The Other Side Of The Holy Cover by Jacques Gauvin - HTML preview

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Dates For Jesus


(January 26, 2014)


John the Baptist began his ministry only months before Jesus began His Ministry, both at the age of 30 years old. (Luke 3:23) In fact, Jesus began His ministry after being baptized by John in the Jordan River. (Mark 1:9) John was six months older than Jesus (Luke 1:36-38) and probably began to baptize six months before Jesus began to preach. Since they were only six months apart, they were born in the same year. That year was 4 BC. They turned 30 in 27 AD. Jesus had a 3 and ½ year ministry and died at 33 and ½ years of age.


According to the Law, what we call the Old Testament, priests could begin to minister at 30 years of age. Jesus was born in 4 BC and died in 31 AD at the age of 33 and ½ . He had a 3 and ½ year ministry. Count the years;




Remember that Jesus was born in the early fall and died in the early spring. He would have turned 30 in the early fall and would have been baptized by John at that time. That would have been in the year 27 AD.


These dates are anchored on the fact that in 31 AD the First day of Unleavened Bread fell on a Thursday. This is very significant because it coincides with the scriptures that state that Jesus was three days and three nights in the grave having died as the Passover sacrifice, thus the name Lamb of God, on a Wednesday afternoon, was buried at the end of that day before sunset and the onset of the High Day Sabbath, the First Day of Unleavened Bread, on Thursday, the women bought and prepared the anointing spices on Friday, they rested on the regular Sabbath, Jesus was resurrected at the end of the regular Sabbath and the tomb was found empty early Sunday morning. These accounts are verified in the four Gospels. This makes the year 31 AD the year of Christ’s death and resurrection.

