ overtly and publicly condemned the morality and legalism of the Jewish religious leaders, the Pharisees.

We are commanded to put on the F


ll A

r mor F

r om God (E

ph 6:1 0


7 ) BECAUSE in the Old Sin

Nature we have trends toward Lasciviousness which lead to immoral degeneracy and trends toward Legalism which lead toward moral degeneracy and interlock with the Arrogance of Morality to cause al sorts of horrible functions and results including:

Crusader Arrogance – involving Christians who are trying to change everything in life and thereby make circumstances better for ALL MANKIND. They do not comprehend that the only changes which are of any value to humanity are those which are wrought by believers under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. These are the inevitable result of witnessing about the Gospel of Christ, resulting in others making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and they then functioning under Positive Volition toward Bible Doctrine for spiritual progress and growth.

Self Righteous Arrogance – this is the person who lives their life being never wrong about any subject or in any situation in life who is also under distorted Morality.

Abuses of Morality always try to intrude on the privacy of the individual. History, in this Church Age, has demonstrated for over 2000 years, a record of believers under Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine, trying to legislate or use violence to force their brand of morality on to other people.

In the Spiritual Life the true issue is the development of and function under the Spiritual Skills for the development of Integrity, Honor and Virtue. Morality is, in truth, related to the Laws of Divine

Establishment but the Laws of Divine Establishment under true morality DO NOT provide the right for anyone to try to force others into a mold of what their ideas are regarding the proper ‘moral’

functions of what is good and what is not. It must be clear that under both Grieving and Quenching of God the Holy Spirit, through involvement in the In

terlocking System of A

rrogance and / or the Interlocking System of Hatred respectively, a believer can be ‘MORAL’ but it is always a pseudo or distorted morality. However, being consistently under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit

the believer inevitably produces Integrity, Honor and Virtue from the accumulation of a maximum amount of Metabolized Bible Doctrine. Therefore, it is only what God the Holy Spirit produces which counts in the Christian Way of Life. Consequently, it should be obvious that Morality and Grace are total y antithetical as demonstrated in first half of the books of Romans and Galatians regarding Salvation and in the last half of the books of Romans and Galatians regarding the Christian Way of Life.


atan’s Offensive Strategies for Hu

man Hi


Satan can only attack the Human Race in his attempts succeed in his appeal regarding the Lake of Fire judgment and to therefore draw man into his plan since al angelic creatures have already used their volition to make their decision for or against his plan. This is also because he cannot attack the sovereignty, the Will of God, or any part of the Essence of God. In setting the stage for the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial, God placed all humans as witnesses, whether for or against God, into that Appeal Trial which runs co-terminus with Human History. Satan’s Strategy is, therefore, directed toward the Volition of Mankind alone, and this is what is being used to resolve the Angelic Conflict and what is being tested in Human History, because it is vulnerable to Satan's temptation strategies.

(Rev 12:9)


octrines of Demons

The Trial, Judgment and the Sentencing of Satan and his followers and the Appeal of Satan to that judgment of the Lake of Fire by impugning the character of God, resulted in God approving the Satan’s impertinent appeal. God is using the creation of man to demonstrate the perfection, impeccability and immutability of his own essence when dealing with his creatures. Therefore, human volition is part of and a MAJOR key to ALL OF Human History. As a result, the sovereignty of God and free will volition of man are permitted to coexist in history by the Sovereign Divine Decree of God. Therefore, ALL the strategies of Satan are directed toward the FREE WILL, cal ed the VOLITION OF MAN. The astounding and unmitigated arrogance of Satan in his revolt against God is actual y truly unimaginable since God the Son created Satan and even Satan himself, as a SUPER

GENIUS, knew that God had existed ETERNALLY before his own creation. This arrogance is the actual basis for EVIL the plan and policy of Satan to rule first angelic creation and then in the appeal phase of the Angelic Conflict Trail, Human Beings.


atan’s counterfeits in R


You must know the absolute TRUTH of Bible Doctrine to be able to discern it from counterfeit or false Bible Doctrine. There are the doctrines of demons and, therefore, the devil does have his own doctrines based total y on his Plan and policy of Evil. (1Tim 4:1) The promoters of this doctrine disseminate the concepts of Evil as brotherhood and bleeding heart do good propaganda designed to bring on the pseudo mil ennium under the rule of Satan. This occurs through the literature in religion which among other things:

Glorifies the united nations

Advocates acceptance of Chinese, Russian, Cuban or any form of communism and also Islam

Advocates disarmament as the basis for peace

Glorifies socialism which is ANTI Christian and blatant violations of Divine Institutions #1 & #4

As long as the false teachers, the promoters of these false doctrines say these things sweetly and talk about the greatest good for the greatest number of people and have some front of maudlin sentimentalism this is acceptable to most people. The counterfeits found in the false doctrines which permeate religions include:

A counterfeit Ritual ie. communion table (1Cor 10:20-21)

Counterfeit ministers (2Cor 11:13-15) {The marchers in Alabama in the 60s for black equality}

▪ They constantly promote social reform, internationalism, equality, brotherhood, etc., and this covers the majority of ministers in the Local Churches of the United States of America in the 60s and especially today and includes al owing women at the pulpit.

A counterfeit Gospel (2Cor 11:3-4)

▪ A Social Gospel promoting socialism, welfare state functions, environmentalism and equality for al as the false answers to al of man’s problems. The only answer to man’s problems is regeneration NOT reformation nor improved environment and IF

your environment is to be improved THE BIBLE TEACHES THAT YOU MUST DO IT

YOURSELF and no governmental agency can do it for you. Therefore, the ONLY

solution to man’s problems is personal and individual starting with regeneration at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and continuing with consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and consistent use of the Assets given the believer by God at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God.

▪ SOCIALISM always destroys a nation that engages in it and any support of any socialistic system cuts a little deeper into the arteries of the nation. Such is the case for Social Security, Welfare State functions, etc.

A Counterfeit Spirituality (Gal 3:2-3)

▪ This is always focused on bleeding heart do good functions to save mankind from his own failures.

A Counterfeit Righteousness (Matt 19:26-28)

▪ Entrance into and involvement in Self Righteous Arrogance

A Counterfeit Power (2Thes 2:8-10)

▪ Entrance into and function within the power systems devised by Satan:

Cosmic Dynasphere I – T

he Interlocking System of A


Cosmic Dynasphere II – The Interlocking System of Hatred

A Counterfeit system of gods (2Thes 2:3-4)

▪ Worship of money, mankind, al manner of idols even today

A Counterfeit Righteousness with a legalistic Self Righteous religious front (Matt 23)

▪ Islam, Shintoism, Buddhism, Romanism, various “Christian” denominations

Distractions by the Doctrines of Demons

According to 1

Tim 4:1- 2

, In the Church Age many believers will fal away from Bible Doctrine under the distractions of the doctrines from demons, the principles of EVIL as the Plan and Policy of Satan.

These believers who fall away from Bible Doctrine will do so by concentrating or focusing on

‘deceitful spirits’ that is through demon influence and the influence of the ever present Evil of the Cosmic Dynaspheres on their soul. This is demon evangelism, recruiting BELIEVERS for life in the Cosmic Dynaspheres. Under the Policy of Evil, Cosmic Dynasphere I is the The Interlocking


ystem of A

rrogance and results in “grieving’ God the Holy Spirit while Cosmic Dynasphere II is the Interlocking System of Hatred, the Emotional Complex of sins, and results in “quenching”

God the Holy Spirit. (Eph 4:30, 1Tim 6:14, 1Thes 5:19) The only means for demons (fal en angels and followers of Satan) and the doctrines of demons to effect believers is through the believer’s soul by means of his own Negative Volition being exercised toward Bible Doctrine. This results in the infiltration of the influence of Evil into the soul. This, inevitably, and ultimately, results in ERASING any Metabolized Bible Doctrine from the compartments of the believer’s soul and replacing it with the fallacies of Evil and thereby adding more to the garbage in the subconscious.

This can occur initially by means of the “Hypocrisy of Liars” the human evangelists for Satan’s Cosmic Dynaspheres with their Human Viewpoint thinking and expressions. These are often believers who have become involved in Christian degeneracy because of their Cosmic Dynasphere involvement. Consequently, the believer involved in the Cosmic Dynaspheres and the resultant Christian Spiritual degeneration in reversionism are 2 of the more successful strategies of Satan to distract the believer from execution of the Protocol Plan of God.


he Satanic Plan of Attack

The Satanic Plan for Offensive Action in Human History is, therefore, to ATTACK GOD and his GRACE

Plan and Policy primarily, albeit indirectly, through the Human Soul and Human Volition by giving the volition of man an alternative to the Grace of God. The Prehistoric Angelic Conflict is OVER and Human History is the period of the Appeal Phase of the Angelic Conflict Trial where, during this time, Satan is trying to prevent God from executing his judgment regarding Satan’s Eternal condemnation to the Lake of Fire. Satan’s offensive strategy to attack God is through 2 Categories against human volition:


ttacks against the Soul Essence of Man

At physical birth God imputes to the format soul, which exists in the Biological Life of the fetus, (heb) “Neshamah”, The Spark of Soul Life. This combination results in Human Life whereby the Human being then comes into existence. Soul Life imputed to Biological Life at the instant of the physical birth of every human fetus is the first thing which God gives to every human being. This, (heb) ‘Neshamah’, is a GRACE provision from God and a REAL

imputation of Soul Life to the Format Soul. No born human being, since Adam and Eve left the garden and started procreation, has ever earned nor deserved this and have, in fact, never done one single thing to ever earn or deserve anything from God, therefore, this is purely a GRACE Gift. Therefore, Soul Life coming directly from GOD is the most important thing for Satan to attack. Satan attacks through the soul because ALL solutions for ALL

human problems and pressures are found in the SOUL in the form of the ABSOLUTE TRUTHS

of Metabolized Bible Doctrine provided by God. These solutions encompass the Laws of

Divine Establishment and D

ivine Institution s designed for both believers and unbelievers and the entire remaining content of the whole realm of Bible Doctrine for believers. When Soul Life is imputed by God the soul is activated and, therefore, the Volition becomes active and is the key to the solution and resolution of the Angelic Conflict. Therefore, Satan attacks the soul and the volition to prevent the individual from C


ING with his volition God’s Plan

over Satan’s Plan and Divine Good production from God over Human Good production by the individual apart from God. Satan, therefore, has the intention of constantly attacking both believers and unbelievers, from the point of physical birth throughout the life of the individual, regarding the Grace of God with His Plan, Policy and Provision for mankind.


ttacks against the Body of Man

This occurs by working through the Genetic Old Sin Nature of the Body. Biological Life is the result of combinations of genetic material from the male and female parents during conception and began with Adam and Eve AFTER the Fal of man. The Sin Nature is the result of the fal of man in the garden which caused a genetic distortion in the makeup of man which is passed on throughout the Human Race during conception by a genetic combination of

the m

ale g

amete with the female gamete . This Old Sin Nature is activated by the Judicial imputation of Adam's Original Sin at the instant of physical birth along with the activation of Human Life. This results in the newborn infant being instantly condemned to spiritual death and thus, at birth, being physically alive but spiritual y dead. As a result of this JUDICIAL

condemnation of Man, Satan attacks all the judicial acts of God toward man. This he does in a manner similar to his attack against the judicial decision of God regarding his and the fallen Angel’s condemnation to the Lake of Fire, which occurred when he Appealed at the Angelic Conflict trail. Therefore, al judicial acts of God toward man are under attack by Satan and they include every provision from God for man from the Justice of God. This begins with Logistical Grace and the 3

9 irrevocable assets and the Filling of God the Holy Spirit provided at Salvation for the Spiritual Life of the believer. It also encompasses attacks against Divine Discipline of the believer for failure to remain in the Plan of God. Thus, the Old Sin Nature is a secondary target found in the human body which is used by Satan in his attack against the Human Race. This occurs by means of the influence from the EVIL of the Human Viewpoint Cosmic Dynasphere thinking which permeats Human History. This then activates the Lust patterns of the Old Sin Nature which motivate the trends of the Old Sin Nature to stimulate the areas of weakness or strength to provide temptations toward Sin and Human Good which are then accepted and acted upon by the volition of man.

Therefore Satan’s attacks are always 1st against GRACE and 2nd through the Genetics of the body with its Old Sin Nature. The Imputation of Soul Life by God to the format human soul is a REAL

imputation from God’s GRACE to the emerging fetus during birth. The imputation of Adam's Original Sin to the genetically formed Old Sin Nature in the emerging fetus during birth is a JUDICIAL

imputation. Therefore, it is clear that Satan always attacks God at his GRACE policy and provisions and through the function of his Justice as the source of all God’s Judicial Decisions. Therefore, Satan attacks mankind’s volition through Evil Influence on the Soul Essence and also through the functions of the genetical y formed Old Sin Nature, an extension of Evil, as part of the human body. The Soul essence has a GRACE Source from God while the condemnation based on Adam's Original Sin imputed to the Old Sin Nature has a JUDICIAL source from God. However, Satan does not and cannot directly attack the judicial decisions of the Essence of God, which is incorruptible, but he attacks them indirectly by attacking the Soul of man through the influence of EVIL and the Body through the functions of the Old Sin Nature. Therefore, beginning at physical birth which results from the GRACE imputation of Soul life to the format soul of the Human, Satan attacks the Grace of God, as all provisions from God, in every aspect of the life of the human being. In addition, starting at physical birth Satan attacks ALL judicial acts of God related to mankind including and beginning with God condemning man to spiritual death JUDICIALLY as a result of Adam's Original Sin.

Satanic Offensive Action against the Soul Essence of man began in the Garden of Eden after man’s creation but before his fall. Because Man was created perfect and trichotomous and did not have an Sin Nature, Satan had to directly attack the Soul Essence of Man with 4 strategic Attacks against:


▪ To move man to reject the Love and Grace of God and the Judicial activities of God including any Divine Discipline.

Satan had to persuade by deception the Woman by stimulating her developing Arrogance to take of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and then used the woman to persuade the man.

This persuasion of the man occurred as a result of the influence of her newly acquired knowledge of Good and EVIL on the Soul of Adam.


▪ To cause man to think in terms of satanic doctrines from his policy and plan of EVIL

instead of GRACE.

Through rationalism, empiricism and the presentation of the false doctrines of Evil which when accepted by the believer result in ERASING any and all Metabolized

Bible Doctrine from the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and replacing it with the doctrines of Demons, the Principles of EVIL of the Plan of Satan.


▪ To prevent the individual from being able to distinguish between Good Emotion which responds to Divine Good or Divine Viewpoint thought and BAD emotion which responds to Human Good or Evil Influence in thinking.

This is motivated by the influence of Evil resulting in the believer entering into

reversionism as a result of rejection of the Absolute Truths of Bible Doctrine and developing an Emotional Revolt of the Soul whereby the Emotion takes over control of the soul rather than responding to the properly functioning mentality of the soul containing Metabolized Bible Doctrine.

Self Consciousness

▪ Through the motivation from Self Pity Arrogance or Self Righteous Arrogance thus entering Satan’s plan and functioning in it within the The Interlocking System of


rrogance , Cosmic Dynasphere I.

Self Pity, feeling persecuted, feeling sorry for self, etc. when under pressure.

Self Righteousness feeling superior to others and right about everything when

under successes.

▪ The obvious antidote to this found in spiritual growth to the point of Spiritual Self Esteem in Spiritual Young Adulthood.


he Primary Satanic Offensive Strategy

Therefore, the primary satanic strategy for winning the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial is to interfere with the volition of the believer in order to hinder or distract him from execution of the Protocol Plan of God. In the Church Age, this includes any attempted mechanism which can result in DISTRACTION of the believer from consistent daily Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine. This strategy involves distraction of the believer from any of the proper functions under post salvation epistemological rehabilitation including: Interfering with the Filling of God the Holy Spirit

This would include temptation motivated from the lust patterns of the Old Sin Nature to produce either Sin or Human Good. In both cases this would prevent effective function of the Grace Apparatus for Perception, Operation Z thus effectively preventing consistent metabolization of Bible Doctrine, the key to fulfilling the Christian Way of Life.

I n

terfering with P

ositive V


V lition toward Bible Doctrine

This would include rejecting both the teaching of and content of Bible Doctrine and could occur as distractions resulting from entertainment or social life or even business life where the believer decides for these things and against regular Bible Doctrine study.

Focusing the believer’s attention off the Doctrine message

The believer thus turns his focus onto the personality of the pastor teacher thus involving him in the Satanic Interlocking System of Arrogance. This results in “Church Hopping” as a means to find a pastor whose personality one likes and is totally unacceptable and off base and when the believer finds a Pastor Teacher who is teaching Bible Doctrine in an expository manner he MUST stay with that Pastor Teacher, ignoring his personality and focusing on his MESSAGE.

Interfering with the FA

F ITH portion of the Operation Z

Interference with the Grace Apparatus for Perception can result from the stimulation of rationalism or empiricism in the thinking of the believer under the Influence of Evil. This prevents FAITH acceptance of the Bible Doctrine learned and residing in the Left Lobe of the Soul thus preventing metabolization of Bible Doctrine and moving it into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul where it is available for application to life. This results in Bible Doctrine which is heard, understood and learned but Bible Doctrine which is ONLY

academic and never spiritual because of lack of FAITH PERCEPTION or ACCEPTANCE of the Bible Doctrine taught. This is Bible Doctrine which is (gr) ‘GNOSIS’ or Academic information, moved by God the Holy Spirit, after he teaches the Human Spirit, into the Left Lobe of the Soul. However, this is NOT ACCEPTED by the believer by the use of FAITH, his nonmeritorious VOLITION, and therefore not transferred to the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul as (gr) ‘EPIGNOSIS’ or metabolized Bible Doctrine. This is consequently NOT available for application to situations and circumstances in life. This is where controversy arises over Bible Doctrine principles regarding the ACADEMIC


I n

terfering with the circulation of Me

tabolized Bible Doctrine

Metabolized Bible Doctrine circulates throughout the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and molds or modifies the content of the soul. This interference is accomplished by preventing believers from being aware of the structure of their Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and the soul altering

functions of moving Metabolized Bible Doctrine into their Frame of Reference, Norms and Standards, Vocabulary, Categorical Storage and Memory Centers, etc.

Interfering with one’s personal control over his Old Sin Nature

Any mechanism which can prevent the believer from maintaining the consistent Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit is effective in this function. This is often caused, through the influence of Evil, resulting in his rejection of the need for consistent use of the R


bound P

r ocedure and

consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine.

This prevents spiritual advance but also prevents removal of the garbage from the subconscious of his soul. This is the result of the ever present Influence of Evil from the myriad of outside sources which results in stimulation of the Lust Patterns of the Old Sin Nature which cause active functions of temptation arising from the Old Sin Nature bringing Mental Attitude, Verbal or Overt sinning or the dead works production of Human Good Deeds.

The human soul takes in information and puts out information and is similar in its function of the lungs with their intake of Oxygen and output of Carbon Dioxide. Since the soul contains knowledge, (Prov 19:2) it is therefore, subject to attack by Satan. (Matt 10:28, E

ph 4:1 7

- 2

0 ) Therefore,

the soul is the battle ground for Phase II of the Plan of God in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial. (Ps 143) Thus, any spiritual growth or victory, any success as a believer, IS RELATED ONLY TO THE

SOUL, and the greatest thing which could happen for the believer is for him to accumulate a maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into his soul. Therefore, for the believer the true singular issue in the Spiritual Life and with regard to spiritual growth is the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine which is the only means of being victorious on the battle ground of the SOUL.


he Purpose of Satanic Strategies

Satan uses these strategies wherever and whenever possible to provide DISTRACTIONS to the believer’s advancement in the Spiritual Life because ALL elect and fal en angels watch to observe what the individual believer wil do with his own volition. (Luke 15:7-10, 1Cor 4:9, Eph 3:10, 1Pet

1:12, 1Tim 3:16, 1Tim 5:21) Fallen angels especially, since it has been clearly pointed out to them that THEY have failed in the proper use of their own volition by choosing the EVIL Plan of Satan over the GRACE Plan of God. Bible Doctrine, as the only means of successfully completing the execution of the Protocol Plan of God, is so very important that Satan’s strategies focus on providing distractions for the believer to prevent him from making Bible Doctrine Priority #1 in his life. Satan attempts to keep the believer from being consistent in the functions of Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and Grace Apparatus for Perception. This apparently involves minor levels of distraction until the believer reaches Spiritual Young Adulthood which is the status of Spiritual Self Esteem and there develops a Personal Sense of Destiny. Then, the distractions increase dramatically until they reach a maximum level while crossing the “No Man’s Land” of Intermediate Spiritual Maturity.


he R

eality of Satan’s Offensive Against Mankind

Every believer should understand that the FACT that Satan has a Table of Organization & Equipment, (TOE) (Eph 6:12) and since this organization is delineated in the Word of God, means he is ready to and in fact already engaged in ATTACKING the Human Race. Satan, being vastly superior to human beings, can very easily take advantage of members of the Human Race (2Cor 2:11) having already succeeded in manipulating and influencing

⅓ of the FAR SUPERIOR angelic races. He is the greatest

creature ever to have come from the hand of God and will easily influence through his system of EVIL every human unless the believer understands his strategies and why believers remain here in this life. From the creation of Ish and Ishah in the garden, Satan has planned and continues to be executing OFFENSIVE action against the Human Race, especially against believers.


efensive Action of the Believer

The Defensive action mandated by God (E

ph 6:1 0


7 ) on the part of the believer demands:

Dependence on the Lord and the Wal of Fire protection provided by God for al believers because Satan has far greater power than any human being.

Reliance on the Forward Line of Troops being progressively developed and deployed in the believer’s soul.

▪ This is formed by the 1

0 P

roblem Solving Devices , Spiritual Mechanics of the 4


piritual Skills , the Edification Complex of the Soul and developing and maintaining residence in the Divine Dynasphere.

▪ This al ows the consistent application of Bible Doctrine to the believer’s life, the actual reason the believer is kept on this earth.

Mandates to believers for defensive action are found in:


ph 4:27 , “Do not give place to the devil” meaning while we stand fast we must NOT let him move us from our DEFENSIVE position and also NOT give him opportunity to attack.


ph 6:13 , “pick up and put on the full armor from God that you may always be able to hold your ground against the devil in the Evil Day”.


mes 4:7 , Hold your ground against the devil and He wil flee from you”


Pet 5:8-9 , Attain Spiritual Self Esteem, be alert your enemy the Devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. Hold your ground against him, standing firm in Bible Doctrine.


John 4:4 , “Greater is he in you than he who is in the world”.


atan’s Offensive Action In Human Hi


The Sovereignty of God and Free Wil , the Volition, of man coexist in Human History BY DIVINE

DECREE because the Human Race was DESIGNED to duplicate the function of Free Will, the Volition, which the angels possessed when Satan began his revolution against God. Satan learned in the revolution of the prehistoric Angelic Conflict (Is 14:14) that he cannot attack the Sovereignty of God, the Volition, of God, which is incorruptible as is all the Essence of God. Therefore, since Satan cannot attack God’s Volition or Sovereignty, and because he has already manipulated and influenced ⅓ of all angelic creation with his plan of EVIL and because man was created and placed in time, in Human History, to resolve the Angelic Conflict, Satan can ONLY attack the weak point in this Appeal trial, Human Volition. Satan, being a super genius angelic creature, during the Prehistoric Angelic Conflict, did attack the volition of Angelic creatures and he was VERY successful considering that ⅓

of all angels CHOSE to fol ow him instead of God. (Rev 12:4) He learned then that he could successfully attack the volition of creatures and was even very successful at it. He learned that his most effective plan, EVIL, which is derived from his ARROGANCE, would be to attack God through his creatures so that in the Appeal portion of the Angelic Conflict Trial during Human History, Satan is attacking GOD through the volition of Human Beings which were specifically designed to be witnesses in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial.

Satan’s Initial Attack on the volition of the Human Race was in the garden against Ishah. Being inferior to Angelic Creatures Ish and Ishah were the initial targets of Satan in his attempt to Win his Appeal of his Angelic Conflict Trial Judgment. (Matt 25:41) Ish and Ishah both lacked an Old Sin Nature therefore Satan had to directly approach the original parents using great subtlety in his attempt to deceive and win them to his plan. He approached the woman by preying on her developing Arrogance. The woman was chosen for his attack because she had been put, under the Plan of God, in subordination to the Man. Therefore, by attacking the woman he could get the man to CHOOSE for and not be forced to accept Good and Evil, because he was supposed to be the one in control or command. Obviously, if Satan had attacked the Man’s volition the man could then have

forced the woman, who was subordinate to him, to follow Good and Evil with the result of Satan thus losing the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial by not having human volition reject the Plan of God.


atan’s Offensive Strategies

The attacks of Satan’s offensive strategies are directed total y against the Human Race and primarily against Human Volition to corrupt or distract it at 2 critical points: T

he Issue of The Gospel of Christ

This is as an attack against the volition of the unbeliever at the point of Gospel Hearing where Satan tries to obscure the concepts of the Gospel truth and corrupt faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone as a necessity for salvation.

▪ He has developed systems of religion in which the works of man replace the function and mechanics of the Grace of God. (2Cor 4:3-4)

▪ He tries to take the emphasis from Christ by using these systems of religion which are systems for man to work to gain approbation from God. (2Cor 4:4)

This is an attack on the function of human volition needed for Nonmeritorious FAITH

expressed toward the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross by distracting or deceiving man.

Satan’s Main Objective here is to cause mankind to think he must work for his own salvation in this great attack of “FAITH – PLUS” as a requirement for Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God in many varied categories.

▪ Satan is extremely powerful and has phenomenal ability as a distractor, being able to blind the thinking of the unbeliever by the Influence of EVIL through the Doctrines of Demons, however he does it ONLY by gaining cooperation from these unbelievers by deceiving them into using their volition for his mechanisms, just like he did with Ishah in the garden.

However, if the individual’s volition is strong and supported in the believer by Bible Doctrine he can easily block and eliminate the influence of Evil and even in the unbeliever if the volition at the point of God Consciousness is strongly positive toward wanting to know about God that person wil never depart this life without receiving the information of the Gospel of Christ.


he Issue of Bible Doctrine

This is as an attack against the volition of the believer where Satan has developed systems of religion and legalism to distort the absolute truths of Bible Doctrine.

▪ His objective is to obscure the importance and necessity for accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. As a result many believers show absolutely NO interest in consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and thus make absolutely NO progress in the Spiritual Life.

In the life of the believer one of the most difficult things in functioning in the Christian Way of Life is for the believer to come to the realization that nothing in life is as important as Bible Doctrine which must have Priority #1 in his life.

▪ By neutralizing the importance of Bible Doctrine in the life of the believer, he is then hindered by his own volition from ever executing the Protocol Plan of God.

▪ These distortions of Bible Doctrine are accomplished by means of:

▪ False and Distorted interpretation of scripture

▪ Legalism and Tabooism in place of GRACE

▪ Distractions by Life in the Cosmic Dynaspheres

▪ Presentation of False Scales of Values

▪ Requiring Human Viewpoint Cosmic Dynasphere thinking

▪ Therefore, by the neutralizing of the importance of Bible Doctrine Satan hinders or prevents the believer from progressing in the Spiritual Life and therefore causes him to fail to execute the Protocol Plan of God.

Satan accomplishes all of these things through the all encompassing, completely permeating, Human Viewpoint thinking resulting from the influence of his ruling policy, EVIL, on the souls of both the believer and unbeliever, thereby providing opportunity to engage the operation of the entire functional ability of the Old Sin Nature for his attacks. These attacks began immediately after the FALL of man when he sinned and acquired his own Old Sin Nature and wil continue until the END of Human History when the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial is finally and completely resolved.


alvation Adjustment to the J ustice of God

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God is Phase I of the Plan of God for the believer and making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through faith alone in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone is entrance into that Plan. 2 things must occur for the individual to be “saved” and able to live with God in eternity. (John 3:16, 3:36) God the Holy Spirit must create or “regenerate” the Human Spirit, called being “Born Again”, (John 3:1-12) which was lost by mankind during the failure of Ishah and Ish in the Garden of Eden as a result of what is known as

‘Adam's Original Sin’. This resulted in their “spiritual death”. (Rom 5:12) God the Father then must impute to this regenerated Human Spirit, Human Spirit Life, Life for Eternal Living or what is known as Eternal Life, to enable this new believer to live with God in Eternity. It is extremely important for believers to understand that at the very moment of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through faith ALONE in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ ALONE the new believer is COMPLETELY and TOTALLY ready and QUALIFIED to live with God in eternity and NOTHING CAN

CHANGE THIS. This is ETERNAL SECURITY. In this dispensation of the Church Age, as a result of God the Holy Spirit, at the moment of Salvation, placing the believer into union with The Lord Jesus, The Christ under both retroactive and current positional truth, the new believers also SHARE the Life for Eternal Living or the Eternal Life of Christ as part of the Royal Family of God. This action of God the Holy Spirit referred to as the Baptism of God the Holy Spirit IDENTIFIES the believer with The Lord Jesus, The Christ in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death and also in his Resurrection, Ascension and Session with God the father. Therefore, expression by an individual of FAITH in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ without any additions or subtractions PERMANENTLY

resolves the issue of Eternal Salvation for that individual FOREVER.

Matt 1:21 says that Jesus would be the one who would save his people from THE ULTIMATE SOURCE

OF THEIR SINS which technically is the genetically formed Old Sin Nature:

The Area of weakness of the Old Sin Nature is the ultimate source of temptation to Sin.

Area of Strength of the Old Sin Nature is the ultimate source of temptation to produce Human Good.

The Lord Jesus, The Christ in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross saves all people from the ultimate source of SIN ie. the Temptations from the Area of weakness of the Old Sin Nature.

This implies that the entire concept of sin was not supposed to be part of the Testing situation for which man was created, the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial. The fall of man which produced the genetic distortion resulting in the formation of the Old Sin Nature and it having an area of weakness as the producer of TE


IN was most likely not at al anticipated by Satan. It was most

likely, only the Area of Strength as the producer of T

emptation to PRODUCE Hu

man Good as part of

PRODUCTION under the Plan of Satan known as EVIL which he was focused on. The Lord Jesus, The Christ, during his Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross, rejected ALL Human Good Production, which temptation is produced by the Area of Strength of the Old Sin Nature, BECAUSE IT IS PART OF



AN OF SATAN to rule mankind. The Lord Jesus, The Christ in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross for al human sins resulted in the permanent removal of SIN for having any impact on the resolution of the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trail. This retained the issue in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial of man choosing the Plan of God, GRACE vs the Plan of Satan, EVIL and Divine Good vs Human Good as his production.


uman Good vs D

ivine Good

An understanding of the Last or Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20:12-15) demonstrates that the basis of the indictment and judgment of the unbeliever is according to their WORKS, their Human Good production. (Heb 6:1) The Old Sin Nature in its area of weakness produces temptation to sin under the influence of evil. This sin was judged by God the Father in the humanity of Christ on the cross to remove Sin as an issue in the resolution of the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial but ALL

Human Good as, production under Evil, was rejected by Christ. In the garden the prohibition for Ish and Ishah was to not become involved with G

OOD and E

VIL of which knowledge they had no need.

At the last judgment the unbeliever, as the only creature present for judgment, has his Human Good Production compared with the Divine Good of the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross for all human sin. At this judgment by The Lord Jesus, The Christ the Unbeliever and his Human Good are wrapped into 1 package because he rejected the Divine Good of Christ’s Substitutionary Spiritual Death and both the Unbeliever and all his Human Good are tossed into the Lake of Fire. The believer, at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ, after the resurrection or rapture of the church, is not evaluated based on his SINS nor his “GOOD DEEDS” in life but on the basis of the Divine Good production of his spiritual life and al the Human Good he has produced in his life is burned up, yet he is saved. At the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ the OER (Officers Efficiency Rating) of the believer results in al HIS Human Good being wrapped in a package and burned by Fire.

(Rom 14:10; 1 Cor 3:13-15) (I like to imagine that it wil be used to stoke and increase the heat of the Lake of Fire). However, as a believer, he is thus separated from his Human Good. (1Cor

3:15) It seems logical to speculate that al Human Good should go where its author, Satan, goes, BECAUSE IT IS PART OF HIS PLAN AND POLICY TO MAKE A UTOPIAN WORLD PRIOR TO THE

MILLENNIUM and thus is totally unacceptable to God, but this is speculation only. The unbeliever who chooses to reject The Lord Jesus, The Christ must stand on his own personal Human Good production of his lifetime having rejected the Divine Good production of Christ and therefore he must remain with his Human Good forever in the Lake of Fire. All Human Good, whether from believer or unbeliever, is relegated to BURN and NO Human Good has been judged BECAUSE IT IS THE

PRODUCTION OF THE PLAN OF SATAN to rule first angelic creatures in Eternity Past and now Humans in his Appeal of the Angelic Conflict Trial Judgment. Therefore it should be plainly obvious that Human Good, the efforts and good deeds of man, cannot be accepted for production in the Plan of God. Human Good production of the unbeliever, as production OUTSIDE the Plan of God and within the Plan of Satan, WILL BE JUDGED at the Great White Throne Judgment, and wrapped into a package with the unbeliever and al of it wil be thrown into the Lake of Fire with the fal en angels.

(Rev 20:10-15).

The Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial test for man is, therefore, to choose between the Plan of Satan vs the Plan of God and between Human Good production under Evil vs Divine Good production under Grace. The problem was that SIN clouded the issue of the Plan of Satan vs the Plan of God. SIN was not part of the Plan of God and God can have nothing to do with sin because sin causes Spiritual Death resulting in total separation from God. Sin is also not part of the Plan of Satan which is clearly described as EVIL whose production is Human Good NOT SIN. (Gen 2:9, 2:17) The Lord Jesus, The Christ in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death completely paid in full the penalty for all human sins under the principles of unlimited atonement, but, he had to reject Human Good to keep the Angelic Conflict issue clear. Therefore, the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ totally removed sin as an issue for mankind and the person who accepts this Substitutionary Spiritual Death thus is

choosing ENTRANCE into the Plan of God and rejection of the Plan of Satan. Punishment has not been carried out against Human Good, Unbelievers, Satan and Fallen Angels to this point and as the result of Sin already being judged, sin therefore cannot be part of the Plan of Satan and definitely is not part of the Plan of God. Sin therefore has been made inconsequential in the Plan of God except for the result of it taking the believer OUT of the Plan of God and requiring the use of the Rebound Procedure to recover from it and regain his spirituality or Spiritual Life.

Believers must be clear in the understanding that Human Good is rejected BECAUSE IT IS THE







D. Therefore, at NO POINT in time or in eternity

would or could God ever al ow Human Good production to be the means of glorifying him.

Therefore, Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God is through faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ that is in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross ALONE with no Human Good deeds or effort added to it and this is CHOOSING for or ENTRANCE into the Plan of God.

In Phase II of the Plan of God for the believer the power and primary operational asset for the Spiritual Life is the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and when the believer operates under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit his PRODUCTION is Divine Good which is acceptable to God and effective as a means to glorify God. In Phase II of the Plan of God for the believer who rejects the primary power asset of the Filling of God the Holy Spirit by al owing the Old Sin Nature to control his life, the motivation from his lusts result in the production of Sin or Human Good both which are total y rejected by God. Therefore, the Lord Jesus, The Christ by enduring a Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross solved the ENTIRE PROBLEM of the Old Sin Nature and removed SIN as an issue in the Angelic Conflict appeal test for mankind. This resulted in keeping the choice for man between the Plan of God vs the Plan of Satan, Divine Good Production and functioning under Grace vs Human Good production and functioning under EVIL. BELIEVERS MUST WAKE UP AND REALIZE THAT





DOCTRINE. Therefore, there are 2 sides to salvation:

Sin is not an issue having been paid for by Christ

Human Good is an issue and MUST REMAIN an issue having been rejected by Christ, until its judgment at the end of Human History and the ultimate resolving of the Angelic Conflict Appeal.







ALL Human Good is “dead works”, totally useless to the believer and totally rejected by God. (Heb

6:1) Within the believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ, in this Church Age, there resides the genetic Old Sin Nature and the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit and this constantly results in one of the great struggles of life within every believer.

When God the Holy Spirit controls the soul production is Divine Good

When the Old Sin Nature controls the soul production is Human Good.

The production, whether legitimate or illegitimate, whether good, bad or neutral, when the believer is carnal and his soul is under the control of the Old Sin Nature and influence of EVIL, is HUMAN

GOOD. Sin is truly not an issue for the believer and has been removed as an issue by the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross. Sin however puts the believer UNDER THE


HUMAN GOOD. When a believer, as a result of some innocuous or grievous mental, verbal or overt sin, lives under the control of the Old Sin Nature and the influence of Evil he is putting his production of Human Good up against the Human Good production of the unbeliever and these are equivalent productions. Therefore, instead of witnessing for Christ and representing Christ as ambassador on this earth and having impact in various ways as a Christian, there is only Human Good vs Human Good, all productions within the Plan of Satan under EVIL. In cases like this when a believer tries to witness to an unbeliever, the unbeliever looks at the believer’s production and compares it with his own and rejects Christianity because he sees his own production as better than that of the hypocritical Christian. It is only when God the Holy Spirit controls the soul under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit that there is then Divine Good production by the believer vs Human Good production by the unbeliever and the issue becomes crystal clear as the believer becomes a witness for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial. Human Good production is dead in the Plan of God and it cannot be efficacious for salvation nor for spirituality even if it involves legitimate functions.


it u

s 3:5 , Eph 2:8-9)

Therefore it becomes obvious that Human Good is not acceptable to God and in fact is condemned by God and it therefore cannot save man from an eternity in the Lake of Fire. (Is 64:6, Rom 8:8,

Eccl 12:14, 1Cor 3:12-15) It is his Human Good, in fact, which is the basis for the indictment of the unbeliever at the Great White Throne Judgment. (Rev 20:12-15) Here the unbeliever will be resurrected and stand before The Lord Jesus, The Christ where his SINS wil never be mentioned BECAUSE Christ received the imputation of and judgment for al sins paying with his Substitutionary Spiritual Death. Sins, therefore, cannot be mentioned at the last judgment because of Unlimited Atonement. The Lord Jesus, The Christ also rejected Human Good as the production from EVIL, the Plan of Satan, and the unbeliever chooses the Human Good he personally produces in life to be effective to provide him with eternal salvation. This Human Good is then compared to the Divine Good production of the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross.

This having removed sin as an issue in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial thus allows a clear choice between the Plan of God and Plan of Satan, AND THEREFORE THE UNBELIEVER’S HUMAN GOOD

PRODUCTION IS FOUND TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE FOR ETERNAL SALVATION. Therefore, at the Great White Throne Judgment the unbeliever wil be judged according to his Human Good production works in comparison to the Divine Good production work of the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross. As a result of this being found not efficacious for entrance into the Plan of God for eternity, it WILL result in his eternal condemnation to the Lake of Fire.


pirituality & R


In the Christian Way of Life it is imperative that the believer avoid the production of Human Good and become consistent in the production of Divine Good. In Christianity today at the very most 10%

of Christian activity is Divine Good production under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and 90%

minimum is production of Human Good under the control of the Old Sin Nature influenced by EVIL.

This exists as the status quo generally because the average Christian is totally IGNORANT about how

to gain and retain the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and thereby how to avoid Human Good production and engage in Divine Good production. Believers do not understand nor use 1John 1:9 and 1Cor

11:31 as the rebound procedure. Many substitutes have been established for this procedure including using taboos or morality in substitution for the simple acknowledging of sins to God and thereby claiming the forgiveness provided under the propitiation of God by the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross. In order to produce Divine Good and avoid Human Good production the believer must remain “spiritual”, that is constantly under the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit which can only occur with the consistent use of the Rebound procedure. (1John 1:9, 1Cor

11:31, Rev 3:19, 2Tim 2:25, Eph 4:22, Heb 9:12-15, Heb 12:11-15, James 1:21, Phil 3:13,

Jer 3:13, Lev 4, Prov 28:13, Ps 32:5, Ps 38:18, Ps 51:1-4, Rom 12:1, Rom 6:12-13)


esults of S

alvation Adjustment to the Ju

stice of God

At the instant of the expression of faith alone, in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ, ALONE, the believer receives 39 irrevocable assets and the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit (Problem Solving Device #2, F

oundation of the E

dification Complex of the Soul

and Gate #1 of the Divine Dynasphere) and is personal y and totally prepared for eternity and nothing and no one can change this. What happens between Phase I of the Plan of God, Salvation, and Phase III of the Plan of God, the life of the Believer in Eternity with God, is Phase II of the Plan of God the life of the believer in time. This should be based on the perspective of life derived from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine known as Divine Viewpoint.

During the 9 months of pregnancy the human body is formed in the uterus of the mother and it has many mechanical functions and harbors the Old Sin Nature genetical y as part of its structure. This human body is not a person and there is no human life in this body simply the mechanical functions of biological life and the inactive Sin Nature. ONLY at physical birth is Soul Life imputed to the format soul in this fetus directly by God and this combined with the biological life of the fetus forms human life. It is ONLY at physical birth that this biological life becomes a human being and an embryo or fetus is not a human being because it takes the imputation of Soul Life from God, which ONLY OCCURS at physical birth, to make the fetus a person with human life. In the corrupted human body genetics there is the Sin Nature produced as a result of the Fall of Ish (Adam) in the garden.

This fal basically kil ed Adam’s Human Spirit so that al humans born into this life are absent the Human Spirit. Therefore, when the person is born physical y alive he is also spiritually dead and completely helpless and unable to initiate a relationship with God, nor in fact can he even understand spiritual phenomenon. As a result of the presence of the genetic Sin Nature and lack of a Human Spirit this new born infant is unqualified and therefore unable to receive the imputation of SPIRIT or ETERNAL LIFE.

Most of the true perspective of life deals with the INNER life and thus the REAL you, your SOUL.

This is the PERSON you truly are and it is based on what you think and then demonstrated to the world by what you say and do. At the instant of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God the new believer receives, as a part of the GRACE ministry of God the Holy Spirit, “regeneration”, the 2nd birth, often called being “Born Again” (John 3:1-12), where the SOUL and BODY have a newly created Human Spirit added to them by God the Holy Spirit. Thus, among the 39 irrevocable

assets provided by God at the point of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, the new believer, who is a human being with human life having a human body with Biological Life and a human soul with everlasting soul life receives a Human Spirit and receives Eternal Life imputed to it. In addition, in this dispensation of the Church Age, God the Holy Spirit is to indwell the believer’s body to offset or counter the influence of his genetic Sin Nature in this intensified stage of the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial. At the very point of making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone, the Human Soul and Human Spirit are completely saved for eternal life with God. At the Physical Death of this Christian the BODY is separated from the HUMAN SOUL and HUMAN SPIRIT and these go to be in the presence of or face to face with the Lord. (2Cor 5:6) The body ceases to function mechanically and will decay, be buried or burned etc., however, the real person is the SOUL, inseparably united with the Human Spirit, which continue to live forever because, at physical birth, the Life which was imputed to the format soul by God himself

is noncancelable and the Eternal Life imputed at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God is as well and nothing can cancel what God has given. Also, at the point of the resurrection of believers, at the end of the Church Age, after the rapture of the Church Age Royal Family of God, the Human Soul and Human Spirit receive a new Resurrection Body in which they will reside in eternity with God forever.

All the thoughts and therefore al the decisions and actions in the life of a believer start within the soul where the emotion is designed to appreciate the content of the soul and the Norms and Standards and Frame of Reference are what are designed to guide the functions of the individual.

The Sin Nature, as a genetic part of the human body, constantly attempts, through its internal lust patterns driven by the external influence of EVIL, to distort the soul and override the mentality of the Right Lobe and al ow emotion to rule the soul under that influence of Evil. The believer must understand that the REAL PERSON is in the soul and therefore the proper perspective of life is to be found and resides IN THE SOUL. This must be developed and sustained by consistent daily Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine to enable the believer to continual y progress in the Spiritual Life and be able to ultimately Glorify God.


he Believer’s Options

It is therefore the OPTION and the PURPOSE of every believer to choose to function under the provisions of the GRACE Plan of God or the EVIL Plan of Satan. He can CHOOSE TO or NOT TO build an Edification Complex of the Soul from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. He can CHOOSE TO or NOT TO reside in the power system of God the Divine Dynasphere and resist or oppose the power systems of Satan, the Cosmic Dynaspheres. He can CHOOSE TO or NOT TO develop the 10 Problem Solving Devices designed by God as solutions for al situations in his life and to deploy them onto the Forward Line of Troops of his own soul to Stand Fast against the attacks of Satan. The believer can therefore choose to function by means of the 4 Spiritual Mechanics of the Spiritual Skills designed by God and thereby engage in the consistent use of the 2 spiritual P


wer O


ions OR NOT! These power options for

the Spiritual Life are the 1st two Spiritual Skills of the Spiritual Life including the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit (Problem Solving Device #2, F

oundation of the E

dification Complex of the Soul

and Gate #1 of the Divine Dynasphere) and consistency in the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine (Problem Solving Device #5, Gate #4 of the

Divine Dynasphere, the 2


Floor of the E

dification Complex of the Soul). The consistent use

of these 2 Spiritual Skil s ultimately results in the development of the 3rd Spiritual Mechanic of the Spiritual Skills the formation and deployment of the 1

0 P

roblem Solving Devices . This, in

essence, establishes a doctrinal command post in the believer’s soul which provides the motivation and momentum for the believer to complete Execution of the Spiritual Life which is the 4th Spiritual Mechanic of the Spiritual Skil s. These options in the Plan of God are designed to provide the believer the means to handle every exigency in his life. The believer can thus handle prosperity or adversity without allowing either to become stress in the soul and he can also prevent or offset the influence of Evil from the Cosmic Dynaspheres constantly attempting to influence the soul. The development of the Edification Complex of the Soul and the 10 Problem Solving Devices, the maintaining of residence within the Divine Dynasphere and the increased function under the 4

Spiritual Mechanics of the Spiritual Skills comes as PROGRESSIVE development in the Spiritual Life.

This progress begins with Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God at Spiritual Infancy and

advances to the Spiritual Maturity of Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. However, this requires absolute consistency in the function of the 2nd Spiritual Skil the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and ultimate application of Bible Doctrine in the life of the believer. It is by this means, and this means alone, that the believer can move toward Spiritual Self Esteem the first stage of spiritual adulthood. He can then progress to Spiritual Autonomy in stages 2 and 3 of spiritual adulthood and eventually reach Spiritual Maturity where he stil has an option of progression through the 3 stages of Spiritual Maturity to Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. Here he wil reach the pinnacle of the Spiritual Life.

However, instead, the believer can also CHOOSE to function under EVIL, the Plan of Satan and maintain his residence and continued operation within the Cosmic Dynaspheres. The Cosmic Dynaspheres include the In

terlocking System of A

rrogance and the Interlocking System of

Hatred. The Interlocking System of Arrogance was originally described and delineated by Pastor R.

B. Thieme Jr. as having 26 entry points leading to entanglement within this interlocking system of total soul arrogance. This Interlocking System of Arrogance was originated by Satan himself when he decided he could “Be like the most high God”. (Is


4:12-14 ) It was ultimately, also the source of

the plan and policy of Satan, EVIL, to rule first angelic creation and, when his appeal during the Angelic Conflict Trial was granted, the Human Race on this earth. In the review and consolidation of Arrogance concepts, researched from over 25 years of notes taken from Pastor Thieme’s lessons, I had discovered that there were MANY more entrances into the Interlocking System of Arrogance and have attempted to consolidate them into one document. T

he In

terlocking System of


rrogance . (This is most assuredly NOT the place for a detailed discussion of that material and I refer you to the document found at the link above.) If, and inevitably when, the believer persists in his residence in and his function under the principles of the Interlocking System of Arrogance, he is constantly in REJECTION OF GOD, His GRACE, His Bible Doctrine and his Plan. In this persistent rejection of God and Bible Doctrine the believer may find himself drifting into and functioning under the Interlocking System of Hatred, where the intensity of the levels of his Arrogance within the Interlocking System of Arrogance are dramatical y increased to the point of the believer becoming Antagonistic to and HATING God and Bible Doctrine and literal y becoming an Enemy of God. This results from the believer entering, at some point in his spiritual life, the 8


t ages of



versionism . Under these conditions, he inevitably progresses through these stages to the point of no longer being useful as a witness for the prosecution (GOD) in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial.

He is therefore taken out of this life by God with a final sweeping Divine Discipline, for his consistency in remaining OUTSIDE the Plan of God, which results in the absolute most miserable demise imaginable; “AND THERE IS A SIN UNTO DEATH” (Acts 5:1-10; 1

J o

hn 5:16-17 ).

For more information on the Interlocking System of Arrogance or Cosmic Dynasphere #1 I refer you to T

he In

terlocking System of A

rrogance or R. B. Thieme Jr. Bible Ministries.

Below is a short outline of the entrance gates into both the Interlocking System of Arrogance, Cosmic Dynasphere I and the Interlocking System of Hatred, Cosmic Dynasphere #2, for reference only. More detailed information can be acquired from R. B. Thieme Jr. Bible Ministries.


ntrance Gates of the Interlocking System of Hatred

Gate I

The Hatred of Negative Volition

Gate II

The Hatred of Cosmic Degeneration

Gate III

The Hatred of Anti-Establishment

Gate IV

The Hatred of Religion

Gate V

The Hatred of Demonism

Gate VI

The Hatred of Anthropocentric Academic Speculation

Gate VII

The Hatred of the Old Sin Nature


The Hatred of EVIL


ntrance Gates of the Interlocking System of A


Gate #1 - Angelic Arrogance

Gate #39 – Egocentric Arrogance

Gate #2: - Mental Attitude Arrogance-Pride

Gate #40 – Arrogance of Inflexibility

Gate #3: - Negative Volition Arrogance

Gate #41 – Arrogance of Inordinate Grief

Gate #4: - Impulsive Arrogance

Gate #42 – Demand Syndrome Arrogance

Gate #5: - Institutional Arrogance

Gate #43 – Power Lust Arrogance

Gate #6: - Blind Arrogance

Gate #44 – The Arrogance of the Public LIE

Gate #7: - Conspiratorial Arrogance

Gate #45 – Martyrdom Arrogance

Gate #8: - Criminal Arrogance

Gate #46 – Arrogance Skills

Gate #9: - Crusader Arrogance

Gate #47 – Misapplied Virtue Arrogance

Gate #10: - Psychopathic Arrogance

Gate #48 – Public Opinion Arrogance

Gate #11: - Sexual Arrogance

Gate #49 – Personal Opinion Arrogance

Gate #12 - Genetic Arrogance

Gate #50 – Arrogance of Idolatry

Gate #13 - Political Arrogance

Gate #51 – Rebound or Repentance Arrogance

Gate #14 - Client Nation-National Arrogance

Gate #52 – Arrogance of Self Righteousness

Gate #15 - Authority Arrogance

Gate #53 – Self Vindication Arrogance

Gate #16 - Alcoholic and Hangover Arrogance

Gate #54 – Self Pity Arrogance

Gate #17 - Personality Arrogance

Gate #55 – Arrogance of Ingratitude

Gate #18 - Possession Arrogance

Gate #56 – Retaliation & Revenge Arrogance

Gate #19 - Scale of Values Arrogance

Gate #57 – Equality Arrogance

Gate #20 - Arrogance of Ignorance

Gate #58 – Arrogance of Condemnation

Gate #21 - Arrogance of Unhappiness

Gate #59 – Sincerity and Desire Arrogance

Gate #22 - Iconoclastic Arrogance

Gate #60 – Arrogance of Hypersensitivity

Gate #23 - Role Model Arrogance

Gate #61 – Arrogance of Religion

Gate #24 - Disenchantment Arrogance

Gate #62 – Arrogance of Denominationalism

Gate #25 - Arrogance of Morality

Gate #63 – Arrogance of Murder

Gate #26 - The Arrogance of Emotion

Gate #64 – Arrogance of Approbation

Gate #27 - Antisemitism Arrogance

Gate #65 – Arrogance of Regret

Gate #28 - Pseudo Generosity Arrogance

Gate #66 – Arrogance of Guilt

Gate #29 - Christian Service Arrogance

Gate #67 – Arrogance of Shame

Gate #30 - Discouragement Arrogance

Gate #68 – Ambition & Competition Arrogance

Gate #31 - Arrogance of Lust

Gate #69 – Arrogance of Insecurity

Gate #32 - Pseudo Intellectual Arrogance

Gate #70 – Dormant Faculty Arrogance

Gate #33 – Pseudo Love Arrogance

Gate #71 – Arrogance of Seduction

Gate #34 – Suicidal Arrogance

Gate #72 – Self Indulgent Arrogance

Gate #35 – Unrealistic Expectation Arrogance

Gate #73 – Revolutionary Arrogance

Gate #36 – Legalistic Arrogance

Gate #74 – Prayer Arrogance

Gate #37 – Evil Obsession Arrogance

Gate #75 – Inversion Arrogance

Gate #38 – Arrogance of Bitterness


0 Stages of the S

piritual Life

The Spiritual Life for the believer has many stages flowing from Spiritual Infancy, at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, al the way to Advanced Spiritual Maturity, at Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, which is the pinnacle of the Spiritual Life and ultimate goal of every believer. I have chosen, based on the many factors of spiritual development in the realm of inculcation of spiritual knowledge and acquisition of Problem Solution abilities, to break the Spiritual Life into 10 stages, similar to what occurs in the physical life of every individual. The SUCCESSIVE

development of these PROGRESSIVE stages REQUIRE from the believer, dedication to the fundamental duty in the Spiritual Life of consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. This Bible Doctrine must be taught to the believer by a qualified, prepared Pastor Teacher presenting expository teaching by using an Isogogic, Categorical and Exegetical approach to the original languages of the scripture. God, according to his own plan, is OBLIGATED to provide the necessary assets for the life of the believer, who is in fact in this Church Age a member of his Royal Family, to enable the positive believer to make these progressive advances in his Spiritual Life IF HE CHOOSES TO DO SO. These assets are always available for each and every believer but, the catch is, that the believer must CHOOSE to engage in the required consistency of learning the Bible Doctrines of the Plan of God in order to progress through the Spiritual Life. At each level of progress in the Spiritual Life new or more advanced assets in the form of Problem Solving Devices and Spiritual Skills become available to the believer. In addition, there are progressively increased blessings along with varied and increasingly intensive systems of testing of the biblical, doctrinal principles learned by that believer. This testing enhances both the benefits and blessings the believer receives and advances his momentum for growth in the Spiritual Life by his EXERCISING the Bible Doctrine he has previously metabolized into his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

However, neither the 1

0 P

roblem Solving Devices nor the essential Spiritual Skills are in place or able to function for the new infant believer nor is the Edification Complex of the Soul

developed nor is the new believer residing consistently withing the Divine Dynasphere the power system of God. The development of these spiritual factors requires significant time over the course of the 3 stages of Spiritual Youth and through 3 stages of Spiritual Adulthood to the point of Spiritual Maturity. The Spiritual Skil s include:

The consistent Filling of God the Holy Spirit

The consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine

The Progressive Development from Metabolized Bible Doctrine of 1

0 P

roblem Solving

Devices and Deployment of them onto the Forward Line of Troops, the defensive line of the soul

Execution of the Protocol Plan of God by reaching Ma

turity Adjustment to the Ju

stice of


These Spiritual Skills when developed, plus any production skil s an individual may possess, can result in the production of D


ine G


od as part of his Christian service. Unfortunately, believers engage in production which they believe is part of the Spiritual Life before they even understand that the formation of the Spiritual Skills is first required in order for the production to be of any eternal value to them. They function through production skills minus Spiritual Skills and this only can ever

result in Human Good or “dead works”, al resulting from the influence of Evil as production under the Plan of Satan.


stical G


Within the parameters of the Plan of God, God is REQUIRED to support the believer who is in the Plan of God but living in a world ruled under the Plan of Satan. God therefore provides LOGISTICAL

support from his GRACE plan and policy to enable the believer to have al the ASSETS he needs to move from Spiritual Infancy to Advanced Spiritual Maturity, IF HE CHOOSES TO DO SO. Believers are given, as part of the 39 assets for the Spiritual Life in time, the Absolute Righteousness of God, ½ of the Integrity or Holiness of God. The principle under the Essence of God and in the Plan of God is that what the Righteousness of God demands for the believer the Justice of God must execute under motivation from the PERSONAL LOVE of God. Therefore, for the believer to live in this world ruled by Satan and remain in the Plan of God and execute the Plan of God he must receive divine support else Satan would instantly remove him from this life upon the new believer making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. So from the Justice of God under motivation from the Love of God with the approval of the Righteousness of God comes the necessary sustaining provisions for the believer for the remainder of his al ocated lifetime. This is REQUIRED of God whether the believer is a winner, advancing believer or a loser, retrogressing, reversionistic believer. Logistical support also brings levels of blessing for both advancing winners AND

retrogressing loser believers alike and this, along with the provision of blessing by association with mature believers, explains why loser believers and even unbelievers often receive great blessings in their lifetime. However, the blessings for the advancing or retrogressing believer are far overshadowed by the phenomenal Escrow Super – Grace, Ultra Super – Grace and Surpassing –

Grace blessings available to the Mature Believer for his life in time and for al eternity.

The unbeliever may also be sustained in life as a result of the sovereignty and omniscience of God looking at what occurs in his thinking at the point of God Consciousness, when he realizes that God MUST exist. When the unbeliever is under Positive Volition toward God at God Consciousness then God must provide the pertinent Gospel information and a lifetime, long enough for him to be able to make a decision regarding the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ. When the unbeliever is under Negative Volition at God Consciousness then God uses this Wrath of Man to praise Him and the sovereignty of God may sustain this unbeliever so he can be used to test advancing believers and especially those in intermediate Spiritual Maturity crossing “No Man’s Land”. Logistical Grace provisions for the believer are not ever something which he can EARN or DESERVE but come to him as part of the GRACE plan and policy of God. Therefore, the Logistical Grace provisions which are motivated by the Love of God come from the Justice of God to the indwelling Righteousness of God and are judicial y imputed to every believer at the very instant of his making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. Consequently, ALL logistics in the believer’s life after Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God CANNOT ever be EARNED or DESERVED but are provided as a result of what was given to him at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God as a part of GRACE, the Righteousness of God.


he Stages of the S

piritual Life

Spiritual Infancy

Spiritual Childhood

Spiritual Adolescence

Spiritual Teen Age

Spiritual Young Adulthood – Basic Spiritual Adulthood

Spiritual Mid-Life Adulthood – Intermediate Spiritual Adulthood

Spiritual Senior Adulthood - Advanced Spiritual Adulthood

Basic Spiritual Maturity – Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God

Intermediate Spiritual Maturity – Pressurized Spiritual Maturity

Advanced Spiritual Maturity – Evidentiary Spiritual Maturity


ttempts to Prevent Spiritual Progression

Satan attacks ONLY Human Volition, never Divine Sovereignty (volition), and he does so through the functions of the Old Sin Nature by the influence of EVIL, his rulership plan. This stimulates the Lust Patterns of the Old Sin Nature to engage the trends of the Old Sin Nature to motivate the Area of Weakness for temptation to Sin. The influence of Evil on the Old Sin Nature may also stimulate the Lust Patterns to engage the trends of the Old Sin Nature to motivate the Area of Strength for temptation to the production of Human Good. This also occurs by means of the resurgence of GARBAGE from Human Viewpoint thinking which has been stored into the subconscious of the soul from the pressures and adversities and abuses in one’s life prior to Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. These both come as a result of influence from the Doctrines of Demons the principles of the Plan of Evil through the In

terlocking System of A

rrogance , Cosmic Dynasphere I, including Legalism, which is distorted morality resulting in the desire to solve al the problems of mankind apart from God.

The reality of the Christian Way of Life is that every believer is involved in intensified Spiritual Warfare and Spiritual Combat in this dispensation of the Church Age. However, the believer’s true spiritual combat is NOT in opposition to “Blood and Flesh” referring to People. (Eph 6:12) The true spiritual combat of the believer is against the strategies of Satan and his fol owers. Along these lines, the solutions to all the difficulties from the myriad of strategies of Satan against the individual believer, which are designed to prevent his spiritual progress, involve the circulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine within the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the believer’s Soul.

Therefore, believers are NOT in true spiritual combat with the Old Sin Nature functions of other people in life but only with Satan, Fallen angels and the Satanic Cosmic Dynaspheres. These are angelic forces, which are FAR superior to the abilities of any individual member of the Human Race.

Therefore, in the true spiritual combat believers are COMMANDED, MANDATED, to take only defensive action by remaining BEHIND the Forward Line of Troops in the Right Lobe of their Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This Forward Line of Troops is composed of the 1

0 P

roblem Solving

Devices, the Spiritual Skills and the Edification Complex of the Soul which are systematical y developed as the believer progressively advances in his Spiritual Life. This progressive development enables his consistent residence and function within the power system of God, the Divine

Dynasphere. This al ows GOD, Himself, to directly deal with Satan, his system and his followers.

However, when we encounter people and their antagonistic Old Sin Nature functions we are permitted to take the OFFENSIVE but ONLY against people. This offensive action involves using

Divine Viewpoint thinking and true Christian Service, such as witnessing, where the only issue presented is the absolute truth of the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel of Christ. This, of course, being THE ONLY MEANS OF MAKING Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. The Believer’s offensive

action is also progressive as he advances in the Spiritual Life and is therefore only toward human beings through the functions of his constantly developing production skil s of:



Active Spiritual Gifts

His Employment as full time Christian service.

His Ambassadorship representing Christ toward man

His Priesthood representing self toward God

By this means alone believers are to reach the souls of antagonistic believers and unbelievers with the absolute truth of the Gospel of Christ and content of Bible Doctrine and provide them with the potential for solutions to al satanic attacks which they will encounter. As a result of the true spiritual warfare combat being not against a visible enemy, ie other people, believers are therefore mandated to only use offensive action against these minor visible human ‘enemies’. However, believers are also mandated to be on the DEFENSIVE ONLY against the INVISIBLE enemy. (Eph 6:11-

17) Against the invisible enemies of Satan and all fal en angels the only thing believers are to do is develop, deploy and station themselves behind the 1

0 P

roblem Solving Devices , and the

Spiritual Skills, while consistently building up the Edification Complex of the Soul and maintaining stable residency in the Divine Dynasphere. The believer’s offensive action must be executed against the unbeliever because every human being, as an unbeliever, is under Spiritual Death thus is the enemy of God. It is, therefore, the believer’s duty to witness to him, to present The Lord Jesus, The Christ, as the only means of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and thereby enable his reconciliation with God. Also, believers who are consistently under Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine or who know nothing of the rebound procedure are perpetual y residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres and must be taught Bible Doctrine in order to extricate themselves from the Plan of Satan and serve in the Plan of God. Defensive action against Satan and his demonic attacks is mandated because the human being as a believer does not possess the capability of facing and combating the vastly superior abilities of these angelic creatures.

The equipment provided by God for the Christian is designed for either offense or defense functions in this Spiritual Warfare of the Angelic Conflict and increases its potential for function as the believer advances in the Spiritual Life. Because human beings are absolutely NO MATCH for the angelic creatures, who were created FAR superior to mankind, believers are therefore mandated by God to “hold their ground against the devil” but are mandated to take the offensive against the Human Race through their effective Christian service. In order for Believers to remain on the defensive against Satan’s Attacks they must remain behind their own personal Forward Line of Troops in the soul. In order for believers to take the offensive against Human Beings through the properly directed probing actions and sorties of their Christian service efforts they must first develop their Spiritual Skills to enable their production skil s to function effectively. It is crucial that the believer understand that the Forward Line of Troops of the soul is PROGRESSIVELY

developed and deployed as the believer moves through the 10 stages of spiritual growth and the Spiritual Skil s must be developed before his production skil s can be effective.



T sting for Acceleration of Progress

As the believer progresses in the development and deployment of his Forward Line of Troops as a result of consistency in his spiritual advance, he receives situations, FROM GOD, of pressure for the testing of his ability to use the Metabolized Bible Doctrine he has accumulated in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This pressure testing is God’s provision to assist believers in building up spiritual strength in the soul by engaging or exercising the doctrine, which has already been metabolized, through application to new experiences. As the Faith Rest Drill (4 categories) is developing the believer must first use it to overcome some minor distractions and adversities but this testing of faith wil progress in intensity as he advances in the Spiritual Life. Thus, along the way in his spiritual advance, he will progressively encounter situations where he must initially claim a promise to overcome a situation. Then later as he advances more, in another more intense test, he must rest on that promise supported by some doctrinal points or principles. Then, as he grows up progressively, in another test he will have to develop and use a doctrinal rationale from the accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine resident in his own Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to further support the promises he claims. And final y, as he moves through spiritual adulthood and receives much more intense testing he wil have to use the prior 3 stages of Faith Rest to come to doctrinal conclusions to resolve the situations or problems he faces. The believer ultimately will establish the Forward Line of Troops in his soul from increasing the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul providing him with a solid basis for sustaining his defense against the strategies of distraction from Satan. ALL Levels of Testing as Suffering for blessing do not bear their meaning in themselves, but become a spotlight, f ocu s ing on God's power and the believer’s concurrent weakness, weakness brought about by these pressures and adversities for which he has no human solutions. Suffering for blessing focuses on God's Grace, and turns boasting away from self-glorification into worship, love, and appreciation for God.


istractions Preventing Advancement

One pertinent distraction is flattery as an example of a stimulation to one’s Old Sin Nature which can produce a distraction in al believers because the Old Sin Nature has an area of LUST which permits flattery to attack by stimulating the Approbation Lust in each believer. This weakness can be a distraction to the build up or Stabilization of THOUGHT, COMMON SENSE, and WISDOM in the believer. It is, therefore, essential that believers have the necessary Metabolized Bible Doctrine to deal with such distraction, avoiding the Self Absorption, which is part of the Arrogance Skills, which can result from flattery. By means of maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul the strategic and tactical attacks by Satan can be discerned.

This understanding, therefore, can then be related to situations and pressures of life by the use of Metabolized Bible Doctrine thereby negating these distracting effects and permitting continued consistent progress in the Spiritual Life, BUT, these doctrines first must be learned and understood.


he Edification Complex of the Soul

The Edification Complex of the Soul is the developed learning and comprehension structure within the soul for advancement in the Spiritual Life analogous to a building. In the consistent advance in the Spiritual Life this is constructed in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul from the progressive addition of the building blocks of the Spiritual Life from persistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. It starts like any construction project for any building with development of a strong foundation. The believer then builds up one doctrinal

brick at a time, floor by floor, as a greater acceptance and understanding of along with the ability to use the accumulated Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the soul is developed. The Edification Complex of the Soul along with the Divine Dynasphere and Problem Solving Devices

demonstrate the clear progressions necessary for the development of Spiritual Maturity in the believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ.



The Filling of God the Holy Spirit, this is Power Option #1, the ultimate power of the Spiritual Life. (G

ate #


of the Divine Dynasphere and Problem Solving Device #2). This is imputed at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God along with 39 irrevocable assets for the believer’s advancement in the Spiritual Life. However, it can be lost as a result of the failure of the believer from his involvement with Sin but recoverable through the use of Problem Solving

Device #1, the Rebound Procedure of 1John 1:9. The Filling of God the Holy Spirit is essential for the ministry of God the Holy Spirit to be effective in the life of the believer with its many aspects and ramifications.





Humility & Teachability, this is (G

ate #


of the Divine Dynasphere) where the believer

chooses to persistently function using Problem Solving Device #1 – the Rebound Procedure,

1John 1:9; Problem Solving Device #2 – the Fil ing of the Holy Spirit to control the soul; and,

Problem Solving Device #3 – the systematic, progressive use of the 4 categories of the Faith Rest Drill. When people rely on their own strengths and abilities there are many ways for God to humble them. For the believer it is involvement in ARROGANCE which ultimately humbles the believer because “God makes WAR against the Arrogant”. (1Pet 5:5, James 4:6) Therefore it is essential that the believer build this 1st floor of his Edification Complex of the Soul in order to begin to remove and then avoid al aspects of Arrogance. Humility and Teachability are developed from authority orientation toward one’s Pastor Teacher based on his effective teaching of Bible Doctrine and enforced discipline under the functions of the Local Church combined with self-discipline developed from motivation to execute the Protocol Plan of God.





Bible Doctrine Orientation, this is (G

ate #


of the Divine Dynasphere and Problem

Solving Device #5). This is the clear understanding that Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine is ESSENTIAL in the Spiritual Life for progress to occur toward maturation and for the believer to consistently live under the GRACE Plan of God.




Personal Love for God, this is a Motivational virtue (G

ate #


of the Divine Dynasphere

and Problem Solving Device #7). This begins as basic Personal Love for God when the believer moves into the Orientation Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere. As the Edification Complex of the Soul is filled with greater levels of Metabolized Bible Doctrine it progresses into a mature or advanced Personal Love for God as Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus the Christ,


roblem Solving Device #

10 , as Spiritual Maturity is reached and is accompanied by other motivational and functional virtues in the Spiritual Life.




Impersonal Love for Mankind, this is a Functional Virtue (G

ate #


of the Divine

Dynasphere and Problem Solving Device #8). It initially and inevitably develops from an understanding of and adherence to the Divine Institutions and Laws of Divine Establishment under the concept of Live and Let Live. There is a respect for the privacy of others and this progresses as functional virtue accompanied by the development of the other functional virtues in the Spiritual Life. Impersonal love for all mankind is the true basis for the development of effective problem solutions in human relationships. Impersonal Love for Mankind as virtue-love is not only a Problem Solving Device for the Christian life but it also provides capacity for personal love, happiness, thanksgiving and all aspects of life in general.




Sharing the Happiness of God, this is Problem Solving Device #9 and maximum inner happiness, contentment, stability and peace from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This inner happiness is a constant progression from Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God to the point of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. This progressive development results as the believer incrementally stabilizes his Mental Attitude as a result of acquiring a strong Relaxed Mental Attitude, contentment and inner happiness resulting in progressive mental stability even under the inevitable pressures of life. Upon breaking the barrier into Spiritual Maturity and receiving A

lpha G

race blessings (6

categories of S

uper –


race b

les s ings ) directly from God, this inner happiness, which is developed over the course of the believer’s spiritual advance, is enhanced to the point where he shares the same happiness of God. Having reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God this believer has progressively developed and stabilized his Mental Attitude resulting in UNWAVERING mental stability under any circumstances of life. This 5th Floor construction is completed when the believer breaks into and ultimately progresses through the stages of Spiritual Maturity having developed a maximum balance of residency in his soul of Metabolized Bible Doctrine and the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit. Here, Sharing the Happiness and Contentment of God, provides, varying maximum levels of mental stability and contentment, and expresses a maximum level of Personal Love for God as Problem

Solving Device #10 – Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ. This believer receives B

ravo G

race Bles s ing s (the combination of his Alpha or Super – Grace blessings and the


gistical G

race support he has received for his entire spiritual life from Salvation to Maturity) as support for crossing the No Man’s Land of Intermediate Spiritual Maturity. In addition, Ultra Super

– G

race B

les s ings along with the Mantle of Suffering Blessings and support, are received when the believer reaches Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and is called as a Primary Witness for the Prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial. (Refer to JOB).


he 10


roblem Solving Devices

It is essential for the believer to understand that the Problem Solving Devices like the Edification

Complex of the Soul and the Divine Dynasphere are not developed, entered into or available for use by the believer immediately upon making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. These systems for function in the Christian Life are SYSTEMATICALLY AND PROGRESSIVELY DEVELOPED as the believer progresses to more and more advanced levels in his Spiritual Life. It is also essential to understand that these Gates and Floors and Problem Solving Devices are not isolated but INTERLOCK, ENTANGLE and INTERACT during the Spiritual Life of the believer as he progressively moves closer and closer to Spiritual Maturity and ultimately to Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. The point essential for the individual to understand, both believer and unbeliever, is that in this life WE, as individual human beings, must make a decision as to whether we will live and function in the Plan of God or the Plan of Satan. This is our actual purpose for existing as human beings in this Appeal phase of the Angelic Conflict Trial. Believers can choose to live within the 8

Gates of the Divine Dynasphere, (unbelievers to a much more limited extent) building the structure of the Edification Complex of the Soul and filling it with Metabolized Bible Doctrine. All the while developing and deploying these 10 Problem Solving Devices onto the Forward Line of Troops of the soul so as to function totally under the 4 Spiritual Mechanics of the Spiritual Skills in the Protocol Plan of God. OR believers and unbelievers can reject this option and choose to become entangled in functioning within the Cosmic Dynaspheres. These are the Interlocking System of


rrogance , where the individuals are in total rejection of God all the while degrading and degenerating in their lives and eventually entering the Interlocking System of Hatred where they become totally antagonistic, in opposition to, and an ENEMY of God. All the while they sink lower and lower down into the 8 stages of R


versionism to the point of being removed from this

life by God under the S

in Unto D

eath , the most unimaginable misery as an end to one’s existence in this life. The believer in this status will leave this life with nothing to show for his time as a believer while the unbeliever will leave this life to spend an eternity in the Lake of Fire with Satan and his fal en angels. These 10 Problem Solving Devices are Grace benefits provided by God to be progressively developed from the accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of the believer. They are designed to enable him to handle any pressure of adversity or prosperity he may encounter in his life with a totally Relaxed Mental Attitude and Contentment.


1 – R

ebound Procedure

(1John 1:9, 1Cor 11:31, Rev 3:19, 2Tim 2:25, Eph 4:22, H

eb 9:12- 1

5 , H

eb 12:11- 1

5 , James

1:21, Phil 3:13, Jer 3:13, Lev 4, Prov 28:13, Ps 32:5, Ps 38:18, Ps 51:1-4, Rom 12:1, Rom


:12- 1

3 ) This is a Grace mechanism to recover from sin or prolonged carnality and restore the believer to fellowship with God. It al ows him to regain the Filling of God the Holy Spirit which is initial y provided at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, in order that he is able to learn and metabolize Bible Doctrine so as to execute the Spiritual Life.


2 – F

illing of God the Holy Spirit

This is the primary power source of the Grace Plan of God for the believer in time decided at the Divine Round Table discussion regarding CREATION in Eternity Past. He is the teacher of Bible Doctrine to the believer under a mentorship ministry. This is the 1st Power Option and Spiritual

Skill of the Christian Way of Life and the foundation for the Edification Complex of the Soul and


ate #


of the Divine Dynasphere the power system of God for the believer.


3 – F


F th Rest Drill

This is a Grace provision from God where the believer’s nonmeritorious Faith is progressively developed and used in 4 categories including:

Faith Perception – where the believer accepts the Bible Doctrine presented to the Left Lobe of his Soul by the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, after God the Holy Spirit teaches this doctrine to his Human Spirit. This “acceptance by faith”, results in transferring the understood and learned Bible Doctrine, as “Metabolized Bible Doctrine”, to his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, again under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, making it available for modification of his soul and ultimately application to his life.

Claiming Promises from God – where the believer extracts promises from the Metabolized Bible Doctrine learned and accepted or metabolized under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit and teaching of a qualified Pastor Teacher to handle basic pressures in life.

Forming Bible Doctrine Rationales – by drawing doctrinal points, principles and categories out of the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to solidify the promises of God. This results in doctrinal support of the promises from the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This eventuates in the development of increasing confidence in God, greater mental stability, inner happiness, peace and contentment as the pressures of life are addressed and overcome with Bible Doctrine.

Coming to Bible Doctrine focused conclusions – as a result of combining the promises from God and applying the points and principles of Metabolized Bible Doctrine to these promises supported by categorical doctrinal rationales, the believer is able to come to Doctrinal y based conclusions to solve ALL pressures and difficulties in his life whether from prosperity or adversity.

The Faith Rest Drill (4 categories) is a part of the Basic and the Advanced Christian Modus Operandi Gate



and Gate #5 of the Divine Dynasphere power system of God for the believer.


4 – G

race Orientation

This is beginning of the Orientation Envelope of the Plan of God resulting from the believer beginning to understand the essentials necessary for his progression in the Spiritual Life. This is the development of an understanding and appreciation of the Policy and Plan of God for the believer’s life in time and extending into eternity. It is part of Gate #4 of the Divine Dynasphere power system of God for the believer and includes a progressive understanding of the categories of Grace available for the unbeliever as he initially becomes a believer and obviously for the believer after Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God as he progresses and advances in the Spiritual Life. See


o an Understanding of G



5 – B

ible Doctrine Orientation

This is the 2nd part of the Orientation Envelope of the Plan of God for the believer and is the development of an understanding of the essential necessity of the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine for spiritual growth. It comes with a comprehension of the necessity for the consistent use of the rebound procedure to maintain the Filling of God the Holy Spirit to enable consistent function under the Faith Perception of the Faith Rest Dril (4 categories).

This is the 2


floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul and also part of Gate #4 of the Divine Dynasphere.


6 – Pe

rsonal Sense of Destiny

This is developed as a result of the increased levels of Metabolized Bible Doctrine resident in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul providing an understanding for the believer that he IS in the Plan of God and that as long as he lives, God has a plan and purpose for his life in time. This is the point of the believer shedding his tendencies to function within the Interlocking System of Arrogance and developing a great confidence in the Grace of God and Plan of God.


7 – Pe

rsonal Love

for God the Fat

F her

This is basic Reciprocal Love for God and the beginning of M


tivational V


tue as the 3


floor of

the Edification Complex of the Soul and the Integrity Envelope of Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere. This is the primary MOTIVATION for the believer to engage in continued spiritual advance from an increased knowledge of God as a result of increased levels of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and consistency under the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit.


8 – I mp

ersonal Lov

e for Mankind

This is the F

unctional V

irtue of toleration of the failures, flaws and quirks of others providing a solid orientation to the Divine Institutions, the Laws of Divine Establishment and Freedom under these laws with the concept of Live and Let Live directed toward al mankind in one’s periphery. It is the 4


floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul and also part of the Integrity Envelope of Gate

#6 of the Divine Dynasphere.


9 – S

haring the H

appiness of God

This is the 5


and final floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul and is a culmination of the development of inner happiness, contentment and mental stability from progress in the Spiritual Life which results from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine under the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit. It is a maximum level of inner happiness, contentment and unwavering mental stability from minimal Mental Attitude, verbal and overt sinning.

It results in minimal Self Induced Misery and Divine Discipline from God with minimal functions within the Interlocking System of Arrogance. This inner happiness and mental stability continues to advance as the believer progresses through the 3 stages of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God to the pinnacle of the Spiritual Life, Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, where the believer’s soul functions to both glorify and please God.


10 – O

ccupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ

This is Advanced Personal Love for God resulting from a maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This level of Bible Doctrine brings maximum knowledge of God and his Plan of Grace which is realized upon the believers entry into the status of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. This is one of the many aspects of the blessings received by the believer reaching Gate #8 of the Divine Dynasphere.


he D

ivine Dynasphere God’s Power System

God’s power system is not an OVERT power system based on OVERT mechanisms for functioning in life. It involves a HAPPINESS progression of inner peace, contentment, mental stability and a Relaxed Mental Attitude consisting of various levels of development under varying conditions and situations in the life of the believer. The “Happiness” of the believer is not a pseudo happiness dependent on any of the “Details of Life” which are inclusive of the “things” or people in one’s life.