The Ultimate Book of Self Help by Isidora Vey - HTML preview

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The great majority of humans are biological marionettes, descendants of hybrids originally manufactured in the genetic laboratories of reptilian aliens who invaded the Earth thousands of years ago. As centuries went by, those hybrids blended with terrestrial humans, they cross-bred and undermined them methodically until the latter were completely wiped out. Real human beings became extinct thousands of years ago.

The human DNA consists of genes taken from terrestrial anthropoids and extraterrestrial reptilian beings – the latter providing them with intelligence and a talent for malice, intrigue and war. Most humans don't have a problem with that; they get along fine since they have a common DNA, thus common mental, psychological and physical traits.

Psychic Vampires or Organic Gates

There are two basic kinds of human beings on earth: Psychic Vampires or Organic Gates (soulless human beings,) and Victims (animate human beings). Both kinds have the same lower chakras, the same structure of personality and the same biology; nevertheless, psychic vampires lack higher chakras, so they have to absorb spiritual energy from Victims. In this way, they can imitate animate humans and show intelligence and emotion, although they don't really have such traits. Psychic Vampires are reptoid hybrids, that is they have more reptilian genes in their DNA. Victims, on the other hand, have more non-reptilian genes in their genetic code.

Since planet Earth has been under occupation of reptilian aliens for thousands of years now, the human societies have been programmed in such a way that a Victim will be faced with a lot more Organic Gates than Animate Humans within one's lifetime. Even worse, when an animate human being is on their way to spiritual ascent, they get targeted by the reptilian control system and even more Psychic Vampires will come into their life. That's why every time you ascend spiritually, certain people (Organic Gates who happen to be your friends, relatives, colleagues etc) will gather around you with a view to sabotaging you any way they can, stealing energy from you and driving you back.

Psychic vampires demand three basic things from their Victims: energy, time, attention. Therefore, the most evident characteristics of Organic Gates are the following:

a) They often ask you to do something for them: ''Do this or that for me, for some reason I can't do it myself” … “Go there and buy that for me, I have no time, or I don't feel so well, poor me” and so on.

b) They constantly ask for money or gifts: “How beautiful this item is, will you give it me?” … “I am in urgent need for a certain amount of money, will you lend it to me” etc.

c) Psychic Vampires systematically launch psychic attacks (negative hints, offensive remarks, malevolent insults, all kinds of intrigues) against Victims. As a result, the latter think about the former continuously; in this way, Organic Gates steal energy from Animate Humans.

d) Organic Gates are very unpunctual: They always make sure you wait for them and they want you to consider this natural. So, they are usually late in an appointment or in finishing a job; or they invite you to a party and then they look down on you -and so on.

e) They accost you, they touch you, they caress or hug you at the first opportunity. More often than not, expansiveness is an indication of energy absorption.

f) Psychic vampires talk continuously, usually about themselves and how perfect they are in everything. They don't allow anyone else to utter a word; if someone dares say anything, Organic Gates interrupt immediately by bearing the most irrational objections, or directly insulting or humiliating the interlocutor.

g) Many Organic Gates use black magic in order to achieve certain goals or harm a person they dislike. Most of them know a lot about dark magic, while they are immune to it. On the other hand, Animate Humans  can't perform effective magic rituals, while they are usually a target of black magic.

h) Favoured by evil forces and dark networks, Psychic Vampires are scandalously fortunate -despite their lacking real intelligence and talent. The great majority of rich and famous artists, politicians, scientists, businessmen etc are powerful psychic vampires.

i) The most skillful Psychic Vampires appear to be compassionate humanists. Without even being asked, they are always eager to help those in need, yet in such a way that the benefited feel always indebted and unable to pay off the debt. Organic Gates often belong to benevolent societies and they spend lots of money on charities – but they always make sure that their good deeds get widely known.

j) Nevertheless, they lack compassion; they are evil in heart and they take pleasure in other people's misery, though they do their best to hide this.

k) Slyness, hypocrisy, intrigue: they excel in that.

l) They are extremely materialistic and they hate all kinds of spirituality.

m) They appear to be reasonable and normal, yet they are completely insane: They reply with a spontaneous objection to every reasonable sentence and they lack the ability of judgement. That's why they usually stick to “positive thinking”.

n) Most of their friends and acquaintances happen to be sick, disabled, handicapped, unfortunate, complete failures, suffering from all kinds of psychological and mental problems.

o) Male psychic vampires express openly an extreme misogynism; females of the kind are very wanton and they adore submitting themselves to males.

p) Last but not least: Both males and females are extremely lustful; sex is like religion to them – and it is emotionless, brutal, usually anal sex.


So, mankind has descended from the stars and we are all considered to be starseeds, that is alien souls incarnated on Earth so as to accomplish a certain mission. Some people serve Good, but the majority serves Evil. Strong starseeds are more or less aware of their alien descent and they present the following general characteristics:

- They are attracted by spiritual matters, parapsychology and metaphysics, they get involved in such practices and they progress quite fast.

- They are also fond of mysteries, science fiction and fantasy.

- They bear a strong feeling they do not belong to this world.

- They face lots of challenges and extraordinary situations in life.

- They always have a strong desire to comprehend the meaning of their lives, why they have come on Earth.

- They often have lucid or vivid dreams of places and situations alien to this earth. Some of them often dream of fighting evil forces.

- They often have the impression of getting guidance from higher, invisible forces. Sometimes they dream of spiritual beings or aliens giving them advice or instructions.

However, not all humans are of the same extraterrestrial descent. There are many different kinds of starseeds, divided in two major categories according to their genetic origin:

A) Non-reptilian (the minority)

a) Pleiadian starseeds (descending from the Pleiades, an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus): They have and ''angelic'', oval face and they always look pious, sweet, warm. The body is usually squashy, of medium height. They are calm, sensitive and polite persons, but they can't stand criticism and they get too emotional sometimes. They seldom express anger or disagreement, they usually resort to crying and they often suffer from psychosomatic diseases. Although they usually wear a mask of self-confidence, they feel they aren't smart enough and that their thoughts go nowhere. As they always want to have a good time, they usually side with the powerful; so, most of them lead an easy life in riches. Most people enjoy their pleasant company, but Pleidian starseeds aren't to be trusted completely.

b) Orionic starseeds (descending from the constellation of Orion): Intelligent and sensible persons, with a dynamic personality and a talent for sciences. They have an angular yet symmetrical face, and they look serious and self-controlled. The body is usually tall, lean and sinewy. They tend to ask a lot of questions about anything and they always wish to gain more and more knowledge. They also like to examine people and situations carefully, which might make the others feel uncomfortable. They cherish privacy a lot, and they often resort to loneliness in order to balance their mind. In general they are quiet, polite, intellectual, efficient; yet, on this planet they use their bright minds to serve the System with an almost robotic obedience.

c) Andromedan starseeds (descending from the galaxy of Andromeda): They have an oval or oblong face, and they look thoughtful, uneasy, or troubled. The body is usually tall and thin. Since Andromedans are the greatest enemy of reptilians, their descendants on this planet are in a state of imprisonment; that's why they unconsciously seek freedom by often changing friends, jobs, interests, place of residence. However, sooner or later they realize they can find freedom only inside them. They tend to be critical, as well as self-critical; that's why the others usually dislike them. In a world governed by reptoid entities, Andromedan starseeds always feel uncomfortable, isolated and threatened -not without a reason: Wherever they go, they are usually faced with hostility, contempt and injustice. Sometimes they are burdened with genetic faults, as well as psychological or neurological problems.

B) Reptilian (the majority)

a) Reptoid starseeds (descending from the constellation of Serpens): The face is usually triangular, with high cheeks and piercing, ''snake-like'' eyes. In general the body is lean, strong, supple, easy to work out. They often excel in sports and gymnastics. They look quite charming, which conceals their evil, paranoiac minds. Reptoids are full of malice, slyness and lust; they have a natural talent in engineering plots, they take pleasure in deriding and fooling others, they cause trouble and confusion everywhere. They yearn to arrest everybody's attention and they usually manage to do so. Sex is the meaning of life to them; they are very materialistic and  they hate all kinds of spirituality. They often get very rich and successful in life, since they eagerly join all kinds of networks and obey orders without a question.

b) Dracoid starseeds (descending from the constellation of Draco): The face is wide, almost square; they have arched eyebrows and oblique, cunning eyes. They are self-confident and arrogant, as they strongly believe they are superior to the other people. The body is strong, with well-built muscles and a tendency to gaining weight. They are bellicose, power thirsty, cruel, of criminal and parasitic nature. It is them who rule all types of networks and rackets, constantly plotting intrigues and causing all kinds of problems to people they consider inferior; yet, they always make sure to give an impression of being humane, law-abiding citizens. Most politicians are of this descent.

c) Voötedian starseeds (descending from the constellation of Boötes): The face has the shape of a drop, with fleshy cheeks and a pointed chin. The body looks strong, sometimes chubby, of medium height. They are gifted with a magnetic personality and a lot of self-confidence. They also have an innate talent of influencing people around them, always showing a mask of friendship, understanding, sincerity, spirituality and logic. They are excellent actors; it could take years for someone to see who they really are: deep inside they are greedy, corrupt psychopaths. They fit easily in all kinds of rackets and networks, they will even resort to black magic in order to harm anyone they dislike. Money seems to chase them, so they get wealthy without even their realizing how. They often work as civil servants; sometimes they win in lotteries or inherit fortunes.

d) Arcturian Starseeds (descending from the solar system of Arcturus, in the constellation of Boötes): Beautiful, attractive persons with oval faces, regular features and well-built bodies. The women are curvy and fascinating. They usually have blond or red hair, a fair complexion, blue or green eyes. They are of artistic nature, extrovert, self-confident, charming. They like talking a lot, usually about themselves, attracting everybody's attention. They are experts in making a good impression, since they know how to show a very convincing face of goodness and modesty. Yet they are extremely ambitious, greedy, egocentric and insincere. They get high positions in networks and rackets very quickly, so they earn lots of money at a young age. Nevertheless, they are never satisfied; they always ask for more and more, finally ending up neurasthenic and unhappy -often without a reason. Most actors, singers and performers are of this descent.

e) Sauroid starseeds (descending from the constellation of Lacerta or Saura): The face is ugly, with a big mouth and bulging, far-apart eyes. The body is slim or skinny, usually ungraceful. They are characterized by avarice, greed, shallow emotions, lack of analytical thought. Although they aren't intelligent enough to get special qualifications or high education, they usually manage to ascend in the hierarchy of a company quite fast, thanks to their natural talent in intrigue. They don't have to work very hard so as to become rich for they seem to attract wealth almost miraculously. These people are a perfect example of  the proverb “Don't look at my wry legs; look at my good luck instead”. However, they usually pretend to be poor and miserable, because they hate offering the slightest thing to others; they also do whatever is needed to hide they are involved in all kinds of underhand dealings and rackets.

Note: Due to multiple cross-breeding over the centuries, the ratio of terrestrial to extraterrestrial genes differs from person to person. Some people may have more genes of a certain alien race, yet the majority of human beings are hybrids, that is a combination of two, three, or more races; this means it is too difficult to characterize them. The more genes one has in common with the reptilian extraterrestrial rulers, the more favoured they are by “The God of this World”, thus fortunate in life.

In general, reptilian starseeds are more perfect genetically than non-reptilian, because the Matrix allows them to evolve freely, generation after generation. Moreover, they don't feel the cold so much, that's why they don't have to wear many clothes during the winter: the temperature may be near 0º C, but they go around in short-sleeved T-shirts.

The strongest criterion of ''who is who'' is a person's financial condition: The more money one has, the more likely they are to descend from reptilian races (Serpens, Draco, Boötes, Arcturus, Lacerta).

Symptoms of DNA awakening

The great majority of people don't even suspect what's going on; they just feel worried, insecure or even depressed -often without having a serious problem. On the other hand, more than never before, those who have developed a better awareness may experience certain symptoms due to DNA awakening:

1/ Too much stress, anxiety, uneasiness, often without a specific reason.

2/ Shooting pains which come and go.

3/ You often wake up in the middle of the night and you stay awake for a couple of hours, having the impression you have dreamed of something very strange.

4/ Hypersensitivity to the environment: For example, you can't stand certain sounds such as loud TV, voices, stereo music, human crowds.

5/ You can no longer bear certain activities most people enjoy: gossip, work, public relations etc.

6/ You have a strong feeling you don't belong to this world and you don't want to be in it any more.

7/ Your whole life seems to be reaching an end: Friends disappear; your business no longer seems interesting enough; certain hobbies and activities you have enjoyed for years no longer interest you.

8/ You are often scared or depressed because strange things happen to you all the time, unusual conjunctions of circumstances which are invisible or incomprehensible to the ordinary man.

9/ Many of your dreams are quite realistic, with a sense of adventure and a complete plot.

10/ Extraordinary experiences, strange coincidences, negative signs, recurrent visions or nightmares, have turned your life into a never-ending nightmare.

11/ You often feel you are losing your mind; you have the impression you are mentally ill.

12/ You feel you have broken away from the human herd, its God and its angels. You no longer believe in the “God of this world” and you seek the truth.

13/ Despite the incredible difficulties you encounter, you get the impression of controlling the situation better and better, while learning precious lessons from it.