The Ultimate Book of Self Help by Isidora Vey - HTML preview

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Appearances are deceptive

It is often said that “as above, so below”; only that ''above'' is the world we live in, whereas ''below'' is the world of black magic and demons. Behind the everyday reality we experience, there is another plane of existence which is a lot more filthy and sinister: It is a world made of scythes, lancets, blood, dead body parts, skulls, soap dolls tied up with string or stabbed with knives.

The majority of people have the illusion that their kind is the zenith of creation. Only a few can sense there are countless invisible entities (spirits) around them, which affect reality a lot more effectively than humans do.

Spirits interfere in our lives in many different ways: they can materialize in various forms (animate or inanimate), or they can even possess an unsuspecting person and impose certain thoughts, ideas or behaviour on them.

More often than not, negative conjunctions of circumstances are preordained by invisible negative forces. A lost letter, the cancellation of an important appointment, an unwanted encounter could be attributed to such forces.

Secrets of power: The whole story goes down to the energy games played by humans: Success in life is not enough for the greedy; the others must be destroyed too. A castle in France is not enough for the “smart guy”; the others should be completely homeless. In order to secure that kind of success, certain people use certain means.

The co-operation with demonic entities and the use of black magic is the terrible secret of those in power – and it is very well hidden behind the mask of civilization and scientific advances. ''Demonic'' luck, sudden wealth, impressive social ascent are often due to the use of magic and the co-operation with dark entities.

Even nowadays, in the age of technology, what really rules human society is magic. Those who practice it have all the success in life. Those who don't use magic fail in everything. Magic is the common secret of the elite: Where strong will, high intelligence, special talents, vast knowledge and favourable circumstances are needed to obtain a desired result, the use of dark magic solves all problems instantly.

Nevertheless, things have been changing dramatically for some decades now, since more and more people, even from the lower classes, are recruited in all kinds of networks. In the New World Order, which is already here, most citizens belong to  networks and share such secrets of knowledge. As a result, in the so-called developed countries the poor are getting fewer and fewer – in spite of their continuous grumbling over food and wages.

A basic purpose of religions and sects is to conceal the  truth -that magic rules our world. When the victims of black magic ask priests or gurus for help, all they get is indirect criticism and guilt: “You have a bad karma” … “Your soul has chosen to suffer, so that you can learn” … “You are a sinner, that's why God punishes you” … “You attract misfortunes because you make negative thoughts” … “You have a weak will” and so on. Then, the victims are advised to pray or meditate on how guilty they are -and this may go on for years. In the meanwhile, black magic keeps working, years pass by and the situation gets worse and worse, while the victims are still trying to figure out what they have done or thought wrong.

Are you a victim of dark magic?

Here are some common symptoms:

1) Lack of energy during the day; a sense of fatigue that never goes away.

2) Wherever you are, the others maltreat you without a reason; or they behave in a  strange way, which makes you feel insecure.

3) General misfortune.

4) You often feel thirsty and your mouth is dry, especially during the night.

5) While awake, you see black spots or dark clouds around; or your vision gets blurred suddenly.

6) You suffer from headaches that last hours every day; or you feel something like fingers pressing your temples.

7) You often feel a burden on your chest or shoulders; or itching, spasms, burns, stings on various parts of your body.

But it can get even worse:

8) Your career goes from bad to worse and you can't really tell why.

9) Sudden unemployment, financial disaster.

10) Sleep disorders, such as insomnia or nightmares, almost every night. If the nightmare is concurrent, the case is even worse.

11) Even if you can't remember the nightmare, you wake up with a start, out of breath and frightened.

12) Tormenting psychological problems that last:  nervousness, desperation, anger, agony, panic disorder. In serious cases you come to think about harming yourself, or you attempt suicide.

13) You are diagnosed with serious mental disease such as schizophrenia, psychosis or severe depression; the doctor prescribes pills which won't help you at all; on the contrary, taking them will only make your situation worse and worse.

14) Your skin gets a lot darker.

15) Suddenly there are too many insects (such as ants or spiders) which seem to raid your house. This could mean sickness or death of a family member.

16) Black magic can also cause mortal diseases such as cancer, cardiac arrest, leukemia, renal insufficiency etc.

If you experience half of the above symptoms or more, in all likelihood you are a victim of black magic and negative entities.

Take into account that the symptoms are more intense during full moon and new moon, and as years pass they get worse and worse.

Women become victims of negative forces more frequently than men, and they are more vulnerable during their period.

Practical magic

You certainly have the right to protect yourself from evil magic; for this reason I hereby mention a few traditional magic rituals which will relieve you without putting you or anybody else in danger.

The witch's bottle

Buy a glass jar or bottle with a metal, screwing lid and throw inside the following: needles, pins, pieces of broken glass, basil, rosemary, frankincense, sage, rue, a  clove of garlic, and three drops of your blood. Fill up with red wine. Then, bury the bottle in a flower-pot full of soil.

The witch's bottle shouldn't be kept inside your house; hide it at a safe place, making sure it's kept out of sight (in the garden-plot of an abandoned building, for instance) and be careful not to walk by that place ever again.

Petrification of an enemy

If you feel you can no longer stand someone's attitude, get a piece of white paper, write on it the name of the enemy as well as the name of his/her mother with capital letters (for example: JOHN SMITH, SON OF HELEN), and fold it in four. Then place it under a big, flat stone, somewhere in the dark, for example in a drawer or cupboard you no longer use.

Burn an enemy

When you feel desperation and anger seething inside you, take a piece of white paper and write on it the enemy's name and name of his/her mother, as described above. Then set alight the edge of the paper and focus your attention on the letters being burnt one by one, while you still boil with anger. As soon as the last letter is burnt (in this case J), you will feel relieved -as if the enemy were already out of the way.

The above described simple rituals won't cause the enemy any harm; nevertheless, he/she will either disappear from your life or stop bothering you pretty soon.

Precautions against dark magic

- Don't eat any kind of food offered to you by persons you don't know well.

- Don't wear clothes given to you by others, unless you really trust the person.

- Don't trust persons (no matter how friendly they might seem) who offer you food and/or clothes all the time, yet they refuse to accept anything from you.

- Refrain from alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and similar bad habits.

- Don't give your full name, the name of your mother or photographs of yours to professional wizards and witches; such things make it easy for them to attack you with black magic.

- Mental diseases are usually due to dark magic and evil spirits. Antidepressants or antipsychotics only make things worse, since they render you passive and weak, opening the door to even more negative forces.

- The great majority of professional wizards and witches are charlatans who aim at emptying your wallet -and this is as good as it gets. Most of them are wolves in the guise of lamps: They promise to protect you from black magic, but all they really do is even more black magic against you, so as to cause you the most incredible problems (horrible nightmares every night, repeated negative omens, multiple misfortunes etc).

When you go back to them asking for help, they will terrify you with some dreadful, paranormal explanation and they will ask for more money; nevertheless, the situation will only get worse and worse; they will demand even more money, and so on, for as long as you live!

That's why we often hear on the news that “Mrs Witch got x thousands of dollars from Mrs Victim in a few years”. Given the circumstances, the victims seldom find the courage to revolt and accuse the villain of fraud.

About white magic

Candles, incense, herbs, silly cheerful rhymes ‒ if you expect something like that to bear an effect, you will have to wait for a very long time. White magic is nonsense, there is no such thing. Is it possible to change the course of events just because you mix three herbs, light a candle and recite a pompous little poem? Certainly not. Such rites and rituals can do nothing but prepare you psychologically for carrying out black magic -which is the real thing.

Those who are not determined or courageous enough to perform black magic, resort to white magic at first. Some day their repeated failures will either discourage them for good or push them to dark magic -it is only a matter of time.

Moreover, there is no such thing as ''breaking a spell'' because magic always acts as an addition, not as a subtraction. This means that a new spell will only add more (dark) magic on the affected person, either making the situation worse or replacing the old symptoms with new ones. Especially if you use certain kinds of ''protection'' that are supposed to send magic back, then you will be in for a spiritual war you won't enjoy at all...

More often than not, what we perceive as “magic” is actually a mystic science of extraterrestrial rulers, and it is incomprehensible to the human mind. Needless to say that only the ''negative'', the ''misfits'', the ''sinners'' become victims of magic. Nevertheless, it is widely known that ''dog doesn't eat dog''.

A tool of divination

Traditional Cartomancy (fortune telling with cards) is carried out with an ordinary deck of 52 cards. In general, img1.png symbolizes blond persons; img2.png stands for dark-skinned people; img3.pngrepresents brown-haired persons; img4.png symbolizes misfortunes or bad people. Here is the interpretation of cards:

Αimg1.png= a letter or news

Αimg2.png = success in business and/or finances

Αimg3.png= love, marriage

Αimg4.png = failure, misfortune

2img1.png= a blond person's bed

2img2.png = a dark-skinned person's bed

2img3.png= a brown-haired person's bed

2img4.png = separation, divorce

3img1.png= a blond person's journey

3img2.png = a dark-skinned person's journey

3img3.png= a brown-haired person's journey

3img4.png = a journey full of problems and sorrows

4img1.png= a blond person's house

4img2.png = a dark-skinned person's house

4img3.png= a brown-haired person's house

4img4.png = hospital or court

5img1.png= a blond person's circle of friends

5img2.png = a dark-skinned person's circle of friends

5img3.png= a brown-haired person's circle of friends

5img4.png = untrustworthy, bitter friends

6img1.png= a blond person's concern

6img2.png = a dark-skinned person's concern

6img3.png= a brown-haired person's concern

6img4.png = confusion, anger, trouble

7img1.png= a blond person's near future

7img2.png = a dark-skinned person's near future

7img3.png= a brown-haired person's near future

7img4.png = obstacles, delays

8img1.png= a blond person's words

8img2.png = a dark-skinned person's words

8img3.png= a brown-haired person's words

8img4.png = quarrel, gossip, curses

9img1.png= success, joy, fulfillment

9img2.png = success in business and finances

9img3.png= success in love

9img4.png = illness or financial problems

10img1.png= a pleasant trip

10img2.png = good earnings, wealth

10img3.png= engagement, marriage, a baby

10img4.png = sorrows, tears, disappointments

Jimg1.png= a blond young man

Jimg2.png = a dark-skinned young man

Jimg3.png= a brown-haired young man

Jimg4.png = an evil young man

Qimg1.png= a blond woman

Q♣ = a dark-skinned woman

Q♥ = a brown-haired woman

Qimg4.png = an evil woman

Rimg1.png= a blond mature man

Rimg2.png = a dark-skinned mature man

Rimg3.png= a brown-haired mature man

Rimg4.png = a dangerous man, a villain


First of all, choose the colour of the interested person (img2.png for instance), as well as the colour of his/her beloved (img3.pngfor instance).

The interested person shuffles the cards and places the deck on the table, face down. He/she cuts in three, then gathers the deck together again, always face down, and gives it to the cartomancer. Of course, the interested person and the fortune teller may be the same person: you can tell the cards to yourself.

First method

The fortune teller lays four lines of nine cards each, drawing cards from the top of the deck, facing up now. Sixteen cards will be left in hand. Then the interested person chooses one of the laid cards (for example Jimg2.png, which represents himself); the cartomancer takes the first two cards from his/her hand and places them on Jimg2.png, face down; then he/she places two more cards face down on the diametrical card.

The same procedure is repeated three more times, the interested person choosing three more cards (for example 4img2.png, his house· Qimg3.png, his lover· 2img3.png, his lover's bed) and the cartomancer places two cards on each one of them, as well as on the diametrical cards.

In the process, the fortune teller reveals the concealed cards and interprets according to his/her intuition. For example: 6img4.png and 3img1.pngon Jimg2.png = confusion or anger caused by a blond person who will visit the interested person.

Finally, the fortune teller takes the 36th card and places it on the 1st one; the 35th one on the 2nd; the 34th on the 3rd and so on, and interprets the combinations.

Second method

After the interested person has shuffled and cut the cards as mentioned above, the cartomancer starts taking cards from the top of the deck and discards them, until he/she finds a card of the interested person's colour (such as 3img2.png). He/she leaves it on the table face up, then draws from the bottom of the deck, leaves that card face up too, right next to 3img2.png, and interprets the combination of both cards. For instance 3img2.png and 5img3.png= the interested person will come in contact with the party of a brown-haired person.

Then, the cartomancer goes on drawing cards from the top of the deck again, and discards them until he/she finds another card of the same colour (such as 7img2.png). He/she leaves it under 3img2.png, draws from the bottom of the deck, leaves the new card next to 7img2.png, interprets the second combination and so on.

Third method

The interested person takes the card which represents him/her (such as J♣) and places it on the table. Then he/she shuffles the rest of the cards, face down, while concentrating on a matter (for example, work issues).

In the process, he/she cuts into three, gathers the cards again face down and chooses randomly eight more cards, which he places on the table face up, in this order:

6  2  8

4  1  5

9  3  7

The interested person (for example img5.png) is placed in position 1.

Positions 9, 3, 7 represent the past -what has affected the matter.

Positions 4 and 5 represent the present -what surrounds the interested person.

Positions 6, 2, 8 describe the most possible future.

For Example:


The past: The words of the brown-haired person to a dark-skinned woman about a financial or health problem has affected the present situation.

The present: The interested person will get good news in the house of a blond person.

The future: The blond person is likely to go to bed with the brown-haired person (in this case, the interested person's lover). Beware of an evil young man who may affect the situation negatively.