Progressions in the Spiritual Life of the Christian by Dr. Frank P Ferraro - HTML preview

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Sophisticated Spiritual Life. Reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God is the 3rd Tactical

Objective of the Sophisticated Spiritual Life, and it results from development of a system of cognition called Cognitive Invincibility. {This does not infer that the believer at this point is infallible but indicates that given his consistent Positive Volition toward Bible Doctrine he WILL continue to advance with total confidence in God, His Grace Plan and with the continued accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.}


les s ings Directly from God

The new believer who functions appropriately and consistently under his Logistical – Grace support system from God to advance in the Spiritual Life to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, then is eligible for EXTREME blessings DIRECTLY from God. This is a direct result of developing great capacity for life and for blessing from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and maximum time logged under the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit creating a balance of residence in his soul. These blessings come to this mature believer in 6 categories and are far above the logistical support he has received during his life to that point. The blessings are cal ed SUPER – GRACE meaning SUPER ABUNDANT Grace Blessings. (Ja


e s 4:6 , 1Tim 1:14) These

are the “Escrow” benefits which God has set aside for every believer in Eternity Past waiting to be realized during the believer’s life, by the believer’s fulfillment of the Escrow requirements of execution of the Protocol Plan of God. The 6 categories, which go far above and beyond the Logistical – Grace support (Eph 3:20) needed for consistent spiritual advance include:

Spiritual blessings as a lucid comprehension of a maximum level of Bible Doctrine

◦ Sharing the perfect happiness of God

◦ Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ

◦ Capacity for life, love, happiness, blessing

◦ Total appreciation of GRACE

◦ The ability to face maximum undeserved suffering in life

◦ The ability to correctly interpret contemporary history and evaluate current events in the light of the Word of God.

◦ Freedom from slavery to circumstances in life and adaptability to changing circumstances and becoming the greatest innovator in time of historical disaster

◦ Total Grace orientation

◦ Total Freedom orientation

◦ Total Authority orientation

◦ Maximum Common sense

◦ A total sense of security, whether in prosperity or disaster

Temporal blessings as prosperity in many aspects of his life

◦ Wealth, either received or acquired

◦ Professional prosperity: great influence, leadership dynamics, success, promotion, recognition in one's sphere of life

◦ The ability to assume responsibility and authority without emotional inspiration or pseudo motivation

◦ Social prosperity, having great friends

◦ Sexual prosperity with one's right man or right woman

◦ Technical prosperity or mental prosperity: the ability to think, and concentrate to an increased level

◦ Cultural prosperity as maximum enjoyment of drama, art, literature, music, history

◦ Establishment prosperity with total enjoyment of freedom, privacy, protection of life and property from criminals and reprisal

◦ Health

Blessing by Association for those people associated with this believer.

◦ Those in association or relationship with this believer are blessed either directly by God or indirectly from the overflow of his Super – Grace provisions

◦ Blessing by association for loved ones

◦ Blessing by association for those in business life, social life, and in a local church.

◦ Geographical blessings to the believer's city, state and nation.

Historical Impact for the nation in which he lives (Because The Lord Jesus, The Christ controls Human History THROUGH the mature believer in the Pivot)

◦ He carries his generation and stabilizes it and becomes a stabilizer for future historical generations

◦ Tranquility and impact without disturbance in the ebb and flow of history

◦ He rides on the crest of the wave of blessing and rises above historical disaster

Heritage Impact (2Tim 1:5-6) as continued blessing for his close relatives when he leaves this life to be face to face with the Lord.

Dying Blessing making the final aspect of the LIFE of this believer the greatest experience and source of blessing of the believer’s life

◦ The curse of death with its pain and fear is removed (P

s 116: 3

-4 , Ps 116:8-9, Ps


16: 1

5 )

◦ We cal this DYING ------- GRACE.

Upon receipt of these phenomenal blessings the believer will be provided a varying period of time to enjoy the “rewards” of these Super – Grace blessings IN THIS LIFE. As a result of his RECEIVING

these 5 temporal categories of blessings from God (Dying Grace being reserved for his transfer to eternity), this believer Glorifies God. This occurs BECAUSE God is able to bless him as a result of his personal development of the CAPACITY to receive the blessing from his consistent intake of Bible Doctrine and maximum time under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. If he remains persistent and consistent in his continued Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine he will then move into the 2nd stage of Spiritual Maturity.


he Equation of Basic M

aturity Adjustment to the Ju

stice of God

(Spiritual Maturity + Cognitive Invincibility) + Super Grace blessings == (Basic Execution of the Protocol Plan of God + Rest and Relaxation to enjoy Super Grace blessings in time) == Glorification of God.


tage II – Intermediate S

piritual Maturity

When the believer has consistent Positive Volition toward Bible Doctrine, after having reached Basic Spiritual Maturity and enjoyed his Super – Grace blessings during his Rest and Relaxation period, he will continue to advance in the Spiritual Life. He wil then be faced with maximum pressure in life from Satan’s systems of Evil, the Cosmic Dynaspheres. This will come from all the believers and unbelievers in his periphery functioning under that Plan of Satan, who resent and are even jealous of his spiritual advance. This pressure will be a maximum attempt to DISTRACT him in his Spiritual Life from further advancement and even attempt to cause him to FAIL and enter into the 8 stages

of reversionism and thus destroy his own Spiritual Life. Therefore, Intermediate Spiritual Maturity with the intensified pressure of crossing the bleak landscape of this “No Man’s Land” is the final stage of Mo

me n

t um T


sting , (Gate 7 of the Divine Dynasphere), Advanced Momentum Testing (4


The Cognitive Invincibility, which begins development as the believer crosses into Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, the 3rd stage of the Sophisticated Spiritual Life and the 3rd tactical victory in the Spiritual Life, continues to progress in its development. This is a result of the believer remaining consistent in his Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit (Problem Solving Device #2, Gate #1 of the Divine Dynasphere, The Foundation of the Edification Complex of the Soul) and the Grace Apparatus

for Perception. It is by this means and because he is under B

ravo G

race support, that he can

distinguish the maximum pressures resulting from Evil in “No Man’s Land” from “C

harlie G


which is Divine Discipline Punitive suffering. This al ows the believer to use the final Problem

Solving Device of Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ (the 1st Strategic Victory of the Spiritual Life) to face and overcome this pressure. This, along with the other 9

Problem Solving Devices and reliance on Logistical – Grace + Super – Grace blessings combined as Bravo Grace, allows him to move toward the ultimate status of Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where he wil be the recipient of Ultra Super – Grace blessings for time.

It is the Logistical Grace, which has been provided for his advance in the spiritual life to Spiritual Maturity, combined with the 5 categories of Super Grace blessing for his life in time which forms the enhanced support of B

ravo G

race . This Bravo Grace supports the believer along with maximum function of the 10 Problem Solving Devices, constant residence in the Divine Dynasphere and a completed Edification Complex of the Soul while he is under this Advanced Momentum Testing (4

Categories) of No Man’s Land. By this means and under this Bravo Grace Support from God, the believer can move through this “No Man’s Land” successfully resisting the maximum pressure of Advanced Momentum Testing (4 Categories). This is the extreme pressure from reversionistic believers and unbelievers in a last ditch attempt to distract him from further spiritual advancement and even cause the retrogression of R


versionism in his Spiritual Life.


rsecution in No Man’s Land

Matt 5:10-12 explains clearly that believers who have reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God can expect persecution. This is, in part, as a result of their function of maximum Divine Good production in witnessing, prayer, the function of their spiritual gift and because of all the other factors in their complete execution of the Protocol Plan of God. This persecution is not referring to the pressures in life which are experienced by the immature believer. That one is the believer who

is full of sour grapes, envy, self pity and involvement in the Interlocking System of Arrogance. He, therefore, produces incredible Self Induced Misery and often claims that Satan is after him. Most often believers, when they are criticized by others, are not being persecuted but are stupid individuals, ignorant of Bible Doctrine, and fil ed with Mental Attitude Sins producing their own Self Induced Misery. Satan does not need to bother with these kinds of believers because they are destroying themselves along with their potential to be a witness for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial. (Acts 19:15) These believers are their own worst enemies and make themselves and those around them incredibly miserable, therefore, people in their periphery general y will have nothing to do with them. This category is the BELIEVER with vindictive and implacable Mental Attitudes who constantly criticizes, gossips and maligns others and is not at al pleasant to be around so everyone avoids him. The point is that Mental Attitude Sins produce incredible Self Induced Misery and this has NOTHING to do with the pressure, suffering, and adversity of the mature believer who is under true Persecution in the “No Man’s Land” of Intermediate Spiritual Maturity.

For the believer in Intermediate Spiritual Maturity, who relies on B

ravo G

race for his support, there

is complete inner happiness and contentment with total mental stability from a maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and his production of maximum Divine Good. They have received their Super – Grace Blessings in time and are those who wil PRODUCE the Kingdom of Heaven and receive unimaginable Surpassing – Grace blessings in eternity. This is the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” which is the production of the believer who has advanced into Intermediate Spiritual Maturity and because they produce this maximum Divine Good under the Protocol Plan of God, they are persecuted for it. Many individuals, both believers and unbelievers, cannot stand seeing other people with Inner Happiness, Mental Stability, Contentment and Inner Peace and not having it themselves they resent those who do. Thus, these advanced believers are persecuted BECAUSE OF THEIR EXPLOITING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS PROVIDED FOR

THEM BY GOD AT SALVATION. These believers, who are FROM and OF the ETERNAL KINGDOM of Heaven, while they are on earth and under the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit fulfil ing the Christian Way of Life, produce HEAVEN ON EARTH. Because this is the Devil’s World this production is unacceptable to him under his Plan of Evil and therefore these believers are subjected to extremely intensive persecution. The persecution usually comes from the strongest fortifications of Satan, RELIGION, with its Legalism and taboo functions. Religion cannot stand even a little bit of heaven on earth, or any manifestation of the Kingdom of Christ on earth. Because of the advanced believer accurately witnessing for and expressing maximum Love for God as Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ, these “religious” individuals will malign and ridicule him, constantly insulting him but he will stil have complete inner happiness and stability under Bravo Grace.

Therefore, the consistently positive advanced believer in Intermediate Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God can have complete inner mental happiness and mental stability with fantastic overt manifestations of that inner happiness, WITHOUT REGARD TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF HIS LIFE.

When people ridicule, criticize and malign him, the mature believer wil relax and manifest his own inner happiness. This is what has occurred with the great believers and Prophets of the past and as a result they received phenomenal Grace blessings. Believers in this Church Age will share in those blessings as they also reach Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and go beyond. Consider, it is BECAUSE OF the function and manifestation of GRACE in the believer’s life that he wil be persecuted but when he remains focused on GRACE and relaxed under this pressure he wil receive

even more fantastic reward in heaven and an effective ministry while on this earth. Successfully completing this phase of pressure in Advanced Momentum Testing (4 Categories) brings the believer to the final stage of the Sophisticated Spiritual Life, Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.



uation of Intermediate M

aturity Adjustment to the Ju

stice of God

(Spiritual Maturity + Cognitive Invincibility + Bravo Grace Support [Logistical Grace +

Super – Grace blessings] + Maximum Personal Love for God as Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ) + Maximum Pressure from Evil in No Man’s Land

== Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God


tage III – Advanced S

piritual Maturity

This is Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and the pinnacle of the Spiritual Life.

The Strategic Objectives of the Sophisticated Spiritual Life include developing the capacity for and reaching a status of Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ, Advanced Personal Love for God which is Problem Solving Device #10 and ultimately achieving Maximum Glorification of God in time. If the believer is consistent and persists in his advance in the Spiritual Life, beyond the initial stage of Basic Spiritual Maturity where he receives his Super – Grace blessings for time, using his developing Cognitive Invincibility to move through the maximum pressure of Advanced Mo

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sting (4 Categories) in “No Man’s Land” of Intermediate Spiritual Maturity, he wil ultimately reach the final stage of Spiritual Maturity, Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. At this point the believer will receive Ultra Super – Grace Blessings for his life in time as unimaginable enhancements of the 5 temporal categories of his S

uper – G



les s ings received upon reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. His level of inner peace, inner happiness, contentment and mental stability will be at a maximum. Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God requires maximum volitional Orientation to Bible Doctrine (Problem Solving Device #5, 2


Floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul, Gate #4 of the Divine Dynasphere) and maximum Orientation to Grace (Problem Solving Device #4, Gate #4 of the Divine Dynasphere) and total Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ (Problem Solving Device #10) as Maximum Personal Love for God. Along with the believer receiving blessings from God beyond anything imaginable in life he wil be presented in the Supreme Court of Heaven as a PRIMARY witness for the prosecution. In addition, as a result of his advance to this point, he wil Glorify and Please God to the maximum. He will be an UNIMPEACHABLE witness for God in this Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial. It is Here that this believer is given the ultimate of blessings in life under Evidence Testing.


ngelic Conflict Appeal Tri

T al Evidence Te

T sting


vidence T


sting is that which occurs after the believer has reached Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and has had a period of enjoyment of his Super – Grace package of blessings and endured the maximum pressure from Satan’s systems and disciples of Evil. Reaching the Status Quo of Advanced Maturity gives this believer the maximum capacity for everything in life, developed from Complete Spiritual Cognitive Invincibility with which he can pass Evidence Testing (2 categories). Success in passing Evidence Testing occurs, in part, as a result of the believer using, the Shared Happiness of God (Problem Solving Device #9, the 5


Floor of the Edification

Complex of the Soul) and Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ (Problem

Solving Device #10) as key solutions and protection against these intensified strategies of Satan.

This special testing for blessing, like that endured by JOB, is designed for the believer as a PRIMARY

witness for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial to reinforce the truth of the consistent, requisite interaction of all aspects of the Essence of God in al situations. The ultimate blessing at this stage of the Spiritual Life is based on the believer’s complete relationship with and reliance on the Lord and is in the form of the ultimate in testing for blessing. This Evidence Testing is related to God (Matt 4:1-10) and the believer’s relationship with him and is similar to the testing of the humanity of The Lord Jesus, The Christ in Hypostatic Union. It is also related to Life in this world ruled by Satan and to mankind through human circumstances similar to that endured by JOB

when he temporarily lost al his temporal blessings from God. As a Primary Witness for the Prosecution against Satan’s appeal argument, the believer is subjected to satanic “cross

examination” before the Supreme Court of Heaven during this Appeal portion of the Angelic Conflict Trial, human history, in an attempt by Satan to DISCREDIT his ultimate spiritual advance.

Being Subject to Evidence Testing results in becoming DIRECTLY and PERSONALLY involved in the resolution of the Angelic Conflict in the form of being a PRIMARY witness for the prosecution against the Appeal of Satan. Evidence Testing is a part of the constant meetings in the Supreme Court of Heaven concerning the Appeal portion of the Trial of Satan where Evidence for the Prosecution is presented in the form of believers who have completed the Protocol Plan of God and even gone beyond this to Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and achieved Maximum Glorification of God and become a Pleasure to God despite living in Satan’s World and despite al the pressures of life from adversity or prosperity. (The Life of Job)

This is the third and final major system of testing for the believer as suffering for blessing in these 2 Categories of Evidence Testing which include:

Relationship with God

Relationship with Life and/or People.

At the final stage of the Spiritual Life this maximum testing in life only results in an increase and expansion of both the blessing and happiness of the believer in Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. The greater the pressure on this believer the greater the inner happiness and contentment he has and the greater wil be the misery of those inflicting the pressure on him.

Therefore, this Evidence Testing (2 categories), toward God or toward life or mankind, is the maximum pressure a believer can have in life reserved for when he has reached Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. This is the REAL testing of the EVIDENCE of the Prosecution by direct satanic attack in his cross examination of this primary witness for God. This is the attempt by Satan to DISCREDIT the entire spiritual life of the believer who reaches Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God in order to negate his testimony regarding the absolute truth of the consistency in the functions of the Essence of God. This is maximum testing under the principles of EVIL in the Cosmic Dynaspheres with direct attacks by Satan to destroy the believer’s reliance on God and function in the Protocol Plan of God. This results in the life of the believer clearly demonstrating the efficacy of the function of the Essence of God and the efficacy of Gods judgment of Satan and the Fallen angels and the perfect interaction of his Absolute Righteousness, Absolute Justice and Perfect Love.

In this advanced stage of Spiritual Maturity, under a maximum volitional orientation to Grace and Bible Doctrine and with total Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ as Maximum Personal Love for God, the believer is able to address and overcome this maximum pressure of Evidence Testing. Passing this final Evidence Testing fulfills the 2nd Strategic Objective of the Sophisticated Spiritual Life, where the believer achieves Maximum Glorification of God and Pleases God, and totally completes the Protocol Plan of God for the Church Age. At this point in his life the believer receives from God the Mantle of Suffering, a Badge of Honor for his remaining life in time and which is transferred with him into eternity as part of his reward for his Eternal Life.


he Equation of A

dvanced M

aturity Adjustment to the Ju

stice of God

(Advanced Cognitive Invincibility + Maximum Personal Love for God + Maximum Grace Orientation +

Maximum Bible Doctrine Orientation) == Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God +

(Ultra Super – Grace Blessings + Evidence Testing) == Maximum Glorification of God & Pleasing God (Complete Execution of the Protocol Plan of God)



The Spiritual Life of the believer begins like the Human Life of the individual begins with BIRTH.

Human Life begins at physical birth when God imputes to the format soul, (heb) Neshamah, the Breath of Life and combines this with the Biological Life of the fetus as it emerges from the mother’s body at physical BIRTH. Spiritual Life begins when, at the point of nonmeritorious Faith alone in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone, the individual simply accepts this Divine Good production of The Lord Jesus, The Christ. At this point God the Holy Spirit regenerates the believer by creating a NEW Human Spirit for this individual to which God imputes his own Eternal Life. At this very point the new believer is totally capable of living with God in eternity AND NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT. This beginning of the Spiritual Life occurs at the 2nd BIRTH and is why the bible refers to this regeneration of the believer by the creation of the Human Spirit as being “BORN AGAIN” and is, in fact, what Jesus told Nicodemus that he must do for salvation. Just like the physical, mental and emotional development of the Human from infancy to maturity the new believer moves from infancy to maturity as well in systematic progressions of spiritual development.

The critical issue of development and maturation throughout the Spiritual Life is the believer’s attitude toward the ABSOLUTE TRUTHS of Bible Doctrine. From the Spiritual Infancy of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through to the Advanced Spiritual Maturity of Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God the believer must develop and maintain a consistent Positive Volition toward Bible Doctrine and engage in a consistency in the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine to his life.

The new and advancing believer must have the constant presence of Absolute Truth in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul to resist the constant daily, minute by minute, influence of the systems Evil from the devil used in his rulership of this world. The more Absolute Truth one learns and understands the more he will thus think in terms of that absolute truth from Bible Doctrine as Divine Viewpoint thinking, therefore, the greater will be his integrity and maturation. Consequently, the believer must have a daily intake of Bible Doctrine in order to have the necessary equipment as ‘Metabolized’ Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul. This is essential to enable him to take defensive action against the attacks of Satan and offensive action with regard to the Protocol Plan of God and systematically advance in the Spiritual Life. Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul is the GREATEST TREASURE of the Spiritual Life and is the means of developing a system of properly oriented thinking which results in an enhanced capacity for life.

Consequently, the entire lifestyle of the believer depends on making Bible Doctrine his Primary Priority #1 in life. The believer cannot advance in the Spiritual Life nor hold his ground in defensive action against Satan unless he is consistent in the accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul. 3 things will weaken the believer’s resistance to the attacks of Satan with all his strategies:

Succumbing to involvement within Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking System of


rrogance with its resultant Christian degeneracy

Adherence to the False Doctrines of the systems of EVIL (1Tim 4:1)

Involvement in Cosmic Dynasphere II, the Interlocking System of Hatred with its Emotional Revolt of the Soul.

Obviously the believer must learn Absolute Truth so that he can think in terms of this Truth. Truth as Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul modifies the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and alters the Memory, Categorical Storage, Norms and Standards, Frame of Reference and all compartments of the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to enable the thinking of the believer to be altered into Divine Viewpoint.

Once the believer thinks in terms of TRUTH he then has the needed integrity to function properly behind the Forward Line of Troops of his soul consisting of the 1

0 P

roblem Solving Devices , the

Spiritual Mechanics of the 4


piritual Skills while consistently residing in the Divine

Dynasphere and functioning through the completed construction of the Edification Complex of

the Soul. Christian integrity is mandated in the Protocol Plan of God and is obtained by:

Accumulation of the Absolute Truth of Bible Doctrine

▪ Knowing, learning, standing by the truth in al cases

▪ Reception, Retention and ultimate Recall of Bible Doctrine

Development of thought as Divine Viewpoint thinking from Maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Thus Metabolized Bible Doctrine circulating through the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul is the ABSOLUTE PRIMARY ESSENTIAL in the Christian Way of Life to enable the believer to move from the Spiritual Infancy of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God to the Spiritual Maturity of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and beyond. Without consistent post salvation epistemological rehabilitation from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine the believer cannot advance in the Spiritual Life and wil live a total y distorted and miserable life. Everything in life after Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, all happiness, all meaningful things, al the means of handling problems and pressures in life, al worthwhile things, come from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the believer’s own Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. Thinking is what enables problem solving and thinking must be based on the integrity developed from Metabolized Bible Doctrine. The result of maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of the believer is the development of the integrity of the believer necessary to stand behind that Forward Line of Troops to resist the attacks of Satan and simultaneously consistently move forward in his Spiritual Life to Maximum Glorification of God.

No spiritual progress is possible when the believer becomes involved in the Evil of the Cosmic Dynaspheres of Satan, the In

terlocking System of A

rrogance and the Interlocking System of

Hatred or functions under the 3 Arrogance Skills and such involvement simply and inevitably makes him total y miserable. The more the believer Justifies Self and makes excuses for his actions the less likely he is to take responsibility for his actions and the less likely he will be to use Problem

Solving Device #1 the Rebound Procedure. He wil therefore not recover from his failures and not obtain and retain Problem Solving Device #2 the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit which is his only means to learn and metabolize Bible Doctrine. This is a loss of the primary entrance into the POWER

System of the Plan of God the Divine Dynasphere. Therefore, he wil have ZERO possible spiritual advance. New believers MUST learn about and then consistently use the first 2 Problem Solving Devices, the Spirituality Envelope, as quickly as possible in their Spiritual Life so that they can make initial, minimal progress in the spirituial life and then to begin serious spiritual advancement.

More complete and vastly more detailed information concerning the Christian Way of Life and the believer’s function in it can be obtained without charge from:

R. B. Thieme Jr. Bible Ministries

Post Office Box 460829 Houston, Texas 77056-8829

(713) 621-3740

or by logging on to

R. B. Thieme Junior Bible Ministries

Image 7


lternatives in the S

piritual Life


he Equation of Hope

Image 8


he Equation of Despair



P ssages

1Cor 1:5; With the result that in all things or everything once and for all, you are enriched in Him in all doctrines and in all knowledge.

1Cor 2:9-13; But just as it stands Written (Is 64:4), or to use the language of Old Testament Scripture, “Things which Eye has not seen nor ear has heard (empiricism) nor things which have not entered into the Right Lobe of man (rationalism) all the things which God has prepared for those who Love him (Advanced Believers in Reciprocal Love for God) these have not entered their Right Lobes for to us, the God has revealed them (His plans) to us by means of or through the instrumentality of God the Holy Spirit, for the Spirit searches or investigates all things even the Deep things from God. For who among men or mankind inherently knows or understands the thoughts, motives, memories, deliberations or reflections of a man or all mankind except by means of the spirit of rationalism or empiricism which is in man, even so the thoughts of God no unbeliever knows except the spirit of God or God the Holy Spirit. Now we have not received or do not receive the source and seat of human discernment or the cosmic spirit but the Human spirit or divine source of discernment from the source of God, that we might have inherent and permanent knowledge of the things (Bible Doctrine) having been freely or graciously given to us under the authority of God. Which divine wisdom or spiritual phenomenon things or Bible Doctrine we also speak or teach or communicate by categories, not in words or categories taught by human wisdom, but in words or categories that are taught by or from the source of God the Holy Spirit; explaining or combining with the Human Spirit to teach, spiritual things or phenomena or doctrine to a spiritual apparatus or spiritual persons.

The Unbeliever

1Cor 2:14; But the natural or Soul-ish man or unbeliever (dichotomous individual) does not grasp or acquire or receive knowledge of the spiritual phenomenon or things or doctrine of or from the Spirit of God, to him they are foolishness or absurd to him, furthermore he is not able to learn or acquire or obtain knowledge of the spiritual phenomenon or the gospel, because they are discerned, understood or perceived spiritually or from the source of God the Holy Spirit.

1Cor 2:16; For, Who has known the thinking of the Lord that we should instruct him, (NO

ONE) but we keep on having the thinking of Christ.

1Cor 3:12-14; Now if any one keeps on building upon this foundation: gold {Divine Good}, silver {Divine Good}, precious stones {Divine Good}, wood {human good}, hay

{energy of the flesh}, stubble or straw {human good}. Every or each man's work or production shall become manifest obvious or evident for the ONE (1) day of the rapture or resurrection of the church at the Judgment Seat of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ which shall declare, reveal or show it, because the day shall receive revealing, be uncovered, in, with or by means of fire. And, the fire shall test the quality of every man's production. If any believer's work or production which he has built upon the foundation in time remains or stands up having been built on the function of the 3

Spiritual Skills, and it will, he shall receive a reward of conveyance of escrow Surpassing Grace Blessings for Eternity.

1Cor 3:15; If any believer's work or production shall be burned, and it is, he shall suffer loss of Escrow Surpassing Blessings and Reward for Eternity, But he himself shall be saved yet so as through fire.

1Cor 4:9; For it seems to me or I have concluded, that The God has placed or exhibited us as the Apostles & Pastor Teachers; in the arena LAST of all, as it were, as men or gladiators condemned to death. Because we are or have become under observation as a spectacle to the world {unbelievers}, and to angels, and to men {carnal believers}.

1Cor 6:18; Flee fornication, {sex mixed with religion}! every sin a man commits is outside his body but the one constantly fornicating sins against his own body.

1Cor 10:20-21; But I say that the thing which the gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to Demons, not to God, and I do not want you to become sharers in demons. You cannot drink the cup of the lord and the cup of demons, you cannot partake of the table of the lord and the table of demons.

1Cor 11:28; A person ought to examine himself (Rebound) before he eats of the Break or Drinks of the Cup

1Cor 11:31; And if we keep on judging ourselves rightly or accurately (1John 1:9) and nothing else, but we (Corinthians) are not and should be, we will not receive judgment from the Justice of God.

1Cor 13:5; Impersonal Love does not behave dishonorably does not seek her own things, is not easily provoked, does not THINK EVIL,

1Cor 15:21-22; for since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection from the dead, for as in Adam All Die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive (EL).

1Cor 15:34; Awaken from your drunken stupor of Human Viewpoint to righteousness, or come to your senses righteously, after being deceived by blurred doctrinal thinking or strong delusion from deception; and cease sinning. For some believers have acquired no knowledge of God though available. I speak this to your humiliation or shame in time or this life.

1John 1:9; If we Believers would acknowledge, admit, name, cite, confess our personal Post salvation sins, maybe we will and maybe we will not; He, GOD the Father, always keeps on being Faithful or dependable and Justified or Righteous, with the result that he might (If we will do this he WILL ALWAYS) forgive, cancel, pardon us the sins and cleanse or purify us from all unknown wrongdoing or wickedness or unrighteousness

1John 2:15-18; Stop loving Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking System of Arrogance, or anything related to the Cosmic Dynasphere, if anyone, the Believer in Cosmic Dynasphere I, keeps loving the Cosmic Dynasphere I, the love from the Father as Personal Love for God the Father and Impersonal Love for Mankind is not in him because all that is in Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking System of Arrogance, the Lust from the flesh, the Old Sin Nature controlling the soul, lust from the eyes as motivational arrogance, the mentality of the soul and the arrogant pattern of life in Cosmic Dynasphere residence and function, is not from the Father but from the Cosmic

Dynaspheres. In fact the Cosmic Dynasphere is passing away along with its lusts, but anyone who executes the will of God, keeps residing or abiding forever in the Divine Dynasphere. Students it is the last favorable time to use the Divine Dynasphere, and just as you have heard that Antichrist will come (In the Tribulation) even now in the Church age many antichrists (Believers in the Cosmic Dynasphere) therefore we have come to realize that it is the last favorable time to advance in the Divine Dynasphere to Gate 8

1John 3:4; Every Believer who does sin also does lawlessness (leave Divine Dynasphere

& enter Cosmic Dynasphere) in fact sin is lawlessness (Cosmic Dynasphere involvement) 1John 3:6-7; When anyone (believers), resides in IT (Divine Dynasphere), he is NOT

sinning; when anyone sins (residence in Cosmic Dynasphere), he has not seen him (The Lord Jesus, the Christ); nor has he come to know him (Occupation with the Person of Christ). My dear Children (John’s congregation) let no one deceive you, when anyone performs righteousness from residence and function in the Divine Dynasphere, he is Honorable, just as He (The Lord Jesus, the Christ) is honorable

1John 4:4; You and only you + Believers in the Divine Dynasphere are from God dear children, and You have overcome them, the momentum tests of the Spiritual Life, because greater is He ( God the Holy Spirit ) who is in you is greater than he (Satan) who is in the Cosmic Dynasphere

1John 5:16; If anyone sees a brother sinning a Sin face to face with or leading to Death, he shall ask and he God will give Life to those who commit sin not leading to or terminating in Death, there is a sin terminating in Death, I do not say you should pray for this sin. All wrongdoing (Modus Operandi of the Believer in the /cds) is Sin, and yet there is sin NOT terminating in death ( because of rebound)

1Pet 1:12; It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, in these things which now have been announced to you by those who preached the good news to you by means of God the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels have an insatiable desire to bend down and concentrate on.

1Pet 5:5


Likewise you younger, immature Believers, submit yourselves to the Pastor –

Teacher, the elder or leader, all of you others in the congregation fasten to one another

or clothe yourselves with grace thinking and humility towards one another, being oriented to the Grace of God, because The God makes war against the arrogant Believer not making Adjustment to the Justice of God but gives grace to the Humble Believer who makes Adjustment to the Justice of God.

1Pet 5:6-9; Therefore become grace doctrinally oriented or Humble yourselves under the Mighty or Powerful or ruling hand of God (Divine Dynasphere) and his delegated authority, that he may exalt or Promote you in the proper time. (Gate 8) Cast all your anxieties from terrorism on him, because he keeps on caring and providing for you.

Attain Spiritual Self Esteem, Be stabilized, sober, vigilant, in the Divine Dynasphere, be on the alert from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine, because, your enemy or adversary the Devil prowls around like a roaring Lion , a carnivore, seeking someone to devour. Hold your ground against him, resist being strong or stabilized in Bible Doctrine, knowing that the same experience of suffering and pressures which cause worry is found by your fellow believers

throughout the world.

1Thes 5:19 (Lack of correct application of Bible Doctrine); (Command) YOU habitually Stop Quenching, Squelching, Hindering, Thwarting, Dampening or Suppressing God the Holy Spirit, get out of His Way!

1Tim 1:19; Be having and holding or keeping the Bible Doctrine in the Human Spirit and Soul and keeping good of intrinsic value Norms and Standards of Bible Doctrine in the conscience, free from evil, which good conscience or Norms and Standards some reversionistic Believers have rejected, cast off, thrust away or repudiated, have suffered shipwreck concerning their Bible Doctrine being in reversionism with influence from evil resulting in bad Norms and Standards. (cut the happiness from God out of your life)

1Tim 3:16; And by consent of all with everyone in agreement, great is the Mystery Doctrine of the Church Age, with reference to becoming God Like, He, the unique One Christ Eternal God, who became visible from the virgin birth to the ascension and session at the right hand of God the Father, by means of the flesh of his humanity, the same one Christ in Hypostatic Union at the 1st advent, was vindicated, justified and treated as just by means of God the Holy Spirit, he was carefully scrutinized and observed by angels from his birth to his session at the right hand of God the Father, he was proclaimed, by many heralds communicating with the authority of the King of Kings, among the nations, he was and still is the object of Faith in the world of satan’s rulership, always resulting in individual eternal salvation, and he was taken via the ascension up into the place of Glory.

1Tim 4:1-2; But that same God the Holy Spirit, who during the 1st advent, vindicated the incarnate Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ (1Tim 3:16), explicitly communicates or teaches or reports, that in latter periods of Time, the dispensations of the Royal Family of God and completion of the Age of Israel, Between the 1st & 2nd Advents, some Believers in

the Royal Family of God, fail and will become apostate, standing away from revolting against, abstaining from, departing from, rejecting, withdrawing from The Bible Doctrine, constantly paying attention to, concentrating on, applying the mind to, adhering to, being occupied with fallen angelic deceitful demon teachers communicating the Doctrines from Demons, EVIL and the Cosmic Dynasphere. By means of hypocrisy, speaking from behind a mask of falsehood from the source of human pathological

constant liars and phonies, who because of their own conscience have been branded with the hot branding iron of evil in their own conscience resulting in Scar Tissue of the Soul.

1Tim 5:21; I Solemnly warn or charge you before The God the Father, the author of the Plan of God and source of all grace, and before Christ Jesus and before the elect angels, that you to remain alert, guard, protect and preserve these principles leadership from Bible Doctrine, apart from or without prejudice, habitually doing nothing by a spirit of partiality.

1Tim 6:3-4; If, and it is true, anyone continues teaching you otherwise, a different doctrine in opposition to this context, and continually does not concur with the sound doctrines namely those doctrines the words of our Lord Jesus Christ even to the teaching of doctrine pertaining to Godliness, residence in the Divine Dynasphere, or Spiritual Maturity or Balance of Residence. Absolutely, from rejection of Bible Doctrine and Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, He has automatically received Blind Arrogance in the Interlocking Systems of Arrogance, being stupid, knowing, understanding, comprehending, perceiving nothing, not one thing or zero about the mechanical functions of Bible Doctrine; but in contrast, he, as expected, has a morbid craving, obsession, excessive vicious fondness with controversy and verbal conflict, from which originate jealousy, discord, evil speculations, malignings or verbal sins.

1Tim 6:14; I order you, Timothy (who is in reversionism), to guard, keep, preserve this commandment (v13) spotless, unstained, without grieving God the Holy Spirit in carnality, and free from reproach so as not to be quenching God the Holy Spirit, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ at the rapture of the church;

2Cor 2:11; In order that no advantage be taken of us by satan for we are not ignorant of his schemes or devices (thoughts and people to distract us and remold our

personality for conformance with the Cosmic Dynasphere).

2Cor 4:3; And even if our gospel is obscured (Unclear to those hearing it) it is obscured to those who are perishing or lost (Unbelievers)

2Cor 4:4; in whose case the god of this world (Satan) has blinded the thoughts of the Unbelievers (Black Out of the Soul) that they might not see the light of the gospel which is the glory of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ who is the exact image of God.

2Cor 5:6; Therefore being always confident or of good or Great courage, and knowing that while we are at home in this body (living NOW), we are absent from the Lord, but when we die, then we are absent from the body and Face to Face with the Lord.

2Cor 5:21; For our sake, he, God the Father, made him, Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ , who did not know sin to become sin in place of us, in order that in him we might become the righteousness of God in him.

2Cor 6:11-12; Oh you Corinthians we, Paul, Timothy, Apollos, teach you Bible Doctrine, our Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul is enlarged with Bible Doctrine and we teach from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of our Soul.. You are not limited or hindered from learning Bible Doctrine and spiritual growth by us your teachers but you are limited by your own emotional pattern.

2Cor 10:5; attack, assaulting and demolishing Cosmic Dynasphere thoughts of thinking Human Viewpoint and Human Good and every subjective arrogant or proud thought obstacle which attacks the objective that is the knowledge of God in Divine Viewpoint, and making a prisoner every Cosmic Dynasphere or Human Viewpoint thought bringing it under the authority of Christ,

2Cor 11:3-4; But I am afraid unless as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, deceive your minds that you will be led astray from the simplicity, virtue and purity of devotion to Christ. For if some one comes and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you submit to it readily enough.

2Cor 11:13-15; For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising

themselves as apostles of Christ, and no wonder even Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of Light, therefore it is not surprising that his servants disguise themselves as the servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their deeds.

2Cor 12:7-9; Therefore that I, Paul, be not elevated or glorified by means of or because of the surpassing greatness or abundance of revelations, for this reason to keep me from being arrogant from the past and that overflowing into my life or over elated exalting myself, there was given to me for my benefit, a thorn in the flesh (constant physical irritation or ailment of some kind), an angel demon from the source of Satan that he might enter into battle and buffet or punch me, to keep me from being over elated and exalting myself. On behalf of this thorn in the flesh, I began to exhort and fervently and intensively begging, pray to the Lord, 3 times that it, the thorn demon, might depart, shear off or stand off from me. But, He (God) had communicated to me in the past with the result that I had this information metabolized, “My Super Grace keeps on being sufficient or always produces contentment for you, for the inherent omnipotent power has been and keeps on being fulfilled by means of weakness (in Paul), with the GREATEST PLEASURE to the HIGHEST DEGREE therefore, I will

dogmatically boast in the sphere of my weaknesses, in order that the omnipotent power of Christ may take up quarters or bivoauc upon me.

2Cor 12:10; "For this reason I find contentment, the beginning of perfect happiness, in weaknesses, the inability to use human solutions for Providential Preventative Suffering, in slanders, preliminary people testing, in pressures, preliminary thought testing, in persecutions, preliminary system testing, and in stresses, preliminary disaster testing, on behalf of Christ. For when I am weak, unable to solve these problems with human solutions, then I am caused to be made strong."

2Cor 13:5; Be testing yourselves, to see whether you are in the Bible Doctrine

constantly check yourself to see your consistency in taking in Bible Doctrine.

Constantly Test yourselves for Spiritual Maturity. Or Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you, unless you are disapproved as a reversionist?

2John 9; No one has fellowship with God who keeps on advancing out of bounds and does not remain on the playing field (Divine Dynasphere) through the Bible Doctrine of Christ, He who resides in the Divine Dynasphere by means of Bible Doctrine this same one keeps on having fellowship with both the Father and the Son.

2Pet 1:2; Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of our lord Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ.

2Pet 2:20; For if and it is true, unbelievers, after having already escaped from the ultimate source of defilement of the False Teaching Evil of the Cosmic Dynaspheres the Doctrine of Demons having rejected this false doctrine (1Tim 4;1), by means of the epignosis knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the gospel, they are again involved, entangled or interwoven by this false Doctrine now listening intently as the result of a change in their Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and which they have rejected at {before} gospel hearing by their own Negative Volition and are {now} constantly overcome and defeated; the latter end or last state of {(ff) believer} reversionism has, from their own free will volition, become with permanent results far worse for them than the first of the unbeliever with common sense when they rejected false teaching, they now being minus all common sense.

2Pet 2:21; For it would have kept on being better for them, slave victims of false teaching, not to have fully known (epiginosko) the way of imputed righteousness of the gospel of Christ for salvation, than after having fully known, by free will, to turn away from authority of the holy or sanctified commandment (1John 3:23) having been delivered to them for their advantage. OR For it would have been better for the unbeliever never to have known the way of righteousness of epignosis gospel than having known the gospel to turn back from the holy commandment f or S



djustment to the Ju

stice of God through faith alone in Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ alone through Negative Volition, delivered to them in witnessing or evangelism.

2Pet 3:18; But keep on growing in the sphere of grace and knowledge of our lord and savior Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, To Him, God, Be the Glory, both now and to the Day of Eternity.

2Thes 2:1-2; Moreover, no matter the historical or national disasters in our nation and period of history God will provide Logistical Grace and Super Grace from his integrity for our life and support, brothers or believers in the Royal Family of God, with reference to or under the advent, coming or presence of The Lord Jesus, The Christ and our honor guard escort assembling or gathering together to, around, upon or with him at the rapture of the church, we continue to urgently ask, request or demand you, based on your volition, In order that you, believers in the Royal Family of God in the Church Age in historical crisis or catastrophe, not be easily disturbed, agitated, mentally shaken or unstable in your mind, from the source of your Left Lobe of the Soul nor or not even so nervous, agitated or disturbed that you scream, neither through or by an attractive personality (or a demon spirit) teaching you false doctrine, nor by verbal teaching of false doctrine, evil policy, bad motives by false teachers, or wrong pastor teachers, nor through a forged letter or written teaching or epistle purporting to be from us, to the effect or alleging that the day of the Lord, the 2nd advent of Christ, has come or is here now, you being in the tribulation.

2Thes 2:3-4; Let no one in any way or by means of any one’s norms and standards superimpose them on you and thoroughly beguile, lead astray, delude or deceive you OR

let no one thoroughly deceive you with their norms and standards, manner of life or conduct in any way and lead you astray into reversionistic revolution against God, Since the Day of the Lord, the tribulation and 2nd Advent of Christ cannot come unless, these things must occur first chronologically, the Departure or Resurrection or Rapture of the Church age believers has come first, and the man of the lawlessness of revolution against God or who is lawless, as the anti Laws of Divine Establishment dictator of the revived roman empire as the son of or the one doomed to annihilation, destruction or ruin indwelt by Satan, shall be revealed in the tribulation (Rev 13:1-10, 16:13-14, Dan 7:17, 11:38, 11:31) The man of lawlessness, who is constantly a hostile enemy opposing and in total arrogance exalting or lifting himself above or over everything that is called, designated or related to the Lord God, or all that is the object of worship or every so called god related to ecumenical religious activity, with the result that he, the Dictator, or his statue image, is caused to sit or installed in the temple of God in Jerusalem, duplicating the glorification of Christ at the right hand of God the Father, proclaiming himself to be God or displaying himself as God. (Matt 24)

2Thes 2:8-10; And then, at that time of the tribulation after the resurrection of the church, the lawless one having no restraint on his Negative Volition like Pharaoh, dictator of the Revived Roman Empire and leader of ecumenical religion, will be revealed, whom The Lord Jesus, The Christ will consume, destroy, kill and take away with the truthful breath of his mouth, like a nerve gas, in fact, he shall neutralize, wipe out, render powerless by means of the bright glorious glamorous appearance and

display of his presence at the 2nd advent. (Rev 19:15,19-21) This is the one, the man of

lawlessness the dictator of the Revived Roman Empire, whose presence or presentation in history is in accordance with or according to the norm or operational power or activity or Modus Operandi of Satan, himself, being Satan possessed, in the sphere of all power of religion, revolution, and social action and by means of extra natural phenomenon or miracles in the spiritual realm including miracles, healings, pseudo speaking in tongues, etc., and even wonder miracles of the lying propaganda as satanic doctrine infiltrating the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul. And In the sphere of or by means of all delusion or perpetual deception of wickedness, deceitfulness, injustice, falsehood or unrighteousness or wrongdoing as maladjustment to the Justice of God, to those citizens of the client nations both believers and unbelievers, who are being led astray, deprived, ruined or utterly destroyed just as the unbelievers will be in the tribulation by the man of lawlessness, because they did not receive, accept or embrace the Agape Mental Emotionless Love for the truth as Bible Doctrine or Laws of Divine Establishment in order that they might be delivered or saved.

2Tim 1:7; For THE God has, to our advantage, dogmatically, absolutely not given to us, as Pastor Teachers who have a local church, the life or state of mind of cowardice (Timothy having been a coward), but of inherent inner power from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and reciprocal or virtue love for God, Impersonal Love and a Relaxed Mental Attitude for Mankind (Rom 5:5, Gal 5:22), and the sound mentality of wisdom and of self control and self discipline.

2Tim 2:13; IF we as reversionistic believers under the influence of evil, are not believing, being unfaithful by neglecting or rejecting Bible Doctrine, and some believers are, He abides or remains faithful {the title of this hymn}." For you see, He, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, can not deny Himself {In Union with Christ we are part of Him}

2Tim 2:25

v25: In grace orientation, humility, meekness, and gentleness, freedom from pride and arrogance, when necessary, exercise correction through disciplinary action, toward those reversionistic believers who resist or are in opposition to sound doctrinal teaching, so that perhaps The God may hopefully give to them a consistent change of mind toward Bible Doctrine for the purpose of achieving maximum epignosis or metabolized knowledge of The Truth or Doctrine.

Acts 5:1-10; But a certain man (Believers) named Ananias with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession, in competition with Barnabas and kept back part of the price while presenting the impression they were giving all; his wife also being privy to it or knowing along with him; and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles' feet. So Peter said, “Anani’as, why has Satan filled your right lobe (demon influence), to lie to God the Holy Spirit and to keep back some of the price of the land”? “While it remained unsold, did not the property remain your own? And after it was sold was the profit under your control? Why is it that you have put this deed or conceived this thing in your right lobe? You have not lied to man but to God.” And Ananias hearing these

words fell down, and gave up the spirit {died}. And great fear came on all them that heard these things. And the young men arose, wrapped up the body in swaddling clothes or death wraps, and carried him out, and buried him. And it was about the space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in. And Peter answered unto her, "Tell me whether you sold the land for so much?" And she said, "Yes, for so much." Then Peter said unto her, "How is it that you have agreed together {with your husband} to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?" "Behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry you out." Then fell she down straightway at his feet and yielded up her spirit {also croaked on the spot}.

And the young men came in; found her dead; carrying her forth and buried her by her husband.

Acts 19:15; And the evil spirit answered and said, "Jesus I know from experience; and Paul I know from experience - but YOU; WHO in the blazes !@#$%^@$%@! are you?"

Acts 20:7; And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples had assembled together to observe a short communion ritual during the worship service, Paul kept on giving a verbal analysis (4 hours) or proclaiming or communicating unto them to their advantage; ready to depart in the morning and continued his speech until midnight.

Acts 20:19; "Constantly being a slave to or Serving the Lord with all humility of thinking or orientation to the grace and to the Plan of God, and with many tears, and pressures or testings, which accompany me by the lying in wait of the religious or legalistic Jews."

Acts 24:11; "Because you, being constantly able to fully understand that there are yet but twelve days since I went up to Jerusalem with the purpose to worship or do homage to God."

Col 1:9; For this reason or because of this, we also since or from the day we heard of it, we do not cease to pray intensely on your behalf and to constantly ask with the result that your deficiency may be filled up with full epignosis knowledge of doctrine of his sovereign purpose and design or will by means of all wisdom (epignosis application) and spiritual understanding (epignosis exhale)

Col 1:10; In order that you may walk worthy of the Lord, pleasing God in all things, constantly producing in the sphere of every good work (Absolute Good), constantly receiving growth or momentum by means of epignosis Bible Doctrine knowledge from the source of God.

Eccl 6:2; A mature believer who had made Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God to whom God gives riches, wealth, possessions and honor, so that he lacks nothing for his soul of all that he desires as Ultra-Super Grace blessings, BUT God does not give him the power to enjoy them, (apart from Bible Doctrine) but a stranger enjoys them as part of the Divine Discipline from God; this is emptiness, futility and meaningless calamity of evil as a disease of thinking in reversionism.

Eccl 6:9; Better is the SEEING of the Eyes, perception of Bible Doctrine, than the wandering of the soul lusts in reversionism, for this also is meaningless or emptiness and chasing after or feeding on the wind.

Eccl 6:11; For there are many thoughts which increase vanity, greater futility and meaninglessness or emptiness of reversionism, what therefore is the advantage of this to man?

Eccl 12:8; Emptiness of Emptiness, everything is emptiness, says the man with the message, all is empty.

Eccl 12:14; For THE Elohim shall cause to bring all production, related to Adjustment to the Justice of God, to judgment at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ, everything, regarding your Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible

Doctrine ,being hidden, whether Divine Good or Evil.

Eph 1:17; In order that the God of our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the father of Glory may give you all to your advantage, a human spirit of wisdom even from the source of revelation by means of epignosis or true knowledge from the source of Him Eph 2:8-9; For by Grace you have been saved now with the result that you keep on being saved always, through faith (alone in JC alone) and that Salvation, not from yourselves, (nor anything you do) [it is] (implied as a dramatic elipsis shouting at you) the gift of God, not as a result of works, that no one should be arrogant or ever boast (going beyond his limitations).

Eph 3:10; that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made

known to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places.

Eph 3:17; In order that, The Christ may be at home, according to a norm or standard of the character of Christ, in the right lobe of your soul, by means of accumulated Metabolized Bible Doctrine assimilated in your right lobes by means of or through the instrumentality of the Filling of God the Holy Spirit, and the Faith Rest Drill (4 categories), in order that, after you have received and continue being rooted, or stabilized in the life, by Filling of God the Holy Spirit and Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and after having received and continue to have the stabilized foundation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Human Spirit, or established (have a secure place) by agency of Reciprocal Virtue Love for God as Personal Love for God the Father, Impersonal Love for Mankind and Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ.

Eph 4:13; Until we all have attained the Goal (Gate 8 of the Divine Dynasphere) because of the consistency of Bible Doctrine teaching and the Epignosis knowledge of the son of God and Occupation with the Person of Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, to a mature status to the standard of maturity which belongs to the fullness of Christ.

Eph 4:17; This therefore I have explained and make an emphatic demand by means of the Lord, that all of you reversionistic Believers no longer continue walking just as also the gentile reversionistic unbelievers keep walking by means of the worthlessness, futility or the vacuum or nothingness of their mind from Black Out of the Soul

Eph 4:18-20; Their minds having become darkened in their way of thinking or

understanding from Blackout of the Soul or by way of their thinking, having been alienated, estranged, excluded from the Life of God from Scar Tissue of the Soul, because of the ignorance which keeps on being in them and because of the ignorance which is in them because of the hardness or scar tissue of their Right Lobe. Who while having become become callous with Scar Tissue of the Soul have betrayed themselves to promiscuous debauchery, resulting in the practice of very kind of immorality in the sphere of insatiable lust. But you members of the Royal Family of God have not been taught this manner in Christ

Eph 4:22

v22: You lay aside (rebound) your old sin nature which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful lusts,

Eph 4:27; and Stop doing what you are already doing in giving room or opportunity to the Devil, to the Great Slanderer, the Ruler of this World.

Eph 4:30; Furthermore Stop Grieving GHS, The God, by means of whom you have been sealed to the Day of Redemption.

Eph 6:10-17 (command for the believer-the Armor from God); Therefore in the future keep on becoming strong in the Lord (Interlocking of the Gates of the Divine Dynasphere) even by means of the Rule of his Endowed power (Divine Dynasphere).

Put on or wear for yourselves the full armor of God that you might be able to hold your ground against the tactics of the Devil, Because our combat is not against flesh and blood human beings, but against rulers, the demon general officers, against authorities, the demon commissioned officers, against the world rulers of this darkness, the demon ambassadors to capitals of the world rulers, and against the Spirit forces of evil the rank and file demons. Because of this Angelic Conflict pick up and put on the whole armor from God, in order that you may have the ability to resist in the evil day of attack, even after having achieved everything by reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, to oppose the forces of Satan through No Man’s Land and at advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God during Evidence Testing. Stand fast therefore, after having buckled your bauldritch around your waist by means of Metabolized Bible Doctrine resident in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, also after having put on the body armor of righteousness. Also having put on combat boots on your feet with the equipment of the gospel even peace or reconciliation. In addition to All this Armor, having picked up and carried the shield of

Faith with which you may be able to extinguish all the missiles of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Ez 28:12-18; "Son of man, raise a lamentation upon the king of Tyre a demon possessed man, and say to him, thus says Jehovah Elohim: "You were the greatest of all creature perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God in the third heaven even the throne room; every precious stone was your covering, carnelian, topaz, and jasper, diamonds, beryl, and onyx, sapphire, carbuncle, and emerald; and wrought in gold was your suit or garment and coverings and your vocal cords or voice were prepared in you on the day that you were created. You, Satan, were the anointed messianic cherib the highest of angels who covers in the Throne room of God, I, God, placed you there, you were on the holy mountain of God, you walked in the midst of the stones of Fire having access to heaven. You were blameless perfect in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness or iniquity was found in you. By the abundance of your slander or gossip or maligning and genius plans, they filled your inner life with violence, your motivation and thought pattern was filled with violence (as terrorists) And you have sinned (Is 14:14) therefore I will in the future cast you out as profane from the mountain of God in the tribulation (Rev 12) and I will destroy you, oh Guardian Cherib, from the midst of the stones of fire. Your soul was lifted up above others because of your beauty in arrogance and egotism, you were corrupted because of your glamor or breathtaking beauty you have distorted your wisdom or intelligence, I have cast you to the earth, I have placed you before kings so that they may see you. By the multitude of your iniquities, in the unrighteousness of your plans or dishonest transactions, you profaned or desecrated your sanctuaries; therefore I will bring forth fire from the midst of you; it will consume you, and I will turn you to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all who saw you.

Gal 3:2-3; I could rest my case on this one point only, I desire to learn from you and only you, once and for all, did you receive in a point of time God the Holy Spirit by means of the works of the law, or by means of the hearing of faith, or the willingness or desire to listen? Are you so stupid? {Yes we are so stupid!} Having begun in the sphere of the Spirit, are you, yourselves, now made perfect by means of the work the flesh, keeping the law?

Gen 1:1; In a beginning which was, without a beginning, not a beginning, in a segment of Eternity Past, there always existed elohim, and God (elohim) Created out of nothing the heavens and Planet Earth.

Gen 1:2; But the Earth had become desolate, and empty, packed in ice, (No animal or plant life, preadamic, invisible unformed) with darkness above the Ice (No Light nor heat) upon the face of the Raging Waters, But the Spirit of God, radiated Heat to melt the Ice Pack, upon the face of the waters,

Gen 1:3-31; And Elohim the father said, Light BE and Light Was. Elohim saw that the Light, Good, and Elohim caused to separate between the light and between the darkness (caused by Angelic Fal ), And Elohim called the light Day, but the Darkness he called Night, and so it became evening getting darker, and the morning became dawn getting lighter, (the first cycle is) DAY ONE. And Elohim communicated, "Atmosphere Be, in the middle of the Waters, and become a cause of dividing between the lower waters on the earth and Heavenly, upper waters, And Elohim the Son manufactured the Atmosphere out of something and caused to separate between the waters under the atmosphere and the waters above the atmosphere, and so it came to pass, or was done as previously described. And Therefore God designated the atmosphere Heaven, So it became evening getting darker and it became Dawn, getting lighter, Day 2. Then Elohim said Waters below the atmosphere, Be Assembled into boundaries (one place), and now dry land be seen, and so it came to pass as described, and So Elohim (al three agreed) called the Dry Land Earth, and the Gathering together, Collection into one Place, waters within their boundaries, he called oceans, seas or Bodies of Water, therefore Elohim saw, Good. And Elohim said, Dry Land cause to Sprout or grow vegetation, self perpetuating plantlife yielding Seed, producing fodder for animals and food for mankind, causing to produce seed according to its own species, and fruit tree producing fruit according to its own species, whose seed is within it on the earth, and so it came to pass as described. And So the Dryland of the Planet Earth caused to spring up (on a self perpetuating basis), vegetation, plantlife causing to produce seed according to its own species and also the tree producing fruit whose seed was within it according to its own species therefore Elohim saw that it was Good. So it became evening getting darker, and it became Dawn getting lighter, Day Three. And Elohim, (God) Said, "Light Bearers (our solar system) Be, in the expanse of the heavens, to cause to divide between the day and between the night, also to become for signs, and to become for seasons, and for days and for years. And let them become for light bearers in the heavens, to cause to give light to the planet earth and so it came to pass as described. So Elohim constructed out of light, the 2 great categories of Light Bearers, [1-Sun a Star + 2-Planets], namely the Greater light for the dominion of the day (Sol Star) and both the Lesser light (Planets) and the already existing stars for the dominion of the night, and Elohim the Son gave them (Sun and planets) to the atmosphere of the heavens to provide light on planet earth, consequently. And one category to rule over the day and the other category in the night, and to cause to divide between the light and darkness, and Elohim saw that it was Good So it became evening getting darker (earth rotating again) and it became morning getting lighter, Day 4.And Elohim decrees "The waters (in their boundaries) be prolific with aquatic Life, living creatures, and birds fly above the earth on the face of the atmosphere of the heavens (close to the earth). And Elohim (The Son) created out of nothing the giant whales, and every other aquatic living moving creature with which the waters abounded, according to their own species, and above the water every bird with wings according to their own species, and Elohim saw that it kept on being good. And Elohim (The Trinity) blessed them saying, reproduce and multiply and fill the waters in the oceans with your own kind, And to the Birds he commanded, Multiply in or over the planet earth And the evening becoming darker, and it became dawn getting lighter Day, 5. And Elohim decreed the Earth cause to spring up

the Living Creature animals on the land, according to its own species, domesticatable animals, reptiles along with insects, and wild animals of the land according to its own species, and So it came to pass as previously described. And Elohim constructed the wild animals of the land according to its own species, domesticated animals according to its own species, and all the reptiles (worms, insects, etc) of the ground according to its own species, and Elohim saw that it was Good. Elohim (trinity) decreed, "Let us manufacture (Adam) the Human Race personslities in the shadow image of our essence after our pattern of personalities, and they shall rule over the birds of the heavens, the fish of the sea, and over the domesticated animals, and over all the earth (Lower creation),and over all the reptiles creeping and gliding over the earth (insects and snakes). So Elohim (trinity) Created out of nothing the Adam (Soul) in His shadow image, in the image of Elohim created out of nothing He (God) Him (Adam), created he Them Male and Female souls, Right Man and Right Woman in Soul only. And Elohim blessed them abundantly, therefore Elohim said unto them, "reproduce and multiply and fill the earth, both dominate and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens and every living animal moving on the land" And Elohim decreed, behold, I have given you all plantlife producing and scattering seeds, which is on the surface of the Earth, and every tree which in it the fruit of the tree producing seeds, to you it shall be for food, and to every beast of the earth (Mammals), and to every bird of the air (Fowls), and to everything that creeps or glides (Snakes & Insects etc) which in it has life, every green plant for food, and so it came to pass as previously described.

And Elohim saw everything which he had manufactured out of something (Restored) and behold very Good, And so it became evening becoming darker, and it became dawn getting lighter the 6th Day.

Gen 1:3-31; And Elohim the father said, Light BE and Light Was. Elohim saw that the Light, Good, and Elohim caused to separate between the light and between the darkness (caused by Angelic Fal ), And Elohim called the light Day, but the Darkness he called Night, and so it became evening getting darker, and the morning became dawn getting lighter, (the first cycle is) DAY ONE. And Elohim communicated, "Atmosphere Be, in the middle of the Waters, and become a cause of dividing between the lower waters on the earth and Heavenly, upper waters, And Elohim the Son manufactured the Atmosphere out of something and caused to separate between the waters under the atmosphere and the waters above the atmosphere, and so it came to pass, or was done as previously described. And Therefore God designated the atmosphere Heaven, So it became evening getting darker and it became Dawn, getting lighter, Day 2. Then Elohim said Waters below the atmosphere, Be Assembled into boundaries (one place), and now dry land be seen, and so it came to pass as described, and So Elohim (al three agreed) called the Dry Land Earth, and the Gathering together, Collection into one Place, waters within their boundaries, he called oceans, seas or Bodies of Water, therefore Elohim saw, Good. And Elohim said, Dry Land cause to Sprout or grow vegetation, self perpetuating plantlife yielding Seed, producing fodder for animals and food for mankind, causing to produce seed according to its own species, and fruit tree producing fruit according to its own species, whose seed is within it on the earth, and so it came to pass as described. And So the Dryland of the Planet Earth caused to spring up (on a

self perpetuating basis), vegetation, plantlife causing to produce seed according to its own species and also the tree producing fruit whose seed was within it according to its own species therefore Elohim saw that it was Good. So it became evening getting darker, and it became Dawn getting lighter, Day Three. And Elohim, (God) Said, "Light Bearers (our solar system) Be, in the expanse of the heavens, to cause to divide between the day and between the night, also to become for signs, and to become for seasons, and for days and for years. And let them become for light bearers in the heavens, to cause to give light to the planet earth and so it came to pass as described. So Elohim constructed out of light, the 2 great categories of Light Bearers, [1-Sun a Star + 2-Planets], namely the Greater light for the dominion of the day (Sol Star) and both the Lesser light (Planets) and the already existing stars for the dominion of the night, and Elohim the Son gave them (Sun and planets) to the atmosphere of the heavens to provide light on planet earth, consequently. And one category to rule over the day and the other category in the night, and to cause to divide between the light and darkness, and Elohim saw that it was Good So it became evening getting darker (earth rotating again) and it became morning getting lighter, Day 4.And Elohim decrees "The waters (in their boundaries) be prolific with aquatic Life, living creatures, and birds fly above the earth on the face of the atmosphere of the heavens (close to the earth). And Elohim (The Son) created out of nothing the giant whales, and every other aquatic living moving creature with which the waters abounded, according to their own species, and above the water every bird with wings according to their own species, and Elohim saw that it kept on being good. And Elohim (The Trinity) blessed them saying, reproduce and multiply and fill the waters in the oceans with your own kind, And to the Birds he commanded, Multiply in or over the planet earth And the evening becoming darker, and it became dawn getting lighter Day, 5. And Elohim decreed the Earth cause to spring up the Living Creature animals on the land, according to its own species, domesticatable animals, reptiles along with insects, and wild animals of the land according to its own species, and So it came to pass as previously described. And Elohim constructed the wild animals of the land according to its own species, domesticated animals according to its own species, and all the reptiles (worms, insects, etc) of the ground according to its own species, and Elohim saw that it was Good. Elohim (trinity) decreed, "Let us manufacture (Adam) the Human Race personslities in the shadow image of our essence after our pattern of personalities, and they shall rule over the birds of the heavens, the fish of the sea, and over the domesticated animals, and over all the earth (Lower creation),and over all the reptiles creeping and gliding over the earth (insects and snakes). So Elohim (trinity) Created out of nothing the Adam (Soul) in His shadow image, in the image of Elohim created out of nothing He (God) Him (Adam), created he Them Male and Female souls, Right Man and Right Woman in Soul only. And Elohim blessed them abundantly, therefore Elohim said unto them, "reproduce and multiply and fill the earth, both dominate and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens and every living animal moving on the land" And Elohim decreed, behold, I have given you all plantlife producing and scattering seeds, which is on the surface of the Earth, and every tree which in it the fruit of the tree producing seeds, to you it shall be for food, and to every beast of the earth (Mammals), and to every bird of the air (Fowls), and to everything that creeps or glides (Snakes & Insects etc) which in it

has life, every green plant for food, and so it came to pass as previously described.

And Elohim saw everything which he had manufactured out of something (Restored) and behold very Good, And so it became evening becoming darker, and it became dawn getting lighter the 6th Day.

Gen 2:7 (God's Provision for Man's Soul); And the Jehovah Elohim formed or designed the male body (Man) out of the Dust from the Ground and Breathed into his nostrils the Breath or Spark of Life of Soul Lives (man and woman) and The Adam, Man only became a Soul having life. (Woman’s Body created later)

Gen 2:9; And consequently Jehovah Elohim caused to Grow out of the Ground every Tree, being desirable to the sight (soul blessing), and Good for Food (bodies blessings), and in the middle of the Garden the Tree of Life (spiritual blessing), and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil (the test of Man’s Volition).

Gen 2:17 (The Test); And from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you MUST

not eat from it, because in the day that you eat from it Dying (spiritually) , you will die (physically). DEAD DEAD

Gen 3:15 (Salvation promise); and I will put enmity or hostility or antagonism between you (serpent) and the woman (Salvation Promise - Grace before Judgement), between your seed, offspring, descendant (fallen angels & unbelievers) and her seed, offspring, descendant (The Lord Jesus, the Christ & believers), and HE (Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ) shall crush your (Satan) ruler-ship or headship (operation footstool), and you (Satan) shall crush His heal (Spiritually Dead Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ judged on the cross for SIN)

Heb 6:1; Therefore leaving behind or having graduated from the elementary or basic principles of the Bible Doctrine of Christ, let us Believers advance ourselves to maturity and the Edification Complex of the Soul, through the grace status, not again laying the foundation of basic and Gospel Doctrine, such as the changing our minds or repenting about dead works or human good legalism related to salvation,

Heb 9:12-15; And not by means of the blood of goats and young bulls the Leviticus offerings, but by means of his own blood (figurative) he our great high priest entered into the holy of holies once and for all having procured eternal redemption for us. For you see if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of the red heifer, the animal sacrifices of atonement and rebound, which becomes ceremoniously unclean continue purifying with reference to the ceremonial cleansing of the flesh and they do. How much more than ceremonial cleansing through the shedding of animal blood shall the blood of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ who through his eternal divine essence has offered himself without blemish and impeccable to the God the Father, purify by an expiatory offering, our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. And because of this, Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ becoming true humanity and went to the cross without Adam’s Original Sin nor personal sin, accomplishing redemption, by means

of a new contract or covenant he is mediator, a death having occurred for the purpose of redemption from the transgressions against the first covenant, in order that they having been called may take into their possession the promise of eternal inheritance, Heb 12:4-10; You have not yet resisted to the point of blood in fighting against the Old Sin Nature. And so You, yourselves have forgotten the principle of doctrine which teaches as sons ( Royal Family of God ), my son, do not regard lightly or make light of the punishment or corrective discipline from the Lord, and do not faint when punished or reproved by Him. For you see, whom the Lord Loves he disciplines or punishes and he skins alive with a whip every son whom he receives by grace or welcomes home. For the purpose of discipline or punishment endure, therefore God deals with you as with sons, and what son is there that the father does not punish. But if you ( Royal Family of God ) are without punishment from God, of which all Believers have become partakers, consequently you are and will continue being bastards, illegitimate, and NOT

sons. Besides this, we have had earthly fathers to discipline us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? For they (wise parents) discipline us for a short time as seem best for them, but he ( God the Father ) punishes us for our profit that we may share in the Holiness (fulfillment of Reciprocal Love for God Motivation, responding to the Love of God for us from Eternity Past, to be set apart to God)

Heb 12:11-15; For the moment all discipline seems painful or grievous rather than joyous or pleasant; nevertheless after rebound and reorientation (1John 1:9, Rom 8:28, 1Thes 5:18) it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Therefore lift up your drooping hands and strengthen your weak feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of the way but rather be healed. Constantly being responsible for yourself, (Sin), that no one comes short of or fails or comes below the standard of or falls back from, be deficient of the standard of the Grace of God, and that not one root of bitterness as a Mental Attitude Sins (Sin and Evil combined) springing or sprouting up causes internal trouble and Emotional Revolt of the Soul or relapse into the Cosmic Dynasphere and through this evil relapse, many are contaminated or defiled by the excrement of your soul.

Hos 10:2; Their heart is false; now they must bear their guilt. The LORD will break down their altars, and destroy their pillars.

Is 14:12-14 (Satan’s Thinking and Fall); How have you fallen from heaven oh Lucifer, Shining One Son of the Morning or Day Star, the most beautiful creature from God; Oh day star from the morning, on son of the Dawn, you are cut down to the earth, you that once laid low the nations. Because you said in your Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, “I WILL ascend into the 3rd heaven and replace God in revolution, I WILL exalt raise my throne above the shining one’s or angels the stars of God taking over them by persuasion, I WILL also sit on the utmost heights of mount of the assembly or congregation the Supreme Court of Heaven trial area in the recesses of the north ruling the world where man lives. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, being higher

than anyone, and control both homo sapiens and angels winning the Appeal Trial I WILL

make myself like the most high God and take the authority from God.

Is 26:3-4; A sustained or steadfast purpose you, God, will guard in perfect prosperity because his mind is focused on you and he trusts in you. Trust in Jehovah the LORD

forever through the Faith Rest Drill (4 categories) and 3 stages, for in Jehovah is an everlasting rock of ages, the stability of your life.

Is 43:7; Even every one (jews under the 5th cycle scattering) who is called by my name, I have created his soul out of nothing, for my glory, I have formed him out of

something, yes I have made his personality out of the Essence of the Soul, OR Everyone who is called by my name (Homosapien) I have created him out of nothing, for my glory I have molded him (created out of something), yes I have constructed him (different personalities and body but the same essence of soul).

Is 45:18; For thus (adanai) the Lord has communicated, the one that created out of nothing all three heavens of the Universe, The God (Trinity) himself the one who formed the earth (sculpting it with Ice) and restored HER for habitation and stabilized her to prevent her destruction, he created her not a waste, he reformed or sculpted restoring Her to be inhabited for a blessing, I am the Lord (The Lord Jesus, the Christ) and there is No Other celebrity.

Is 64:6; All of us, both Jewish believers and unbelievers since the dispersion, have become like one who is unclean and all of our righteousnesses are like filthy menstrual rags, furthermore all of us and our human good efforts are caused to fade in

comparison to the divine standard of Bible Doctrine, we wither like a leaf and our iniquity or perversity of reversionism and respectable sins like the wind have scattered us abroad in the dispersion under Divine Discipline followed by the Sin Unto Death.

James 1:2-4; Consider it all happiness, my brethren [Royal Family of God], when you encounter various testings of many kinds, knowing that the testing of your doctrine produces steadfastness.

James 1:13-15; Let no man say when he is tempted “I am tempted by God” for God

cannot be tempted by evil and he himself does not tempt anyone but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. When lust has become

pregnant, it gives birth to sin, furthermore when sin is accomplished it brings forth Cosmic Dynasphere Death.

James 1:21; Therefore put away all filthiness and rank growth of demonic wickedness through rebound and receive and retain or implant through humility the word, and it will save your souls (experiential sanctification, construction of the Edification Complex of the soul.

James 1:22-24; But be doers through reception and retention resulting in application of the word, and not hearers only building up gnosis doctrine, deceiving or deluding yourselves. For if any one is a hearer of the word only developing gnosis and not a doer, he is like a man who observes his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself and goes away and at once forgets what category of person he is.

James 4:4; You adulteresses in reverse process reversionism do you not know that love of the Cosmic Dynasphere or world, keeps on being alienation from God, therefore whoever has decided their options from Volition to be a lover of the Cosmic Dynasphere or world appoints himself the enemy of God.

James 4:6


Moreover He gives to the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, Greater Grace or super-grace, therefore it the Old Testament Scripture says in Proverbs 3:34 “The God makes War against the Arrogant Believer, But he gives Grace to the Humble Believer”.

James 4:7; Therefore be subordinate or submit to The Authority of God with residence

& function in the Divine Dynasphere resist or oppose the devil and the Cosmic Dynasphere and he will flee from you

Jer 3:13; Only name cite or acknowledge your iniquity, wrong actions in rebound (1John 1:9) that you have, overstepped the law, revolted, rebelled in the soul, transgressed against the Lord your God, and have intensely disbursed, scattered, your intimate ways to loathsome strangers, fornicating around indiscriminately, under every green tree, and you have not obeyed my voice from Bible Doctrine thus lack capacity for love, says the Lord.

Jer 9:13-14; And the Lord communicated to the communicator Jeremiah, “Because they have left behind, deserted my bible doctrines, the Laws of Divine Establishment by which freedom exists, which I have given to their faces in face to face teaching and have not listened and obeyed my voice as a result of consistent Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine, rejecting Bible Doctrine in reversionism nor walked stabilized in or according to Bible Doctrine, but have walked from place to place after the hardness's, stubbornness, obstinacy of the Right Lobe of their souls in Scar Tissue of their own Soul, and after Baal in application of false doctrine in their experiences, just as their fathers in the previous generation had taught them through experiences, Jer 19:4-5; Because the people in Judah have rejected, alienated, disowned, estranged, forsaken me in the sublimation of spiritual and physical fornication before Idols, and have profaned or rejected the purpose of this place, Jerusalem and the temple for worship, by burning of animal or human fat in the temple to other gods, starting with Monassah, whom neither they nor their fathers in 2 generations nor the kings of Judah after Josiah have known, not learning doctrine; and because they have filled or saturated this place of the valley of Hinnon and the Temple with the blood of innocents

in human sacrifice, and have spent a great deal of time, care and effort to construct the high places of Baal to burn their sons with the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I, God, did not command, speak or decree it, nor did it come from my mind;

Job 26:13; By his wind the heavens were made fair; his hand pierced the fleeing serpent.

Job 38:4-7; "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements; surely you know! Or who

stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars belonging to God, angelic creatures, shouted a united ringing cry of excitement, and all the sons or offspring of God shouted with a deafening blast of noise?

John 3:1-12; Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicode'mus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to him, "Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that you do, unless God is with him." Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly a point of doctrine, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Nicode'mus sarcastically said to him, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?" Jesus answered, "Truly, truly a point of doctrine, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

That which is born of or generated from the flesh is flesh with a physical body and soul and Old Sin Nature comprising Human Life, and that which is born of or generated from God the Holy Spirit is spiritual, with human spirit with spiritual life. Do not marvel that I said to you, `You must be born anew.' The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with every one who is born of the Spirit." Nicode'mus said to him, "How can this be?" Jesus answered him sarcastically, "Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand these things? A Point of Doctrine, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen; but you do not receive our witness. I have told you simple natural earthly analogies for salvation mechanics and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you basic heavenly doctrines?

John 3:14-17; For just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, even so shall the son of man be lifted up. In order that everyone who believes in him (faith in Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ alone) may have Eternal Life, For you see, THE God loved the world (Human Race) SO MUCH or IN THIS MANNER from the Integrity of God, with the result that He (God) gave His son, the uniquely born one, in order or with the result that anyone who believes in him (Faith alone in Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ alone) WILL

NOT perish and WILL have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to judge the world (Entirety of Humanity from Adam & Ishah to the End of Human History) but that the world through him might be saved.

John 3:36; He who believes in the son, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ has eternal life, he who does not believe does not see life but the wrath of God abides on him.

John 8:32; You will know the Bible Doctrine (truth) and the Truth of Bible Doctrine shall make you free (To execute the Spiritual Life under the Royal Family Honor Code) John 8:44; You are of your father the Devil and the Lusts of your father you will do, he was a murderer in eternity past from a beginning which was not a beginning, and abode not in Doctrine because there is NO doctrine in Him, when he speaks a Lie he speaks from his own being for he is a liar the father of it.

John 12:40; he has blinded their eyes, he has hardened their hearts with Scar Tissue of the Soul, lest they should see with their eyes (reversionist & Cosmic Dynasphere == no evangelistic response), unless they perceive with their right lobe and be converted and I restore them.

Jude 19; These unbelievers are the ones who cause divisions, soulish not having a human spirit

Jude 20; But you all, beloved, building upon yourselves {building an edification complex of the soul} by means of your most holy faith, praying by means of the Holy Spirit.

Luke 15:7-10; I tell you, that or in the same way there will be more happiness or joy in heaven over one sinner who changes his mind toward the gospel of Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ than over ninety-nine righteous persons who presume to need no

repentance. "Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, `Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I had lost.' In the same way, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

Matt 1:21; And she, Mary, shall bear a son and you shall call his name (heb Joshua, (gr) Jesus, savior, for it is he who shall save his people, believers, from the ultimate source of their Sins, the Old Sin Nature.

Matt 3:3; For this is he, John the Baptizer, who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah (Is 40:3) when he said, "The voice of one proclaiming and speaking dogmatically in the desert: You, prepare the way of the Lord Jehovah making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, habitually make his paths upright by consistent use of the rebound procedure and Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine."

Matt 5:10-12; "Complete Inner Happinesses to those who are related to God, the believers in Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God receiving Ultra Super-Grace blessings, who have been persecuted for the sake of or on account of Maximum Adjustment to the Justice of God and reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God or Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God; BECAUSE OF THEM, there keeps on being the kingdom of Heaven of Eternal Life and temporal and eternal Super

and Ultra Super Grace and Surpassing grace blessings. You, Believers having reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God or Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, are filled with all maximum inner happinesses, when they or others constantly reproach or heap or pile insults upon you, and they both persecute and speak all kinds of evil against you falsely as a Mature believer, they themselves constantly lying against you on account of me, Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ. Keep on having and sharing the Happiness of God even becoming extremely unusually jubilant above and beyond happy with intensified happiness in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, because your reward is extensive or great in eternity in the heavens, for you see in this manner they have persecuted and opposed those believers, the prophets who have reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God or Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and received their Super Grace and Ultra Super-Grace blessings who have lived before you,

Matt 10:28; And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Matt 19:4; Jesus answered and said unto them have you not read that he which made them in the beginning which was not a beginning, in eternity past, made them male and female,

Matt 19:26-28; Jesus stared or glared at them and said, “This {salvation by works} is impossible with mankind, but with the Integrity of God all things are possible.” Then Peter, having answered or replied as a result of many questions not in the context, said to Him, "Behold, WE {Peter was the talker but ALL the Apostles were in on this thought having discussed this prior} have abandoned or forsaken or given up everything or all THINGS and followed You. W

hat therefore shall W

E have or will there be for us?" A


s o

Jesus replied to them ( Peter and all the disciples in blind a

rrogance) , "Truly I say to


ou {point of doctrine}, that you who have followed Me in regeneration, ( all but Judas Ischariot) (Open Parenthesis discussing rewards in eternity) when the Son of Man shall sit on the throne of His glory, you also (including Paul who replaces Judas) shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel

Matt 25:41; Then he will also say to those on his left, unbeliever goats, (fallen angels),

“Depart from me you cursed or judged ones from the past with the result you are cursed or judged forever, into the eternal lake of everlasting fire which was prepared in the past with the result that it stands prepared for the devil and his angels forever.

Phil 2:15; In order that you yourselves might become (because of your historical impact) faultless, blameless, not censored by God for reversionism, in Ultra Super-Grace EVEN

undiluted by evil, pure or innocent without evil, full of integrity from Metabolized Bible Doctrine, children under the discipline and authority of God, not a disgrace to society, harmless in the sense of Laws of Divine Establishment, being patriotic, pro military, pro Law Enforcement, Pro free enterprise, anti communist, etc with obligation under the Laws of Divine Establishment in the areas of morality and patriotism, child students of

a Father God, in the midst of a crooked, unscrupulous, dishonest not influenced by the Laws of Divine Establishment or Bible Doctrine, and a depraved, perverse, misshapen generation under the influence of Evil, among whom you believers in Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God keep shining in your generation as a light giving body with radiance of maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul in the world under satan’s rule,

Phil 3:13; Members of the Royal Family of God, I even I consider, estimate or evaluate myself even myself, objectively, as not yet to have attained, overtaken, seized, reached and held the deliberate objective according to the specified Norms and Standards of the Grace Apparatus for Perception, the ultimate of Pleroma, Ultra Super-Grace, however, now one thing on which I concentrate, constantly forgetting or deliberately assigning to oblivion those things which have already happened and lay behind, the things of the great sins related to reversionism as a handicap, and constantly and eagerly vigorously pursuing advancing or straining or pressing toward, the front or what lies ahead, through the function of Grace Apparatus for Perception as the Ultra Super-Grace objective.

Phil 3:18-19 (Alternative to Effective Rebound for Believers); For many reversionistic believers keep walking from the past and making wrong decisions falling into various stages of reversionism and under the influence of evil, concerning, with reference to whom I have constantly, regularly, repeatedly communicated to ya’all honestly, faithfully many, many times and now, even though momentarily weeping for former friends and Christians, I continue, faithfully, to communicate that these not taking responsibility, have made themselves the enemies of the cross of That Same Christ.

(1Sam 28:16) (The reversionists as enemies of the cross), Whose termination, cessation or conclusion of this life keeps on being or is ruin, the destruction which one experiences from administration of the Sin unto death discipline, whose god is his emotion in Emotional Revolt of the Soul and emotional arrogance, who have a way of life which is to glory in their shame or dishonor, or whose fame comes by cheating, lack of integrity and dishonor from involvement in the Cosmic Dynasphere #2, who keep on thinking and form and hold opinions about human viewpoint or earthly things being under the influence of evil from Satan’s policy and plan.

Phil 4:11; Not because I am speaking with reference to poverty, lack, adversity or need for I have come to know, learned through instruction from Bible Doctrine, in whatever circumstances I am, to keep on being self sufficient with contentment.

Phil 4:12-13; In fact, I have come to know, during my reversion recovery, both how to live in helpless humiliation, shame, degradation, debasement or adversity from reversionism and Charlie Logistical Grace of Divine Discipline of the past; also, I have come to know or experienced how to live and function in success or in the prosperity of the 5 categories of Super-Grace blessings in the present, in every place and in all circumstances; I have been initiated by understanding the doctrines and policies of God, instructed in the past with the result that this instruction stays with me, having

learned the secret both of how to be well fed, filled or face plenty being saturated with Metabolized Bible Doctrine, and how to hunger desiring more and more Bible Doctrine leading to Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and Ultra Super-Grace, and how to prosper and be in abundance in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God with Super-Grace and how to be in lacking in the Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Status Quo. “I have the endowed power of maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, to attain all things regarding Ultra Super-Grace blessings and Dying Grace, by means of the one, God the Holy Spirit and the Grace Apparatus for Perception, who keeps on pouring the power of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into me”

Prov 14:14; A perverse reversionistic man will be filled with the fruit of his own ways and finally begins to bore himself, and a good honorable mature believer from the Metabolized Bible Doctrine inside himself is not depending on emotion which depends on Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe.

Prov 19:2; It is not good for a man to be without knowledge, and he who makes haste with his feet misses his way.

Prov 19:8; He who gets wisdom loves himself; he who keeps understanding will prosper.

Prov 19:18; HE who gets wisdom Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul loves his own soul in Spiritual Self Esteem, He who cherishes understanding Prospers.

Prov 28:13; He, the believer rejecting Bible Doctrine, who produces Human Good when he conceals or covers or intensely rationalizes his sins feeling sorry for them will not prosper, but he, the believer, who names, acknowledges, citing the case of the cross or throws the emphasis of his sins back to the cross where it was already judged and forgets the sins, will obtain mercy or compassion.

Ps 8:3; When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have established;

Ps 32:5; I will acknowledge or name or cite or cause to make know my sin to you God the Father and my guilt or sin I opened up to you OR I did not or WILL NOT cover up or hide my guilt or sin or depraved action, and I have decided or said to myself “I have been caused to acknowledge or cite or name my transgression to the Lord”, and YOU

completely forgave or lifted up and carried away the Guilt or Depravity of my sin in Interlocking System of Arrogance. Selah, NOW REST and THINK ABOUT IT while GOD

acts in Logistical Grace.

Ps 38:18; Therefore I, David, will admit, cite, name, declare or acknowledge all my sin (not Human Good nor Evil), because of your grace, I am worried troubled, concerned, uneasy because of my sin against You (God)

Ps 51:1-4; Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love, mercy or grace policy; according to the greatness of your compassion blot out my transgressions.

Wash away all my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is continually before me from what occurs in my installment discipline. Against you and you only, Oh God, I have sinned, I have manufactured from Interlocking System of Arrogance what is evil in your sight, so that you are vindicated when you speak in judgment and justified when you pronouced judgment and perfect when you render a judicial decision.

Ps 95:7-10; For he, Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, is our, and all believers, Elohim our God providing our Logistical Grace support, and therefore we, believers, are the helpless people of his pasture under Logistical Grace, and the helpless sheep of his hand THE day which we have just been given by God under Logistical Grace if to his voice of Bible Doctrine the thinking of Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, (1Cor 2:16) you would listen and concentrate under the Grace Apparatus for Perception and accept his authority! Do NOT Harden your Right Lobes of the Stream of Consciousness of your Souls, as at Mer'ibah, like that day of Massah the revolution in the desert. When your Jewish ancestors of 1000 BC who came out of Egypt in the exodus, tempted me, Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ to execute them under the Sin Unto Death, and they tested me playing games with me, having already seen my work of Logistical Grace. For forty years I loathed with the strongest hatred and disgust that exodus generation and said,

"They are a people given individually, NeShemah, Life, who wander off track and deviate off of the Plan of God he provides, rejecting Bible Doctrine, in their Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of their Souls, because they have not known my ways."

Ps 104:30; When you send forth your Spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the ground.

Rev 2:4-5; But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then from what you have fallen, repent and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.

Rev 3:19; Those whom I love, all believers, I punish and correct by Divine Discipline for reversionism (Heb 12:6); therefore being lukewarm in reversionism, CONTINUE TO

BECOME BOILING WHITE HOT, repent or completely change your mental attitude about Bible Doctrine for reversion recovery making many decisions for Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and advance to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God

Rev 12:4; Then his Tail (Power) dragged him away (Presalvation revolution in heaven) and 1/3 of the stars of heaven (Fallen Angels) in fact he God threw them away from heaven and down to Earth. And the dragon (Satan) stood before the Woman (Virgin

Mary) anticipating the Child in order that when she gave birth He (Satan) might devour or destroy the Child ( Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ )

Rev 12:9; Then the great dragon (Satan) was thrown down, the ancient serpent, who is called the devil or even Satan the enemy who keeps on deceiving the people of the entire inhabited earth, was thrown out of heaven he was hurled down to the earth where he rules furthermore all his fallen angels were thrown out of heaven with him.

Rev 20:10-11; Then the devil code named Gog who has deceived them, Magog (Millennial unbelievers) were also thrown into the lake of fire burning with sulfur where both the beast (dictator of the Revived Roman empire) and the false prophet (Jew who was False Messiah) were located, and they will be tormented day and night forever in the lake of fire. Then I saw a great white throne and him who sat upon it; from his presence earth and sky fled away or were destroyed, and no place was found for them in the eternal state.

Rev 20:12-15; And I saw the Dead (Unbelievers at the Last Judgement) the Great (Older or higher rank who had longer time on earth) and Small (Younger or Lower Rank who had little time on earth) and these are standing before the throne (JC is the Judge) and the Books of works or Human Good were Opened, and another kind of Book was opened, which was the Book of Life, and the dead were judged on the basis of what was written in the books (Book of Works vs Book of Life) on the basis of or with reference to their works or deeds. The Sea Gave up it’s dead (drown unbelievers), Death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them (those unbelievers died and went there), and they were judged on the basis of their works or deeds. And Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire, this is the 2nd death, the Like of Fire.

When (if) anyone’s name was NOT found written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Rom 2:5; But because of your stubbornness, hardness of Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, Scar Tissue of the Soul, and unrepentant Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, you are collecting, accumulating or storing up for yourself wrath or anger or judgment from God against the day of wrath or judgment even shock at the disclosure of righteous or just judgment from The God.

Rom 2:8; but on the other hand to the disadvantage of those Self Righteousness unbelievers maladjusted to the Justice of God because of Negative Volition at gospel hearing, who are seeking self advancement by unfair means as a prostitute trying to entice a male and are arrogantly scornful of honest work having inordinate or unrestrained, excessive ambition, they also refuse to believe or obey the truth of the gospel, but they continue to obey unrighteousness or injustice which is evil as a result of maladjustment to the Justice of God, they will receive from God, incredible anger leading to irritated revenge and judgment resulting in Divine Discipline in time, and eternal judgment in the Lake of Fire.

Rom 5:12; Therefore in conclusion or for this reason, just as through one man, ADAM, THE Original Sin of Adam and the Old Sin Nature, entered into the world, (created originally with the universe and after its destruction as a result of the Angelic Conflict restored for man), and so the Spiritual Death through Adam’s Original Sin imputed to the Old Sin Nature and so this spiritual death from Adam’s Original Sin spread, through Adam & Subsequent Pregnancies, to all mankind, because all the Human Race sinned genetically when Adam sinned.

Rom 6:12-13; Therefore STOP letting the Old Sin Nature to continue ruling, after Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, with absolute sovereignty or authority in your mortal bodies, that you should obey the same Old Sin Nature with its trends toward sin, Human Good and Evil. Neither or do not, place your body’s members, including your hands, feet, tongue and brain, under orders as weapons of

unrighteousness, in sin, Human Good or evil, in service to the Old Sin Nature; but consistently place yourselves, through the chain of command of Bible Doctrine, under orders to the God as those who are perpetually alive, under Retroactive and Current Positional Truth, from deaths, and the members of your body, including your brain, as weapons of righteousness to the God.

Rom 8:8; Moreover those carnal or reversionistic believers who are in the flesh or under authority or control of the Old Sin Nature are not able to please perfect God (Nor any unbeliever).

Rom 12:1; Therefore, I (command) urge, encourage, exhort, seek to persuade you, NOW, believers in the Royal Family of God, by means of God’s rational compassionate sympathetic mercies of grace blessing from the Justice of God, that you constantly place your bodies under orders as a living holy sacrifice, by using the rebound procedure constantly and the resultant Filling of God the Holy Spirit, this is acceptable and well pleasing to our God; which is your rational and spiritual service or worship.

Rom 12:3; For I say or communicate through the grace (the policy of God for mankind and for blessing for believers) which has been given to me, to everyone, all believers in the Church Age, who is among you who have the potential for becoming invisible hero’s and part of the pivot, STOP persisting in over thinking of self in terms of arrogance in your thinking, beyond the point of what you ought to think, but think objectively in terms of sanity for the purpose of being rational without illusion about self or others, as the God has assigned to each one of us a standard of thinking from Bible Doctrine the Royal Family Honor Code.

Rom 13:1-7; All human beings be subordinating yourselves to duly constituted governing authorities under divine institution #4, for there is NEVER any authority except those delegated by or from the source of God that is those authorities which do exist are established or have been delegated by God. Therefore, in view of v1, he, the reversionistic believer, who forms a battle line of resistance to delegated authority in the Laws of Divine Establishment, especially in Divine Institution #4, nationalism; have

opposed the ordinance of God the Laws of Divine Establishment and divine institutions, in fact also these reversionistic, apostate, anti establishment, liberal, socialistic Believers who oppose the Laws of Divine Establishment, will receive condemnation, punishment or judgment as Divine Discipline in time on themselves from God. For government rulers or authorities or officials of national state, are not a cause of fear for Good of intrinsic value or moral functions under Laws of Divine Establishment Good of freedom, privacy and property, but for the evil of crime, revolution, conspiracy for violent overthrow of the government, assassination, socialism, communism, any system which deprives the individual of freedom, privacy and property in the name of common good, really now, (sarcasm) do you desire to continually, not or have no, fear of authority then keep on doing what is Absolute Good in Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and good in the time in which you live and fulfill the equation of hope under Royal Family Honor Code, and you will have legitimate recognition, praise, approval from it, the authority of human government. Because it, Human Government authority functioning under Laws of Divine Establishment, is a minister of God or one with delegated authority to serve from God to You for the purpose of the Good under the Laws of Divine Establishment for your advance to Spiritual Maturity, but if you do what is EVIL ie criminal activity, being a traitor or communist or draft dodger, cheating on income tax, advocating liberalism, supporting welfare panaceas, maybe you will and maybe you will not, you should keep on fearing or being afraid for Government does not wear the sword of authority and bear the sword of capitol punishment for nothing or in vain, for you see certainly it, government, keeps on being the civil servant minister of God with delegated authority as government, a punisher for the purpose of divine wrath to him who accomplishes or practices evil.

Therefore for this reason it is necessary to be in subjection or subordinate to or in recognition of governing authority not only because of the wrath or punishment for rejection of establishment by Law Enforcement also because of the conscience for this reason also (v5) keep on paying taxes, for this reason they in authority are public servant ministers of God for they who are making a career of and persisting in devoting themselves full time to these things of public service, Therefore, Render or discharge one’s obligation fulfilling one’s duty and giving back in return therefore to all in civil authority what is due them, direct taxes to whom direct tax is due, indirect taxes or custom duties where indirect tax or custom duty is due, give respect or fear for the authority especially law and Law Enforcement agencies where respect or fear is due, honor to whom honor is due.

Rom 14:10; But You there, weak, legalistic and antinomian growing and reversionistic believers, why do you always judge, malign, gossip about your fellow Believer, or you also strong believer why do you despise or regard your fellow weak Believer with contempt as their not being as spiritual as yourself? For all believers, the Royal Family of God, shall be present or stand by under orders at the Presiding Judgment Seat or Tribunal Throne of The God, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ

Titus 3:5; NOT by or on the basis of or out from the source of works, production, function of human abilities, Human Good, or human talents, by means of relative

righteousness of Human Good which we have done, but according to the norms and standards of HIS MERCY or GRACE WORKING on our behalf, He saved us, through or by means of the washing even regeneration even the renewing of being again put into a new species, under the agency of God the Holy Spirit.



39 Irrevocable Assets – These are imputed to each new believer at the MOMENT of his Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone.

Efficacious Grace. Eph. 1.13

Eternal Life. Jn 3:15-16, 3:36, 10:28, 6:47; 1 Jn 5:11-13.

Sealing of God the Holy Spirit. Eph 4:20; Eph 1:13; 2 Cor 1:22.

Regeneration. Jn 3.

Righteousness of God. Rom 3:22; 1 Cor 1:30; 2 Cor 5:21; Phil 3:9.

Justification. Rom 3:28, 4:1-5, 25, 5:1-2, 9, 8:30; Gal 2:16, Tit 3:7.

Reconciliation. 2 Cor 5:19; . Rom 5:10; Col 1:20; Col 1:22.

Propitiation. Rom 3:22-26; 1 Jn 2:2, 4:10.

Unlimited Atonement. 2 Cor 5:14-15, 19; 1 Tim 2:6, 4:10; Tit 2:11; Heb 2:9; 2 Pet 2:1; 1 Jn 2:2.

Redemption. Gal 3:13; Eph 1:7; Tit 2:14; 1 Pet 1:18-19.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor 12:13; Gal 3:26-27

Indwelling of God the Father. Jn 14:23; Eph 4:6; 2 Jn 9; Eph 1:3, 6, 12.

Indwelling of God the Son. Jn 14:20, 17:22-23; Rom 8:10; 2 Cor 13:5; Gal 2:20; Col 1:27.

The Indwelling of God the Holy Spirit. Rom 8:11; 1 Cor 3:16, 6:19-20; 2 Cor 6:16.

Election, Eph 1:4.

Predestination, Eph 1:5.

Equal Privilege and Equal Opportunity of DIVINE Assets.

Positional Sanctification. Heb 1-2.

Related to God the Son by Biblical analogy.

New Spiritual Species. 2 Cor 5:17; Gal 6:15.

Royal Family of God Jn 1:18, 6:46; 1 Tim 6:15-16, 1:17; 1 Jn 4:12; Rom 1:3-4; Rev 17:14; 19:16.

Universal Priesthood . 1 Pet 1:5,9; Rev 1:6, 5:10, 20:6.

Royal Ambassadorship. 2 Cor 5:20.

Royal family of God gift to God the Son, Jn 10:29, 17:2, 6, 9, 11.

Eternal Inheritance. Eph 1:14; 1:18, 3:6; Rom 8:17; Gal 3:29, 4:6-7;; 1 Pet 1:4, 3:7; Heb 9:15.

Distribution of Spiritual Gifts. Eph 4:7-11.

Availability of Divine Power.

Entrance into the Protocol Plan of God.

Transferred into the Kingdom of God. Col 1:13b.

Judgment Removed. Jn 3:18; Rom 8:1; Heb 9:27-28.

Deliverance from the Kingdom of Satan. Col 1:13a.

Deliverance from the power of the old sin nature. Rom 2:29; Phil 3:3; Col 2:11; Eph 4:22.

Access to God. (in prayer), Rom 5:2; Eph 2:18; Heb 4:14, 16, 10:19-20.

All scar tissue is removed from the soul. Isa 43:25, 44:22.

Blessings deposited – Escrow Blessings for Time & Eternity.

A secure foundation. 1 Cor 3:11, 10:4; Eph 2:20.

Eternal Security. John 10.

A Guaranteed Resurrection Body. Jn 11:25

Adjustment to the Justice of God – The Divine Grace Plan of God is administered through the essence of God. Ultimately, al blessing or discipline from God to us is motivated by his Love but

must be filtered by approval of his Righteousness and delivered through His justice. As goes the justice of God, so goes blessing or cursing to us. It occurs for believers in several areas:

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God

Rebound Adjustment to the Justice of God

Temporal Adjustment to the Justice of God

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

Afortiori Logic – This is a Greek debaters technique which basically says that if something which is more demanding or difficult or requires more effort to accomplish IS accomplished then that which is LESS demanding or difficult or requires less effort is sure to be accomplished.

Alpha Grace – This is Living or Logistical Grace which is the obligation of God to provide everything necessary for the believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ in order to sustain his life and enable his advancement and progression in the Spiritual Life in this world ruled by Satan as he potentially advances from Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and beyond.

Angelic Conflict – The unseen war which exists between Lucifer, son of the morning, cal ed today Satan or the Devil along with those angelic creatures who chose to follow him and GOD, which originated because of the Arrogance of Lucifer deciding he could do the same job as God in running the universe when he said, “I will be like the most High”.

Apostasy – Fal ing away from the system of belief arrived at through the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization and Application of Bible doctrine, 2Thes 2:3. This rejection of Bible Doctrine for the believer is entering into the 8 stages of reversionism which is apostasy.

4 Horsemen of Apostasy – Rejection of the Gospel of Christ, Bible Doctrine, the Laws of Divine Establishment, the Divine Institutions

Arrogance Skills – 3 successive levels of aberrant Arrogant Self Righteousness including:

Self Justification

Self Deception

Self Absorption

Baptism of God the Holy Spirit -- One of seven salvation ministries of God the Holy Spirit whereby the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit enters the believer into union with Christ, making the Church Age believer a part of the royal family of God.

Blackout of the soul – The status of the believer with persistent negative volition to doctrine, which results in erasure of any Metabolized Bible Doctrine previously accumulated in the soul.

Bravo Grace – The combination of all Logistical Grace support designed for the believer’s life support while moving toward Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God with his personal Super –

Grace Blessings directly from God to enable him to stand against and resist the maximum pressure experienced in the bleak No Man’s Land of intermediate Spiritual Maturity.

Category I Love – The love for God expressed initially as Basic Personal Love for God the Father and later in the Spiritual Life as Advanced Personal Love for God in Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ including loving God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

Category II Love – The romantic love involved with 1 special person in life of the opposite gender in romance and ultimately marriage.

Category III Love – The love involved in close friendship with other individuals.

Charlie Grace – This is the Divine Discipline provided by God for the believer who falters and fails to continue to grow and advance in the Spiritual Life under the Logistical Grace support God has provided for him. This results in the life of the believer being a prison of misery and heartache as

he retrogresses in his Spiritual Life down through the 8 stages of reversionism to the point of being indistinguishable from the unbeliever.

Church Age – The dispensation of intercalation inserted when the Age of Israel was temporarily halted by the 5th cycle of Divine Discipline in 70 AD as a result of overwhelming Jewish apostasy.

Client Nation – a national entity under the principle of divine institution #4, nationalism, which is responsible for custodianship and dissemination of the Word of God, Bible doctrine in the Church Age taking the place of Israel which is currently still under the 5th cycle of Divine Discipline.

Cognition Stages in the Spiritual Life

Cognitive Self Confidence – Occurs at Spiritual Young Adulthood with the development of Spiritual Self Esteem and a Personal Sense of Destiny.

Cognitive Independence – Occurs at Spiritual Midlife through Senior Spiritual Adulthood with the development of Spiritual Autonomy.

Cognitive Invincibility – Occurs at the break in to Spiritual Maturity with Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and complete execution of the Protocol Plan of God.

Cosmic Dynasphere I – The system of Satan to control this world based on the Interlocking System of Arrogance which involves many areas of function as Arrogance sins and Arrogance Skills which result in distraction of both believer and unbeliever from the Plan and Purpose of God for man.

Cosmic Dynasphere II – The system of Satan to control this world based on the Interlocking System of Hatred which involves Emotional Sins which result in both believer and unbeliever becoming so antagonistic to God and his plan that they become haters of God and in fact Enemies of God.

Dispensation – An administrative period of Human History under the auspices of God. A divine category of human history; therefore, both the divine outline and the divine interpretation of human history. A period of time during which a particular revelation of God's mind and God's wil is operative, and during which man is tested as to his obedience to that specific manifestation of God's will, purpose, and plan.

Divine Decree – The decree of God is his eternal, holy, wise and sovereign purpose comprehending at once al things which ever were, are or wil be in their causes, conditions, successions and relations and determining their certain futurition. The decree of God is his eternal and immutable will regarding the future existence of events of time and the precise manner and order of their occurrence. It is the sum total of the Plan of God for the Human Race encompassing all of Human History anticipated by the omniscience of God in Eternity Past and simultaneously put into the decree as reality. It is the purpose of God relating to al events in history as one single all encompassing, all comprehensive, intention perceiving al events, the free as free, the necessary as necessary, together with all their causes, conditions and relations as one indivisible system of things every link which is essential to the integrity of the whole.

Divine Discipline – The punitive action taken by the justice of God under his Grace Policy motivated by his Perfect Love, to correct, punish, encourage, train, and motivate the believer's free will toward consistent residence and function within the plan of God for al dispensations. This occurs col ectively for nations under the 5 cycles of Divine Discipline.

Divine Dynasphere – God’s Power system for the believer in the Church Age with 8 areas or gates of entry and function including

The Filling of God the Holy Spirit

Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine

Image 9

Enforced & Genuine Humility

Bible Doctrine Orientation to reality

Personal Love for God the Father

Impersonal Love for Mankind

Momentum Testing

Spiritual Maturity.

Divine Good – Production in the Spiritual Life of the advancing or mature believer under the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit beneficial for mankind and for the believer in the form of eternal reward.

Divine Institutions – The systems created by God for the proper function and protection of the Human Race in the Angelic Conflict to al ow a resolution of the Angelic Conflict appeal trail. There are 4 Divine Institutions each with its own specific area of and structure for function including:

Freedom as Uncoerced or Unimpeded Volition

Marriage between one Male and one Female

Family including parents and children (maybe puppies too)


Divine Viewpoint – Orientation of the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of the believer based on a maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his soul.

Election – A system of privilege designed by the Integrity of God in Eternity Past relating each believer to the Plan of God through Grace without regard to his status in the Spiritual Life .

Enforced Humility – Any system of discipline instil ed and based on the proper function of some organizational authority whether it be outside the individual or based on his personal self discipline.

Essentials – The absolute truths in life of the gospel of Christ, the Laws of Divine Establishment, and al other Bible Doctrines

Equation of Hope – The outline of the Plan of God by R. B. Thieme Jr.

Evidence Testing – This occurs for the believer who reaches the status

of receiving Ultra Super – Grace blessings in advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God in 2 Categories:

In relationship to Life or Man

In relationship to God

This requires of the believer a maximum orientation to GRACE and a

maximum Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ.

Evil – The plan and policy of Satan to rule this world. It is satanic THINKING and satanic doctrine.

Filling of God the Holy Spirit – Is the ministry of God the Holy Spirit

in every believer to control the soul which is initiated at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and is lost as a result of the believer committing any sin but which is regained by the use of the rebound procedure of 1John 1:9.

Foreknowledge – Is the understanding by God of what has been decreed as reality from the omniscience of God which knows what will occur as opposed to what might occur.

Forward Line of Troops – The development and deployment by the believer from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine of the 10 Problem Solving Devices, the 4 Spiritual Skills and the completed Edification Complex of the Soul, into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to provide a defensive barrier against al satanic strategies directed toward soul interference and distraction.

Genuine Humility – The voluntary conformity to the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and / or Bible Doctrine developed as a result of properly functioning under Enforced Humility.

Grace – The plan and policy of God toward mankind which is al that God can do for man which he CAN NOT EVER earn or deserve based on the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross.

Grace Apparatus for Perception – The mechanic under Operation Z, for the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine for the believer based on the ministry and Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit.

Hamartiology – The study of Sin.

Human Good – The function or production resulting from operating under the principles of the satanic plan and policy for this world, EVIL.

Human Viewpoint – Orientation of the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of the believer and Unbeliever based on maximum involvement with EVIL through the Interlocking System of Arrogance, Arrogance Skills and Interlocking System of Hatred.

Integrity Envelope – The combination of the Advanced Problem Solving Devices of Personal Love for God and Impersonal Love for Mankind in a tandem operation as motivational and functional virtue for the Christian Way of Life providing stability and protection in relationships with other people and absolute trust and confidence in God.

Motivational Virtue

Functional Virtue

3rd floor of the Edification Complex

4th floor of the Edification Complex

7th Problem Solving Device

8th Problem Solving Device

Stable Personal Love for God

Impersonal Love for Mankind

Confidence toward God

Courage toward man

Worship toward God

Morality toward Man

Genuine Humility toward God

Enforced Humility toward Man‘s Authority

Jeshurun, (heb) – The remnant of mature believers who have progressed into and beyond Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God in the face of a declining number in the Pivot. Moses was the founder of the unique fraternity of mature believers who think that Bible doctrine is more important than anything else in life, Jeshurun. This Hebrew noun is used four times in the Old Testament—

JESHURUN, and it was taken from the Hebrew verb (heb) JASHER, which means to go straight to an objective, to be upright, to be blameless, to be righteous in a good sense, therefore, to have integrity. The noun denotes believers whose spiritual life is compatible with the righteousness of God. Therefore the noun (heb) JESHURUN means “righteous ones” and from that comes the fraternity of “upright ones.” The noun is found in Deut 32:15; 33:5; 33:26 and Is 44:2. Entrance into this elite fraternity of believers is the result of becoming a spiritually mature believer. The believer stays in the fraternity by the consistent use of rebound and consistent, persistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. Jeshurun is the surname of that group or fraternity of Jews who lived in harmonious rapport with God after salvation. Jeshurun is not formed through physical birth, nor does salvation guarantee it. It is a result of harmonious rapport with God by the believer who fulfills the spiritual life provided for him by God. There are a smal group of Jeshurun believers in every generation of human history, even when the sustaining pivot of mature believers of the client nation is gone, but they are removed when the fifth cycle of discipline to a nation is administered. Jeshurun are ordinary people with extraordinary invisible impact. The ful ness of blessing from God is the love gift of God to the Jeshurun. In every generation of the Jewish Age and Church Age God is glorified by this smal group of believers cal ed

the Jeshurun. Jeshurun exist during the Church Age but not under that title because we have a universal priesthood of believers. Jeshurun ends with the Rapture of the Church. This status of the believer is the highest rank of promotion in al human history. In order to make it this far in the spiritual life the believer must not ever be discouraged by his sins but remain consistent in the use of Rebound and then keep moving forward as did Paul (Phil 3:13). Therefore Advanced Spiritual maturity plus Cognitive invincibility plus Occupation with the Person of Christ plus Evidence Testing equals maximum glorification of God or the status of Jeshurun.

Judicial Imputation – Is when some aspect or characteristic or attribute is provided as a result of the Sovereignty of God and Righteousness of God and Justice of God deciding to so provide it without the recipient deserving to receive it and without it having a home or target in which it should reside. At the point of the crucifixion of The Lord Jesus, The Christ, while he was on the cross, for 3

hours God JUDICIALLY imputed to him all human sin from al of Human History and then judged them in him for which he paid totally with his Substitutionary Spiritual Death. Therefore, as a result of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through faith alone in The Substitutionary Spiritual Death of the Lord Jesus, The Christ alone, the believer becomes the recipient of the Absolute Righteousness of God as a judicial imputation which balances the scales.

Kardia – Greek for Heart NEVER referring to the pump of the vascular system but ALWAYS

referring to the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul where Metabolized Bible Doctrine is stored and CIRCULATED.

Law of Expediency – Is directed primarily toward the unbeliever dealing with the believer’s testimony in witnessing or evangelism of the unbeliever. The believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God will restrain his liberty, his conduct and responses, with regard to the erroneous thinking of false standards of the unbeliever or immature believer in order to provide them with a clear understanding that the primary issue of life is Bible Doctrine and the Gospel of The Lord Jesus, The Christ and that Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God is through faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone. (1Cor9:16-23)

Law of Liberty – Is directed toward self so that the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God has the right to do certain things that wil not cause him to sin and lose fellowship and the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit. He is at liberty to conduct himself following a Modus Vivendi along the lines of Bible Doctrine and spiritual growth in the society in which he lives without succumbing to legalistic taboos from religion or false doctrine. (1Cor 8:4+9)

Law of Love – Is directed toward God in motivational virtue as Basic Personal Love for God the Father and Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ and toward Man in functional virtue of Impersonal Love for Mankind. The believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God will restrain his conduct in public or in the presence of immature positive believers or positive unbelievers regarding his freedom and liberty or any other false issues in order to NOT distract these weak believers from the primary issue in life, The Gospel of Christ and Bible Doctrine. (1Cor 8:13)

Law of Supreme Sacrifice – Is always directed toward God and requires the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God to often forsake normal living and legitimate functions in life to serve the Lord in a specialized capacity or during a historical crisis. This believer while engaged in undeserved suffering for blessing as a part of his testing in the Spiritual Life wil never make an issue of his condition or situation but maintain the primary issue, for all immature believers and unbelievers, as the Gospel of Christ and Bible Doctrine. Under this law a few normal things in life are set aside when they interfere with concentration on a special ministry or leadership function in the

Spiritual Life. This status is designed by God for maximum production and is where God has provided something better in place of whatever the believer normal y would have had in life, as with Jeremiah and Paul. (Jer 16:2, 1Cor 9:1-15)

Laws of Divine Establishment – Laws or rules God has ordained for the survival, protection and freedom of the human race during the course of human history to al ow completion of the Angelic Conflict appeal trial. They provide the freedom to fulfill the divine plan as ordained in the divine decrees and are designed and directed toward both believer and unbeliever.

Liberalism – Is the toleration of all systems of thinking despite not agreeing with them nor accepting them. This is NON-EXISTENT today and what is called Liberalism is in fact RADICALISM.

Logistical Grace – also called Living Grace is the support from God, an obligation of God, for the believer, the member of the Royal Family of God, living in this world ruled by Satan, to enable him to have the needed assets to progress from spiritual infancy to Spiritual Maturity and execute completely the Protocol Plan of God as a witness for the Prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial.

Loser Believer – The loser believer combines the emotional sins of the Interlocking System of Hatred and the arrogance sins of the Interlocking System of Arrogance while he functions under the 3 Arrogance Skills. He has problem solving incompetence resulting in perpetual carnality and has severely neglected or totally rejected Bible Doctrine and as a result is the Enemy of the Cross, the Enemy of God, and has become a Hater of God. (John 15:23)

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God – Is the result of the believer fulfil ing the Plan of God and his purpose in life of consistent and persistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine moving from Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and spiritual infancy through progressive stages of development to Spiritual Maturity having accumulated a maximum quantity of Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. It is where he receives a package of 6 categories of incredible Super – Grace blessings directly from God for his life in time and a guarantee of special blessings for his life in eternity.

Metabolized Bible Doctrine – Bible doctrine which has been taught, understood academically and accepted by faith under the ministry and Filling of God the Holy Spirit therefore transferred into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul where it is stored and modifies the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and becomes usable for application to life’s experiences.

Momentum Testing – Occurs to test the believer in spiritual adulthood prior to reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God in 4 categories:

Thought Testing

◦ Divine Viewpoint Mental Attitude vs Mental Attitude Sins

People Testing

◦ Dealing with obnoxious people

System Testing

◦ Unfair systems or organizations such as in one’s Job, Profession or in Education or in Military functions.

Disaster Testing

◦ Historical, Natural, and National catastrophe and disaster.

Nous – Greek for the Left Lobe of the Soul where academic comprehension or understand of Bible Doctrine occurs when it is perceived.

Non-Essentials – The accourdaments and accouterments of life, the DETAILS of life, including ANYTHING over and above Bible Doctrine.

Operation Z – The structural involvement and mechanical process of learning Bible Doctrine based on the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit and the Positive Volition of Faith as a non-meritorious system of perception on the part of the believer. It involves God the Holy Spirit providing Bible Doctrine to the Human Spirit when it is taught by a qualified prepared Pastor Teacher. In addition, this Doctrine is then immediately transferred to the Left Lobe of the Soul for academic comprehension where it is staged for the believer to accept or reject on the basis of Faith. Accepting the Bible Doctrine by faith results in its being transferred by God the Holy Spirit to the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul for distribution into and alteration of the memory and categorical storage areas, the norms and standards, Frame of Reference, and viewpoint and made available for application to life.

Orientation Envelope – The combination of Problem Solving Devices #4 & #5 of Grace Orientation and Bible Doctrine Orientation causing the believer to begin to understand and orient to the Plan of God and the necessities needed for him to advance in the Spiritual Life under the Protocol Plan of God.

Postulates of Divine Integrity

Advantage ==

The Integrity of God

Capacity from Metabolized Bible Doctrine PLUS

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.



Imputed Absolute Righteousness




Metabolized Bible Doctrine from GAP

The thinking of Christ

The Justice of God.


tential + C

apacity == The



The Righteousness of God + the Justice of God == The Integrity of God in the believer.

Advantages == blessing from the Integrity of God

Personal Postulates :

There are no advantages to the advantages without the advantage.

If you have the advantage; Absolute Righteousness imputed at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God + Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine for capacity + maximum Adjustment to the Justice of God for reality then you have the advantages

Without the advantage; Absolute Righteousness imputed at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God + Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine for capacity + maximum Adjustment to the Justice of God for reality; there are no advantages, no blessings from the Justice of God.

Disadvantages and Maladjustment to the Justice of God cannot cancel the Advantage, imputation of Absolute Righteousness.


tential + C

apacity PROVIDE Advantages

National Postulates

No nation can have the advantages of blessing by association with a large pivot of mature believers, without the advantage, a large pivot of mature believers with total relationship with the Integrity of God.

A nation without the advantage, having a smal or shrinking pivot of mature believers, loses its advantages, blessing by association with a large pivot of mature believers.

No nation can recover its advantages, the blessing from the Integrity of God as a result of association with a large pivot of mature believers with their imputed Absolute Righteousness and capacity from comprehended Bible Doctrine and the reality of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, without the advantage, the potential of imputed Absolute Righteousness, capacity from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and reality from Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God from an enlarged or large pivot of mature believers.

Loss of both the advantage and the advantages removes that nation from Human History through administration of the 5th cycle of Divine Discipline

Therefore: A

trophy of the p

ivot of ma

ture believers INEVITABLY results in national d

isaster .

Power Options – The divinely ordained functions provided by God for the Church Age believer to enable his execution of the Protocol Plan of God the Spiritual Life. These are the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine under Operation Z the Grace Apparatus for Perception.

Problem Solving Devices – The system of thought mechanics based on Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul for overcoming al pressure, adversity, disaster and testing in the life of the believer as he advances in the Spiritual Life. There are 10

Problem Solving Devices including:

The Rebound Procedure

The Filling of God the Holy Spirit

The Faith Rest Drill (4 categories)

Grace Orientation

Bible Doctrine Orientation

A Personal Sense of Destiny

Personal Love for God the Father

Impersonal Love for Mankind

Sharing the Happiness of God

Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ.

Predestination – Also called Fore-ordination or Predetermination and doubles for the divine decree as well as being a statement of output from the decree and is only used for the believer NEVER for an unbeliever. It refers to the Plan of God for the believer ONLY inferring that being in the Plan of God means God is responsible for him in all situations thereby removing any possibility of the fear/panic ploy and is thus can be an application of the mature believer is super faith rest functions.

Problem Solving Incompetence – Inevitably results in the believer from failure to develop and deploy the 10 Problem Solving Devices, the 4 Spiritual Skills and then use them to apply Metabolized Bible Doctrine from the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to the circumstances of life.

Providential Preventative Suffering – Is suffering for blessing in 4 preliminary categories of Momentum Testing for the teen age believer in order to offset his involvement in the Interlocking System of Arrogance, the Arrogance Skills and the Interlocking System of Hatred. This is accomplished by forcing his consistent application of the basic Problem Solving Devices and also is to provide the blessing of enhanced momentum for the Acceleration of Spiritual Growth into the Adult Spiritual Life.

Radicalism – Is the total rejection of any and al opposing thoughts concerning conservative values or fundamental Christian principles.

Real Imputation – Is when some aspect or characteristic or attribute is provided to a recipient which deserves to receive it and as a result of that characteristic having a home or target in which to reside. Because man is born with an Old Sin Nature as a result of the genetic distortion caused by Adam’s Fal in the garden being passed down in the Human Race by al males during conception, all human beings receive from God the REAL JUDICIAL imputation of Adam's Original Sin to the Old Sin Nature at physical birth.

Rebound Adjustment to the Justice of God – The Grace process provided by God for the believer to be able to be restored to fellowship with God and regain the Fil ing of God the Holy Spirit for Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine to enable continued spiritual advancement and to enable function under the Royal Ambassadorship for Christ.

(1John 1:9, 1Cor 11:31)

Reverse Process Reversionism – The final stage of reversionism in the soul of the believer where he is now subject to the ultimate Divine Discipline of life, the Sin Unto Death as a result of being useless to God as a witness for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict appeal trial. It is a saturation of the soul with the Moral Degeneracy of Legalism or with the Immoral Degeneracy of Antinomianism from an entrapping interaction with the Interlocking System of Arrogance and Interlocking System of Hatred.

Reversionism – The 8 stage process in the soul of the believer where he reverts to a status in his Spiritual Life which is equivalent to his being an Unbeliever as a result of rejection of Bible Doctrine.

It is a reversal of priorities, attitudes, affections, accompanied by the destruction of impersonal love, and a change in his manner of operation and personality to what it was prior to Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God.

Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul – Is called the (gr) Kardia or Heart in the scripture and is the residence of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the soul of the believer from which this doctrine can be applied to life.

Royal Family of God – Is the title and station given to the believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ in this dispensation of the church age which has been inserted into Human History in order to allow Christ to have a royal family for his royal patent of King of Kings and Lord of Lords. These are his titles for his battlefield royalty, having achieved a strategic victory in the Angelic Conflict as a result of his Substitutionary Spiritual Death for al human sin on the cross. For every believer in this Church Age this is the result at the point of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God of being placed into union with Christ by means of the ministry of the Baptism of God the Holy Spirit. This makes every Church Age Believer ARISTOCRACY.

Royal Ambassador – is the title and function of the Church Age believer encompassing his responsibility to represent The Lord Jesus, The Christ to mankind and involves the function of Divine Good production by the mature believer.

Royal Priest – is the title and function of the Church Age believer encompassing his responsibility to represent himself before God and the means by which he can achieve spiritual growth and reach Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God – In the relationship between God and Man in Human History man must adjust to God and must do so according to the standards of the Righteousness of God under the auspices of the Justice of God. In other words man must adjust to God through his justice in order to have a relationship with God. This only begins for man by means of Faith alone in The Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone at the instant of his Salvation.

Scar Tissue of the Soul – This is the distortion of the soul as a result of persistent Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine which results from Emotional Revolt of the Soul where the emotions no longer respond to the Right Lobe but now control it, Black out of the Soul where all previously metabolized Bible Doctrine is systematical y erased and replaced by Human Viewpoint Evil of the plan and policy of Satan. This makes it unlikely that the believer wil respond to Bible Doctrine at any time.

Sin unto Death – The death of the believer who has rejected God, Bible Doctrine and the Spiritual Life of the Church Age for function under the plan and policy of Satan, EVIL. This results in his no longer being useful in the Plan of God as a witness for the prosecution in the Appeal of the Angelic Conflict Trial therefore being taken out of this life by God under a system of maximum misery.

Sophisticated Spiritual Life Stages – These progressively develop after the believer leaves spiritual youth and moves into spiritual adulthood

Spiritual Self Esteem – accompanied by Cognitive Self Confidence and a Personal Sense of Destiny

Spiritual Autonomy – accompanied by Cognitive Independence

Spiritual Maturity – completed execution of the Protocol Plan of God accompanied by Cognitive Invincibility

Spiritual Adolescence – The status of spiritual growth between spiritual infancy which occurs at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and spiritual adulthood which occurs when the believer has accumulated enough Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to have developed Grace Orientation to life and Bible Doctrine orientation to reality.

Spiritual Adulthood – The status of the believer which begins when he has accumulated enough Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe to have developed and deployed the Basic Problem Solving Devices of a Rebound, Filling of God the Holy Spirit, Faith Rest Dril (4 categories), Grace Orientation and Bible Doctrine Orientation onto the Forward Line of Troops in his soul.

Spiritual Infancy – The status of the believer immediately following Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and remaining until there has been sufficient Bible Doctrine intake to provide a basic understanding of the Spiritual Life in the Plan of God.

Spiritual Skills – Are synonymous with the Spiritual Mechanics and include:

The Filling of God the Holy Spirit

Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul

10 Problem Solving Devices developed and deployed into the soul.

Execution of the Sophisticated Spiritual Life by reaching and holding Spiritual Maturity.

Spirituality – The ABSOLUTE status of the believer being under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit or NOT, as a result of consistent use of the Rebound procedure after personal carnality to restore this status.

Spirituality Envelope – The combination of Problem Solving Devices #1 & #2, the Rebound Procedure and the Filling of God the Holy Spirit, both essential for developing and maintaining progress in the Spiritual Life.

Strategic Objectives of the Spiritual Life include:

Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ, Maximum Personal Love for God

Maximum Glorification of God

Super – Grace – The Blessing category for the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where he receives 6 categories of EXTREME or SUPER – Grace blessing from God as a result of his execution of the Protocol Plan of God. These blessings include:

Spiritual blessings

Temporal blessings

Association blessings

Heritage Impact blessings

Historical Impact blessings

Dying blessings

Surpassing – Grace – The Blessing category for the believer in eternity who has demonstrated his successes in execution of the Protocol Plan of God in time by accumulation of a maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and therefore is the recipient of unimaginable blessing and reward for all eternity.

Tactical Objectives – of the Spiritual Life include:

Spiritual Self Esteem with Cognitive Self Confidence

Spiritual Autonomy with Cognitive Independence

Spiritual Maturity with Cognitive Invincibility

Temporal Adjustment to the Justice of God – The process which is supposed to occur in the believer on a daily basis resulting from consistent and persistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine to the point of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and beyond.

The Church – The Body of Christ, the sum total of al believers in the Church Age from approximately 30 AD to the removal of all believers at the rapture of the church which is at the beginning of the Tribulational Period of the end of the Age of Israel

Ultra Super – Grace – The category of Blessing for the believer who is persistent in his progression in the Spiritual Life beyond Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and his receiving of his Super – Grace package of blessings, where he is now the recipient of blessing beyond imagination in time despite extreme pressure in life.

Undeserved Suffering for Blessing – As the believer advances from spiritual infancy to Spiritual Maturity by the consistent accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, in order for this doctrine to be of any value to him in application to his life he must be able to access and use it. Therefore as different levels of spiritual advance occur different levels of testing are provided by God to al ow the believer to use his accumulated Metabolized Bible Doctrine in application to the tests. This testing is designed to enhance and accelerate the spiritual advance of the believer and move him ever closer to completion of the Protocol Plan of God. This testing occurs as several categories and at different levels of intensity including:

Providential Preventative Suffering (4 categories) – preliminary Momentum Testing

Momentum Testing (4 Categories) at 3 levels

Evidence Testing (2 Categories)

Virtue – The quality of the individual based on the content of his soul and the decisions and actions he makes in life which includes:


tivational V


F unctional V


Confidence toward God

Courage toward man

Personal Love for God

Impersonal Love for Mankind

Sensitivity toward Others

Thoughtfulness toward Others

Courtesy toward Others

Worship toward God

Morality toward Man

Genuine Humility toward God and Man

Enforced Humility toward Authority

Virtue Love – Personal Love for God the Father and Impersonal Love for Mankind

Wrongdoing – Wrongdoing is NOT the same as sin, but is greater than sin. It is rejection of the power of the Spiritual Life given to us by The Lord just before he left this earth. Wrongdoing encompasses such things as the Activism and Crusader functions of whitewashing the devil’s world along with greater involvement in the Interlocking System of Arrogance.

Image 10


peration Z - GAP

Image 11


peration Z & Compartments of the Soul

Image 12


Assets for the S

piritual Life

Alphabetical Index




Apostasy...................................................................................................92, 148f.


Arrogance.......4, 12, 14ff., 19ff., 25f., 29f., 32, 42, 44, 47, 49f., 52, 54, 57, 60ff., 76ff., 80ff., 88ff., 92ff., 98, 107, 112f., 119, 121, 124f., 129, 139ff., 144, 148f., 151, 153, 156, 159

Authority.......4, 15, 44, 50, 55f., 82, 95, 97, 104, 117, 120, 122f., 135f., 139, 142, 144f., 150f., 159

Authority Orientation...............................................................................50, 55, 104


Capacity........................11, 51, 58, 78, 82, 89, 98, 100f., 104f., 109, 112, 136, 152, 154f.

Catastrophe................................................................................................124, 153

Category I Love..................................................................................................148

Category II Love.................................................................................................148

Category III Love................................................................................................148

Christian Way of Life 7, 9, 20f., 23f., 29, 33, 38, 47, 53, 57, 66, 68, 70, 72f., 76, 84, 87ff., 92, 102f., 107, 113f., 151

Church. . .9f., 21, 23, 26, 29f., 35ff., 40f., 45, 47, 50, 61, 66, 69, 77, 90, 93, 99, 103, 105, 107, 110, 117, 119ff., 124f., 127, 144, 148f., 151f., 155ff.

Church Age..9, 23, 26, 29, 35, 37, 40f., 45, 47, 90, 93, 99, 103, 107, 110, 119f., 124, 144, 148f., 151f., 155ff.

Client Nation...................................................................................44, 125, 149, 151

Common Sense.......................................................................................49, 104, 123

Communism..................................................................................................25, 145

Concentration..........................................................................................69, 91, 152

Cosmic Dynasphere I............................................20, 26f., 29, 42, 47, 64, 112, 119, 149

Cosmic Dynasphere II....................................................................20, 26, 64, 112, 149





Criminal....................................................................................20f., 44, 84, 105, 145


Crisis....................................................................................................80, 124, 152


Death...8, 10, 17f., 21, 23, 28, 33, 35ff., 42, 46, 48, 52, 59ff., 65ff., 101, 105, 112, 118f., 126, 134f., 140, 142ff., 151f., 156f.

Disaster.......................................................57, 82, 94, 98, 100, 104f., 123f., 153, 155



Discipline....28, 42, 50, 54f., 60f., 64, 69, 82, 95, 98, 106, 125f., 134f., 139f., 142f., 145, 147ff., 155f.

Dispensation...................................................................22, 35, 40, 47, 120, 149, 156

Divine Decree.............................................................................25, 32, 149, 153, 155

Divine Dynasphere 4, 9, 20, 32, 40f., 45, 47f., 50ff., 57, 66, 68ff., 72, 74, 76ff., 80, 84f., 88, 92, 94f., 97f., 100, 102f., 106, 109, 113, 119ff., 123, 127f., 136, 149

Divine Good.3, 12, 17, 27, 29, 35ff., 45, 70, 87, 89ff., 102f., 106f., 112, 117, 127, 150, 156

Divine Institution..................................................19, 25, 27, 51, 54f., 60, 144f., 148ff.

Divine Institutions...............................................19, 25, 27, 51, 54f., 60, 145, 148, 150

Divine Viewpoint. . .29, 40, 47, 55ff., 61ff., 68, 80, 84ff., 88, 96, 103, 112f., 122, 150, 153

Dying............................................................................8, 58, 101, 105, 133, 141, 158



Election......................................................................................................147, 150

Emotion......5, 26, 29, 41, 44, 63f., 69, 72, 80f., 83, 86ff., 92ff., 104, 112, 122, 125, 134, 140f., 149, 153, 157

Enforced Humility...................................................................55ff., 69, 97, 150f., 159

Authority.............................................................4, 44, 55f., 82, 104, 136, 151, 159

Equality..................................................................................................19, 25f., 44

Essence of God................................................13f., 25, 28, 32, 46, 73f., 97, 109f., 147

Essentials..............................................................................................53, 150, 153

Evangelism............................................................................................26, 123, 152

Evil3, 12ff., 19ff., 25f., 28ff., 41ff., 46ff., 60, 63f., 74, 82f., 88ff., 95f., 99, 106ff., 112f., 118, 120f., 123ff., 133ff., 138ff., 148, 150f., 157, 159


Fear............................................................................88, 93, 105, 126, 139, 145, 155


Frame of Reference......................................................30, 41, 68, 72, 85, 99, 113, 154

Freedom.................................................12, 21, 54, 82, 104f., 125, 136, 145, 150, 152f.


Functional Virtue........................................................................51, 56, 97, 151f., 159


Genuine Humility.....................................................................55f., 95, 97, 150f., 159

Glorification of God............................................59, 90, 92f., 105, 109ff., 113, 152, 158

Glorify God...............................................................................................10, 37, 41



Confidence........53f., 56ff., 73, 79f., 82, 84, 86, 88, 90ff., 97f., 104, 149, 151, 157ff.

God the Holy Spirit..................................................................................................


Baptism........................................................................................35, 147f., 156

Filling..3f., 8, 11, 20f., 23, 28ff., 37ff., 45, 50ff., 58, 66ff., 70ff., 76f., 87, 89ff., 96, 99, 101ff., 113, 127, 144f., 149ff.

Indwelling....................................................................................37, 46, 66, 147

Government.....................................................................................26, 82, 145, 150

Grace. . .2, 4, 7, 10ff., 16, 20f., 23f., 27ff., 33ff., 40ff., 46, 49ff., 56ff., 72ff., 83, 85, 88, 90f., 93, 97, 99, 101ff., 118, 120ff., 133f., 136, 138ff., 144, 146ff., 153ff.

Grace Apparatus for Perception. 11, 23, 29ff., 67f., 70, 72, 76, 99, 102, 106, 140ff., 151, 155

Guilt................................................................................................19, 44, 134, 141



Happiness...4f., 44, 51, 53ff., 62ff., 68, 78f., 82, 84, 88f., 94f., 98, 100, 104, 107, 109f., 113, 120, 123, 135, 138f., 155

Hero...................................................................................................86, 102f., 144

History....3, 14f., 22f., 25, 27f., 32, 34, 37, 62, 102ff., 110, 124f., 137, 149, 151ff., 155ff.


Human Good3, 17, 19ff., 27ff., 35ff., 46f., 63, 74, 89, 99, 117, 122, 133, 135, 141, 143ff., 151

Human Viewpoint......................27f., 34, 47, 63, 85, 87f., 93, 96, 118, 122, 140, 151, 157

Humanity of Christ...............................................................................................36


Impersonal Love..................4, 51, 54, 56, 79, 88, 97f., 118f., 125, 127, 150ff., 155f., 159

Imputation.........................................................................27f., 38, 40, 152, 154, 156

Imputed................................................27f., 40f., 46, 50, 55, 123, 144, 147, 152, 154f.

IQ................................................................7, 11, 101, 120, 129, 135ff., 142, 148, 151




Justice of God....3f., 6, 10, 13ff., 18, 22f., 26, 28, 33, 35, 37, 40ff., 45ff., 50ff., 58, 60f., 66ff., 71, 74, 79, 83, 86f., 90, 98, 100ff., 118, 120, 123, 125ff., 136, 138ff., 147ff.


Maturity Adjustment 6, 42, 45, 47, 51f., 54, 58, 74, 79, 83, 86f., 90, 98, 100ff., 126, 128, 136, 138ff., 148ff., 157f.

Rebound Adjustment.............................................................................148, 156

Salvation Adjustment 3f., 10, 16, 18, 22f., 26, 33, 35, 37, 40f., 45ff., 50ff., 55, 60f., 66ff., 71, 74, 86f., 90, 112f., 123, 138, 144, 147f., 150, 152ff., 156f.

Temporal Adjustment............................................................................148, 158

Justification...........................................................................................76, 93, 147f.


Kardia........................................................................................................152, 156


Law of Expediency..............................................................................................152

Law of Liberty....................................................................................................152

Law of Supreme Sacrifice.....................................................................................152

Laws of Divine Establishment 19, 23, 27, 51, 54f., 60, 124f., 136, 139f., 144f., 148, 150f., 153

Leadership...........................................................................................104, 121, 152

Liberal........................................................................................................145, 153

Liberalism...................................................................................................145, 153

Loser Believer....................................................................................46, 84, 95, 153

Love 4, 13ff., 28, 44, 46, 49ff., 54, 56, 71, 79, 81f., 88f., 97f., 100, 102ff., 107ff., 117ff., 125, 127, 134, 136ff., 141f., 147ff., 155f., 158f.




Courage...................................................44, 56, 69, 97, 122, 144, 149, 151f., 159

Mature Believer................................46, 58, 83, 103ff., 119, 126, 139, 141, 150ff., 155f.

Metabolized Bible Doctrine 3, 23f., 26f., 29ff., 33, 45, 47, 49ff., 56ff., 67ff., 74ff., 79ff., 107, 112f., 122, 125, 127f., 139ff., 148, 150, 152ff.

Military.................................................................................................82, 139, 153

Missionary.....................................................................................................77, 86

Morality...............................................20f., 23f., 39, 44, 47, 56, 97, 128, 139, 151, 159


Nationalism......................................................................................26, 44, 144, 149

Negative Volition.......................5, 22f., 26, 43f., 46, 48, 60ff., 123f., 136, 143, 148, 157

Norms and Standards...............5, 30, 41, 68, 72, 85, 89, 99, 113, 120, 124, 140, 146, 154



Operation Z...........................................3, 6, 11, 29f., 67, 72, 99, 102, 151, 154f., 160f.

Opinion.................................................................................................7, 9, 44, 140


Pivot.....................................................................................103, 105, 144, 151, 155

Plan of God....4, 12ff., 17, 21, 23, 27ff., 31ff., 40ff., 45f., 48, 50, 52ff., 57f., 60ff., 67f., 72ff., 78ff., 87ff., 93, 97ff., 101ff., 110ff., 121, 126, 142, 147, 149f., 153ff., 157f.

Positive Volition...........3, 23, 30, 46, 55, 68f., 72, 77, 79, 83f., 95, 99, 104, 106, 112, 154

Prayer.................................................................................44, 48, 84, 102, 106, 147


Priesthood.....................................................................................48, 86f., 147, 152

Primary Essential...........................................................................................55, 113

Privacy.......................................................................................23, 51, 86, 105, 145

Privilege.....................................................................................................147, 150

Problem Solving Devices. 4f., 9, 32, 41, 45, 47f., 50, 52, 69f., 72, 76ff., 81, 83ff., 96, 98, 100, 102f., 106, 113, 150f., 154ff.

Problem Solving incompetence............................................................80, 93, 153, 155

Production 5, 12, 15ff., 19ff., 27, 30, 35ff., 45ff., 63, 70, 74, 86f., 89ff., 99, 102f., 106f., 112, 117f., 127, 145, 150f., 153, 156

Property.........................................................................................22, 105, 125, 145

Protocol 4, 27, 29, 31, 33f., 45, 50, 52, 58, 74, 80f., 87f., 90, 99, 101ff., 110ff., 147, 149, 153ff., 157f.

Providential Preventative Suffering........................4, 57, 79ff., 92ff., 98, 123, 156, 158

Pseudo Intellectual...............................................................................................44


Reality...............................................3, 14, 21, 31, 47, 75, 77, 82, 85, 149f., 154f., 157

Rebound....4, 22, 30, 37ff., 44, 48, 50, 52f., 55f., 66ff., 71ff., 76f., 84, 89, 91, 99f., 103, 113, 118f., 128, 133ff., 138, 140, 144, 148, 150ff., 155ff.

Religion......................................................3, 10, 20, 25, 33, 43f., 107, 118, 124f., 152

Responsibility........................................................................82, 104, 113, 140, 156f.

Reversionism. . . .4f., 22, 27, 29, 42, 52, 60f., 63f., 83, 91ff., 106, 120f., 123, 126f., 135f., 139f., 142, 148f., 156


Reverse Process..........................................................................5, 64, 136, 156

Right Lobe 23, 29f., 41, 45, 47, 49ff., 56ff., 61, 64, 67ff., 74f., 80, 82, 85ff., 91ff., 97ff., 102f., 107, 112f., 117, 122f., 125, 127f., 136, 138, 141ff., 150ff.

Righteousness of God..............................................13ff., 46, 122, 147, 151f., 154, 157

Royal Ambassador..................................................................................86, 147, 156

Royal Ambassadorship............................................................................86, 147, 156

Royal Family Honor Code............................................................................138, 144f.

Royal Family of God..10, 35, 41, 64, 88, 93, 120f., 124, 128, 134f., 140, 144f., 147f., 153, 156

Royal Priest.......................................................................................................157


Scar Tissue......................................................5, 64, 121, 128, 136, 138, 143, 147, 157

Security...........................................................................26, 35, 44, 56, 66, 104, 147

Self Pity............................................................................................19, 29, 44, 107

Self Righteous....................................................19, 21ff., 26, 29, 44, 84, 93, 143, 148

Self Righteousness.......................................................................19, 29, 44, 143, 148

Sensitivity....................................................................................................44, 159

Sin.....3, 5f., 8ff., 25ff., 57ff., 72, 74, 77, 79ff., 91ff., 98ff., 118ff., 126ff., 137ff., 144f., 147ff.

Socialism..........................................................................................19, 21, 25f., 145



Blackout...............................................................................................128, 148

Emotional Revolt.......................................5, 29, 63, 83, 92, 94, 112, 134, 140, 157

Sovereignty..............................................................................25, 32, 46f., 144, 152

Spiritual Adolescence........................................................5, 47, 69f., 72, 74f., 79, 157

Spiritual Adulthood5, 42, 45, 47, 49, 57, 71, 73, 76, 79, 81f., 84ff., 88, 94, 97, 100f., 103, 149, 153, 157

Spiritual Gift.............................................................8, 48, 86, 89, 93, 102f., 106, 147

Spiritual Growth................8, 11, 29, 31, 48, 53, 57, 66ff., 80, 87, 91, 95, 122, 152, 156f.

Spiritual Infancy..........................5, 41, 45f., 66, 69ff., 79, 84, 90, 103, 112f., 153, 157f.

Spiritual Life.....1f., 4ff., 22f., 28, 31, 33f., 36f., 41f., 45ff., 66ff., 70ff., 74ff., 79ff., 89, 91ff., 100ff., 106, 108ff., 112f., 115, 119, 137f., 148ff., 162

Spiritual Maturity. .4, 6, 9, 31, 42, 45ff., 50ff., 57ff., 70f., 79ff., 90f., 94, 100ff., 105ff., 112f., 121, 123, 145, 148ff., 152f., 157f.

Spiritual Skills. . .10, 23, 32, 41, 45, 47f., 52, 70, 76, 81, 83f., 87, 89ff., 97, 102, 113, 118, 150, 155, 157

Spirituality........................................4, 8, 26, 37f., 66, 68f., 72f., 77, 89, 97, 113, 157f.

Stream of Consciousness. 23, 29f., 33, 45, 47, 49, 51ff., 56ff., 61, 64, 68ff., 74ff., 79ff., 89, 91ff., 97ff., 107, 112f., 122f., 125, 127f., 134, 140ff., 150ff.

Strength......................................3, 19ff., 23, 28, 35, 47, 49f., 72, 77, 85, 88, 94f., 134

Strong Believer..................................................................................................145




Virgin Birth........................................................................................................120

Virtue...................................6, 20f., 23f., 44, 50f., 54, 56, 97, 122, 125, 127, 151f., 159

Volition 3, 5, 14, 19ff., 25ff., 43f., 46ff., 55, 60ff., 66, 68f., 72, 77, 79, 83f., 95, 99, 104, 106, 109f., 112, 123f., 133, 136, 143, 148, 150, 154, 157


Weak Believer.............................................................................................145, 152

Weakness...................................................3, 19, 22, 28, 35f., 47, 49, 85, 88, 95, 122f.

Will of God....................................................................................................25, 119

Word of God.....................................................................7, 31, 80, 85, 104, 129, 149

Works....................................7, 10, 22, 30, 33, 36ff., 46, 127, 129, 133, 139, 142f., 145

Worship toward God..........................................................................56, 97, 151, 159

Wrongdoing........................................................................................118f., 125, 159