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Darwin’s Evolution


(May 22, 2006)


Darwin really didn’t have much of an evolution; he lived for a while then he died. In time I think he will be forgotten like the inventor of the toothpick. Darwin, I suspect, spent much of his life groping in misery. He was truly a person born out of his time. It would have been better had he been born millions of years ago. At that time he would not have had to combat the overwhelming evidence of creation but would rather have been living during a time of increasing death and extermination of life on earth, a time of devolution, Satan’s time.


God intervened, for one week to be exact. He restored life on earth creating animals after the likeness of those that had pre-existed, each after its own kind. Some that were of little benefit were cut down to size or not recreated at all. He established a harmonious and diversified blend of plants and animals that would co-exist in a sophisticated intertwining of functions and mutual dependence from the onset. The complexity of the system can be compared to the complexity of a living organism or of DNA. Not only is life dependent on other life forms but it is also dependent on the minerals of the earth, water, air and sunshine, all in appropriate proportions, truly miraculous.


Darwin and his followers really didn’t and don’t have much use for a creator. They are in denial. But there are many who cannot see past Darwin’s clever theory. They believe in God and believe in evolution. There is such a thing as micro evolution. It has been going on for thousands of years, about six thousand. Every creature born looks a little different than his father or mother. This seems to be more common in cats, dogs and humans than in the rest of the species, a salmon looks like a salmon, a hawk like a hawk and a dear like a dear. Micro evolution is the only observable type of evolution going on today. What went on prior to the week of creation is not what is in effect now and is of little or no significance as far as a relationship with our creator is concerned.


Of those who believe in God there are few who have come to the knowledge of Yahweh, the God of the Bible, known to some as Jesus of Nazareth. There is only one way to come to the conclusion that the Bible is from God and that is to read it and study it. It is imperative that one lives by its principles and directives in order to please God. It is not imperative to memorize it book, chapter and verse, only to live according to its guidance from the heart. Many who believe in God do not follow His Biblically given instructions and therefore cannot please Him. The Bible is the Way of God, no other concocted way will get you into His Kingdom. We must become obedient to our Creator, not to the idealisms of men, women or self. We learn from the Word of God that there is no coming to God except through Christ Jesus His Son, who is Yahweh, the God of the “Old Testament” or First Testament. Just as a last will and testament needs to be amended when new child is born into a family, so a New Testament was written for the Second Adam.



Darwin’s theory of evolution does not bring life to anyone or any thing. If you believe in Darwin’s theory you will still die. It carries no benefits to its bearers. But if you believe in the Testaments of God then you have the promise of eternal life for Jesus’ disciples. Will you become one of us? Don’t be so broad minded as to miss what is most significant. Don’t be so far sighted as to overlook what is right before you. Let your mind evolve in righteousness and truth, not in deceptive suppositions and figments of the imagination. If evolution was of any significance it would have been mentioned in the Bible. What is important is the concept of a Creator and reverence for Him.


May He have mercy on us sinners.

