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A Friend Of The World


(May 27, 2006)


To be a friend of the world is enmity with God. The scriptures say. This saying presents a lot of trouble to me as I try to make friends of all I meet. On the other hand perhaps it is only those who are of the world, who oppose God’s ways that are the enemy of God. I don’t expect to resolve every aspect of this puzzle in short order but as I was meditating over this scripture today the following came to mind.


I hate died hair, camouflage or false impressions such as makeup, false breasts and being made fun of. I tell you I don’t belong in this world. Deception is very much part of this world and comes in many forms. Perhaps to be a friend of deception is to be a friend of the world and an enemy of God.


Then I checked my email and found this composition sent to me by a friend in the church.


Winners vs Losers


A winner is always part of the answer.

A loser is always part of the problem.

A winner always has a plan.

A loser always has an excuse.

A winner says: "Let me do it for you."

A loser says: "That is not my job."

A winner sees an answer for any problem.

A loser sees a problem for any answer.

A winner sees a green near every sandtrap.

A loser sees two sandtraps near every green.

A winner says: "It may be difficult but it's possible."

A loser says: "It may be possible but it's too difficult."


Author Unknown


It got my mind reeling and I wrote the following.




Some people judge others by what they can do for them.

Instead of judging themselves by what they do for others.

If you examine yourself and find that you are not doing anything for others,

Then you should consider changing your life style perhaps dramatically.

If on the other hand you are doing the best you can just to avoid being a burden to others,

then by all means request a helping hand when needed.


As a guiding measure, can you load all your possessions on a camel and still have it pass through the eye of the needle? You can’t bring belongings with you into God’s kingdom and they may be a hindrance to you and others in this life.


If your possessions are beyond your capacity to manage them yourself, then you have no rights to own them. You are living beyond your means. You are a hindrance to society. It is time for a change.


Don’t ask anything of anyone that you wouldn’t do for them unless you are prepared to pay a fair price for their special skills and abilities. It may well be that the person disapproves of your life style and that it is against his will to participate in your sins of excess and of being an unnecessary burden. Wait for Christ’s crowning; don’t make a queen or king of yourself prematurely.


If you need to ask a favor, have respect for those who may decline. They may have a genuine reason for declining. I for example do not do fancy curtains for myself or anyone else. There are too many things involved, tools, parts, know how, skills, time, required assistance, doing for others what I do not do for myself, etc.


Winners are those who are able to get others to do everything for them. Losers are also those who need everything done for them. Then there are survivors, those who avoid tragedy or suicide. Life is not about winners and losers. Life is about righteousness and survival.


It occurs to me that loving many possessions and living a life style of keeping up with the Jones’, is being a friend of the world. It is also being an enemy of God because it is against His principles. It also creates pollution; air pollution, water pollution, earth pollution and thought pollution.


There are some who take advantage of Christians and the good natured and their willingness to help. Jesus learned a lesson by feeding the hungry multitude after doing it on at least two occasions. He then began to send them away because they were only gathering for the physical food, the material benefits and not the spiritual message, not the training and changing of their minds and attitudes. Bear in mind that there is not a single example of Jesus fixing a roof or pruning a hedge mentioned in the Bible. He was primarily concerned with people’s spiritual, mental and physical health and their ability to fend for themselves. It was not about winners and losers. It was more about survival.


Many of us work for a living. We work at quite a number of jobs. We work to assist others or to provide something for others. Are we then all friends of the world?


Unfaithful creatures! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. (James 4:4) The Revised Standard Version



You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.

(James 4:4) New International Version


I would translate this passage:


You tempters and temptresses, don’t you know that befriending the world is enmity with God?  Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.


I gather from this that it is not making friends with people that make you the enemy of God but rather making friends for ulterior selfish motives.

