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Intelligent Design


(July 5, 2010)


I recently watched a video by Robert T. Pennock. It was generally about intelligent design. Shortly prior to producing the video a judge in the United States had passed judgment against Intelligent Design and deemed it unscientific. In so doing he set a precedence that the subject of Intelligent Design would no longer be arguable or admissible in court.


First it was Science verses God, then Darwin verses Creation, then Science verses Intelligent Design and on it will go. In every case atheist or unenlightened judges pass judgment. It really comes down to the beliefs of the judges and his ability and willingness to assess the case or perhaps rather his purpose, direction and self ambition to impose his views.


Mr. Pennock is a supporter of the theory of evolution. His presentation was close to an hour long and covered many disputes and arguments surrounding the theory of evolution and the concept of intelligent design. The video can be found on YouTube.


Mr. Pennock spoke of the general view and the view of the courts of the United States on the subject as if these views had some bearing on the truth. I assure you that neither the general view nor the view of the courts has any relevance if it is not correct or true. In this case it is neither correct nor true so it has no relevance.


The way the argument is presented one is lead to think that evolution and intelligent design are almost equal, that the balance could tip either way. The same goes for science and creation or Darwin and religion, we are lead to believe that they are on a fine balance that could tip either way and that the arguments are strong on both sides.


They fail to fathom an essential point. God sets before us life and death. The way of God is the way to life. The way without God is the way to death. Of course it is a matter of faith and belief but the consequences of making the wrong choice is eternal.


Verily verily I say that life and death are not on a balance. Life encompasses all understanding of all things, death knows nothing. There is no balance. The one is very much the antithesis of the other. There is no comparing. It is like light and darkness.


The understanding and the creative ability of God are so far beyond man s that it is totally ridiculous to compare God and man or to argue one against the other. God is the creator of science. For man to use science to explain God or His creation is ridiculous. Science does even believe in the spirit world. Seek God to explain science and His creation. Don t put the plow before the oxen.


Darwin verses creation? Darwin was a bumbling fool. Creation is beyond man s ability to explain except to turn to a higher power. Darwin rejected the higher power. That is what makes Darwin a bumbling fool. Fools argue one against the other. Our judges are fools to enter such asinine arguments in their courts. They are fools for trying to remove good terms from common use. They are fools for not knowing God and His will and acting on it in good faith.


Without intelligent design there would be no life as we know it and no life that we could imagine. The fact that we live and perceive things is proof that our creator is extremely intelligent. We were not created by mindless and ambiguous evolution. Using big numbers like millions, billions, trillions and zillions of years to explain things doesn't explain anything. All it does is assist and abet in deceiving people who are not smart enough to reason for themselves.


Science can only observe God s creation it will never be able to explain it completely. God on the other hand can and will explain science. Science will never be able to create life from inanimate objects, which it believes is where life came from. God however creates and sustains life all the time and understands it and can explain it.


Most men fight or deny God. Most men, and women, want to decide for themselves who and what God is. They create small g gods, often heavily relying on others to create them for them. The small g gods are in the billions, as common as the people who invent them. They rule over most men and women making them fools because these small g gods are merely a figment of the imagination and do not really exist or have any real power. These men and women fail to seek the true God who reveals Himself through Jesus and the pages of the Bible.


Intelligent design is if anything an understatement. Phenomenal or majestic or awesome design might be more in order. Nevertheless, to deny intelligent design is to deny God, something that judges and Mr. Pennock seem to have no problem with, to their shame.


Discovering and knowing God is the responsibility of each individual. There is no understanding of life or attaining of life except through Jesus the Christ. Search all you want, I am telling you the truth.

