Spiritual & Emotional Freedom by A.N. Etika - HTML preview

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Chapter 9:

Variations Per Region


The inner child refers to your emotional body. According to Carl Jung, this term is also called as the “Divine Child”. Some experts called it as “True Self”. The human personalities emerge as an outcome of their genetic code or inherited characteristics. It means that childhood dictates by those who raise you and usually causes scars that will take for several years to heal.

The inner child remains with you. It is said that all humans have children at heart. They are innocent and always searching for the meaning of life. What are the variations of inner child? Here they are:


  • Playful Child – That self is naturally playful, spontaneous, creative and blissful child. This self is always searching to play. Most of you have forgotten how to do with no worries and guilt.
  • Spoiled Child – This is a part of you that always have to get what you really want. If you don’t get it, you will throw temper tantrums. You will also feel annoyed and other mix feelings.
  • Neglected Child – This child self feels alone because of lack of nurture and love. They don’t believe that they are worthy to care for and be loved. Vice versa, they also don’t need to know how to love.
  • Abandoned Child – This child self has been left because of various reasons. Some of them are abandoned and left at home because their parents are too busy with their own schedule. They also feel anxious that others will leave them behind.
  • Fearful Child – This child has been criticized when they were small. They often need lost of positive affirmations and encouragement.
  • Unbonded Child – This child don’t know how to be close to anyone. They are always alone and feel isolated. They prefer to trust themselves than to other people around them. Their main issue is trust and honesty.
  • Discounted Child – This is a part of self that was ignored. They don’t believe in themselves. They also need lots of affection, love and support.
  • Spiritual Child – This is the part of self that searches for answers from higher spheres. To heal the inner child, it requires a balance within one self and being able to give and receive love from others.

Through understanding these inner child variations, you will understand why others act differently. You will also know why others don’t want to trust their friends, desire to be alone and a lot more.