The Other Side Of The Holy Cover by Jacques Gauvin - HTML preview

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Santa Claus




Santa Claus is a mythical god. He has his roots in ancient pagan times though his most recent disguise is to adapt the appearance of "St. Nicholas". This scheme of course is Satan's doing. And Satan works in the hearts of men.


The appearance of St. Nicholas has been altered through the years for promotional reasons, probably by some heartfelt tall tales told by some foolish fascinated fat fathers.


Satan's aim is to confuse, to lead each one on a dead end journey, to keep all from ever learning the truth, to deceive. In this instance, if we look at the origins of Santa Claus and his Christmas celebration, we see that December 25 was, since ancient times, the celebrated birthday of the Sun God. It still is only it goes by a different name. Pagan festivals are common at this time of year in many parts of the world. Christmas was not the date of St. Nicholas' birth and more importantly nor was it the d ate of Jesus Christ's birth.


When studying religion and ancient customs one is led to wonder why Jesus is even mentioned here, except that Constantine, a Roman Emperor of the fourth century, imposed the observance of the birthday of Jesus on the 25 of December, then imposed this on the public. One had to follow or be persecuted.


Unlike an inanimate object, Santa Claus, the American invention based on a "saint" Nicholas, dictates behavior over the season. Most of the customs can be traced back to pagan idolatry and these are all anti-Christian by definition.


During these festivities, the spirit of anti-Christ prevails and yet the season is named (in vain) after the one and only begotten Son of the true God. It is because of this adultery, this Idolatry that the earth is cursed with God's wrath. And this wrath that is about to come is self administered because of the toil for Satan the murderer, the father of lies.


The truth that is hidden is that God wants us to be followers of Christ. He who has broken the bonds of death and who invites us to eternal life with Him in his Fathers Kingdom. The Kingdom which is about to be established on earth for those who believe and obey His commandments, those who overcome the deceptions of Satan and his followers.


I plead with you to give yourself a chance at eternal life, which no human being yet possesses except our Savior Jesus the Christ. Accept the hope that God offers all freely and do not be deceived by foolishness but rather hold fast to the irrefutable truth that Jesus teaches through the pages of the Bible. It is a shame that we cannot get more truth from pastors, preachers, priests, politicians, teachers, writers and publishers but that is the reality of this culture we live in.


Christian customs are described primarily in the pages of the Old Testament. Some customs pertaining to christmas are also mentioned there but are noted as pagan customs, that is against God or against God's instructions.

