The Other Side Of The Holy Cover by Jacques Gauvin - HTML preview

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(August 12, 2013)


If you get good instruction you often get good results. If you get bad instructions you usually get bad results.


So much of the world attributes life to nature or mother nature or natural forces. It is considered a Godless force by many. How demonic.


The force that gives life is divine. It is from God, a loving, merciful and just God. There is purpose to His actions. He has a divine goal and destiny.


Through the only begotten Son of God, Jesus, the transgressions against God are forgiven of those who believe and repent. Jesus has already ministered. The messages and commandments are out, we need to believe and to obey. He has already risen from the dead, we need to believe and to respect Him. He is now at the right hand of our Father, we need to believe and to honour Him. He will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we must be prepared to take further orders and to take action. He will rule for a thousand years with a rod of iron, we must be willing to serve Him. He will judge at the great white throne judgment, we must be prepared to assist Him.


Then there will be a new earth and a new heaven. Then God the Father will come with the New Jerusalem prepared for Himself, for His Son and for Their family and they will dwell on the new earth forever and ever in peace and harmony with each other.


Are you determined to get there? Are you listening to proper instruction from proper reliable sources? Are you in the process of eliminating all nonsense from your treasure of ideas, understanding and beliefs? Do you believe the message from God, the Bible, or are you founded in myths propagated by various men in any number of influential rolls past or present? Let me warn you that such men are the instruments of Satan the devil.


Is your labour in vain? Or will your efforts result in success? The proof is in the pudding, as they say. The recipe is the Word of God, the Bible. Reject the recipe and you reject God and the pudding will be a failure. God knows His works. He cannot be fooled, out witted or over powered, do not kid yourselves, do not let your pride get in your way. If you want respect, respect God first.


What will happen in that great white throne judgment? People who reject the teachings of Jesus will burn in fire, people who insist on propagating myth will burn in fire. This is the second death. They will be consumed by the fire and will never again be seen or heard from. It is a last and permanent death. They will be reduced to smoke and ashes. The smoke will go up for ever and the ashes will be trampled over by the feet of the saints. Awake, do not let this become your destiny.


Those who accept the teachings and authority of Christ Jesus will be given the gift of eternal life as part of the extended family of God to live a life free of evil.


If the gospel is hidden it is hidden from those who are being lost, lost to death. Do not trust those who are hiding the gospel from you. Awake, grab hold of the freedom that God has set before you and the intelligence and understanding that God has given you and put it to good use, to your best advantage. Do not waste another minute, start a true and meaningful relationship with your Father and Creator God by hearing His Words from His book the Bible. There is no better source of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. It is a source of rest from futility.


Don’t spend your whole life in ignorance of the number one book in the world ever since it was first written at the time of Moses. Wake up and make the right choices. Take control of the destiny that God our Father is offering through His Son Jesus and through the pages of the Bible. Stand up to your rights to freedom.

