The Other Side Of The Holy Cover by Jacques Gauvin - HTML preview

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A History Of The World


(January 31, 1998)


Before anything else had been created, two beings coexisted. One was called Love, who is known as God the Eternal Father and the other Wisdom, Jesus, the Christ, the son of God. Wisdom was the first of Love's creations and was full of love. The two worked in perfect harmony and were joyful.


Together they were life. They were all that was and they were in all. Much planning was done and they created. They created archangels: there was Lucifer, the bearer of light, who was perfect in every way and was also very beautiful. Then one like God called Michael and another called Gabriel, meaning strength of God and a fourth.


For each of Their Archangels legions of subordinate angels were created. They all had their individual positions and responsibilities. They filled the emptiness and were called stars. Many other beings and things were created to fulfill rolls and to perform tasks. There were winged creatures with four heads and wheels with eyes and there was the great seat of Love and the seat of Wisdom. All things were created by Love through Wisdom, Love being synonymous with Grace and Giving.


These God's were creators but not one without the other. Wisdom was called the Spokesman and the Word by which things were created. All tasks and duties were passed on with love and wisdom to the archangels and to the angels. Then a new world was made called earth with great potential and life and it was given to Lucifer and to another archangel to cover it, nurture it, bring it to fuller life and to have dominion over it. When the angels saw this new earth they rejoiced and marvelled at the splendor of it. Wisdom saw that His creation was good and He returned to His Father and to other tasks leaving Lucifer in charge.


Lucifer became egotistical in his powerful position. He even imagined that he had more power than his Creators. He set up a scheme to overthrow God with a third of God's created angels who followed him, thoroughly deceived and in fear of him. So Lucifer set out to establish his throne above the throne of God. The angels who followed had left their places of authority and responsibility and were led by the bearer of light, Lucifer, into darkness. God had not prepared a throne for Lucifer above His. A great war broke out in heaven and Lucifer was cast down to the earth along with his angels. When iniquity was found in him God renamed him Satan, meaning one who contends with God.


Satan continued to scheme to destroy God's works but was now restricted in his endeavors. Even though he was still the most powerful and influential in all creation, his destructive powers were restricted until such time as God had provided an appropriate resolution to the problem. This destructive power was originally the power to change things and was meant to be used constructively for growth and for life. Satan had turned it into the power of death and desolation. He caused life to die and vanish.


The other angels who had not left their places continued to work with the earth to help it mature and grow. But Satan being more powerful prevailed over them and the earth became void and desolate. When Wisdom returned to inspect the earth it was void of life and reduced to a mass of water and vapor. No life remained to be found. All was submersed in water and dead.


At that time the Gods began to create anew and continued for six days. They ordered and it was done. Love did all by the Word of Wisdom, His Spokesman. The earth was formed anew, recreated, rejuvenated, revitalized. Life forms were put on it of the kind that had existed in the original creation. The earth was full of life and never again would God allow life to vanish from it.


On the sixth day, from the dust of the ground, they created Adam to replace Satan and to have dominion over the earth and it's inhabitants. Satan was and is the ruler of this world, the ruler of the spiritual powers of the air. His time is short and his anger kindled. Adam was created in the image of the Gods. He had the potential to become a God and to possess eternal life. This was the purpose of his being created. He was the first son of God. He was made mortal to test his loyalty and obedience to God first. Then a seventh day was made for man to rest in and God put his presence in it. A new age had begun where every seventh day was a Holy Day!


The animals were brought to Adam to see what he would name them. And They saw that it was not good for him to be alone. He was put in a deep sleep. A rib was taken from his side and a woman was formed for him. The woman was to be a helper and a companion to him. They lived in Eden, a garden full of all sorts of trees that were pleasing to the eye and that bore fruit for food. In the middle of the garden were two trees; the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruit from the tree of life would give them eternal life but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would bring on death in the first millennia, a thousand year day. They were therefore forewarned not to eat of it, a test of obedience.


Satan appeared in the garden disguised as a serpent and called the woman to tempt her and to trick her into eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She was deceived, ate and gave some to Adam. Adam had been betrayed. His helper had abandoned him and turned into an enemy. He was again left alone in his choice, disobeyed God and ate. Adam was thus rendered unworthy of eternal life and of becoming a God. God cast Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden and the tree of life was soon removed and kept in heaven.


The woman was called Eve, the mother of mankind. Adam and Eve, like the animals, replenished the earth. Because of their disobedience death had once again entered the world. God permitted thorns and thistles to grow and Adam was required to till the earth for his food. Eve would suffer in childbearing and rearing.


Among their descendents God noticed those who were devoted to Him, those who held fast to righteousness. Only a few walked with God until their death. It was not given even for these to overcome death during their lifetime because of Adam's sin, the sin that caused death to enter the world again.


There came a time when only one man was obedient to God and the rest did evil in their hearts continually. His name was Noah. Noah was faithful to God and therefore to his wife. He set a standard of behavior for his family and they followed his example. The rest of the people were marrying and giving in marriage. They exchanged partners, they divorced and were remarried, they committed adultery and all sorts of fornication. All the while they felt no shame and ridiculed Noah and his family.


God set a task before Noah that he should build an ark big enough to hold pairs of all the species of animals of the world and have room also for him, his wife, his three sons and their wives. When all was ready God caused continual rain to fall and to flood the whole world. All the people and animals died except those that were on the ark and some of the life forms that lived in the water. The waters eventually receded and the earth once again was replenished with the descendents of Noah and with the offspring of the animals that were saved.


It wasn't long before Nimrod, and evil man was born. He grew to be a mighty man, a noted hunter and a demagogue. He married his scheming mother and together they formed a new religion. He built a high tower that was intended to reach the heavens in order that he might fight God. His followers actually believed that he was capable of such a task so impressive was he. Nimrod, his mother-wife and their followers were actually obeying Satan in his plan to lead the world into false beliefs. Upon Nimrod's death his mother-wife claimed that he was in fact the Sun God and that she was the Mother of God. The symbol of the Madonna and Child represented them. Many other customs surrounding these two also became common, such as the winter solstice celebrations, since Nimrod was born at the time of the winter solstice. This was the time of the new sun and so also the festival of the Sun God. The Sun God was given a new name, Tamuz, and was represented by the symbol of the cross, T.


It was Satan who influenced these people to act against God. He did it because he was aware of Love's intention to send the Spokesman in the form of a man to the world in order to overcome death for the sake of man. Satan's power would be overthrown unless he could devise a way to convince man that God's intentions were to his detriment, insignificant or even non-existent. And so he deceived man in every way he could and caused man to make every effort to destroy God's plans.


During the building of the tower God saw that man would continue to do whatever his heart desired. The language that was common to all men of the time was therefore confused. People split up into groups according to their ability to understand each other and they spread abroad. Thus the nations of the world had their beginning. The tower project was abandoned by those who remained and the weather wore it away or hid it.


God chose to keep his plans secret from man until the last days but he chose a precious few to whom he revealed some intentions. Abraham was given the promise of land and descendents. This promise grew to include nations, a great nation and eventually to include the whole world. Moses was given the history of his forefathers and the laws of God, which he wrote in books. To David He elaborated on the promise of a Savior. And to Daniel was given the gift of prophecy foretelling many great events. In the last days a record of all these things were made available to the descendents of Israel, including those who had lost their identity, and to the people of the world. It was called the Bible.


Something had to be done in order to restore man to God. The Spokesman was born of the virgin Mary with Love as His Father. He was the Christ, the promised Savior. His life was full of the trials of men and of the temptations of Satan. He spent the last three years of His life explaining the scriptures which he had dictated to his servants the prophets, delivering the good news of the Kingdom of God and showing His small following the example that they should adhere to. Throughout His life He overcame all sin by obeying the will of His Father in heaven. His final mission as a man was to allow himself to be put to death by men so that He might fulfill the prophecy of His resurrection after spending three nights and three days in the grave. This was the final strike to Satan's power. In overcoming death He became worthy to receive the throne of the world. Satan had lost his title to it once and for all. At the right time, once all was ready, the Spokesman would return to earth to rule.


Even so, Satan did not give up His efforts and became all the more determined. He made every effort to kill off this small following of believers and he made every effort to confuse their message of the coming Kingdom of God. Constantine the Great, the first Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire to become a professing Christian, became the Father of the Roman Catholic Church. Not following the example of the Christ, he murdered his wife and his son and was baptized only on his death bed. Among his works was the abolition of Sabbath worship and the instigation and enforcement of Sunday worship. This appealed to the masses since they were also permitted to observe their pagan customs, the solstice festival and the worship of Tamuz, though under new names. After this man, the world as a whole would be blinded from the truth and from the importance of the example of Jesus the Christ and His apostles. To the world, the Savior became an imposter. Very few knew Him from a false Christ preached by a false church with a false message.


All the while God continued to protect His followers and the message as well as the Holy Scriptures. During the last days the message of the Kingdom of God was preached to the ends of the earth and each who heard either became obedient to God or a slave to Satan. God had prepared a bottomless pit where Satan would be chained for a thousand years during Christ's rain. Satan's work now reached maturity and the world was in jeopardy. Man had become wholly self centered, a lover of pleasure and wealth with no regard for the Holy Scriptures nor for God's creation but only for the works of men and the pleasures of the flesh. Man had become a hearer of the word and not a doer, a boaster of the own abilities without gratitude to God. Man had become treacherous, murderous, dishonest and without natural affection, ready for evil and destruction.


Satan's time running short, he put it in man's heart to have faith in the work of man and to give up on nature. He influenced man to place work and pleasure before family, before God and before true religion and the believing of every word of the Bible. His deceptions peaked. Ultimately, under the leadership of one who claimed to be God, man went to war. This war used all the destructive power known to man. It was a chemical, biological and nuclear war. It was more than a war for power, it was a war that was capable of destroying all life from the earth entirely. Meanwhile a series a natural and supernatural catastrophes also occurred. These were intended to distract man from his hypocritical ways.


Just when the earth was on the brink of utter annihilation, the Spokesman intervened. The Christ arrived with His chosen few in Jerusalem, where the one claiming to be God was. The great armies of the world that had gathered for a final confrontation at Armageddon turned their attention toward Christ and made war with Him. Christ prevailed and an end was put to them and to the destruction of the earth.


The Spokesman ruled over the powers of the air doing away with the spirit of disobedience, the spirit of defiance. He ruled with a rod of iron. Peace was established and a miraculous river of life flowed from a newly built temple of God. This river brought healing and life to the waters of the world. In the temple God and His chosen Gods lived and ruled. For a thousand years, the last thousand year day of the first week, they prepared the earth and it's inhabitants for the final judgement and the coming of Love and His throne.

