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A Fresh Outlook


(January 8, 2014)


This is a short composition that I wrote for a writing competition at Casey Research. It did not win the prize.


First and foremost I claim to be a Christian. So you might ask, ‘What is a Christian doing investing and following Casey Research advice? Is he double minded, putting his faith in God and in money?’ Well contrary to popular beliefs the Bible supports investing and it goes along with good money management.


A man’s first priority is to provide for his wife and family. He is expected to leave an inheritance to his children and even his grand children, if he has the means. There are the parables of the Talents and the Minas that show rewards for the wise and successful investors. And all the while he should pay a tithe of his increase to God through His Church, not any old church but God’s Church. Do not cast your pearls to swine. These are all solid valid Biblical concepts.


Some of you, I suspect, have little or no faith in God or do not believe in the spirit realm at all. Let me ask you, do you think a church, synagogue, temple, mosque or any other place of worship would exist anywhere on earth if there was no such thing as the spirit world? Would we have a Bible or a Koran? Why would we even talk about it? Why would the concept even exist? The complexity and efficiency of just your nose should be enough to convince anyone that it could not possibly appear by chance and that God the Creator exists and is Great, even Magnificent. No words can truly describe Him.


One of Doug’s favorite topics is the Roman Empire. He recently wrote an expose on its fall and drew parallels to the impending fall of the USA. The fall of the Roman Empire is called the deadly wound in the holy scriptures. It will heal and a final Roman Emperor will emerge some day soon. He is called the Beast and 666 in the book of Revelation. In other places he is called various names in various Bible translations including; the man of perdition, the wicked one and the abomination of desolation. The Roman Empire in Revelation is also called the Beast. It is a Beast with seven heads and one of the heads has ten horns. The heads appear in sequence in history with the last head, the one about to rule, being the one with ten horns representing ten kings. As Doug often portrays the government of the USA to be evil in many ways, my preferred description, so will the government, the Beast, of Europe be evil.


Churchill once challenged us by stating that there is a plan being worked out here below. Indeed there is a plan being worked out. It is not evident to most people. He said this at a time of war and indeed the plan involves war. Many think that it is a war of man vs. God or evolution vs. creation. The real war is God vs. Satan and it is for man. God wants man to accept the rule of His only begotten Son, Jesus, and attain eternal life. Satan wants man to reject God and the message from Jesus and die. But Satan is the greatest deceiver ever even able to appear as an angel of light like Jesus and pretend to be Him in the minds of the mislead. He deceives the whole world in that way and in many other ways, as many ways as he can think up that work.


Are you deceived? Do you have sound, rock solid beliefs that you can depend on? If you can’t back up your beliefs with the Bible and Jesus you are on shaky ground.


My main aim in investing is to secure or attempt to establish some comfort in my old age. There is more to life than that. My ultimate goal is to attain eternal life with Jesus and His and my Father in His Kingdom. It is a task that is not easy, that requires dedication, time and effort well placed and with priority over all else in life including work and investing.


I realize that this is quite a departure from the usual, often Godless, articles that you have read here at Casey Research but I have been a subscriber for many years and have kept my beliefs in spite of adversity and now offer you the freedom of entertaining a life with God which is above and beyond what you have been offered here to date. It is time to start a relationship with your Creator if you haven’t done so already. Time is running out. If you enjoyed and appreciate this article you can thank the friendly people at Casey Research and God of course.


Finally I will give you a list of Biblical passages that support what I have said along with some links to articles that further explain some of the concepts that may not be familiar to you found in this article. If you found this article too short read it again or take time to look up these leads.


Provide – 1 Timothy 5:8

Inheritance - Proverbs 13 :22

Talents - Matthew 25:14 to 30

Minas – Matthew 19:11 to 27

Tithes – Malachi 3:8 and 9, Deuteronomy 14:22 to 29

Swine - Matthew 7:1 to 6

Atheist - Psalm 14:1 and 53:1

Deceiver – Revelation 12:9

The Book Of Revelation Unveiled


A Chart Showing Prophecies of Reign of Gentile Kingdoms


from the booklet ‘Who Or What Is The Prophetic Beast?’ By Herbert W. Armstrong.


The Ten Horns Are Ten Kings


The United Church Of God

