The Other Side Of The Holy Cover by Jacques Gauvin - HTML preview

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Inner Peace




Is inner peace possible in this tumultuous world? Whether it is attainable or not is of no consequence, it is the desire for and the striving for peace that is relevant. It is a very worthy goal to strive for peace. If all people truly struggled for inner peace there would be no stealing, not lying, no murder, no adultery and no coveting. Finding inner peace is therefore the means to pacifying this world.


I am certain that my writing disturbs some people very much because they have told me so. They think that I am the type of person that they conjure up in their minds. Though I pale in significance and in benevolence to Jesus the Christ, like Him, I am, at times, largely misunderstood and considered of little or of no value to anyone. People who think that way are murderers by nature and condemn themselves.


All a person can do is live by his or her beliefs. It is each individuals responsibility to believe the truth. There are times when the truth is not self evident and help is required in order to attain it. This requires humbleness and an inquisitive spirit. Unfortunately pride somehow seems more appealing for some and instead of seeking truth they persecute or carry on evil inquisitions. Furthermore, as a rule, people believe what they were taught since infancy.


Since we want to believe what we were taught as children, if we were taught only lies, or nothing at all, we might have an overwhelmingly troublesome struggle for truth. The burden might become more than a person can bear on his or her own and a violent, volatile nature could prevail. Thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus and the forgiveness of sins this need not be the case and a life of striving for inner peace is possible. Thanks be to Jesus and the hope of salvation. By accepting His leadership our burden is made light.

