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Sex, Religion and Politics


(May 22, 2006)


Sex, religion and politics they say are three things that you should not bring up in conversation unless you intend to have an argument. I bring them up here because I want to be able to say that my website is not only about religion but about sex, religion and politics. I wrestle not only with the material world but with principalities and spiritual powers.


When I was younger it was very acceptable to roam carelessly into sex, drugs and rock and roll. And I did just that for a while. Those things can seriously take a toll on a person. Sex can lead to unwanted pregnancy, venereal disease or too many participants, which can lead to abortion, terminal AIDS and criminal jealousy or abhorrence and abandonment. Drugs lead to a dysfunctional mind loosing emotion and reasoning. Rock-and-roll can distort your priorities.


Sex was not meant to be taken carelessly or casually. If taken without respect sex can have devastating consequences, like broken relationships. To have a meaningful relationship you must take time to build trust. The presence of high moral standards will go a long way to gaining respect, trust and faithfulness. Sex in its proper place, between husband and wife in marriage, should lead to wanted babies. It helps strengthen a relationship between husband and wife. There is nothing better for children than to grow up in a mutually respectful and loving environment.


Drugs should be used as medicine predominantly, not for entertainment. Conservative amounts of alcohol and caffeine to stimulate the senses are acceptable. When you abuse of substances you make a fool of yourself and can cause harm to yourself or others. Parents and friends are hurt by people wasting their lives away. Self discipline is a virtue. Find other ways to express yourself than to try to blow your mind away.


Rock-and-roll distorts reality. It puts you in a frame of mind that is not compatible with nature in a moral sense. It can bring you to the edge of self control and to the verge of recklessness, not a place to be spending a lot of time in. Like car racing, it can’t be going on with all the people all the time. It has limited value.


Which brings me to politics. The problem with politics is that politicians try to give you the impression that they can solve your most pressing problems; the more prominent the party the greater the dissolutions. Governments think they can solve world problems, religious problems and bring about peace. They, by and large, fail to realize that they exist thanks to God and they are intended to be tools of God. Most ignore God and so fail the people they are intended to help. The fall of the Roman Empire went on for hundreds of years. Another problem with government is that the greatest deceiver often ends up leading the party, look at Hitler for example.


Religion is what this website is all about. Life is more than just living it up, dying and being soon forgotten. Life is about attaining eternal life and being remembered forever. Evaluate your beliefs. Are they really worth hanging on to?

