Spiritual & Emotional Freedom by A.N. Etika - HTML preview

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Chapter 7:

Learning To Forgive Yourself and Others


Learn to forgive and forget – that’s the common advice you have heard from your friends and relatives. But, this is easier said than done. Most people fail to forgive their enemies. Though forgiving others is quite tough, you can still do it. Do you know how? If not, here are the best things you need to do to learn how to forgive yourself and others:



  1. Know the Difference between Forget and Forgive - Forget means that already forgot the past incidents in your life. However, it doesn’t mean that once you forget, you can easily forgive the involved persons. It often takes time to forgive yourself and others, especially when the consequences of the actions are totally destructive.
  2. Accept the Reality - Instead of trying to forget, learn how to accept it. You can do this through asking yourself why and how it happens. To forgive yourself, you have to take responsibility for your actions. To forgive others, you have to hear their side before judging them. Take time to talk to the involved person and accept it.
  3. Ask Forgiveness from Others – If you have done mistakes, you need to ask forgiveness from others. Just make amends to those you have wronged. Before doing any move, talk to them and explain to them what you have done. You also need to explain what pushes you to do these actions.
  4. Learn How to Forgive Yourself – Once you forgive yourself, it is easy for you to accept the reality. Other people will prefer to forgive you. However, asking forgiveness to others requires a sincere thought and action. You should ask forgiveness because you want it, not because of the requests of others.
  5. Accept Your Imperfections – Humans commit mistakes. Therefore, you have to accept your flaws. Once you commit mistakes, don’t forget to ask forgiveness. It is also best to stop thinking negatively. As advised, use your mistakes as a way for improving your personality.
  6. Seek a Professional Help – If you can’t handle your situation, you have to seek help from other experts. They can help you in continuing the process of self forgiveness. Depending on your choice, you can also get some books to teach you on how to forgive yourself and other people.

With these simple tips, you can easily learn how to forgive yourself and others. You just need to focus on things you need to do and you will get what you really want.

Benefits of Forgiving Yourself and Others

Forgiveness is the ability to let go of various flaws in life. It often involves making peace with your friends, relatives and other people. Maybe you will ask, why do you have to forgive yourself and others? To expand your ideas, here are some of its reasons:

  • If you don’t forgive others, God will never forgive you – God always forgives those people who commit mistakes. Like Him, you can also do the same. You just need to accept their mistakes. Like them, you also want to ask forgiveness to other people. Once you forgive them, God will also forgive all your mistakes.
  • Failure to Forgive Creates a Mental Block to Your Success – If you fail to forgive others, you can create a mental block on your path to success. Therefore, you have to forgive others and you will see the real meaning of happiness and contentment.
  • Answered Your Prayers – Once you forgive others, God will listen to your prayers. Aside from that, you will also learn how to control your emotions. Through forgiving, you can easily start a new life with full of love and understanding.
  • Key for Joy and Prosperity – Forgiving yourself and others is a key for an ultimate joy and prosperity. Therefore, you will definitely enjoy your life.

As you can see, there are several benefits of forgiving yourself and others. Once you practice this positive attitude, you will live without any heartache. It is also easy for you to focus on your goal than quarreling to your friends or other people.