The Ultimate Book of Self Help by Isidora Vey - HTML preview

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“The more we do to you,

the less you seem to believe we are doing it”


The 3rd World War has already started, probably since the year 2000, and it has been escalating year after year.  Up to now this war isn't waged with conventional or nuclear weapons; it is mostly psychological and psychotronic. In general, it is a subtle war that usually takes the form of personal, financial, psychological or psychic problems which afflict specific persons. The world economic crisis is a basic aspect of this war, since financial difficulties affect human psychology in a most negative way.

The victims of this war aren't targeted by guns or bombs; yet they suffer all kinds of misfortunes, social isolation, failure in business and finances, as well as weird mental or psychic disorders. Since such problems can't be solved with friendly chats or antidepressants, each victim experiences their personal hell all alone.

On the other hand, some other people experience exactly the opposite: Sudden social and financial ascent; outstanding success in business; happiness in love and family; and a scandalously good luck day after day. These people live in ''paradise''; the paradise of the reptilian “god” who rules the Earth.

Contrary to the impressions deliberately given by the mass media, the target of this war aren't ''the many'' (reptoid hybrids) but ''the few'' (especially Andromedan starseeds), those who haven't been accepted by networks. This subtle but vehement war is intended to isolate, exhaust and exterminate the unwanted non-reptilian humans who still survive in this world. It is well known that ever since the economic crisis began, there are a lot more cases of depression and suicide -in Greece for example.

Only a few people suspect and even less know there are certain methods of (mind) control used on the human masses nowadays – such as gang stalking, targeting with electromagnetic waves, or even microchips implanted in human bodies. Such implants are too small to detect and too difficult to remove.

Those who have negative micro-implants in their body, are under continual surveillance. Their brain functions can be remotely watched and controlled by super-computers, since modern microchips are transmitters and receivers of low frequency radio-waves.

Targeted individuals may be manipulated in many different ways: their thoughts and emotions can be altered; they may become too aggressive or too passive; they are likely to develop a strange, disagreeable behaviour; their sexual life can be affected in unnatural ways, so can their dreams – and all this without the victim suspecting anything.

The super-advanced technology of our time allows the connection of every human mind to supercomputers and satellites. The latest computers of the American Secret Services are already powerful enough to survey the population of the whole world. It won't be long till all people will be obliged to have microchips implanted in their bodies -this time consciously. When this happens, the whole mankind will be entirely controlled by dark centres of power. This all leads to cruelest worldwide dictatorship the earth has ever known.

Nowadays the human society is controlled by three basic factors: a) social networks which include almost all citizens nowadays, b) microchips implanted in all human bodies, c) electromagnetic waves targeting certain persons. Therefore, it is true that the worst enemies are inside us; but foreign forces place them in there. The whole case presupposes a way of thinking which is not human, as well as a superior technology which is not terrestrial; in two words, the rulers of mankind are aliens.

Gang stalking

It is the systematic surveillance of a targeted individual by network agents (persons who belong to networks). The victim is watched day and night, all their life being controlled and restricted in many different ways.

Example: A dozen of agents, strategically placed along the road, are lurking for the victim to appear so as to cause them trouble (derision, annoying noises, getting on the way so as to delay them etc).

Network agents are recruited from all walks of life, they obey orders unquestionably and they get special rewards: a good job, a high salary, a wide social circle, etc. Over the years they destroy the victim, making them look stupid or insane, leaving them without any livelihood, slowly driving them to mental disease or suicide.

Types of gang stalking

Not all victims face the same situations. Here are some typical indications that someone is the target of systematic surveillance:

1) “Street theatre”: A group of network agents put on an act before the surprised victim, seemingly following his/her thoughts and humiliating or distressing the person. These “performances”, which take place (almost) every day, cause a feeling of constant surveillance and guilt to the victim, slowly driving them paranoid. The targeted individual is watched wherever they are, indoors or outdoors. The agents may even move house so as to live in the victim's neighbourhood or precinct. They might also bug one's phone, house, or computer. This is how most ''respectable citizens'' earn a good living nowadays: they may as well have an underpaid job in some insignificant company, but they earn a lot more thanks to such “street theater” or other underhand dealings they eagerly take part in.

2) Sensitization of the victim to an annoying stimulus: This is usually achieved via neurolinguistic programing or gang stalking. Within a time span of months or years, the victim is sensitized to a negative stimulus which recurs over and over again, day after day, and is used as systematic torture. Such stimuli could be voices, noises, music, colours, patterns, actions: red, white, black, slamming doors, whistling, mobile phones ringing, loud coughing, or certain trigger words (“death”, “hell”, “devil” etc) which could give specific negative impressions to the victim, such as of guilt and punishment.

3) Slander and isolation of the victim: This can be achieved with continuous slander and lies being spread within the victim's social environment. Neighbours, friends and colleagues learn that the target is a thief, a drug addict, a whore, a lunatic etc, so he/she must be watched and controlled all the time. As a result, friends disappear one by one, whereas network agents take up the victim's social life. Such ''friends'' are always rude, bossy, untrustworthy, taking special care to make the target's life miserable.

4) The victim is negatively influenced, so as to give an impression of going mad or being insane. The target may experience many negative experiences and coincidences everyday, all carefully arranged by network agents; the victim may even hear ''voices in the scull'', which cause nervousness, uneasiness, fear, strange reactions, or even paranoia. The targeted individual becomes irritable, nervous, querulous, disagreeable, queer; as a result, the others begin to avoid them.

5) Disruption of everyday life (“misfortune”): Multiple negative occurrences such as concurrent delays; flat tyres; accumulation of garbage in the target's yard; deprivation of sleep due to repetitive annoyances around the victim's house; strange coincidences which happen all the time and make the target feel insecure; objects change position ''miraculously'' or are nowhere to be seen in the house; gangs of strangers make fun of the victim on the road; mobbing at work; alienation of friends and so on. Such events may seem not so harmful to a third person, but if they go on for years they might cause serious psychological problems to the victim.

6) Sonic war is carried out in many different ways: noisy tools that function for hours every day -and this might go on for years; never-ending repairs at the surrounding buildings; loud music from neighbours' balconies, for hours every day; doors slamming every minute; dozens of dogs in yards around the victim's house, all barking wildly for hours every day, etc. Sonic war can make the victim's life miserable, as it disrupts not only their everyday life but their sleep as well.

7) Economic control: No matter how hard the victim works, they can never earn more than a basic salary; in fact, it is as if every cent of the target were counted, so that they aren't able to earn more than a specific, ''allowed'' sum of money.

8) Chronic unemployment: After years of systematic mobbing, the target quits or loses their job. Then, their name is written in a ''black list'', so they can't find another job anymore. If they are allowed to get another job, it is always inferior to their qualifications, and they are subjected to mobbing again. In the end, the victim is deprived of any livelihood; therefore they may end up destitute, homeless, in a mental clinic, in prison, or even in suicide.

9) Physical harm or death: By causing driving or other accidents, network agents may drive the victim to disability, chronic disease or death.


Most people may find it hard to believe, but nowadays there are various types of electronic devices which can alter the functions of the human mind and body from a distance. Such machines are defined as psychotronic weapons and they belong to the Blue Beam Project. They include VHF generators, transmitters of electromagnetic waves, supersonic vibrations, X-rays etc, and they can cause obsessions, illusions, cell mutations, dementia, loss of will, diseases, or even death.

The Blue Beam Project is related to HAARP and it is a top secret military program which can affect a person's thoughts, feelings, perception and behaviour. Low frequency electromagnetic radiation (ELF) is used by the ''illuminated'' elite, so as to control human minds. Such radiation could make someone passive or insane, without their even suspecting so. Moreover, an affected individual may experience a condition of altered reality, since they may as well see or hear things that don't exist in reality.

The majority of individuals targeted by psychotronic weapons are single women who live alone and they happen to be very independent and intelligent. Targeted men are a minority – usually those who deviate from the stereotype of the typical, aggressive male. This means that psychotronic war also concerns the war of the sexes, since it targets and neutralizes independent women and inoffensive men -persons unwanted in a patriarchal world. In general, the individuals who are mostly targeted are those who don't have many non-reptilian genes in their DNA.

Basic symptoms of electromagnetic attacks

Symptoms caused by ELF radiation may differ from person to person, depending on wavelength and frequency. Here are some typical examples:

1) Mind control: Brainwaves are similar to electromagnetic ones and they can be read by special satellites, which can receive and decode the brain waves transmitted when someone talks, thinks, acts. This allows control of one's thoughts, emotions, impressions, behaviour; even the subconscious can be read and manipulated. More specifically:

- The victim finds it difficult to concentrate or remember things, as their mind can be blocked for some seconds, or even minutes.

- The targeted individual often feels dizzy, confused, and has a sense of weakness that lasts.

- Certain thoughts and memories can be erased.

- Dictated thoughts and ideas come over and over again but lead nowhere.

- Sometimes network agents have the potentiality to look through the victim's eyes, so they know exactly what the victim sees moment by moment.

2) Synthetic telepathy or “Voices in the Scull”: Network agents using psychotronic weapons may converse with their victims incessantly, day and night. A special computer, equipped with a learning ability and a synthetic voice, gradually takes over the target's mind. This keeps the victim irritated, confused and constantly tired, gradually driving them to depression, obsession or paranoia.

3) Silent synthetic telepathy: The victim doesn't hear voices but they are unable to control their own thoughts and feelings, as the same trains of thought are repeated again and again, word by word, causing certain impressions and feelings. In this way, the victim becomes obsessed and ends up talking by themselves on the road, giving the impression of being crazy.

3) Strange co-ordinations with the television or the radio: Paradoxically, the victim's thoughts often seem to be coordinated with what's on TV or the radio. Some targeted individuals are certain that the actors or newscasters on TV imitate or harass them. Some others experience answers to their thoughts, as if the actors were reading the victim's mind.

4) Recurrent nightmares that seem to convey certain messages or threats. They are usually triggered by repetitive negative coincidences in real life (which are not coincidences at all), they cause a lot of mental anguish to the victim and they might go on for years or decades! They usually appear after a very stressful period, after someone has begun to analyze and surpass the problem in everyday life.

This is why mental diseases are actually incurable: The primary cause doesn't lie in the patient; it lies in the Invisible World. Psychiatrists claim that such dreams derive from the unconscious, so they can't be wiped out because nobody can control the unconscious. However, they will advise the patient to take strong antidepressant pills or drugs for schizophrenia, which will only make the problem worse.

5) Sleep disorders: About 40% of American citizens complain they don't get enough sleep nowadays. Sleep deprivation is a typical first step to mind control and it is usually achieved with sonic war or psychotronic weapons. In special cases, the target faces one or more of the following problems:

- Recurrent hypnagogic and/or hypnopompic hallucinations: Scenes that come right before sleeping or after awakening, while the victim is still awake with eyes shut. Such scenes are usually frightening and distressing, making the victim feel scared and threatened by invisible negative forces.

- While in bed at night, the target sweats a lot, or has palpitations, or suffers strong pain (as if of arthritis) which may interrupt their sleep.

- A sense of pressure on the head, usually on the temples, as if fingers were touching there for several seconds.

- When the victim wakes up in the morning, they feel tired as if they had not slept at all.

- Somnolence during the day; insomnia at night.

Such conditions often become chronic, gradually exhausting the targeted person. Tranquilizers and sleeping pills not only fail to help, but they also render the victim more susceptible to the influence of psychotronic weapons.

6) Physical, mental, or psychological systematic torture such as:

- Pain in various parts of the body, which gets worse and worse as years go by, due to ICT implants or electromagnetic radiation.

- A sense of the brain being ''cooked'' or electrocuted, usually after the victim has experienced an unusual, negative, or frightening incident.

- Sudden pain in the heart or chest.

- High body temperature that lasts -many times in a day.

- A sense of fatigue and sleepiness that never seems to go away.

- Electronic sexual ''rapes'' during sleep, probably due to ICT implants.

- Eyes that itch or blur often.

- A persistent sense of disorientation and/or confusion.

- Strange buzzing, tapping, or even musical sounds, which often annoy the victim; yet, one can't tell where they come from.

- Headaches that last for hours; sudden pains on the back of the head.

- Libido disorders: Asexuality, homosexuality, sexual obsessions that prevent the target from having a satisfactory love life.

- Difficulties in speech and syntax; the target finds it hard to express feelings and thoughts orally.

- Weakening of the immune system, leading to serious diseases which may become hereditary.

- The targeted individual may have a heart attack, a stroke, or other medical issues which may send them to hospital or death.

7) Alarming paranormal phenomena such as apocalyptic visions, apparitions, ghosts; or sightings of demons, aliens, angels, balls of fire etc. Similar visual experiences with eyes closed, yet while awake, are also possible. Such experiences aren't pleasant but even if they are, they won't be for long: it is a matter of time until they change to negative, so as to bring the victim into a state of continuous fright, confusion, despair.

The influence of implants isn't always negative; it may also be positive. A person can be considered to be pro or contra the system, depending on their DNA: If somebody has more non-reptilian genes (intelligence, sense of justice, goodness, a critical mind, individuality), the implanted nanochips will be programmed against the carrier: they will block one's mind, making the victim look retarded or light-minded; they will make a person feel weak, timid, confused, unable to take a correct decision; they may affect one's love life negatively; they can even cause physical, mental or psychic diseases – whatever will prevent the victim from living a fulfilling life. At the same time, the people around the targeted individual will be programmed by their own implants so as to maltreat and sabotage the target systematically, any way they can, without even their realizing what they do, as if they were biological robots.

On the other hand, if somebody has more reptilian genes (slyness, a natural tendency to plot intrigues and serve injustice, lack of common sense, wickedness, an instinct for herding, voluptuousness), the nanochips implanted in their body will function in their favour: they will provide the carrier with unexpected talents and inspirations; they will also make the person sociable, confident, fascinating and attractive to the opposite sex. At the same time, the people around will be programmed by their own implants so as to like, love  and obey that person -no matter how awful a character a reptoid hybrid can be.

The story begins at school

As soon as a child goes to school for the first time, they suddenly find themselves in the middle of an ocean of faces – pupils and teachers who surround the innocent creature and influence them in innumerable and uncontrollable ways.

Every human being is expected to take a certain position in the social hierarchy right from elementary school. We often hear than a person goes to school so as to learn. This is a lie. A person goes to school so as to be learned.

While in elementary school, a child does learn some useful things such as reading, writing, arithmetic, geography and history. Nevertheless, the most important thing school offers to society is the careful surveillance of the young persons, so as to figure out how well each pupil can adjust themselves to the herd -if a child can become one with the herd. Nowadays, since most mothers work, surveillance and herding begins at nursery school.

Question A: Who watch the children?

High networks, the elite, those in power. Teachers take part in all this passively, the majority of them without knowing what's going on exactly.

Question B: How are surveillance and control carried out?

Mainly with microchips secretly implanted on every individual at a very early age -probably right after birth. Vaccines, injections, medical treatments and so on serve this cause as well. Implants not only give information about each child moment by moment, but they also affect the young person's mind and behaviour, so that the unwanted ones are located and isolated before even finishing elementary school.

Question C: Who are the unwanted ones?

Those who don't have a strong instinct for herding, so they keep their individuality even when they are at school.

While in high school, children come in contact with a huge bulk of information which they have to memorize if they want to move up. A 99% of this information is useless. Modern pupils study and study, yet they learn nothing of importance. However, nowadays everybody moves up with a ''very good'' or ''excellent'' on their certificate. This happens because education is not what really matters in high school; what really matters is something else: It is during those years that strict social hierarchy begins to form within the society of pupils. There is still continuous surveillance too, but control is considered a lot more important so as to isolate and reject any undesirable or unadaptable individuals.

For this reason, systematic gang stalking begins during adolescence and it aims at the neutralization of undesirable individuals, gradually turning them into mentally disturbed losers. In high school ''bullying'' is the most common kind of gang stalking and it certainly serves the system; that's why everybody -pupils, parents and teachers- tolerate this unacceptable situation and they make no determined effort to tackle the problem. As a matter of fact, all we hear from “specialists” is how unhappy the perpetrators are and how nicely they should be treated! As years go by, bullying becomes more and more violent and widespread; nowadays it has become a sort of  epidemic in most ''civilized'' countries.

While in University, networks begin to reveal themselves: Those who have finally been allowed to get into University, soon get a clear invitation for recruitment in a network. In case someone refuses to join a “fraternity” or “sorority”, they will never get a diploma – let alone the other unpleasant consequences such as social isolation, gang stalking, targeting with electromagnetic waves etc. It goes without saying that the great majority of students agree to join such networks without giving it much thought, since they have already succeeded in passing through the screen of high school.

As about “higher education”: Most of those bulky university books contain nothing but incomprehensible nonsense which is impossible to learn, even if someone really wanted to. Let's be frank: Those who graduate aren't really so studious or such geniuses…

Who are network agents?

Anybody may be recruited in a network, no matter their race, age, gender, or social class. Targeting with psychotronic weapons and gang stalking is usually the work of neighbours, friends, even family members. The modern family man, used to leading an easy and secure life, is eager to do anything in order to make sure they and their offspring have enough money and a good social status. Besides, if they refuse to join a network, in all likelihood they will become a target -or, even worse, their children.

Modern citizens have come to believe they are very important persons just because they belong to some network. Most of them suffer from the ''syndrome of God'', and as years go by they get more and more paranoid:

- they believe they know everything

- whatever they hear, they are always ready to bear an objection

- they think they are omniscient geniuses

- they demand to win always, in everything, even if this is entirely irrational

- they strongly believe they are “the hand of God”, with the right to harm the “inferior”ones: those who haven't proved to be clever enough to belong to a network.

- it is impossible to reason with them, no matter how much understanding and adaptability their interlocutor shows


Possibilities of reaction

Virtually none. The innocent victim is unable to avoid electromagnetic harassment, since the human body is vulnerable to all frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, while it is also a natural electromagnetic transmitter.

Unfortunately, electromagnetic waves can't be blocked by walls; limited protection can be achieved with the use of aluminum plates, water or vacuum. Nevertheless, even if a target manages to get some protection, the agents can change or increase frequencies, they can attack from a different angle, they can energize another implant in the victim's body, and so on. Therefore it is not at all simple to protect oneself from psychotronic attacks; it takes a lot of courage, patience and experimentation.

Moreover, there is no support for a targeted individual: When the victim informs the others about their negative experiences, they are automatically labeled as paranoid, insane, mentally disturbed. The authorities are actually party to this conspiracy, so they are entirely indifferent  to what the victim suffers.

When the target sees psychiatrists, they diagnose dementia, psychosis, paranoia -that sort of thing. Sometimes victims are obliged to accept a stigmatizing diagnosis and take the wrong drugs, just because they wish to get their pension at last. A targeted individual may also be forced to go to a mental hospital, where they lose all their human rights.


Self-defense for targeted individuals

* Follow a healthy diet: Don't eat red meat more than twice a week. Avoid canned or processed food; preservatives will deteriorate your situation.

* Daily physical exercise will make you feel better, stronger, and more aware of yourself.

* Abstain from alcohol as much as possible: It stays in the bloodstream for 24 hours, so it worsens the symptoms of negative implants; it's also likely to cause you nightmares or other sleep disorders.

* Smoking and drugs do even more harm.

* Talking on a mobile phone for long will affect your nervous system and deteriorate your symptoms. Use it only when it is absolutely necessary and no more than two minutes every time. Avoid any use at night.

* Do not keep a cactus in your house or garden. Strangely enough, these plants are rather negative and they deteriorate any situation due to ELF and implants.

* Do whatever it takes so as to get rid of people who make you feel miserable: Change jobs, friends, move house if necessary. Toxic persons (psychic vampires, reptilian starseeds) are poison to your soul.

* Try to tackle your problems without using certain products such as lava rock, tachyon, scalar energy items, orgonites, crystals, or other ''miraculous'' devices promising to relieve your symptoms. Such objects won't help you much; in fact, they usually do the opposite of what they are supposed to do.


® If you are a target of gang stalking:

In any case, don't show fear or sorrow. The best thing to do is ignore the perpetrators entirely. Pretend they do not exist at all. If you are harassed too often, you may also react dynamically: Make faces at them; swear at them; call them names -but don't get too aggressive. In all probability the perpetrators will shut up and go away; such people aren't used to being made fun of; they are used to being admired and worshiped, no matter who they are and how they behave.


® If you suffer from recurrent nightmares and/or hypnagogic hallucinations:

* Avoid certain kinds of food such as caffeine, meat, spices, dairy products, fried food and pop corn in the evening: such products are hard to digest at night, therefore they could cause you nightmares, sleep disorders or unpleasant hypnagogic hallucinations.

* Too much TV deteriorates the quality of sleep: You had better not watch TV more than 90 minutes per day, and no later than 22:30 at night. If you suffer from recurrent nightmares or hypnagogic hallucinations, do not watch TV at all.

* Computers and Internet can do even more harm; don't work on your computer after 6:00 o' clock in the afternoon. In general, all electronic devices equipped with a screen (such as computers, TVs, mobile phones) affect the nervous system and stimulate negative implants, causing all kinds of sleep disorders or other distressing phenomena.

* This may seem to be odd, but watching a DVD in the evening will worsen your night problems; so will listening to CDs, -yet there is no problem when you listen to cassettes.

* Do not go to supermarkets after 6:00 pm; strangely enough, their lighting seems to aggravate situations such as recurrent nightmares, hypnagogic visions and other sleep disorders.

* Do not read texts written with light-coloured letters on black paper for they excite hypnagogic hallucinations.

* Do not read in bed before sleeping at night.

* Never watch TV while lying in bed, especially at night.

* Any sexual activity before night sleep will make your symptoms worse. You can wait till the morning, can't you?

* Avoid sleeping on your back during the night.

* The table clock shouldn't be near your head; anything functioning with a battery will deteriorate your condition at night.

* Do not stay up later than 11:30 pm.

* Wake up early in the morning, no later than 8:00 o'clock.


® If you experience frequent negative signs such as: negative words (death, hell, stupid, fail), sinister objects (dead animals, old knives, black cats, etc) or unpleasant coincidences which make you feel miserable, don't panic and be brave enough to write them down.

Then be on the alert for the opposite signs (words such as life, heaven, clever, success; objects like young animals, white cats, etc). You may be surprised to find out that the negative and positive signs are almost equal in number -therefore they mean nothing.